TownTalk: Around Old Granville: Gen. Thomas Person




Thomas Person of North Carolina has several things in common with George Washington, the first president of the United States of America: Both were generals in the Revolutionary War, both were surveyors, both were involved in politics of the day and both rose from humble beginnings to become wealthy landowners.

We only need look at a $1 bill to see an image of Washington gazing back.

But we don’t have any visuals to inform us as to what Person looked like – heck, historians aren’t even sure where he’s buried.

“Person kind of falls through the cracks, historically speaking,” said Mark Pace,

local historian and NC Room Specialist at Thornton Library in Oxford. But Person, he said, is one of the most significant – if not THE most significant – figures there is in the area known as Old Granville.

By the time he was 21, Person was surveying land for Lord Granville. “He had a reputation for not being a crook,” Pace told WIZS co-host Bill Harris on the Around Old Granville segment of TownTalk Thursday.

He used his job to his advantage, Pace said. By 1792, he owned 85,000 acres in North Carolina and Tennessee – roughly half the size of present-day Vance County.

He may have been the wealthiest man in Old Granville County, and he had 100 or more enslaved persons to work on the four expansive plantations that dotted his holdings.

But he also was a proponent of just government, Pace said. And not just for Granville County, but for the whole state.

This liberal ideology, coupled with the notion that persons of power and influence had an obligation to make their communities better places to live for everyone got Person in trouble from time to time with other wealthy people in positions of power.

One of those people was Richard Henderson, a member of the Colonial Assembly alongside Person.

“Richard Henderson brought some charges up against Thomas Person,” Pace said, formed a 79-person committee of fellow assembly men, and accused Person of “extortion, usury, perjury, purloining of tax money and levying illegal fees.” Henderson had more than 20 witnesses come in from all across the colony to testify, but after several days of testimonies, the claims were deemed baseless.

And that’s when the tables turned on Henderson – the committee made him pay for all the travel costs for those witnesses he’d called to testify against Person.

In 1770, Person found himself in jail in Hillsborough, awaiting trial for making treasonous comments. Gen. Tryon was on his way from New Bern for the trial, and that’s when Person hatched a plan.

Pace said Person desperately needed to get back to Goshen, his plantation located near present-day Berea in western Granville County, apparently to destroy some papers that contained some incriminating evidence.

After promising the jailer that he’d be back just as soon as he’d “taken care of some business,” Person raced to Goshen after supper and was, indeed, back the next morning. To seal the deal, the local preacher vouched for Person’s character.

Pace said Person’s desk – complete with axe marks made by Gov. Tryon’s men looking for the letters – is on display at UNC-CH’s Wilson Library.

“They never could get him on charges,” Pace said.

Although Person married, he and wife Jenna never had children, so there are no descendants. The plantation home at Goshen burned in 1932 and the recently restored Person’s Ordinary in Littleton is one structure that remains from Person’s holdings.

As settlers went westward from Granville County to claim frontier land, Person was honored by having a county named for him. Those names usually are made posthumously, but Person County got its name while the namesake was still alive.




TownTalk: Family Creates VGCC Scholarship For Students In CDL Program In Memory Of Loved One

– information courtesy of VGCC Public Information Officer Courtney Cissel

Family members of a local man have established scholarships for Vance-Granville Community College students in the commercial driver license program to honor his memory and acknowledge the positive effects the program had on his life.

David Lee Chavis, Jr. was a victim of gun violence who died in March 2023. His sister, Tameka Holden, and his mother, Carrie Cheek, both of Henderson, have established two need-based scholarships that will award $1,100 to students pursuing their CDL.

Chavis, affectionately called “DJ” by those who knew him, built a successful career as a commercial truck driver in recent years. A native of Vance County, Chavis had once lived a very different life—but hard work, renewed vision, and a commercial driver’s license provided him with a fresh start and an honest means of supporting his family.

