Three VGCC Paralegal program graduates are first to become state-certified

The Paralegal Technology program at Vance-Granville Community College can now boast a 100 percent passing rate on the state certification exam, after three of the program’s first graduates recently became North Carolina Certified Paralegals.

Kevin Ward Allen of Franklinton, employed with the Law Office of T. Allen Gardner in Louisburg, Kristy Hope Orr of Henderson, employed with the law firm of Perry & Waters in Henderson, and Michelle R. Williams of Raleigh, employed with the law firm of Howard, Stallings, From, Hutson, Atkins, Angell & Davis in Raleigh, sat for the paralegal certification exam at the North Carolina State Bar in October. All three passed, becoming trailblazers for the two-year VGCC program, just as they were when they were among the first seven to earn their degrees in May 2015.

VGCC Paralegal Technology graduates have the opportunity to become certified because the program was designated as a “Qualified Paralegal Studies Program” by the State Bar earlier this year. The certification program is voluntary for North Carolina paralegals. Certified paralegals are required to take continuing education courses, helping them to stay current in the legal field and in turn enhancing the quality of legal services they provide to attorneys and clients.

The 150-question certification exam tests the paralegal’s knowledge of the following areas of law: Civil Litigation; Commercial Law; Criminal Law; Ethics; Family Law; Legal Research; Real Property; and Wills, Trusts & Estate Administration.

“We are so proud that all three of our first graduates to take the exam were successful on their first attempt,” said Antoinette C. Dickens, the Paralegal Technology program head/instructor for the college. “Kevin, Kristy and Michelle are outstanding representatives of VGCC and of their employers.”

All three will now be designated as N.C. Certified Paralegals (NCCP). Most other states recognize certifications from accredited certification agencies and organizations and extend reciprocity, as well.

“We are proud not only of our students, but of our faculty who have facilitated their professional growth,” said Bobbie Jo May, dean of the college’s Franklin County Campus, where the Paralegal program has been based since its inception in 2013.

For more information on the program, call Antoinette Dickens at (252) 738-3609 or (919) 496-1567, ext. 3609.

Citizens Aligned Community Meeting

Citizens Aligned to Take Back Henderson, N.C. will be having its second community meeting on December 7th. It will be in the Maria Parham Medical Center Auditorium at 7:00 pm. Our guest speaker will be Henderson Fire Chief, Steve Cordell. Chief Cordell will be discussing and answering questions regarding burning abandoned dwellings. Also, Alan Faulkner of Faulkner’s Grading and Landscaping will be answering questions about removing the dwellings and the things you have to deal with such as asbestos. This is going to be a good, positive meeting and everyone in the community is welcome and invited to attend. Removing the 350-400 abandoned dwellings in the City of Henderson is in our best interest and it is something we can accomplish if we all work together. We sincerely hope to see you there.

Our goal is to create a better environment for education in our public schools, and to improve the quality of life in and the image of the City of Henderson by having all abandoned and dilapidated buildings, both residential and commercial removed.

Citizens Alligned December2015 Flyer

(Information Provided to WIZS by Citizens Aligned To Take Back Henderson, NC)

Final Saturday of Season

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market will hold its last sales day of the 2015 season this Saturday, December 5.  The market will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The Market has achieved a couple of notable advances this season.  In addition to becoming more widely known, the parking lot was paved and a heating system was added.

The Market as an added resource to our community has only been matched by the generosity of those who have supported the market with their attendance and their money and gifts.

Each person we at WIZS News have spoken to about The Market has offered high praise.

Farmers Market officials say, “Please come out to pick up some local ingredients for your holiday cooking.  You will also find unique crafts for those special people on your gift list.  Many thanks to all the vendors and customers who supported the Market this year, and we look forward to seeing you again in the spring!”

News 12/04/15

Public Health Serving You 12/02/15

North Carolina Central University Teams with Vance-Granville Community College to Launch Eagle Voyage Criminal Justice Program

The North Carolina Central University (NCCU) Department of Criminal Justice and Vance-Granville Community College (VGCC) signed an agreement today (Dec. 2) launching Eagle Voyage, a new program offering a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice on the VGCC campus.

Representatives of the college and the university held a signing ceremony in the Civic Center on the community college’s Main Campus in Vance County, where VGCC will provide classroom space and technology support and NCCU will provide a two-year course of study leading to a bachelor’s degree for students holding an associate degree in Criminal Justice from VGCC.

Not only will Eagle Voyage represent the first bachelor’s degree program available at VGCC facilities, it will also mark the first time in which a full-time NCCU academic coordinator will be based on a community college campus to coach, advise and assist students working toward their four-year degrees.

With credits transferring from the associate’s degree, students will complete the accelerated program over the course of nine, eight-week mini-sessions and one summer at VGCC. NCCU will assist with recruitment of students for each annual cohort.

