TownTalk: County Shell Building Deal Falls Through

An optimistic person may look at the completed – and unoccupied – shell building at the Henderson-Vance Industrial Park and say “if you build it, they will come.”

The pessimist may say “don’t count your chickens before they hatch.”

Well, the shell building was built and a buyer in hand, until the 11th hour when the deal fell through.

That’s when Henderson-Vance Industrial Park, Inc. President Dan Brummitt summed up the process like a realist: “That’s real estate.”

Brummitt told WIZS News Tuesday that the deal that had seemed sewn up had, in fact, died.

The unnamed buyer had requested a 7-day extension right before the deal was to close, and then another 30-day extension after that. On the last day of the last extension, and right before the due diligence period was set to expire, the buyer backed out.

County Attorney Jonathan Care told WIZS News in an email that both sides had been in negotiations during the extension periods, but “the buyer’s agent told us in the final hour of the last day of the extension period for due diligence that the buyer would not be
proceeding forward, and (is) terminating the contract.”

The building is owned by the Henderson-Vance Industrial Park, Inc. – not by the city or the county, Care said.

“This is what we did not want to happen, as the building has been off the market now for several months, interest has continued to accrue on the construction loan, and the Industrial Park is back at square one with getting the building sold.”

Brummitt said that interest in the building is good and so it’s on to the next purchaser.



TownTalk: City Council Addresses Trash Issue; New Fire Truck

The Henderson City Council gave the green light Monday to fire department officials to apply for a $2.5 million FEMA grant to purchase a new ladder truck.

The department’s ladder truck has been out of commission since April 2023 and isn’t expected to come back into service for several more months.

The Council voted unanimously to provide the 5 percent match – roughly $119,000 – required by FEMA grant.

The fire department’s ISO rating could be in jeopardy if there’s no ladder truck available to answer calls or provide mutual aid when needed.

Direct quote from agenda:

“This grant will enable the fire department to purfhase a new aerial apparatus to provide adequate fire protection coverage for areas within the municipality and mutual aid districts when necessary.

Council members also voted to amend the Sanitation Ordinance in an effort to cut down on excess garbage and litter.

Customers are supposed to put all their refuse inside the rolling container provided through GFL – they’re not supposed to pile up extra bags beside the container for pickup.

Following Monday’s action, customers will be warned when they are out of compliance. After the third warning, the city will “provide” them with a second container – at the resident’s expense, which they’ll see in their monthly bill.

This had been discussed at the November 2023 Public Works Committee meeting, and it was brought back to Council Monday for review.

Listen back to Tuesday’s TownTalk to learn about other topics of discussion at the Feb. 12 City Council meeting.



TownTalk: Estate Sale To Benefit American Cancer Society

Frances Garrett is putting on an estate sale to benefit the American Cancer Society. Make plans to come out to shop beginning Tuesday, Feb. 13.

Garrett is a cancer survivor and she and her loyal volunteers have all the items priced and ready for sale, according to Aaron Ramsey, one of the volunteers that makes up Garrett’s team she calls “Frances and Friends.”

There are numerous household items that are just waiting for a new home – from lamps and all sorts of glassware to figurines and other collectibles.

“She works day and night,” Ramsey said on Monday’s TownTalk. “She’s one of the highest volume fundraisers throughout the state – they give her an award every year.”

For Garrett, it’s a labor of love – to show support for fellow cancer survivors while raising money to contribute to the cause.

And, Ramsey said, all proceeds go directly to the American Cancer Society.

Cash or checks will be accepted.

“Come on out and take a look,” Ramsey said.

The sale is located in the shopping plaza on Raleigh Road, between Dollar Tree and the Salvation Army Family store, across from M.R. Williams.




TownTalk: Around Old Granville: Origins Of Religion

Anyone traveling the area known as Old Granville – that includes present-day Vance, Granville, Warren and Franklin counties – is bound to notice some old churches. Indeed, Vance County is home to St. John’s Episcopal Church in Williamsboro.

The existing building on Stagecoach Road is the oldest frame church in the state, but local historian Mark Pace said it wasn’t given its name until 1825. Before that, it was known as Nut Bush Chapel, and it was not affiliated with any one denomination.

On top of that, it’s not even the original building – that was located about a mile away from the present site.

Those are just a few of the details about one particular church in one particular area of the original Granville County. Pace, North Carolina Room Specialist at Thornton Library in Oxford, no doubt has collected lots of details about lots of churches with deep roots in the area.

