Leadership Granville Graduation 2021-2022

— by Lauren Roberson, Executive Director Granville County Chamber of Commerce

On behalf of the Leadership Granville Steering Committee, the Chamber is proud to recognize the 2021-2022 Leadership Granville Class! Granville County is very lucky to have this group of talented individuals serving our community. The Chamber would also like to thank our co-sponsors, Granville County Public Schools, and Vance-Granville Community College. Thank you to the county, municipalities, organizations, businesses, and industries who participated in this program. The graduation was held at Chamber member restaurant, Main St. Oasis in Downtown Oxford. Spence Bailey, Leadership Granville Steering Committee Chair, presided over the graduation.
Congratulations to the graduates!

(Front Row, L to R)
Melanie Baldwin, Granville County Library System
Tyeisha Hewett, Granville County Department of Social Services
Shelia Thornton, Cornerstone Community Church
Donna Owen, ST Owen Electric, Inc
(Back Row, L to R)
Tiana Jones, Granville County Cooperative Extension
Gail Barnes-Hall, Granville Health System
James Brown, Jr., Vance-Granville Community College
Lisa Mayhew, Falls Lake Academy
Lauren Piper, Granville County Public Schools
Anita Thomasson, Town of Butner
Graduates Not Pictured:
Keith Adcock, City of Oxford 2021
Barry Long, School of Graphic Arts
Jonelle Berky Matabele, NC Department of Health and Human Services
Also pictured:
Dr. Jerry Edmonds, Vance-Granville Community College Vice President of Workforce and Community Engagement
Dr. Alisa McLean, Superintendent Granville County Public Schools
Dan DiCarlo, Chamber Board President and GM at Creedmoor Forest Products
Rosalyn Green and Annette Myers, Leadership Granville Facilitators

Avian Flu on Weekly Home and Garden Show

Until further notice, all poultry shows and public sales of poultry are suspended until further notice because of the ongoing threat of avian influenza, according to state veterinarian Mike Martin. This includes all exhibitions, farm tours, shows, sales, flea markets, auction markets, swaps and meets pertaining to poultry and other feathered fowl in North Carolina, according to a press statement issued Tuesday by the N.C. Department of Agriculture.

Jonas Asbill, a poultry extension agent for a 20-county area that includes Vance, joined Paul McKenzie and Wayne Rowland on Wednesday’s The Local Skinny! segment to provide details about the seasonal influenza that is transmitted from wild waterfowl to domesticated and commercial poultry.

Several sites in Johnston County already have had to euthanize thousands of turkeys after finding the avian flu among the stock.

Asbill urges all poultry owners – even if you have a few layer hens in the backyard – to use strict biosecurity measures to make sure your animals stay safe. Asbill recommends that poultry stay in coops or otherwise contained and that they not come into contact with wild migratory waterfowl.

Migratory waterfowl are asymptomatic carriers of the influenza and shed the disease in their feces. Think about the Canada geese or seagulls that make stopovers at area ponds, parking lots and golf courses in the area. Local poultry owners could potentially bring back remnants of contaminated fecal matter on the bottoms of shoes and then unknowingly introduce it to their own poultry.

It’s just better to keep them contained during the annual migration times, and to keep them away from where migratory waterfowl may congregate.

“We’re a heavy ag state,” Asbill said, “and a big part is poultry.” Once a case is detected, the whole population has to be destroyed; the turkeys or broilers do not continue into the food supply chain.

While the CDC considers transmission to humans a very low risk, Asbill said there have been rare cases of the avian flu being found in other species.

“We do not make this decision lightly. HPAI is a serious threat to our poultry industry and this is a precaution to help limit the introduction of the virus to backyard and commercial flocks,” Martin said in a press statement.

North Carolina joins several other states, including Georgia, that have also cancelled or altered poultry events due to HPAI. Poultry owners across the state need to practice strict biosecurity. This includes keeping flocks indoors without access to outside and reporting sick birds to your local veterinarian, the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Veterinary Division, 919.707.3250, or the N.C. Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory System 919.733.3986.

To learn the signs of avian influenza, biosecurity tips and more information go to www.ncagr.gov/avianflu.

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Mowing season is here. Always check your lawn for objects that can become projectiles before mowing. Please No Extra Riders On Mowers. One Seat Means One Person On the Mower!
  • Check mowing height, but it’s too late for seeding, fertilizer and weed killers.
  • Vegetables you can now plant: Arugula,,Snap beans,beets,broccoli,cabbage,kale,leeks,bulb onions, Irish potatoes,turnips.
  • Avoid insecticide applications to lawns unless there is a specific identified problem.
  • Purchase healthy transplants, good color, not pot bound
  • Hold off on planting frost sensitive plants, including warm season vegetables and flowers.

