The Local Skinny! St. Patrick’s Day Celebration Set For Downtown Henderson

Green will be the color of the day on Thursday, Mar. 17 as the Henderson-Vance Downtown Development Commission and the Vance County Arts Council team up to sponsor a St. Patrick’s Day celebration on Breckenridge Street.

The community is invited to join in the fun from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., according to downtown development chair Amanda Ellis. There will be food trucks, music, crafts for the children as well as a scavenger hunt with prizes awarded.

Ellis said there are opportunities for community partners to sponsor the event. Sponsorship levels include “pot of gold” level at $1,000; “shamrock” level $500 and “leprechaun” level for $250.

Vendors and others who wish to set up information tables are asked to register before Monday, Feb. 28. Phone 252.425.0844 or email Ellis at

Alice Sallins, events committee chair of DDC, told John C. Rose earlier today (Thursday) that she hopes the event will be something the whole community will come out and enjoy.

“With enough support, we are hoping to provide free food through the food trucks,” Ellis said. The DDC also is collecting prizes for the scavenger hunt.

The Local Skinny! Around Old Granville: John Eaton

John Eaton, apparently, did not shy away from challenges, political or personal. And back when he was President Andrew Jackson’s Secretary of War, the political and the personal challenges overlapped – a lot.

Eaton, who was born in 1790 in Halifax County near Scotland Neck, was quite a significant character in the U.S. government in the early 19th century. Local historian Mark Pace and WIZS’s Bill Harris talked about his life and work on Thursday’s Around Old Granville segment of The Local Skinny!

He was on the fast track like no other, it seemed. At age 12, he was a college student at University of North Carolina. But by 14, he dropped out and decided to study law.

He joined a wave of folks who journeyed to Nashville, TN for fame and fortune. At age 18, he was practicing law there and married Myra Lewis, the adopted daughter of Andrew Jackson.

He was elected to the U.S. Senate to represent Tennessee when he was 28 years old – two years shy of the minimum age to run for that office, Pace said.

His wife died shortly after they’d moved to an inn in Washington, DC, and it wasn’t long before Eaton became involved with the innkeeper’s daughter.

Her name was Peggy Timberlake and she was married to a much-older man who was in the military and died while on an overseas assignment. She and Eaton were married just months later, thus creating the “Petticoat Affair.”  By this time, President Jackson had tapped Eaton to be his Secretary of War, and this whole ordeal posed a real challenge.

“It was the scandal of the day,” Pace said. The Eatons were shunned by DC society and, in fact, President Andrew Jackson ordered his cabinet members – all men – to require their wives to accept Eaton’s new wife. They did not comply, and, the whole Cabinet resigned which required Jackson to appoint an entirely new group.

Eaton resigned as well, Pace said, and became minister to Spain and later, he was appointed Governor of Florida.

As minister to Spain, Pace said, he didn’t excel. Eaton, it seemed, had developed a drinking problem and Peggy became the de facto ambassador, he added.

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Home And Garden Show 02-23-22

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Check your garden equipment. Ex wheelbarrows, Tillers, lawnmowers
  • Mark the frost free date on your calendar.
  • Growing seedlings indoors make sure they are getting enough light.
  • Apply crabgrass preventer.
  • On warm days 70F or warmer provide ventilation in greenhouses and cold frames if growing plants in them.
  • if you plan to install a warm season lawn, start work now.
  • We have excellent gardening publications at Cooperative Extension
  • Plant pansies
  • Always check moisture level of garden soil before tilling that soil


The Local Skinny! Jobs In Vance 02-22-22

The H-V Chamber of Commerce and WIZS, Your Community Voice, present Jobs in Vance for February 22, 2022. The Chamber compiles the information, and it is presented here and on the radio. Contact the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce at 438-8414 or email to be included.3

Name of the Company: Benchmark Community Bank

Jobs Available:  Customer Service Representative I – This position is in Youngsville – must have 3-5 years of banking experience, basic math and computer skills also experience working with the public and handling money

Method of Contact:  apply online at


Name of the Company:  Henderson- Vance County Chamber of Commerce

Jobs Available: Administrative Asst. / Bookkeeper – Must have a HS Diploma, Business Degree Preferred, 2 to 3 years of experience in a business office setting

Method of Contact: If interested please contact Express Employment Professionals Robin Reed at 919-693-1730