Whether it’s Reedy Creek in the far eastern corner of present-day Warren County or Grassy Creek Presbyterian Church along Highway 15 between Oxford and Stovall, religion and the churches built to accommodate the different denominations have been instrumental throughout the history of the area.

The original three denominations, Pace noted, were the Anglicans (which became Episcopal after the Revolution), the Presbyterians and the Baptists.

“All three of them were here by the late 1740’s,” Pace said on Thursday’s segment of Around Old Granville, but added that it’s hard to pin down exact dates.

Circuit riders would come down from Virginia to hold camp meetings and perform mass baptisms. “And then they’d move on,” he said.

Reedy Creek Baptist Church was established in 1743 or 1744, he said, and the Grassy Creek Presbyterian Church in the Gela community was formed by 1750 or 1752.

It wasn’t until 1772 that the current St. John’s Church in Williamsboro was constructed.

“It probably really is Vance county’s most valued relic,” Pace said of the small white church with burgundy shutters.

The Anglicans and the Presbyterians, though smaller in number, were generally more influential in pre-Revolution society, Pace said.

But the Baptists consisted of the working class and they were more of them, he noted.

Arriving a little later on the scene in this area were the Methodists, Pace said. Not only are there plenty of Methodist churches spread out across the area today, but there’s a whole community named for the two men responsible for establishing Methodism in America.

Any guesses?

Thomas Coke and Francis Asbury were sent by John Wesley to spread the word about Methodism to the colonies, North Carolina among them. That’s right – Cokesbury.

Before the Civil War, enslaved people, free Blacks and Whites all worshipped together, he said and enslaved people “could pick what church they wanted to be a member of,” Pace said.

There were numerous Black preachers in the area, among them John Chavis, who was active as a Presbyterian preacher between 1785 and 1835.

Over the years, original church buildings have been replaced for one reason or another, so their congregations are older than the buildings in which they worship, but the role of religion and the distinct denominations that meet on Sunday mornings enjoys a rich history that deserves to be remembered.




TownTalk: Applications For VCS Innovative Schools Due By Feb. 29

Parents of students in Vance County Schools have until Feb. 29 to submit applications for their children to attend any of five Innovative Schools in the district.

VCS Communication & Innovative Support liaison Aarika Sandlin and Rey Horner, chief officer for Student Services, were guests on TownTalk Wednesday to provide details about the programs each school offers as well as the process for applying.

The application is available at the district website,

and Sandlin said registration can be completed entirely online for parents’ convenience. If, however, a parent needs to access the application another way, please contact Horner at or phone 252.492.2127.

The five schools cover PK through high school, Sandlin said. The five schools are E.M. Rollins STEAM, STEM Early High School (grades 6-8), Vance County Early College High School, AdVance Academy and Vance Virtual Village.

Horner said each site offers something a bit different for its students, but they all focus on student-centered and student-driven learning. Applicants to STEM Early High School, AdVance and Vance County Early College must include an essay along with their applications, he noted.

The STEM Early High School will accept 100 students for next year; the Early College will cap its incoming class at 60, Horner said.

There is no cap for E.M. Rollins, so whoever applies most likely will be accepted to the program, which operates on a modified year-round schedule.

Sandlin said the goal is to provide education in an innovative way, “meeting kids where they are, to get them where they need to be.”

Families will get notification by mail on Mar. 28.

Visit download the application and to learn more about the Innovative Schools.




Henderson Vance Recreation & Parks

TownTalk: Rec. Dept. Sponsoring Trivia Competition, Spring Break Bash For Tweens, Teens

Amid the sports leagues, yoga classes, chess clubs and bingo that the Henderson-Vance Recreation and Parks Department offers throughout the year, there are a couple of events aimed directly at youth in middle and high school that are coming up, and Youth Services Outreach Specialist Lauren Jones said they’re both going to be a lot of fun.

There’s always something going on that is offered through the rec and parks department, Jones said, but teams are forming now for a Teen Trivia competition, scheduled for 12 noon on Saturday, Feb. 17.

Five-member teams will square off to answer questions about R&B and hiphop music from 2023, she told WIZS co-host Bill Harris on Wednesday’s TownTalk.

Middle school teams will compete against each other and high school teams will do the same.