“This is another exciting learning and partnership opportunity for NCCU and Vance-Granville Community College as we continue to work together to highlight our ability to provide a more seamless educational experience for our transfer students,” said Dr. Johnson O. Akinleye, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. “This partnership with Vance-Granville Community College adds to the growing number of partnerships that NCCU has with community colleges across the state. It is through these types of partnerships that we are able to provide access to educational opportunities and academic resources to prepare Eagle Voyage scholars for success in the field of criminal justice.”

Dr. Stelfanie Williams, president of VGCC, said her institution has been working to strengthen relationships with four-year universities to promote student success.

“Research indicates that when community college students have clear academic and career pathways, they are more likely to continue their education and graduate, and they have better employment outcomes as well,” she said. “Through this partnership, our Vanguards will have a new way to continue their own academic voyages, soaring as Eagles into successful careers as leaders in criminal justice and public service.”

Courses will be taught in a hybrid format consisting of a one day per week onsite session at VGCC’s Main Campus, with additional work completed online via Blackboard, a Learning Management System. Students enrolled in the B.S. program in Criminal Justice at Vance-Granville Community College will be encouraged to join student organizations at NCCU and take advantage of other university resources such as access to the James E. Shepard Library and other NCCU online services.

Students also will have learning opportunities outside the classroom involving real-word experiences and programs to promote public safety. Upon completion of the degree, students will be qualified to work in public or private criminal justice agencies and similar organizations.

“It is truly amazing to realize that right here on this one campus, someday, we will have students ranging from the ninth grade level at the Early College High School all the way up to college seniors completing their bachelor’s degrees at NCCU,” said Dr. Angela Ballentine, VGCC’s vice president of academic and student affairs, in her remarks at the ceremony. Also participating in the program were VGCC Public Services department chair Steven Hargrove, NCCU Dean of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences Dr. Debra Parker, and VGCC Criminal Justice program head William Clements.

The VGCC Criminal Justice associate degree program prepares students for careers in the local, state, and federal law enforcement, corrections, and security fields. Emphasis is placed on criminal justice systems, criminology, juvenile justice, criminal and constitutional law, investigative principles, ethics and community relations. VGCC also offers a certificate in Criminal Justice & Special Populations and a separate Basic Law Enforcement Training program.

NCCU’s bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice equips students to apply critical and analytical thinking skills in problem-solving situations, develop leadership and written and oral communication skills, and exercise ethical and sound judgment.  The NCCU Department of Criminal Justice is the only program in North Carolina that is certified nationally by the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences and by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission.

For more information, please visit NCCU online at or contact William Clements at Vance-Granville Community College at or 252-738-3242.


North Carolina Central University prepares students to succeed in the global marketplace. Flagship programs include science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines, nursing, education, law, business and the arts. Founded in 1910 as a liberal arts college for African-Americans, NCCU remains committed to diversity in higher education. Our alumni are among the nation’s most successful scientists, researchers, educators, attorneys, artists and entrepreneurs. Visit


Vance-Granville Community College, one of the 58 institutions of the North Carolina Community College System, is the local source for higher education and training in Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren counties, north of the Research Triangle. Established in 1969, VGCC today serves students at four campuses (one in each county of the service area) and online. The college offers more than 40 curriculum programs, as well as occupational certifications, continuing education, adult education, customized training for employers and the first two years of a four-year degree. For more information, visit

News 12/03/15

Friends of the Library Book Sale

Friends Libary Book Sale Dec 2015

Master Gardeners

On Tuesday, December 1st, the Vance/Warren Extension Master Gardener Volunteers gathered at Ribeyes Steakhouse in Henderson to celebrate another year of accomplishments. Over the past year, 21 active volunteers contributed over 1200 hours of service in support of Cooperative Extension projects in the two counties. The volunteers are involved in a variety of activities, including the installation of raised beds for demonstration purposes, garden classes and workshops, outreach at community events, a newsletter with timely tips and much more.

Warren County Extension Director Crystal Smith thanked the Volunteers for their tireless service to the two counties.  Extension Agent Paul McKenzie presented several achievement awards this year, including some noteworthy service milestones. Beverly Allen reached the 5 year mark, and also received a pin for 500 hours of service. Merwin Deickmann has achieved 15 years of service. BJ Wright has contributed 500 lifetime hours. This year the highly coveted Golden Trowel Award was presented to Marty Finkel, for contributing 116 hours of service in 2015. Eileen Novak was presented the Silver Cultivator Award, for tireless work behind the scenes to make our projects successful. Edna Gaston received the Golden Watering Can Award, for her many years of leadership. Edna was also recognized for 20 years of service. Coop Master Garden 2015 b
At the event, the Volunteers enjoyed great food, fantastic fellowship and a fun gift exchange. They also presented a book on fishing to Extension Agent Paul McKenzie in appreciation of his leadership. The considered a gardening book, but have seen pictures of his garden and realize there is no hope.
(Information Provided by:)

Paul McKenzie
Agricultural Extension Agent, Vance/Warren Counties
NC Cooperative Extension
305 Young St., Henderson, NC  27536
158 Rafters Ln., Warrenton, NC 27589
252.438.8188 (Vance)  252.257.3640 (Warren)

Home and Garden Show 12/01/15