Holden witnessed firsthand how her brother’s whole life transformed when he began his driving career and started his own business, TYM Trucking. From her perspective, creating a scholarship that can free others from a cycle of poverty and crime is the perfect way to honor his legacy and demonstrate her personal motto: Reach one, teach one.

If these scholarships prevent another family from experiencing the loss that hers did, Holden feels the effort it took to establish them will have been worth it. “The streets don’t love you,” she stressed. “They only take you away from the people that do.”

The VGCC Foundation anticipates awarding the two CDL scholarships in January 2024. The contribution represents grassroots fundraising efforts from family, friends, and neighbors; VGCCF has set up an ongoing fund for the David Lee Chavis Jr. Memorial CDL Annual Scholarship so that donors can continue to support the college’s future CDL students.

Vance-Granville Community College recently announced that the cost of completing its 9-week CDL program will decrease to $1,200 in 2024, meaning that tuition and related fees will be almost completely covered for recipients of the David Lee Chavis Jr. Memorial CDL Annual Scholarship.

In addition to providing scholarships to deserving students, the Vance-Granville Community College Foundation supports a broad range of special projects involving education, training, and economic development in our community. Tax-deductible donations to VGCCF have often been used to honor a person, group, business, or industry with a lasting gift to education. For more information about the VGCC Foundation, contact 252-738-3264 or



TownTalk: People

The passing of Dr. Daniel Bernstein, a missing Henderson woman and battery safety for youngsters were discussed.



TownTalk: Christmas Traditions And A Visit From Santa

You better watch out, you better not cry, you better tune in to, I’m tellin’ you why: Santa Claus was a special guest on Thursday’s TownTalk.

WIZS’s own Steve Lewis and Bill Harris spoke with the Jolly Old Elf himself, and learned, to their great relief, that their names are NOT on this year’s Naughty List.

“I believe you’ll both be very pleased with the outcome on Christmas morning,” Santa reported.

Santa spared a few moments for the phone call, but admitted that there’s still a lot to do to get ready for his global trek Sunday night.

“It’s a very busy time, very busy indeed,” Santa said, followed by the iconic “Ho, Ho, Ho,” which he practiced throughout the interview.

The reindeer, he reports, are “fat and sassy and ready to roll” but he did say that those reindeer stay in shape in the off-season with the help of some capable trainers.

Santa’s got his own personal trainer, too. “I’ve tried to stay as svelte and strong as possible,” he said, but every year he has to go on an eating binge to recapture that classic round holiday profile that makes for such a comfy lap for all the good little girls and boys.

Santa’s Workshop has really outgrown its greater North Pole location, sort of like urban sprawl, so “everything within the Arctic Circle is part of the Christmas world,” he said. With that expansion, the workshop has various CEOs and CFOs who help make things run smoothly. But Santa said he’s still the chairman of the board and president of the whole shebang – after all, he’s got a reputation to uphold.

We in the Northern Hemisphere are used to seeing Santa in his cold-weather duds because Christmas comes during our wintertime. But it’s summertime in the Southern Hemisphere and it’s warm, which presents a wardrobe dilemma for St. Nick.

“I start out with the fur-lined jacket and boots and end up with a rather attractive Aloha shirts, Bermuda shorts and sandals,” Santa explained, which make it “much more comfortable south of the Equator.”

No matter what side of the Equator you call home, Santa has one request:

“I would like to ask everyone to love one another and respect one another…and stay off the Naughty List.”

It’s a tough job to keep the Naughty List updated, and Santa would rather have more names recorded on the Nice List, but it’s a job he and his team are willing to do each year.

He said he’s got a big ol’ pile of coal up at the North Pole, just in case someone needs a gentle reminder.



TownTalk: Rep. Sossaman Invites Local Youth To Participate In Youth Legislative Assembly

N.C. Rep. Frank Sossamon invites high school students from his district to apply for the N.C. Legislature’s annual Youth Legislative Assembly that will take place in April.

The three-day program is designed to give students an up-close look at how state government functions while fostering the development of essential leadership skills. The 2024 YLA session is April 19-21.

