Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day Thursday in Downtown Henderson

Shamrocks on Breckenridge is just a few days away – come to downtown Henderson on Thursday, Mar. 17 to enjoy food vendors and entertainment to observe St. Patrick’s Day!

Amanda Ellis, chair of the Henderson-Vance Downtown Development Commission, reminds everyone to wear green to add to the festive atmosphere on Breckenridge Street from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

The band Purple Admonition is scheduled to perform, as well as a 6:30 show by the Ballet Arts “Cloggers,” Ellis said.

Food trucks from RJ Wings & Things and Big Rob’s Fred Robertson will be on hand, as well as  Ryan Ball’s Kona Ice. Sandra Abbott and Westwood Church will have beverages.

The Arts Council will have cards for attendees to go on a scavenger hunt. Those who complete the card will get a prize.

Participating vendors include:

Participating vendors include:

  • H.A.P.E. & The Gateway Center – Tracy Moseley & Heather Joi Kenney
  • Gang Free, Inc. – Melissa Elliott
  • Turning Point Community Development (Mobile Learning Lab) – Chalis Henderson & Kate Delahanty
  • Vance County Tourism – Pam Hester
  • Vance County Sheriff’s Office – Curtis Brame & Debbie Scott
  • Granville-Vance Public Health – Gerald McNair
  • Perry Memorial Library –
  • Henderson-Vance Crime Stoppers – Frankie Nobles
  • Franklin-Granville-Vance Partnership – Smart Start – Gary Daeke
  • Henderson Family YMCA – Christine Bennerson
  • Henderson-Vance Downtown Development – Tracy Madigan / Amanda Ellis
  • Vance County Arts Council – Alice Sallins
  • Henderson-Vance Parks and Recreation – Kendrick Vann

The Local Skinny! Nothing Bugs Mark Harrison

It wasn’t a lifelong fascination with bugs or a high school biology insect collection project that catapulted Mark Harrison into the pest control business, but here it is, more than four decades later, and Harrison remains the chief Whitco “Bug Warrior.”

Harrison visited with Bill Harris as part of the Business Spotlight of The Local Skinny! Harrison and his son run Whitco Termite and Pest Control, based in Henderson.

“I would like to say it was always my life plan to be in the pest control business,” he told Harris Thursday. “But I kinda fell into it.”

He needed a job back in 1976, and answered an ad for a termite technician. And the rest, as they say, is history. He obtained his pest control license and in 1987 formed a business partnership with Aaron Whitley of Rocky Mount. They rented a small space in Henderson and then five years later purchased their current location, 123 E. Belle St.

Eighteen years ago, he bought out his business partner and now he and his son run the business.

The Whitco Bug Warriors team conducts quarterly pest control appointments with clients as well as termite control. They also can perform work in crawlspaces to eliminate humidity problems, he said.

One employee – a termite expert – has worked with Harrison for 25 years.

“I would match him up against any termite man in the state of North Carolina,” he said, (and) his customers would agree with me.”

Fire ants are becoming more of a problem in the area, and they get calls to treat athletic fields.

“We do a lot of football fields,” he said. The last thing a football player wants is to get tackled and land on a fire ant hill.

Harrison said ants in general are probably the most worrisome pest that this area deals with, but they don’t generate as big an “eww” factor as another pest that Harrison and his crews tackle: Bedbugs.

There is one team member whose sole job is working to eradicate bedbugs, he said.

“It’s the most difficult problem that people face – I would say it’s impossible to get rid of them yourself,” he said of a bedbug infestation. “Oh yeah, it’s big time.”

Secondly, the treatment isn’t cheap, so not everyone can afford to call a professional.

That means everywhere they go, they’re taking bedbugs with them – ‘cause they’re great hitchhikers.

Peak time for bedbug calls are after holidays, when people have either traveled or have had people come stay with them.

To learn more about the services they offer, contact Whitco at 252.492.2818 or visit their website www.whitcobugwarriors.com.

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Home And Garden Show 03-09-22

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Repot houseplants, dust them with soft moist cloth
  • When growing seeds indoors check the media before watering. If the media has moisture check the next day before watering.
  • Finish up your pruning chores, fruit trees, grape vines, broadleaf evergreens.
  • Bring indoors any plants that you placed outdoors ex houseplants Saturday projected low 21F
  • Write out a monthly plan in your garden notebook and keep your journal up to date
  • We have excellent gardening publications at Cooperative Extension
  • Get your lawn care equipment ready now.
  • Always check moisture level of garden soil before tilling that soil
  • Plant berries, or maybe next year.

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The Local Skinny! Business Spotlight: Wedding Bells And More At Hudson Manor

Spring is in the air and many plan weddings this time of year. However, according to Melissa Cogliati, owner and operator of Hudson Manor in the Moulton Community in Franklin County, anytime of the year seems to be good for the sound of wedding bells.

Hudson Manor is a rather imposing house built around 1911 by Charlie Thomas Hudson, but by 2004 it had begun showing signs of decline. Cogliati and her husband were looking to get out of Raleigh for something more rural where he could concentrate on catering and cooking and she could start a wedding venue when they found the home. The house needed some work. A rear section that was added in the 1970’s was removed and the front porch was rebuilt to the original specifications. The Cogliati’s later added to the rear portion of the house so they could live there. Along with them came children and parents. “It’s a family compound,” Cogliati said on the Business Spotlight segment of The Local Skinny!