Name of the Company:  State Farm Insurance – Margier White

Jobs Available:  State Farm Agent Team Member – Office Representative

Method of Contact:  Appy at


Name of the Company:  Biscuitville

Jobs Available:  Multiple positions, Very competitive pay, Close daily at 2pm

Method of Contact:  Please apply in person at 1537 Dabney Drive, Henderson


Name of the Company: Walmart Distribution Center

Jobs Available: Freight Handler / Order Filler – page range in $17.55 – $23.55 an hour

Method of Contact: For more information go to



Name of the Company:  Kerr-Tar Council of Government

Jobs Available:  Family Caregiver Resource Specialist

Method of Contact:  :  For more information contact your local NC Works Career Center or apply online at


Name of the Company:  Turning Point CDC

Jobs Available: Group Leader of Creating Success After School – Involved in the planning, Implementation, evaluating and delivery of program for youth ages 5-12. All applicants must be available to work on-site Monday – Friday 2:00 – 5:30 pm and must have a valid driver’s license.

Method of Contact:  Applicants can apply by visiting or call 252-621-5190 with questions


Name of the Company:  City of Henderson

Jobs Available:   Camp Counselor

Method of Contact:  For more information contact your local NC Works Career Center or Apply online at

Some of these businesses are present or past advertisers of WIZS.  Being an ad client is not a condition of being listed or broadcast.  This is not a paid ad.


The Local Skinny! Duke Energy Carolinas Carbon Plan

Duke Energy is hosting the second in a series of three stakeholder meetings as it continues to develop its Carolinas Carbon Plan which is due to regulators in May 2022.

In a statement from Duke Energy’s District Manager Tanya Evans, the virtual meeting is scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 23.

The first stakeholder meeting was held on Jan. 25, 2022 and the third meeting is scheduled for March 22.

“The Carolinas Carbon Plan will serve as a roadmap for modernizing our energy system, reducing risks for customers and reducing emissions from power generation,” Evans said in the statement. The plan targets a 70 percent carbon reduction by 2030  and is set to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The reductions will be made while Duke Energy continues “to prioritize the affordability and reliability that our customers depend on.”

Input gathered at the three meetings will help the energy company design and shape the initial proposal to the N.C. Utilities Commission.

Click the date to register for the virtual meeting: Feb 23, 2022.

In addition, visit to read updates.

The Utilities Commission must develop a carbon plan by the end of 2022 and Duke Energy is required to present its proposed plan by mid-May 2022 as part of the process.

Granville County Sheriff

Granville Sheriff’s Office To Offer Citizens Academy In April

The Granville County Sheriff’s Office will host the second annual Citizens Academy, set to kick off in April 2022.

Registration is required for the program, which will be held at the Law Enforcement Center, 525 New Commerce Drive, Oxford. Classes will be held on Tuesday evenings from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

The Citizens Academy offers classes to provide a general overview of law enforcement issues, crime prevention, patrol procedures as well as additional topics of interest regarding law enforcement for the community. This program will build a better understanding between law enforcement and those served by the Granville County Sheriff’s Office. Interested participants may pick up a paper application at the Granville County Sheriff’s Office.

Download an application at

For more information about the Citizens Academy, contact the sheriff’s office at  919.693.3213.

Warren Plans Sessions For Residents To Comment, Learn More About Comprehensive Development Plan

Warren County’s comprehensive development plan team is conducting two public engagement sessions that will be held over the course of the next month.

The first public engagement session will be held on Monday, Feb. 28 at the Warren County Armory, 501 US Highway 158 Business East in Warrenton. The session will be held from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

The second public session will be held Saturday, Mar. 12 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the Drewry Fire Department, 125 Firefighter Rd, Manson, according to information from the office of County Manager Vincent Jones.

These public sessions will be floating events that allow community members to ask questions, provide feedback and be involved in the future planning of Warren County. Participants will have the opportunity to visit tables with information, take the public engagement survey and look at maps of Warren County to gain more information.

Light refreshments will be provided for both sessions.

These sessions are part of the comprehensive development plan updates, a 10-month process that will result in updates to the existing 2002 plan, which was meant to run through this year.

A comprehensive development plan aims to address and guide growth and development for the County. Its focus is on the areas within the county’s jurisdiction and along the edges of town limits. Public participation will play a key role through these conversations and feedback. The comprehensive development plan will help to shape the vision and priorities for the future of Warren County.