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The Local Skinny! Free Christian Play Coming To Louisburg

Thanks to the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, a group of pastors and ministers in Franklin County had to get creative as they began planning for their annual community gathering during the Easter season.

Speaking on behalf of FACES – Franklin Area Clergical Ecumenical Society – Eddie Williams said the result is a play called “Too Young To Be Saved: My Kids Saved My Life.” Williams spoke with John C. Rose on Tuesday’s The Local Skinny! segment.

“This gospel message will be presented in a theatrical format,” he said. The performance will be Saturday, Apr. 9 at 4 p.m. at the Pete Smith Amphitheater in Louisburg. The event is free to the community, Williams said, and said local actors, singers and dancers will be among those taking the stage.

“The actors are really engaging – it’s going to be a lot of fun,” he said. Jayden Watkins is participating. Watkins, a student at Henderson Collegiate, who also is a preacher, author and podcast host. The Cook Family Singers and IDance Praise Group also will be in the performance.

“We decided to go with someone with quite a bit more experience” in play production, so FACES approached Connie Ragland, who agreed to create something special for the occasion.

“This is the first time that we’ve done it on this level – we’re really excited about it,” Williams said. “We pray that lives will be touched.”

The play is about families and their day-to-day activities, he explained. There’s an encounter with God that produces life-altering results. Ragland has written other works with similar themes, Williams said, but this particular play focuses on the role children play in the lives of families.

“It’s always fun – there’s always some comedy in there, and some singing…as the message is conveyed.”

The Pete Smith Amphitheater is located at 116 N. Main St., Louisburg. Williams said there is bench seating, so it may be a good idea to bring a lawn chair.

Williams has one more request: “Continue to pray for good weather because (the performance) IS outside!”

Contact Williams at 919.263.4119 for more information.

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The Local Skinny! Jobs In Vance 04-05-22

The H-V Chamber of Commerce and WIZS, Your Community Voice, present Jobs in Vance for April 5th, 2022. The Chamber compiles the information, and it is presented here and on the radio. Contact the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce at 438-8414 or email Michelle@hendersonvance.org to be included.

JOB OPENINGS IN VANCE COUNTY – Week of Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Name of the Company: For Your Occasion Event Rentals

Jobs Available: Hiring for installers to help with set up and take down.

Method of Contact: Call 252-492-9800.  Email resume to info@FYOEventRentals.com.  Visit website at www.fyoeventrentals.com.


Name of the Company: Walmart Distribution Center 6091

Jobs Available: Freight Handler/Order Filler.  Full-time, 12 hour shift.  $17.55-$23.55 hour.  Fullfill store orders by pulling merchandise through layer using electronic voice control equipment, stacking on pallets, and completing tasks in other ways.

Method of Contact: Apply online at www.walmart.com (at bottom of homepage, click on careers), or apply online with www.indeed.com.


Name of the Company:  Vance County Public Schools

Jobs Available: Hiring for a Parent Engagement, Displace Families, and Student Liaison.  Full-time.  $24,000 – $30,000 year salary.  Willingness to develop community relationships, and have an understanding of available resources to assist our families.

Method of Contact: Apply online to www.vcs.k12.nc.us – Under programs and services tab at top of page, click on job openings.  Or call Human Resource Office at 252-492-2127.


Name of the Company:  Variety Wholesalers (Roses Stores) Corporate Office, located on Garnett Street in Henderson, NC

Jobs Available: Job Openings (multiple positions) for immediate hire.  Human Resource Coordinator, Payroll Specialist, Accounts Payable Clerk, Associate Buyer, Merchandise Analyst, Various Merchandise Department Buyers.

Method of Contact:  Send resume to poverton@vwstores.com or apply at www.indeed.com.


Name of the Company: Mars Petcare

Jobs Available:  Sanitation Operator – performs cleaning and maintains control over the microbial environment in plant through detailed cleaning of equipment and surfaces, in high-risk areas, and oversees preventive maintenance of all sanitation equipment. High School diploma required.

Method of Contact: Apply through online through NC Works at www.ncworks.gov, or go by the NC Works office in Henderson to apply at 857 South Beckford Drive, Suite G in Henderson.  252-438-6129.


Name of the Company:  First Baptist Church, Henderson, NC

Jobs Available:  Administrative Support Coordinator.  Provide organizational and administrative assistance to church staff, maintain schedules for the use of the building, special events, and assist with printing and distribution of church publications.  Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Publisher, Exel.  Excellent verbal and written skills, interpersonal skills, recordkeeping skills, marketing on social medial.  High School diploma and 2 year college degree preferred. 9-5, Monday to Thursday, 9-noon on Friday.