Improvements have continued with the addition of a wedding chapel which allows Hudson Manor to host weddings no matter what the weather. “We had a wedding in the snow,” Cogliati said. This would have been a few weeks back on one of those wintery weekends. She described that wedding as particularly beautiful. She has had couples from Vance, Warren, Granville, Franklin and other surrounding counties to book the venue for weddings, but Hudson Manor does more than just get people hitched. Last year Hudson Manor hosted a bluegrass festival, and they are available for fundraising events. Hudson Manor is open all year round.

If you have a wedding or fundraising event you can find out more information at www.thehudsonmanor.com.

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The Local Skinny! Jobs In Vance

The H-V Chamber of Commerce and WIZS, Your Community Voice, present Jobs in Vance for March 8, 2022). The Chamber compiles the information, and it is presented here and on the radio. Contact the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce at 438-8414 or email christa@hendersonvance.org to be included.

Name of the Company: First Citizens Bank

Jobs Available: Bank Senior Sales and Service Representative, Bank Operations Services Supervisor

Method of Contact: For more information to ncworks.gov or contact your local NC Works Career Center


Name of the Company:  Ameristaff

Jobs Available: Extended Care Services Coordinator, Forklift Operator

Method of Contact: For more information to ncworks.gov or contact your local NC Works Career Center


Name of the Company:  Vance County

Jobs Available: Full time Custodian, Permits Technician and Human Resources Aide (Senior Center)

Method of Contact: For more information to ncworks.gov or contact your local NC Works Career Center



Name of the Company:  Kerr-Vance Academy

Jobs Available: Looking for the next Head of School to start between now and July 2022

Method of Contact:  If interested please call 252-492-0018



Name of the Company: Benchmark Community Bank

Jobs Available: Relationship Teller – Henderson Branch

Method of Contact: For job description and how to apply go to https://bcbonline.applicantpro.com/jobs/



Name of the Company:  Vance County

Jobs Available: Vance County has multiple openings for The Sheriff’s Office Detention Center, Department of Social Services, The Senior Center and more

Method of Contact:  Visit the county website at http://www.vancecounty.org


Some of these businesses are present or past advertisers of WIZS. Being an ad client is not a condition of being listed or broadcast. This is not a paid ad.
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The Local Skinny! Around Old Granville: The Mystery Of Harrison Macon

Where is Harrison Macon? Or perhaps the better question is where is this Revolutionary War veteran buried? Harrison Macon was the brother of the famous Nathaniel Macon and while Nathaniel may be more well known, Harrison also had quite a significant life. He was captured at Camden, South Carolina in 1780 during the Revolution and was a captain during the war. He was born circa 1745 and was dead by 1790. He married Hannah Glenn, daughter of Gideon Glenn who lived in present day Rocky Ford. The Glenn’s owned over a thousand acres of land and Harrison Macon lived close by, just “across the creek” from the Glenn’s. This was likely Lynch’s Creek.

The Glenn’s, as was the custom in that time, had a family burial ground on their property and legend has it that Harrison, being the husband of Hannah Glenn, was buried in the Glenn family cemetery. But just where is that?

On the Around Old Granville segment of the Local Skinny on Monday, WIZS’ Bill Harris and North Carolina Room Specialist at Thornton Library in Oxford, discussed the mystery of Macon’s place of burial. The search began four or five years ago when the Halifax Rifles chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution got curious about it. The search has continued with local historians from Vance, Granville, Warren and Franklin Counties attempting to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

One of the documents unearthed is an application for a headstone made to the U.S. War Department in 1931 by Dr. Daniel T. Smithwick of Franklin Co. Dr. Smithwick was a local historian who had married Evelyn Macon, a great granddaughter of Harrison Macon. According to the application, Smithwick place the the headstone at the “Old Home Place”, near Louisburg. Was it a Macon home place, the Glenn homeplace? No one really knows for certain. Macons lived all around the area from Ingleside (which was once known as Macon) all the way to the Bobbitt area.

The Glenn Home place is still standing and occupied. It has been heavily remodeled many times and if there is a Glenn family burial ground then this is the likely site of Macon’s resting place. Just down the road from present day Rocky Ford are the remains of a once thriving community called Letha which was situated near a ford on Lynch’s Creek. The remains of an old dam can be found there along with a building or two. The land was likely part of what was once Glenn property and there is a cemetery with a number of unmarked graves inclucingh one burial situated on top of a hill overlooking the creek it is this grave that has caught the attention of local historians. This particular grave is covered in stones, somewhat reminiscent of Nathaniel Macon’s grave site in Warren Co. but nowhere near as elaborate. Could this be the site of Harrison Macon? Many historians certainly think this is a possibility. So far no headstone has been found at the site but further investigation is needed.

So the question remains “Where is Harrison Macon?”