“The Youth Legislative Assembly is an invaluable opportunity for our high school students to actively participate in the democratic process,” Sossamon stated in a press release about the program. “They not only gain a deeper understanding of how our government functions, but also develop the leadership skills necessary to shape a brighter future for North Carolina.”

YLA participants will have the opportunity to engage in mock legislative sessions, debates and committee meetings, providing them with a comprehensive understanding of the democratic process. The YLA also allows students to enhance their communication skills, critical thinking abilities and understanding of public policy. By actively participating in the program, students will be equipped with the tools and knowledge to become informed and engaged citizens.

Applications and details about cost, accommodations and more are available online at and should be submitted no later than Jan. 16, 2024.



TownTalk: No Labels Looking To Be More Than A Spoiler In Presidential Race

Two North Carolina men are playing key roles in the No Labels movement, a national effort to get a “Unity ticket” on the ballot for President and Vice President in next year’s elections.

Dr. Benjamin Chavis, a prominent attorney with ties to Granville County, joined former N.C. Gov. Pat McCrory for a virtual press briefing on Tuesday.

They’re not ready to name candidates, and there’s a chance that it won’t happen, but No Labels is getting ready, just in case. No Labels is not “in it” to be a spoiler, they explained – they’re in it to win it.

McCrory said he is hopeful to be able to talk more about the process in early 2024, perhaps at or around Super Tuesday in March. “We firmly believe as a team that America deserves a better choice,” he said. “We’re working to have a better choice for them.”

McCrory and Chavis are two of several national co-chairs of No Labels, which was founded in 2010 by former Presidential candidate Joe Lieberman. So far, a No Labels Unity ticket will be on 27 states’ ballots in November 2024.

And Chief Strategist Ryan Clancy said Tuesday the organization is on track to add states in the coming months.

“I’m very proud of my home state of North Carolina,” Chavis said in remarks during the briefing. Chavis said No Labels has made “significant” progress in Blue states, Red states and Purple states to gain ballot access. “North Carolina is getting things done,” he added.

Chavis and McCrory may seem unlikely collaborators whose allegiances have previously been with opposing parties, but Chavis said they’ve become friends. He praised McCrory for being a politician who is “not just reaching across the aisle (but) working across the aisle.”

McCrory said No Labels polling shows that 65 percent of Americans don’t want to vote for either Democratic or Republican frontrunner in the Presidential race.

Clancy said more voters are reporting that they’d consider voting for a Presidential ticket that included a moderate Republican and a moderate Democrat – a blended ticket, which is the crux of the No Labels philosophy.

When asked in February 2022, polls showed 64 million would be willing to consider a blended ticket. More recent polls show that number has risen to 84 million. North Carolina numbers are similar – in March 2022, 32.1 percent of North Carolinians said they’d consider voting for a Unity ticket. In January, that number was 36.8 percent and now it’s at just over 40 percent, Clancy said.

Critics have suggested that a No Labels ticket would serve as a spoiler for the mainline parties’ candidates, but McCrory cited statistics that show 37 percent of N.C. voters are registered Independents, which means more people are registered outside the Republican and Democratic parties.

Clancy, the No Labels chief strategist, likened the No Labels effort for ballot access to people working to build a rocket launchpad. Candidates who comprise the Unity ticket are the ones who must “build the rocket ship to get to the White House.”



TownTalk: Brandon Link Discusses County Fire Services

–UPDATED Wednesday, Dec. 20–

It looks like the county’s Public Safety Committee is going to recommend to the full commission that the county fire department be given the green light to purchase needed safety equipment, to the tune of about $70,000.

The committee met Wednesday afternoon and Vance County Firefighters Association President Brandon Link was in attendance. Link told WIZS News that the meeting was “very positive, very fruitful.”

The unanimous decision to move forward with the recommendation to the full board was exactly what Link said he expected to happen. “It’s positive for everybody,” he said of the committee’s action. “Everybody got a win for that…we’re grateful for the outcome.”