Method of Contact:  Send resume to Ron Cava, Senior Minister at First Baptist Church. roncava@fbchenderson.net


Some of these businesses are present or past advertisers of WIZS.  Being an ad client is not a condition of being listed or broadcast.  This is not a paid ad.

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Henderson Tobacco Warehouse

The Local Skinny! Painting The Town

Groups of volunteers will be gathering at several city intersections later this week to create decorative crosswalks as downtown revitalization continues.

More volunteers are welcome to participate Wednesday through Saturday, and they should come prepared to get a little bit messy, according to Alexandra Green, vice president and director of operations of Acquest. Acquest joins co-sponsors Henderson Tobacco Warehouse, Vance County Arts and the City of Henderson to bring the project – funded by an AARP Community Challenge grant – to the downtown area.

Green told Bill Harris on Monday’s The Local Skinny!  that volunteers of any age or ability are needed – no artistic talent is required. “Come join us and have some fun,” she said. Volunteers will find themselves painting state symbols like honeybees and dogwood flowers, as well as “giant piano keys” as a nod to Henderson’s contributions to the music scene.

Acquest is based in Baltimore, MD and is currently tackling revitalization efforts of the 87,000-square-foot historic tobacco warehouse on Zene Street, which is within walking distance of downtown.

On Wednesday, volunteers will be painting the crosswalk from 12 noon to 5 p.m. on Zene Street, at Turner and Winder streets.

Thursday’s target is College Street at Montgomery and Arch streets, also from 12 noon to 5 p.m.

The volunteers move to the crosswalk at Zene and Montgomery on Friday – 12 noon to 5 p.m.

The final crosswalk will be created on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Breckenridge and Wyche streets, near McGregor Hall.

Green said the streets will be blocked off during the times that the volunteers will be painting.

Acquest will provide water bottles and snacks for all the crosswalk projects. Volunteers are not required to wear masks, but they should feel free to bring masks if you prefer, given that volunteers may be close to one another during the project.

It’s all part of an overarching plan tcalled the art and heritage walk project that highlights existing art and new creations. Green said it’s just one way to “encourage visitors and locals alike to explore the different areas and historic neighborhoods around downtown with a guided walking experience.

Visit https://facebook.com/events/s/paint-hendersons-streets/523988272450230/ to stay updated on details for the week.



Smart Start

The Local Skinny! Week Of The Young Child Apr. 4-8

FGV Smart Start will celebrate the Week of the Young Child next week with a bevy of activities for families to participate in. The purpose is to focus on the needs of young children and their families and identifying the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs, according to FGV Smart Start Programs Director Garry Daeke.

The week’s activities commence on Monday when FGV staff will “plant” a pinwheel garden at 125 Charles Rollins Rd., Henderson, in observance of Child Abuse Prevention Month.

Two Franklin County-based dental practices – Louisburg Family Dentistry and Kindred Oaks Dentistry will offer free dental screenings for children under 5 years; Drake Dentistry and Granville Family Dentistry will visit daycares in Granville County on Friday, April 8 to perform free screenings as well.

On Tuesday, FGV Smart Start will sponsor a drive-thru event to enroll children in the Dolly Parton Imagination Library program, which delivers books each month to children who sign up. The Tuesday event will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. A second drive-thru signup will take place beside Auto Zone on Dabney Drive on Thursday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. FGV will partner with Perry Memorial Library to host this drive-thru event to sign up for the Imagination Library. Drive-thru participants will receive a bag of materials and information about available services for children, as well as a book for their child.

The Working on Wellness Coalition will join FGV in visiting area daycares on Wednesday, Apr. 6 to share healthy snacks and to participate in outdoor activities with the children. Participating daycares are Little Explorers Academy, Oxford; Great Beginnings, Henderson; St. Paul’s Presbyterian Day Care, Louisburg; and Franklinton United Methodist Church Child Care, Franklinton.

FGV will celebrate Family Friday with a focus on family engagement. Tag FGV on social media by sending photos of you and your child reading or playing to #WOYC2022.




Aycock Elementary Yard Sale to Benefit Kids

There will be a yard sale to benefit youngsters this Saturday at Aycock Elementary School on Carey Chapel Road.  Assistant Principal Donald “DJ” Johnson told WIZS the yard sale will start at 8 a.m. and continue until noon on Saturday.  He said the school is working on a project for the “Young Sprouts” at the school and sprucing up an outdoor learning space in the courtyard of the school to make it more welcoming for the kids.  Johnson said the yard sale will take place in front of the school Saturday from 8 a.m. until noon and that vendors have told him they are bringing a lot of clothes and things for the household.  He also said some of the participating families are bringing yard equipment, and he mentioned jewelry as well.



