Men’s Shelter Open; Donations Needed
The local men’s shelter opened a month ago – one month earlier than last year. That puts Delthine Watson and others who work with Community Partners of Hope closer to their goal of being able to provide emergency housing year-round instead of just during the winter months.
In a recent update, Watson, who is CPOH’s community network specialist, reported that that the shelter has served 14 different men. “One of our guests has been recommended to move to Hope House and his application is being processed now,” Watson said.
But the shelter still needs support from the community, and Watson said there are plenty of ways to help – from signing up to provide a meal to dropping off cases of bottled water and other snacks and even volunteering to staff the shelter when it’s occupied.
“We’ve had amazing responses for meals, but we do need several meals this month,” Watson said. Use THIS LINK to sign up to provide a meal. The greatest needs are this weekend – Nov. 12 and 13, Monday, Nov. 21 and Friday, Nov. 25.
Volunteers who can spend the night should sign up two weeks in advance, she noted. Volunteers are needed for Monday and Thursday nights; this allows paid staff to be scheduled if there’s not enough coverage.
Volunteering overnight provides an opportunity to see the shelter in action and helpsgreatly with expenses, Watson said. Consider volunteering individually or forming a two-person team, she said.
“We are taking extreme cautions to prevent the spread of COVID, but we understand that some are still hesitant to volunteer. Masks are required at all times, hand-washing and sanitizer are emphasized, and of course we maintain safe distance as well,” Watson said.
Details for shelter volunteers are in the signup (CLICK HERE). Watson said she appreciates the coverage that two volunteers from First United Methodist provide for one Thursday night each month and challenges other church groups to consider doing the same for a different night.
Of course, monetary donations always are welcomed, but other things they need to create “go bags” for the clients included bottled water, tea, soft drinks and underwear in all sizes but most especially L, XL, 2X and 3X.
Watson said a complete list of needs is available at
Please do NOT take donations to the shelter. The shelter is closed during the day and staff is busy during the evening hours helping the men who are there for the night.
Instead, call 252.432.9494 to arrange delivery.
Watson currently is working on grant applications, coordinating with other agencies for partnerships and speaking with churches and civic groups. Call or email her to schedule a talk with a community group at 919.339.1462 or