Church-Turned Men’s Shelter Inching Toward Reality

Community Partners of Hope

The word “sanctuary” is defined as a sacred place. In church terms, it’s the area near the altar. The term is also used to mean “refuge” or “haven.” As the vision to transform a former church property into a men’s shelter gains momentum, area supporters may find a way to have a sacred space continue to provide a safe place for men in need.

Community Partners of Hope and others united to make the men’s shelter a reality are on a crusade to raise $350,000 to make the former City Road Methodist Church property into a year-round men’s shelter.

Jane King told WIZS News that Community Partners of Hope is making progress in the fundraising, with commitments and pledges coming in for construction and furnishings budgets.

“This is such an exciting project and I am sure we will eventually reach our goal,” King stated.

With strong community support from individuals and from churches, King said the contributions are mounting, but such campaigns rarely move quickly.

They’ve sent mailers to Chamber members and emails to supporters requesting donations.

“We’ve also been making face-to-face appeals to those in the community who we think have the wherewithal and community spirit to give generously,” King added.  She said The City of Henderson has pledged $50,000 and there’s another $50,000 donation ready to be pledged once the first $300,000 comes in.

Union Chapel Church of Kittrell is partnering with Tony’s Automotive to hold a “Cruise In” on Sept. 9 to benefit the project. Last year’s event netted $2,400, she said. This year’s proceeds will be matched dollar for dollar by an anonymous donor, she added.

Visit  https://sites.google.com/site/cpohope1/donations/financial-donations   to make a donation. There’s also a

GoFundMe page https://gofund.me/2a3be200https://gofund.me/2a3be200.

Visit www.cp-hope.org to learn more.




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