“We hope to have at least six teams – three per age group,” Jones said, “but we’ll make it work with however many we get.” The trivia competition will take place at the Youth Services Building, which is housed in the former Eaton Johnson gym.

Winners will get to choose gift cards as prizes, she said.

The rec and parks department has hosted a similar trivia event before, but there’s a new event planned for April 6 that Jones said she hopes will fill a void in the social lives of middle- and high school-aged students.

It’s called the Spring Break Bash and the theme is a Hawaiian luau. The middle school luau will be from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. and the luau for high schoolers is from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.

To be admitted, each student must present his or her third quarter report card.

“We’re not worried about the grades,” Jones said, adding that the report card simply verifies that the person is enrolled in school. And it’s not just for Vance County students, she added. Anyone can attend, so long as they present their report card.

Rec and parks program planners had noticed a lack of school-sponsored parties and social gatherings (prom and athletic events notwithstanding), and Jones said this is one outlet for young people to come together in a safe environment to socialize.

Visit for details on all the programs and events the HVRPD offers.



TownTalk: Business Spotlight with Midnight Blue Martial Arts

Midnight Blue Martial Arts takes center stage in the Business Spotlight on Tuesday’s TownTalk and owner Kimberly Harris invites the community to join her at the karate studio on Saturday afternoon for a Valentine’s Sip and Shop event.

This is the second year for the event, Harris said, which will be held from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the studio, located at 101 N. Garnett St.

Midnight Blue, celebrating 25 years of providing classes in the area, has been in its downtown location since 2008, she said.

The karate studio will be filled with more than 25 vendors from across the area, featuring handcrafted items from jewelry to personalized Valentine’s Day cards for that special someone in your life.

During the pandemic, Harris said she turned to sewing to help keep her busy since she couldn’t get back into the studio to teach.

That pastime turned into something bigger and she took her new business on the road to some vendor fairs. She decided to host her own last year, and this year’s event features some return vendors, as well as new vendors who wanted to get in on the fun.

Bun on the Run will be parked out front and Sadie’s is bringing delicious hot chocolate.

Folks familiar with the karate studio will know that there’s a Black Belt Wall featuring each student who has achieved that level of proficiency.

“We take a picture (of them) in front of the American flag,” Harris said, which serves to motivate students to keep working hard toward their goal.

The students range in age from 2 to 68, but everyone learns a key element through the classes they take: being respectful.

Call 252.767.8398 to learn more about Midnight Blue Martial Arts Academy, LLC or visit


TownTalk: Helping Shelter Cats with The Kitten Lady

Hannah Shaw loves kittens.

She’s written numerous books – about kittens – and fosters the fuzzy little furballs whenever she can.

So it’s not surprising that the online influencer calls herself “The Kitten Lady,” and helps to educate the kitten-loving public at

Shaw spoke by telephone from her home in California Tuesday with WIZS co-host Bill Harris in observance of February as National Cat Health Month.

“Any time anything seems a little bit off with our pets, going to the vet is a great idea,” she said, noting that cats’ generally stoic nature may serve to mask a medical issue.

Plus, any cat owner will tell you they’re notorious for hiding when they don’t feel their best.

About 15 years ago, Shaw lived in the Triangle area and first became involved in animal rescue.

The author of the book “Tiny But Mighty” said she started helping shelters in the area with the kittens.

“Things have improved since that time,” she said, but she added that there’s still much work to be done to reduce the unwanted kitten population.

The most obvious way to reduce the unwanted pet population is for owners to spay or neuter their pets.

But, Shaw said, more than three-quarters of all kittens born are born on the streets – that is, nobody owns them.

A whopping 3 million cats find their way to shelters each year, which can put a strain on resources to provide. Many will be euthanized; others will be adopted or go to foster homes.

But during their time in the shelter, they need food, medical care and kitty litter.

Lots of kitty litter.

One litter manufacturer, Cat’s Pride, has a program called “Litter for Good” that donates cat litter to shelters. According to its website,, they’ve donated more than 37 million pounds of litter on their way to a goal of 50 million.

Shaw said she’s witnessed pallets of litter being delivered to shelters. “It frees up so much of the budget” for other needs,” she said.

Learn more about Shaw at her website




TownTalk: Blessed Hope Celebrates 40 Years

Forty years ago, the space shuttle Discovery had its first launch, Apple had introduced a new-fangled computer called the Macintosh, and the Rev. Donald A. Perkinson held the first official meeting of Blessed Hope Baptist Church.