The department plans to purchase three sets of turnout gear to replace damaged gear, as well as four new sets of gear that are reaching the end of their 10-year “shelf life.” They also will get new air packs to replace older units that lack the universal connection for buddy breather systems, which would be used to assist firefighters in distress while battling a blaze.

The recommendation is set to go before the full commission for consideration at the Jan. 8, 2024 meeting.



The Vance County Commissioners’ Public Safety Committee is scheduled to meet Wednesday at 3 p.m. and at least one item up for discussion has gotten the attention of fire services officials whose job it is to keep safe the county’s residents as well as fire personnel.

The commissioners sent to that committee an issue regarding purchase of equipment and turnout gear, which was frozen in the most recent county budget that was passed.

Vance County Fire Chief Chris Wright had requested that the freeze be waived so the department could purchase needed gear, and County Manager Renee Perry presented that request to commissioners at their December meeting, but it was referred to the Public Safety Committee for discussion.

Commissioners are awaiting the results of a fire study that should be released in early 2024, which could result in some changes to how the county’s fire departments are structured.

Brandon Link is president of the county firefighters association and he said getting the best turnout possible is important to protect personnel and employees.

“We order gear every year and it’s considered part of our operating costs,” Link, assistant chief at Watkins Fire Department, said.

Departments like his, he said, are bound by the National Fire Protection Association, to remove and replace turnout gear every 10 years.

The gear is custom fit, and sometimes it takes months for an order to be filled – especially since COVID-19.

“That gear and those air packs – without those, we’re useless,” Link said. “Without that protection, we’re useless.” He said some of the turnout gear is approaching the end of its 10-year lifespan in mid-February.

The commissioners’ next meeting in Jan. 8, so that leaves precious little time to place an order before being out of compliance with NFPA guidelines.

“It should have already been ordered,” Link said.

When a firefighter is injured in the line of duty, Link said his gear is “bagged and tagged” so it may be inspected for its level of protection.

There’s an outer shell, a moisture barrier and then an inner liner – all of which serves a purpose to protect the firefighter who’s wearing it. If any section is compromised, the safety of the firefighter is, too.

“It’s just like a suit (of clothes),” Link said. “You don’t wear a set of turnout gear that’s not custom fit for you when you do your job.”



TownTalk: Pack And Ship Deadlines For Christmas


At this time of year, the folks you see out shopping fall into two camps: Those who sat down to a Thanksgiving meal way back in November, content in the knowledge that the Christmas cards had been addressed and mailed, and gifts for everyone on the list had been purchased, if not already wrapped.

Then there’s that other camp – you know the one…the one where folks are flying around town in search of THE perfect gift, often passing up very nice, suitable gifts in search of THE perfect one.

Whichever camp you find yourself in this holiday season, if you must ship gifts to friends and family, time is running out if you want that gift opened on Dec. 25. In case you’re not looking at a calendar, that’s one week from today.

Mike Moore has watched folks come in to his Postal Plus location in Henderson for 33 years. He and his staff are ready to help you get those boxes weighed, labeled and in the bin for pickup.

Several key deadlines for shipping have already passed, but Moore said shipping packages out today or Tuesday should still be ok for getting those gifts to their destinations by Christmas.

“We can still get it done for you,” Moore said on Monday’s TownTalk.

Monday was the deadline for the U.S. Postal Service Priority Mail service, and Tuesday is the “drop-dead” deadline for 3-day guarantee service.

If you’re pushing the envelope, as it were, for shipping, Moore said Dec. 20 – Wednesday – is the deadline for 2-day shipments. And for those champion procrastinators, the 22nd is the last day for next day service – but it’s a service that comes with a price. “You’ll have to pay the overnight fee to get the Saturday delivery,” Moore said.

Of course, Moore also uses shipping giants Fed Ex and UPS, which generally make their pickup rounds about 3 p.m.

Things get a little busy by that time, so if you need extra help getting gifts in shipping boxes or wrapped securely to ensure a safe delivery, Moore said it’s a good idea to come in a little bit earlier in the day.

