The Local Skinny! McClary To Speak At Living Stones Church Of God Worship Center in Oxford

WIZS has been asked to announce the appearance of a special guest speaker at Living Stones Church of God Worship Center.

First Lieutenant Patrick Cleburne McClary, III, USMC, Retired is a Vietnam War hero, and he will speak at Living Stones COG in conjunction with National Purple Heart Day.

National Purple Heart Day is August 7th and “Clebe” McClary, as he is known to thousands, will speak at Living Stones COG on August 8th.

The worship center is located at 6096 Tabbs Creek Road, Oxford.

Andy Roberson, Commander of American Legion Post 60, may be contacted for more information at 252-432-2432.

Praise and worship begins at 10:40 a.m., and guest speaker McClary will begin at 11 a.m.

Edward Woodlief, historian of Henderson American Legion Post 60, told WIZS News, “McClary is the recipient of the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, three purple hearts, the Audie Murphy award and numerous other awards given him for combat during the Vietnam War. McClary, a South Carolina native, was seriously wounded but continued to lead his men while under enemy fire. After numerous surgeries and a long rehabilitation, he has become the symbol of courage and hope for audiences around the world.”

McClary is online at, and the site says, “During the Vietnam War, while some of his contemporaries were staging anti-war protests and desecrating the American flag, the Lowcountry (South Carolina) native was serving as a platoon leader in the First Reconnaissance Battalion. On the battalion’s 19th patrol, the unit was attacked by the Viet Cong. Lieutenant McClary was seriously wounded, losing his left arm and left eye, yet he continued to lead his men. The numerous surgeries and long recovery period that followed could have taken a bitter toll, but he faced his rehabilitation with characteristic determination. In the years since, Lieutenant McClary has become a symbol of courage and hope to the many audiences around the world with whom he has shared his story.”

For more, click play.

City of Henderson Logo


The recently reestablished Henderson Redevelopment Commission is holding its first public listening session on Thursday, July 22, 2021 in order to learn about community priorities and goals for redevelopment in this greater Orange Street area neighborhood. The session is open to all and participants can attend in-person or join by Zoom or phone. The listening session will be facilitated by staff of the UNC School of Government’s Development Finance Initiative (DFI).

DFI has also released an online survey for anyone interested in commenting on a set of proposed redevelopment goals for the area. The survey, along with additional information about the Redevelopment Commission’s efforts, including a boundary of the proposed Elmwood District redevelopment area, are available at 

Comments shared through the online survey and during the listening session will help to inform the direction of a redevelopment plan currently being drafted by the Redevelopment Commission, with support from UNC DFI. The plan is intended to guide future City activities in the proposed Elmwood District URA including efforts to attract new private investment and address the neighborhood’s housing, public health and safety needs. To attend in person, you are invited to Perry Memorial Library, 205 Breckinridge St., Farm Bureau Room. The meeting will take place from 6-7:30pm.

Join by Zoom:

Or you may join by phone (toll free) at: (855) 880-1246 Meeting ID: 969 0332 7572

The online survey and updates on the Redevelopment Commission are available at

The Local Skinny! Home and Garden Show

Thank you for listening to WIZS Radio. Your Community Voice!!

Each Wednesday WIZS Radio features the Home and Garden Show during The Local Skinny! time slot from 11:30 a.m. until 11:55 a.m.

Vance County Cooperative Extension agents Wayne Rowland and Paul McKenzie regularly announce the Home and Garden Show.

The Local Skinny! Jobs In Vance

The H-V Chamber of Commerce and WIZS, Your Community Voice, present Jobs in Vance for July 13th, 2021. The Chamber compiles the information, and it is presented here and on the radio. Contact the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce at 438-8414 or email to be included.


Medical Careers Readiness of North Carolina

Jobs Available: Pharmacy Technician Instructors – Associate’s Degree and some experience is required

Contact Person: NaOnnie Lee

Method of Contact: for inquires call 252-598-2020


Henderson YMCA

Jobs Available:  Nursery Staff and Bus Drivers – Benefits include free YMCA membership

Method of Contact:   Apply online at


Pizza Inn of Henderson

Contact Person: Manager Randy Poythress

Method of Contact:  Stop by 1250 Coble Blvd. to apply


Bojangles is hiring for both locations in Henderson

Jobs Available: Management Trainees and crew members. Must be 18 years or older to apply

Method of Contact:  apply online at or stop by locations on Dabney Drive and East Andrews Ave.


State Employees Credit Union

Jobs Available:  Financial Services Representatives

Method of Contact: Apply online at or stop by their location at 1795 Graham Ave. in Henderson


Vance County Public Schools

Jobs Available: Licensure Specialist, Electrician and Human Resources Generalist

Method of Contact: You can apply at Administrative Office on 1724 Graham Ave. in Henderson or go to to apply online


Hollander Sleep Products

Jobs Available: Logistics Coordinator

Method of Contact: You can apply through NC Works at 857 S. Beckford Drive in Henderson


Some of these businesses are present or past advertisers of WIZS.  Being an ad client is not a condition of being listed or broadcast.  This is not a paid ad.

Franklin County Horse Farm Tour Celebrates 25th Year

The 25th annual Franklin County Horse Farm Tour is scheduled for Friday, Aug. 6, 2021. This event has something for everyone interested in the local horse industry, whether you are looking for ideas to construct your own facility or you want to see what other types of equine operations are in the area.

The tour is from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. and includes stops at three barns in the area as well as a catered lunch, according to information from organizer Martha Mobley, Franklin County agriculture extension agent. Mobley and the local horse advisory committee work hard each year to showcase all types of horse facilities, from large show barns to backyard horseowners.

This year’s stops include Hidden Pond Farm in Youngsville, Two Grey Farm in Franklinton and LT Stables near Zebulon.

In addition to touring the facilities, each stop will have a featured speaker who will discuss topics ranging from hoof care to county zoning, pasture maintenance to fire ant control.

The tour will begin with check-in at the Franklin County Cooperative Extension Center, 103 S. Bickett Blvd. in Louisburg and will end with lunch at Old Mule Hay & Feed Facility in Zebulon. The tour is free, but registration is required.

To register online, visit or phone the extension office at 919.496.3344.

For complete details and audio click play.


The Local Skinny! Carolina Coops Ready To Crank Out Luxury Homes For Chickens In Creedmoor

Matt Duboise has taken the idea of raising chickens to a whole new level. Those boring ol’ coops made of wood and wire just don’t cut it in today’s backyards. Think custom-made, people-friendly structures that are predator-proof and beautiful. Don’t forget beautiful.

Matt Duboise is fulfilling a dream with his Carolina Coops, just about ready to start cranking out coop kits and hire employees in its new location in Creedmoor.

“It’s one of the things that’s made us extremely popular,” Duboise said on Thursday’s The Local Skinny! segment. The coops are “extremely well built, but also beautiful.”

Back in 2008, when Duboise and family moved to Durham from New York, he scrounged free wood from his workplace to build his own backyard coop. And then he said he went a step further: “I thought, Why not trim it out? Why not make the chicken coops beautiful?”

Fast-forward a few years. The 2008 Great Recession forced Duboise to return to New York, where he continued to grow his business. But he said he knew he always wanted to come back to North Carolina.

Today, Duboise sends coop kits across the nation, and many Carolina Coops are shipped to the West Coast. He considered re-locating to Las Vegas for that reason, but thanks to Granville County’s economic development director, Harry Mills, Duboise’s return to North Carolina landed him in Granville County. “That man, I fell in love with him,” Duboise said of Mills. “He understands it from an entrepreneur’s point-of-view – (what it means) to invest time and money here.”

Duboise hosts a live webcast on Fridays at noon called Video Chicken. “We have a huge fan base online,” he said. Topics include all-things-chicken, from basic chicken questions to advice about coop construction.

Whether they are production coops or custom coops, Duboise says he’s adamant that the coops must be beautiful. Don’t forget beautiful.

Learn more at


The Local Skinny! Home And Garden Show

WIZS, Your Community Voice.  Thank you for listening! 

The Local Skinny! each Wednesday on WIZS is the Vance County Cooperative Extension Service Home and Garden Show.


The Local Skinny! Jobs In Vance

The H-V Chamber of Commerce and WIZS, Your Community Voice, present Jobs in Vance for July 6th, 2021. The Chamber compiles the information, and it is presented here and on the radio. Contact the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce at 438-8414 or email to be included.



Name of the Company:  Vance County Schools

Jobs Available: Open positions for bus drivers, a plumber and an electrician

Method of Contact:  to apply go to and click on job opportunities


Name of the Company:  Roses Distribution Center

Jobs Available:  General Warehouse, lift drivers, maintenance, CDL truck drivers, leads, managers and security

Method of Contact:   visit their hiring center to apply, located at 218 Garnett Street. Please bring a valid (not expired) photo ID


Name of the Company:  Brewer Cycles

Jobs Available:  Service Write/ Advisor- this position requires a person to be able to type fast, be computer smart and talk professionally about repairs and cost to customers regarding their power sort vehicles. Must be courteous and helpful to all customers. This position is full or part time. Pay is $13.00 – $18.00 per hour.

Method of Contact:   Stop by Brewer Cycles at 420 Warrenton Road to apply


Name of the Company:  Kittrell Job Corps Center

Jobs Available: Residential Advisors, Accounting Clerk, LPN’s (full and part time), Academic Instructor for Reading, CTT Instructor for Medical Administrative Assistant and CTT Instructor for Facilities Maintenance.

Contact Person: Angela Williams- HR Manager

Method of Contact:  call 252-438-9108 or email


Name of the Company:  Next Level Kennels

Jobs Available:  Part time weekend Kennel Tech. – Will be responsible for the day-to-day care of boarders and personal animals. Must have sufficient physical strength, mobility and stamina to lift and or move heavy pets and objects. It is ESSENTIAL that they have the ability and willingness to learn and the desire to provide gentle, compassionate care for boarded pets.

Method of Contact: for more information call 252-438-4459


Some of these businesses are present or past advertisers of WIZS.  Being an ad client is not a condition of being listed or broadcast.  This is not a paid ad.


The Local Skinny! Dr. Cindy Bennett, Vance Co. Schools, Sworn In

Today is day one for Dr. Cindy Bennett as Vance County Schools superintendent. Bennett said Wednesday she would be sworn in this morning at the Vance County Schools Administration Building on Graham Avenue.

It begins her seventh year with Vance County Schools.

At the regular meeting of the Vance County Board of Education on June 14, the board voted unanimously to select Dr. Bennett.

Dr. Anthony Jackson is departing to become superintendent in Chatham County, NC. He was here for six years.

Immediately after the school board appointed Bennett, she said at the meeting, “Thank you so much. Madam chair, to all the board members, Dr. Jackson, I can’t thank you enough for this honor. I love this community. This community is my home, and I will do everything within my power to serve the children in this community and to give them all that they deserve. Thank you again. I am humbled.”

In a press release from Vance County Schools later the night of the meeting, Board Chair Linda Cobb said, “Dr. Bennett is dedicated to our community, our schools and most importantly our students. We have been impressed with her work in Vance County Schools over the last six years. Her qualifications and experience beyond Vance County will allow her to boldly lead our district. We look forward to supporting her, working together towards ongoing excellence.”

The Local Skinny! Home and Garden Show

Thank you for listening to WIZS Radio. Your Community Voice!!

The Local Skinny! broadcast for June 30, 2021.

Each Wednesday, the Local Skinny! features Vance County Cooperative Extension Agents Wayne Rowland and Paul McKenzie for the Home and Garden Show.

Home and Garden Audio