Home And Garden Show 03-30-22

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Check moisture level of garden soil before tilling that soil
  • Check your fruits trees for cold damage
  • Vegetables you can now plant: Arugula,asparagus,Snap beans,beets,broccoli,cabbage,kale,leeks,bulb onions, irish potatoes,turnips.
  • If fruit has started to form start your fruit spray program
  • Purchase healthy transplants, good color, not pot bound

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The Local Skinny! Around Old Granville: Cemeteries

Whether they are small family plots or large city-owned and maintained properties, cemeteries can reveal a lot about an area’s history and its beginnings. In the Around Old Granville segment of The Local Skinny! Tuesday, Bill Harris and Mark Pace discussed a few prominent cemeteries in the Vance County area, some of which have graves that date back to before the late 1800’s.

But Pace said the oldest known graves are probably in a private cemetery on an estate near Williamsboro called Montpelier. There are graves there from the late 1700’s, he said, as well as at Ashland, the site of the original Henderson family cemetery.

Two of the larger and older cemeteries in Henderson are Blacknall and Elmwood.

A group of prominent Blacks formed the Union Cemetery Company in 1887 and purchased land from the Blackwell family to create a cemetery for African Americans. But how did Blackwell become Blacknall? Pace supposes that somehow the names became confused – if you’ve ever tried to read old handwritten documents, it stands to reason that someone somewhere simply spelled the name incorrectly, thus creating Blacknall Cemetery.

There are still Reavis family graves located in the middle of Blacknall Cemetery, Pace said, because originally it belong to that family. Those graves date back to the 1860’s and ‘70’s.

“It had gotten in bad shape in the 1970’s and ‘80’s,” Pace said. A consortium of civic groups and the city got together and raised awareness about the cemetery and cleaned it up, and it is still in use today, he added.

Elmwood Cemetery, established in 1879, is located at the end of Breckenridge Street. At that time, the dead were buried either in smaller family cemeteries or in church cemeteries. As the city of Henderson grew, the need for more and bigger cemeteries grew as well. The city bought Elmwood in 1935, and there are a number of graves that were relocated there from other cemeteries. Since then, two other sections have been added to expand the cemetery, Pace said.




The Local Skinny! Jobs In Vance

The H-V Chamber of Commerce and WIZS, Your Community Voice, present Jobs in Vance for March 29, 2022. The Chamber compiles the information, and it is presented here and on the radio. Contact the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce at 438-8414 or email christa@hendersonvance.org to be included.

Name of the Company: Vance County Department of Social Services

Jobs Available: Full Time Custodian, Business Officer, Child Support Agents, Social Worker, Income Maintenance Case Worker, Processing Assistant, Income Maintenance Supervisor and Staff Development Specialist

Method of Contact: For more information go to the county website at http://www.vancecounty.org


Name of the Company: Vance County Sheriff’s Office

Jobs Available: Detention Officers, Senior Maintenance Specialist and Kitchen Worker

Method of Contact: For more information go to the county website at http://www.vancecounty.org


Name of the Company:  Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce

Jobs Available:  Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper.  Full-Time.  Quick Books Accounting, Receptionist Duties, Administrative Support.

Method of Contact:  Send resume to michele@hendersonvance.org or Express Employment Professionals at robin.reed@expresspros.com


Name of the Company:  Turning Point Community Development Corporation

Jobs Available:  Group Leader for Children’s Summer Learning Program.  Full-Time, Temporary from June 13-August 5.  Requires an Associate Degree.

Method of Contact:  Send resume to www.turningpointcdc.org/get-involved


 Name of the Company:  Perry Memorial Library

Jobs Available:  Library Assistant – part-time

Method of Contact: For more information go to the Vance County website at http://www.vancecounty.org


Name of the Company:  Boys & Girls Club of North Central North Carolina

Jobs Available: Chief Operating Officer (COO).  Full-Time, must live in Vance, Franklin, Warren, Granville or Halifax County.  Main office will be in Halifax County but travel to other B&G Clubs will be required.  Bachelors Degree and 3 years operations management required.  $60,000+ starting salary. Full Benefits.

Method of Contact:  Apply online at www.indeed.com or send resume to www.bgcncnc.org


Name of the Company: First Baptist Church of Henderson, NC

Jobs Available:  Administrative Assistant.  Full-time. Skills required are communications, publishing, data base management, creativity, general office duties.

Method of Contact: Send resume to fbchurch@fbchenderson.net

Some of these businesses are present or past advertisers of WIZS. Being an ad client is not a condition of being listed or broadcast. This is not a paid ad.

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