“We try to make things as easy and stress-free as we can,” Moore said.

“My staff is here ready to help you get it done.”

Visit Postal Plus at 993 S. Beckford Dr., online at or phone 252.430.7771 for more information.




TownTalk: Business Spotlight: Henderson Country Club


Now through February, golfers can call the Henderson Country Club to book a tee time and get an up-close look at newly renovated greens and more, all for the low price of $40.

This is the second year the club has offered the special rates – which are in effect now through the end of February.

Golfers can take advantage of the nice, moderate weather and enjoy a round of golf as the club optimizes filling available tee times. Give the club a call at 252.433.7089 to book a tee time.

The HCC was Thursday’s Business Spotlight on TownTalk, and President Joseph Falkner and Membership Chairman Jeff Fleming talked about the many ways that the public can enjoy the grounds and facilities, not just the course, with its newly renovated greens.

Falkner said the new greenskeeper and his staff have done a great job to create championship greens. The weather cooperated when the greens were first installed, so they grew perfectly.

“This is the best the greens have ever rolled and the best the course has ever looked,” he added.

“Ultimately, it’s a community center for people,” Falkner said. “We’ve got a great kitchen staff…and can support hundreds of people at the time” for banquets, private parties and more.

There are plenty of opportunities for the public to enjoy what HCC has to offer, Falkner said, in addition to playing golf, the dining spaces can accommodate small or large groups. Recent upgrades to the banquet area include new chairs and fixtures.

“We are a full-service club,” Fleming reminded. “You have to think beyond golf.” Other amenities include tennis courts, swimming pool, workout area and the stately clubhouse.

Falkner said he sees HCC as a major attraction for families relocating to Henderson, making it a place the whole family can enjoy.

“Every successful and thriving small town has a club similar to ours,” Fleming said, adding that this facility can work as a hub to facilitate business.

The golf course is the location for numerous fundraiser tournaments, including Vance-Granville Community College and the local Chamber of Commerce. Then there’s the annual Invitational tournament and Member-Guest, just to name a few.

Expect to hear about additional tournaments next year, as the board continues to garner more attention for the club and its facilities.

“There are a lot of young business leaders on this board,” Fleming said. “We’ve come back strong.”

Visit  to learn more.




TownTalk: Get Into The Holiday Spirit With Louisburg Christmas Tour

Dorothy Cooper and her fellow organizers have done everything possible to plan for the second annual Old Towne Louisburg Candlelight Christmas Tour through the Louisburg Historic District, and it seems like even the weather is going to cooperate by providing winterlike temps for Saturday’s walking tour.

Cooper, historian for the local historic district, said there are 10 locations on this year’s tour, which features a combination of residences and other historic structures.

Tickets are $50 each and can be purchased online at The tour will be held Saturday, Dec. 16 from 4 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Last year’s event was a great success, with people coming from Orange and Guilford counties, as well as counties closer to Franklin, she said.

“It was really interesting to have people come in and say ‘I never knew this little town was here!’” Cooper said on Wednesday’s TownTalk with WIZS co-host Bill Harris.

Person Place, located at Louisburg College, is where the tour begins. Participants will get a booklet complete with a map of the locations and information about each spot.

The sanctuary of Louisburg Baptist Church will be open, and organist Brian Miller will be providing seasonal music during the tour. Another stop is the Louisburg Fire Department museum – the lone location that folks may want to drive to, Cooper noted.

The majority of the tour stops are within walking distance of Person Place and the parking, which will be on the Louisburg College campus. And there’s one surprise location that ticketholders will learn about when they check in and get their booklets.

Participants also have the chance to book a horse and carriage ride for an additional fee. Bookings can be arranged when purchasing tickets for the tour, she added.

All proceeds support events and workshops of the historic group, including repair and restoration work at the city’s Oakwood Cemetery.

On Jan. 6, the group is sponsoring a Twelfth Night Luminary Drive-Through event at Oakwood Cemetery. Details are available on the website.