The plan will update the 2002 Land Development Plan and address new issues and priorities that have come forward in the 20 years since then. This is a guiding document upon which land use decisions are based.

To follow along with the comprehensive plan process, visit For more information, contact the Warren County comp plan team at

Vance County Logo

The Local Skinny! County Water System Looking To Break Even


Plans continue to expand county water service to the Kittrell area, and county commissioners received a project update from Manager Jordan McMillen at its January meeting.

As things stand now, construction could begin as early as fall 2022 of the Phase 1B Water District, which includes laying about 25 miles of new water lines and making upgrades to the existing Kittrell water tower.

McMillen told WIZS News Thursday that the county water project is within $10,000 of breaking even – some unexpected repairs and additional costs have pushed that break-even point out a bit, but added “we are very satisfied with the progress we have made in bringing our system to self-sufficiency the past few years.”

The recently presented audit from fiscal year 2020-21 indicated that the water fund is within $10,000 of breaking even, which represents an improvement from being nearly $20,000 the previous year.

As for the Phase 1B work being done in the Kittrell area, McMillen said if all goes according to schedule, it could be complete by November 2023.

There have been some slight delays involving permitting issues, but once those are resolved, the bids could be advertised by April 2022, awarded in July and proceed with construction in September, McMillen said.

The total construction project would be scheduled for completion by August 2023.

Federal grant and loan projects awarded to Vance County for improving the drinking water for county residents is helping to make the upgrades and extensions to county residents.

McMillen said public meetings and signup efforts will ramp up once the county is closer to the construction phase.

Some of the roads east of Kittrell that will have new water lines installed include portions of Bobbitt Road, Peter Gill Road, Abbott Road, Dick Smith Road, South Chavis Road and Kittrell Road, he said.

The Local Skinny! County Reports On Tax Collections, Audit And New Ambulance

Vance County Commissioners accepted the audit report for 2020-21 at its January meeting, which included good news about the county’s fund balances and about tax collections. The county’s total fund balance increased by more than $4 million to $26.9 million and the unassigned fund balance increased almost $7 million to $22 million. This amount represents more than 44 percent of next year’s budget, according to the minutes of the January meeting.

Tax collections increased almost 1 percent, to 97.6 percent from 96.68 percent.

Commissioners heard from Stuart Hill representing audit firm Thompson, Price, Scott, Adams & Co. who presented the audit report.

Although there were two budget findings, both have been corrected, the minutes reflected. “There were no difficulties in performing the audit, no uncorrected misstatements and no disagreements with management,” according to the minutes.

The unassigned fund balance increased from $15.3 million to $22.0 million, which is “well within the range that is recommended  by the Local Government Commission,” the minutes stated.

Tax collections increased from 96.68% to 97.60%. The total property valuation is $2,963,958,764 and the total levy amount is $26,533,277.

After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Dan Brummitt to receive the FY  2020-21 Audit Report as presented. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Thomas S.  Hester, Jr. and unanimously approved.

Finance Director Katherine Bigelow also presented information to commissioners regarding the purchase of a new ambulance during her report at the January meeting. Three bids were considered, but recommended was the bid from Northwestern Emergency Vehicles for about $264,230.

Brummitt made a motion to accept the bid proposal, seconded by

Hester, to purchase a 2022 Ford F550 4 X 4 Type 1 ambulance from Northwestern. A budget amendment of $4,230 also was approved to reach the complete purchase price.


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Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.


  • When doing pruning always remember PPE is always needed.
  • When purchasing vegetable transplants, look for stocky, deep green plants with healthy roots. If possible, select plants with no or few flowers.
  • Garden Tiller hard to start roll it outside in sunshine may help it start
  • Check your lawn for cool season weeds. They may be very tiny, but the warm spell over the next few days will present a good treatment window.
  • On warm days 70F or warmer provide ventilation in greenhouses and cold frames if growing plants in them.
  • Be sure to include some herb plants in your spring planting plans. Herbs like dill, basil, cilantro and others are easy to grow. The taste is unparalleled and they will also help out beneficial insects.
  • We have excellent gardening publications at Cooperative Extension
  • If you’re thinking about planting shrubs this spring, there’s no reason to wait. Planting them early gives more time for root growth before summer heat arrives.
  • Always check moisture level of garden soil before tilling that soil