Fast-forward 40 years and now private companies are blasting tourists into space and a cell phone that fits conveniently in a pocket is vastly more powerful than that clunky desktop computer. My, how some things change.

That initial gathering of 10 people in the living room of Perkinson’s cousin’s living room has blossomed into a vibrant congregation located on Dabney Road.

They celebrated Founder’s Day on Sunday at Blessed Hope, and in his message to the congregation and friends gathered, Perkinson said he continues to do all to the glory of God. “I give him all the glory and honor,” he said.

Those references to current events of 1984 were made by Clem Seifert, who also happens to be Perkinson’s son-in-law. Seifert spoke during the Sunday service and said some things in our lives are meant to change, but some things remain the same.

The people in the pews may change over the years, but “the Word of God never changes,” he said, adding that Perkinson and the people of Blessed Hope continue to do the work just as Paul instructed in his letter to Timothy.

Perkinson said he accompanied his father to a rest home to minister to its residents, and he believes it was then that he got that first nudge from God. Later, when he was teaching a Sunday School class for young married couples that he learned about expository preaching.

He moved his young family to Texas while he studied to be a preacher and came back home to Henderson in 1983, but he just couldn’t find the right church fit.

That’s when he felt he heard God say to him, “Why don’t you do what I’ve called you to do?” Perkinson recalled.

That was Feb. 5, 1984 – the day that would become Founder’s Day for Blessed Hope. That very morning, Perkinson held the first service in his cousin’s living room. Forty years later, some things have changed, but the message remains the same.

Listen to more of Perkinson’s and Seifert’s remarks at and tune in to WIZS on Sundays at 5 p.m. 




TownTalk: Feb. 8 Is ‘Healthy Heart Day’ At Maria Parham Health

As part of National Heart Month, Maria Parham Health is offering several different opportunities during February for folks to check their heart health and learn ways to prevent or reduce their risk of heart disease.

Vance County incidence of cardiovascular disease exceeds both the state and national averages, and it’s important to be informed about risk factors to heart health. Cardiovascular disease includes heart disease and stroke.

Want to know your risk for heart disease? With a few clicks on the hospital’s webpage, you’ll find a short assessment that rates your risk. Visit, click the Services tab and then on Cardiology and you’ll find the link.

National Wear Red Day is Friday, Feb. 2, – that’s tomorrow! – and hospital employees are going to be “turning it red” to promote heart health awareness, especially among women, said Lisa McGhee, a registered nurse who also is director of cardiovascular services at Maria Parham.

Then, on Thursday, Feb. 8, the community is invited to take part in Healthy Heart Day from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the hospital lobby.

McGhee said there will be blood pressure and pulse ox screenings offered as part of the Feb. 8 event; exercise physiologists and dietitians will be available to discuss healthy lifestyle choices and EMS professionals who will demonstrate hands-only CPR techniques.

“We’ve had a good turnout over the past years,” McGhee said. “We’ve had people who returned and said they had some sort of health issue, and they knew what to do and knew what the next steps should be because they’d been to one of these events.”

This community event is a good time to come out and ask questions, McGhee said. “That’s always our goal – to help guide (people) in the right direction to services,” she added. “It’s easier to do before it becomes an emergency.”

Some of the symptoms to look for include physical pain – chest pain or pain that radiates to the arm, jaw, back. Other symptoms, however, include extreme fatigue, dizziness, nausea or vomiting.

Sometimes, McGhee said, women may experience more subtle symptoms that are vague and harder to define, including fatigue, lack of energy and pain not necessarily associated with chest pain.

High blood pressure can have an adverse effect on heart health, too, McGhee said.

“High blood pressure that’s not controlled is a risk factor…blood pressure is one of those silent killers – sometimes there’s no other indications there’s a problem until it’s too late,” she said.

Sometimes, medication will do the trick, but if patients need more involved treatment, Maria Parham has a state-of-the-art heart catherization lab that opened in 2020.

Cardiologists complete a variety of procedures, including catheterizations to angioplasty and stent placement.

McGhee said the hospital’s chest pain program is an accredited program that helps health care professionals provide a variety of diagnostic tests like echocardiograms, wearable heart monitors and 24-hour blood pressure monitoring to help patients experiencing possible cardiac problems.

Visit to find a complete list of programs and services.

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