The Local Skinny! From The Land Of Ice And Snow: Vikings Coming To Granville

The Vikings are planning an invasion soon, right here in Granville County. But this invasion is filled with activities for the whole family, especially if you’re into axe-throwing and drinking mead.

The Viking Experience will take place at the Granville Expo Center on Mar. 26 and Mar. 27.

Hannah Reed and her mother Angela Reed are the business duo behind the weekend event, which they describe as part educational and part entertainment.

They talked with John C. Rose on Thursday’s The Local Skinny! about how those who attend the local venue will be transported back to the Middle Ages, when Vikings in their sailing ships were conquering and pillaging.

There will be plenty of activities for children and adults, including “Vikings in training” activities and fight demonstrations throughout the weekend.

Not into axe-throwing and sword-fighting? That’s ok, too. There will be music and dancing “pretty much all day,” as well as a Norse-inspired acrobatic groups to entertain attendees.

Purchase an extra “fight pass” to gain access to the fight pit, where foam swords and other “safe” weapons abound, the Reeds said.

Based in Creedmoor, the Reeds attend similar festivals in Maryland, but noticed that there weren’t any Norse-inspired events around these parts. So about five years ago, they set the wheels in motion that has resulted in the first Viking Experience in the area.

Vendors will sell food, drinks, jewelry and much more during the weekend. And re-enactors will mingle with the crowds. “Our characters are roaming constantly and will interact with you as if you are actually part of that world,” Hannah said.

The festival will be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Mar. 26 and then from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mar. 27. Tickets are available online at https://www.thevikingexperiencenc.com/

Plan to stay for the dinner theatre, which is offered at a separate ticket price

Angela suggests buying tickets in advance.

“We are getting a huge, huge interest in this event – much larger than we even expected,” she said.

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Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Clean and till up vegetable beds and add compost to the beds to increase organic matter.
  • Plant cool season crops.
  • When growing seeds indoors check the media before watering. If the media has moisture check the next day before watering.
  • Get ready to start seed for many warm season crops. I suggest sowing indoors about 4 to 6 weeks before you plan to plant outdoors.
  • On warm days 70F or warmer provide ventilation in greenhouses and cold frames if growing plants in them.
  • Add dill and fennel to your garden to support swallowtail butterflies.
  • We have excellent gardening publications at Cooperative Extension
  • Don’t spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a garden or landscape project without first spending $4 for a soil analysis.
  • Always check moisture level of garden soil before tilling that soil


The Local Skinny! Jobs In Vance 03-01-22

The H-V Chamber of Commerce and WIZS, Your Community Voice, present Jobs in Vance for March 1, 2022. The Chamber compiles the information, and it is presented here and on the radio. Contact the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce at 438-8414 or email michelle@hendersonvance.org to be included.


Name of the Company: Vance Granville Community College

Jobs Available: CDL Instructor – Part-time

Method of Contact:  If Interested please call or come by one of the local NC Works Offices or log on to ncworks.gov


Name of the Company:  Hollander Sleep Products

Jobs Available: Human Resources Manager and Lift Truck Operator

Method of Contact: If Interested please call or come by one of the local NC Works Offices or log on to ncworks.gov


 Name of the Company:  Granville- Vance District Health Department

Jobs Available:  Public Health Educator

Method of Contact:  If Interested please call or come by one of the local NC Works Offices or log on to ncworks.gov


Name of the Company:  Ameristaff

Jobs Available: Reworker

Method of Contact:  If Interested please call or come by one of the local NC Works Offices or log on to ncworks.gov


 Name of the Company: Boys & Girls Clubs of Central NC

Jobs Available:  Youth Development Professional – Paid work experience available for youth ages 16-24 with the Boys and Girls Clubs. This is with the NextGen Program. Opportunities available in Oxford and Creedmoor

Method of Contact: Call Helen or Mary at 919-693-2686


 Name of the Company:  Henderson- Vance County Chamber of Commerce

Jobs Available: Administrative Asst. / Bookkeeper – Must have a HS Diploma, Business Degree Preferred, 2 to 3 years of experience in a business office setting- will be responsible for supporting the day to day operations of the business- pay rate $12.00-$13.00 an hr, hours will be 9:00 to 5:00 Monday – Friday

Method of Contact: If interested please contact Express Employment Professionals Robin Reed at 919-693-1730


Some of these businesses are present or past advertisers of WIZS.  Being an ad client is not a condition of being listed or broadcast.  This is not a paid ad.


Emilee Johnson New Executive Director of Operations MP Franklin

Maria Parham Franklin has a new executive director of operations, Emilee Johnson.

Maria Parham Health announced last week, via it’s Facebook page, that Johnson had been named to the position and that she has been with Maria Parham for 19 years.

In her most recent role, she served as senior director overseeing rehabilitative services, security, medical office leasing, dietary and environmental services.

The MPH post indicated Johnson is a fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives and that she has shown exceptional leadership qualities within the hospital and community.

Her volunteer work with the Henderson Family YMCA, Triangle North Healthcare and Adopt-A-Highway are a handful of examples of her outreach and community mindedness.

Congratulations to Emilee Johnson.

(Text and picture published with permission. Information courtesy of Maria Parham Health.)