City Seeking Grant for Park at Corner of Williams/Montgomery St.

Vance County NC

At the corner of Williams and Montgomery Streets in Henderson, NC used to stand the Vance Hotel. The big beauty burned to the ground in the early 1980s. Now the City of Henderson plans to revitalize the area with a park.

When asked if the City was moving forward with the item that appeared on the agenda of Monday night’s Henderson City Council meeting, City Manager Frank Frazier told WIZS News, ”Yes – seeking a grant to help pay for this, so the project would be contingent on receiving it. This is the old Vance Hotel site. City originally bought this for the police station.”

If received, the grant could total some $500k for the project.

If you’d like to see a picture of the old hotel, which most people younger than 40 never saw while it was still standing, check it out at facebook.com/wizsradio.

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