Computer Science and Coding

The week of December 7 – 13, Granville County Public School students participated in the International Computer Science Education Week. Known by many as the time for an “Hour of Code”, the celebration marks a time during which students are introduced to computer science and the skill of “coding”. As part of the event, GCPS classes from across the district competed to win a contest for participation. Of the dozens and dozens that entered, the following classes were selected from each grade span:

Elementary: Florence Blackwell at Joe Toler-Oak Hill
Middle: Amanda Vaughan at Granville Magnet
High: Victoria Sondecker at JF Webb School of Health and Life Sciences

You might have heard about the craze for learning code. But what exactly is coding? Coding is what makes it possible for us to create computer software, apps and websites. Your browser, your computer’s basic operating system, the apps on your phone, Facebook, and this website – they’re all made with code.

Learning about coding and computer science is basically about learning how to solve problems using the language of computers. By introducing students to this topic, we hope to provide students an opportunity to explore what will arguably be one of the most important skills for the future.

Beyond this introductory set of activities, Granville County Public Schools also offers other opportunities for coding. Many elementary schools have clubs for coding, and middle schools offer an introduction to these concepts in the Computer Skills and Applications course. In addition, there are a number of Career and Technical Education high school courses that allow students to learn more in-depth skills, including Introduction to Computer Science, Multimedia and Webpage Design, Computer Programming, and AP Computer Science. To learn more about opportunities in Computer Science, contact your school today.  These skills will be in high demand for our students entering the workforce – be prepared!!!!

(Press Release – Granville County Schools)

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