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This is a joint statement of the Granville County Board of Commissioners and the Granville County Sheriff’s Office.
The Granville County Board of Commissioners appointed Charles R. Noblin, Jr. sheriff this evening to fulfill the unexpired term of Brindell B. Wilkins, Jr. Mr. Noblin will take the oath of office at 5:15 p.m. on Wednesday, January 8, 2020. Mr. Noblin is an eighteen-year veteran of the Granville County Sheriff’s Office. He is currently the sergeant in charge of the Civil Division.
The Granville County Board of Commissioners appointed Charles R. Noblin, Jr. sheriff to fulfill the unexpired term of Brindell B. Wilkins, Jr. Mr. Noblin will take the oath of office at 5:15 p.m. on Wednesday, January 8, 2020. (Photo courtesy Granville Co. Govt.)
The Granville County Board of Commissioners wants to thank Chief Deputy Sherwood Boyd for his leadership in fulfilling the duties of the office of the sheriff since Mr. Wilkins was suspended on September 23, 2019. The decision to name Mr. Noblin was taken in consultation with Mr. Boyd.
Mr. Boyd is eligible to retire in early 2021. While he has not made a decision to retire at this time, he believes that the men and women of the Granville County Sheriff’s Office deserve an assurance of continuity for the balance of Mr. Wilkins’ unexpired term which ends in December 2022. Mr. Noblin has advised me that he intends to swear Mr. Boyd in as his chief deputy.
The order suspending Mr. Wilkins remains in effect at least until the resolution of the two felony charges of obstruction of justice with which he has been indicted. As Wake County District Attorney Lorrin Freeman has publicly announced, there is a continued, ongoing state and federal investigation into the activities of the Granville County Sheriff’s Office during Mr. Wilkins’ tenure.
The Commissioners’ action recognizes that it could be months or years before the issues involving Mr. Wilkins are resolved.
The ongoing investigations are focused on individuals and not the Granville County Sheriff’s Office as a whole. The Commissioners appreciate the dedicated and honorable service of the vast majority of the employees of the Sheriff’s Office and wish to publicly thank them for the outstanding job they have done under difficult circumstances.
We look forward to and expect to continue and enhance cooperation between the Granville County Sheriff’s Office and its state and federal prosecutorial and law enforcement partners. The various law enforcement agencies can only operate effectively where there is open communication and respect between those offices that focus on the safety, security, and rights of the people served.
We wish to remind the public that Brindell B. Wilkins, Jr. remains innocent until proven guilty. No action taken by the Commissioners should be read to be a judgment as to his guilt or innocence. Rather, the actions taken are to ensure the continued, effective operation of the Granville County Sheriff’s Office until the ongoing investigations are finished and the legal proceedings against him are concluded.
Mr. Noblin’s appointment as sheriff gives him full authority over the Granville County Sheriff’s Office. The Commissioners give Mr. Noblin their full support to make any changes reasonably necessary for the effective organization of the Granville County Sheriff’s Office including taking steps to reconstitute a drug investigations unit.
The Commissioners pledge the support needed to ensure the Granville County Sheriff’s Office can provide professional law enforcement, detention, court security, school security, and civil process services in a fair and impartial manner that protects and preserves the Constitutional Rights of the people it serves.
Due to personnel issues and the ongoing state and federal investigations, no further statements will be issued.
James C. Wrenn, Jr., Attorney at Law, provided WIZS News with the following clarification after publication of the above press release:
Due to questions received, I want to add that Mr. Wilkins remains suspended. He has not been permanently removed from office. It is possible that he could return to office if he is not convicted of a felony or if no other grounds for removal exist. Please see the statute below: