Community Partners of Hope

Men’s Shelter Open; Donations Needed

The local men’s shelter opened a month ago – one month earlier than last year. That puts Delthine Watson and others who work with Community Partners of Hope closer to their goal of being able to provide emergency housing year-round instead of just during the winter months.

In a recent update, Watson, who is CPOH’s community network specialist, reported that that the shelter has served 14 different men. “One of our guests has been recommended to move to Hope House and his application is being processed now,” Watson said.

But the shelter still needs support from the community, and Watson said there are plenty of ways to help – from signing up to provide a meal to dropping off cases of bottled water and other snacks and even volunteering to staff the shelter when it’s occupied.
“We’ve had amazing responses for meals, but we do need several meals this month,” Watson said. Use THIS LINK  to sign up to provide a meal. The greatest needs are this weekend – Nov. 12 and 13, Monday, Nov. 21 and Friday, Nov. 25.

Volunteers who can spend the night should sign up two weeks in advance, she noted. Volunteers are needed for Monday and Thursday nights; this allows paid staff to be scheduled if there’s not enough coverage.

Volunteering overnight provides an opportunity to see the shelter in action and helpsgreatly with expenses, Watson said. Consider volunteering individually or forming a two-person team, she said.

“We are taking extreme cautions to prevent the spread of COVID, but we understand that some are still hesitant to volunteer.   Masks are required at all times, hand-washing and sanitizer are emphasized, and of course we maintain safe distance as well,” Watson said.

Details for shelter volunteers are in the signup (CLICK HERE). Watson said she appreciates the coverage that two volunteers from First United Methodist provide for one Thursday night each month and challenges other church groups to consider doing the same for a different night.

Of course, monetary donations always are welcomed, but other things they need to create “go bags” for the clients included bottled water, tea, soft drinks and underwear in all sizes but most especially L, XL, 2X and 3X.

Watson said a complete list of needs is available at

Please do NOT take donations to the shelter. The shelter is closed during the day and staff is busy during the evening hours helping the men who are there for the night.

Instead, call 252.432.9494 to arrange delivery.

Watson currently is working on grant applications, coordinating with other agencies for partnerships and speaking with churches and civic groups. Call or email her to schedule a talk with a community group at 919.339.1462 or

Home and Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Keep leaves off grass seedlings
  • Plant pansies
  • Clean up your orchards ex. Fallen fruit A good cleanup will help prevent diseases for next year.
  • Avoid pruning
  • Improve your garden soil by adding compost, or shredded leaves to increase organic matter 3 to 4 inches is sufficient.
  • clean up orchards
  • Now is the time to collect soil samples. 3 week analysis Dec 1 fee goes to $4 per sample
  • Plant a tree! Serviceberry, crepe myrtle, kousa dogwood, etc.
  • Kudzu bugs and Asian Lady bugs are on the move to your house.
  • Assess indoor plants, repot as needed.
  • Build a compost bin if you don’t already have one.

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The Local Skinny! Jobs In Vance 11-01-22

The H-V Chamber of Commerce and WIZS, Your Community Voice, present Jobs in Vance for November 1, 2022. The Chamber compiles the information, and it is presented here and on the radio. Contact the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce at 438-8414 or email to be included.

Company Name – Whitco Exterminating

Job Title – Hiring for Pest Control Technicians.  $20 per hour.

How To Apply – Stop by Whitco Termite and Pest Control, located on 123 East Belle Street in Henderson, across from the Henderson Post Office to apply.


Company Name – Rosemyr Corporation, located at 231 South Garnett Street in Henderson.

Job Title – Immediate openings for Accounting Technician and Office Administrator.  For Accounting Technician position, must have a keen eye for detail and the ability to learn quickly, work independently, and complete tasks on time with a high level of accuracy. This position involves making sure timely payments are made and received and posted correctly to vendor and tenant ledgers, monitoring bank activity, reconciling various bank and G/L accounts, and performing general admin duties. Initial responsibilities can be tailored around the individual’s current level of accounting experience, allowing for future growth in the position. Proficiency in MS Excel and basic computer operations is a requirement. A 2-year college degree or higher is preferred but not required.  For Office Administrator position, must have proven administrative experience with excellent written and verbal communication skills.  Must be proficient in MS Office applications and ability to operate general office equipment (copier, scanner, multi-line phone, etc.) High school diploma or equivalent (Required).

How To Apply – Visit this website address to learn more or apply at


Company Name – Chick-fil-A of Henderson.

Job Title – Hiring for all positions.  Anyone 16 and older is welcome to apply, they must be legal to work as we do E-Verify.

How To Apply –  Holding Open Interviews this week, Wednesday & Thursday (November 2nd and November 3rd). The times for interviews are as follows:  Wednesday (11/2): 9:00 am – 11:00 am or Thursday (11/3) 9:00 am – 11:00 am and again at 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm at the Chick-fil-A Restaurant, located at 200 Trade Street, off Dabney Drive in Henderson.

Applicants can also apply anytime by texting “CHICKEN” to (252) 359-3232.


Company Name – Boys and Girls Club of North Central NC

Job Title – Part-time Counselors needed immediately at the Vance County Chapter of the Boys and Girls Club, located at 212 North Clark Street in Henderson.  Hours of employment are 2:30 pm – 7:00 pm Monday-Friday.  Must have a passion for youth and a love of working with young adults elementary, middle and high school.

How To Apply – Contact Evelyn Taylor, Vance County Center Director at 252-438-5830, ext 105 or email resume to


Company Name – Pino’s Italian Restaurant

Job Title – Hiring immediately for all job positions.  Part-time and Full-time.  Restaurant is located at 987 South Beckford Drive, Henderson (Market Place Shopping Center).

How To Apply – Stop by the restaurant to pick up an application or drop off your resume.


Some of these businesses are present or past advertisers of WIZS.  Being an ad client is not a condition of being listed or broadcast.  This is not a paid ad.

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The Local Skinny! COVID-19 Update



There aren’t as many people routinely wearing face masks as there were this time last year, which is one indication that things are improving on the COVID-19 front. Or, perhaps people are just plain tired of wearing masks.

But public health professionals study and analyze the public’s health from a variety of perspectives to make sure people stay as safe as possible from disease. It’s important to know the why’s and wherefore’s, but the bottom line is that fewer cases of COVID-19 places both Vance and Granville counties are in the low community level.

Granville Vance Public Health Director Lisa Harrison and her staff continue to monitor both counties and stay updated on the latest information available.

Both counties, like much of the rest of the state, experienced a real spike in cases in January 2022, but the numbers had begun inching upward by November of 2021. By March 2022, the number of cases had dropped again to about the same levels that were being recorded before the winter surge.

As winter approaches, staying up-to-date on COVID-19 boosters is important, as is getting a flu shot.

Harrison spelled out in her regular COVID-19 update that health professionals must look at indicators other than just numbers of cases.

“Case numbers are not as reliable an indicator as they once were – people can use at-home testing kits and do not report those test results to public health,” she said.

Vaccinations and the all-important boosters also lower the risk of severe illness and death, she said, so looking at trends over time offers a more complete view.

Data indicators that health professionals look at include:

  • Virus particles found in wastewater
  • Emergency room visits for COVID symptoms
  • Health system strain and hospitalizations from COVID-19
  • Vaccines and boosters
  • Surveillance of new Variants
  • CDC COVID-19 community levels by county

And while it’s good news that both counties are in the low community level, Harrison included the following sobering statistics:

Vance County has had 14,655 COVID-19 cases and Granville County has reported 18,006. As for deaths from COVID -19, Vance County reports 130 and Granville County reports 124.

Vaccinations by the numbers:


Vance County

  • 68 percent of those over the age of 5 have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine
  • 63 percent are vaccinated with initial series complete
  •  5 percent have received the new booster
  • 24 percent of those ages 5-11 have gotten at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine
  • 18 percent are vaccinated with initial series complete
  • 52 percent of those ages 12-17 have had at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine
  • 45 percent are vaccinated with initial series complete

Granville County

  • 71 percent of those over 5 years have had at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine
  • 67 percent are vaccinated with initial series complete
  • 6 percent have had the new booster
  • 26 percent of those 5-11 years have had have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine
  • 22 percent are vaccinated with initial series complete
  • 45 percent of those 12-17 years have had at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine
  • 42 percent are vaccinated with initial series complete

Visit the CDC Data Tracker by County and the NCDHHS COVID-19 Dashboard. Relevant graphs from these dashboards are available on our website at

TownTalk: Ghost Hunting With Michael La Chiana


About this time each year, TVs in living rooms everywhere are filled with scary movies and TV shows about spooky things to entertain viewers. But there’s a big difference in the shows that are designed for entertainment and the shows that Michael La Chiana is producing.

La Chiana, a paranormal investigator and researcher, is dedicated documenting the “real” stuff.

His first show, “The Heritage Hunters: Journey Through the Past” was released last year and he told WIZS’s Bill Harris on Wednesday’s TownTalk that it’s already gotten 900,000 views.

His second show is due out next month, he said. The show can be found on Prime Video he said.

There’s nothing wrong with those scary movies and shows about ghosts, but La Chiana said he reminds folks that there IS a difference: “what you see on TV – unless it’s a true documentary,  is not real.”

When he investigates paranormal phenomena, he said he looks at every angle to prove – or disprove – what’s going on.

“I love to debunk everything that I can so I can find real evidence that’s there,” he said. That unexplained creak or pop could be a loose floorboard or clanging water pipe inside a wall.

He is pretty much a one-man production company – he investigates, films, writes, edits, produces – so his second episode has taken a couple of years to complete.

“I’m very thorough and I dig deep,” he said.

The second episode delves into the history of Tom Dooley, who was a real person hanged for a murder in North Carolina back in the 1860’s.

Yes, that Tom Dooley, that the Kingston Trio sang about in their hit song of the same name. La Chiana found Laura Reed, a Nashville recording artist who covered a rock version of the song, and she said he could include it in his show.

“To have original music is great,” he added.

The upcoming episode investigates the jail where Dooley was held for a long time, and La Chiana said he’s “captured so many things over the years.” He uses sophisticated recording equipment during his research and investigation, and said he especially enjoys hearing what he can capture on the audio recordings.

“What we’ve captured is insane,” he said of the upcoming episode featuring the legend of Tom Dooley. “We’ve asked several times ‘Who killed Laura Foster?'” La Chiana said. “We got a male voice telling us the name,” he added.

There’s VP – voice phenomena – that you can hear with your ear – and then there’s EVP – electronic voice phenomena – those sounds that are best heard on audio recordings.

La Chiana said he prefers to investigate alone or with as few people as possible, to be able to stay focused on the presence or disturbances in a particular place.

Future episodes of the show will feature real places, La Chiana said. “Places you can actually go…and check out yourself,” he said.

When he went to investigation the mysterious Brown Mountain Lights in the western part of the state, he said he was intrigued.

Could those lights be a natural phenomenon – an energy that comes up out of the ground?

“It’s very fascinating,” La Chiana said, adding that such phenomena are “not so ghosty and more of a mystery – I like those types of things, too.”





The Local Skinny! Sip And Stroll With The Souls

Looking for a way to get into the “spirit” of All Hallows Eve?

Drop by Louisburg’s historic Oakwood Cemetery Sunday afternoon for “Sip and Stroll with the Souls.”

Dorothy Cooper, one of the organizers of the event, said it should be a fun way to learn more about some of the famous – and not-so-famous – people who are buried there.

It kicks off at 2:30 p.m. and there will be numerous docents on hand to talk about particular people, from Gov. Thomas Walter Bickett to Richard Fenner Yarborough, whose son donated the land that became cemetery property.

“We thought it would be a nice idea to get people into the cemeteries,” Cooper told Bill Harris and Mark Pace on Thursday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

Both Harris and Pace will be participating as docents – Pace will discuss the elder Yarborough and Harris will talk about his Foster family ancestors that are buried in the cemetery. It’s not a ghost tour, or a spiritual tour, Cooper explained, but it’s just a happy coincidence that the tour falls the day before Halloween.

Tickets are $10, and there will be complimentary beverages and baked goodies for those who attend. Proceeds will be used to help with restoration and preservation of the headstones, some of which date back to the Revolutionary War era.

Over time, things do happen in cemeteries – stones fall or are turned over, Cooper said.

Getting people to come to the cemetery and learning about the lives of those whose graves are now marked with beautiful stones is a way to reconnect – and rekindle interest – in the cemetery.

The Oakwood Cemetery is located on N.C. Hwy 39 just outside Louisburg.




Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Compost Your leaves Please Do Not Burn Them
  • Build a frame for a raised bed that you can use next spring
  • Do not let weeds seed out in your garden.
  • Don’t leave gas in mowers or other equipment over the winter.
  • Improve your garden soil by adding compost, or shredded leaves to increase organic matter 3 to 4 inches is sufficient.
  • If planting a hedge or screen planting, select a durable species that doesn’t get too big.
  • Now is the time to collect soil samples. Avoid the rush! 2 week analysis
  • Plant a tree! Serviceberry, crepe myrtle, kousa dogwood, etc.
  • Check stored fruits and vegetables for decay.

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The Local Skinny! Jobs In Vance 10-25-22

The H-V Chamber of Commerce and WIZS, Your Community Voice, present Jobs in Vance for October 25, 2022. The Chamber compiles the information, and it is presented here and on the radio. Contact the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce at 438-8414 or email to be included.

Company Name:  Sadie’s Coffee Corner

Job Title:  Hiring for all positions.  Applicants to work Monday-Friday Shift from 6 am – 10 am, 4 pm – 8 pm.  Saturday shifts open for 7:30 am – 2 pm, or afternoon 2 pm – 7 pm.  Part-time positions are 20 hours per week.  Looking for applicants with a flexible schedule.

How To Apply: Apply online at and fill out application and submit.  You can also come by the store on the corner of Orange and Garnett Street and pick up an application.


Company Name:  Mako Medical Labs

Job Title:  Patient Services Rep/ Phlebotomist- Part Time.  Phlebotomy Certification.  Ability to provide quality, error free work in a fast-paced environment. Ability to work independently with minimal on-site supervision. Excellent phlebotomy skills to include pediatric and geriatric. Flexible and available based on staffing needs, which includes weekends, holidays, on-call and overtime. Must demonstrate superior customer focus; ability to communicate openly and transparently with peers, supervisors and patients; ability to accelerate and embrace change throughout MAKO; and knowledge of the MAKO Way.

How To Apply: Apply online at

Company Name:  Brewer Cycles

Job Title:  Parts Associate.  Full-time. Brewer Cycles is a multi-line dealership that has been in business for 41 years. The position includes but not limited to: Greeting customers in a professional and friendly manner. Working directly with walk-in and telephone customers to help them with their parts needs. Accept cash and credit card payments for purchases and keeping cash register accurate. Make sure merchandise displays are stocked and clean. Recommending related parts. Outstanding customer service skills. Knowledge of power sports vehicles and parts… motorcycles, ATV/UTV, dirt bikes, watercraft, go-karts, pressure washers, and generators. Ability to work Tuesday – Saturday.  Tuesday – Friday hours are 8.30 am – 5.30 pm and on Sat. 8.30 am – 3.00 pm.

How To Apply: Apply in person at Brewer Cycles located on 420 Warrenton Road in Henderson or apply online at


Company Name:  Belk Department Store

Job Title:  Multiple Open Positions at the Henderson NC store.  Sales Team Manager. Looking for the right full-time applicant that will drive results.  Requires a 4-year college degree and retail and leadership experience.  Help drive great service and sales. Provide training and coaching to sales associates, ensure associates exhibit the key service behaviors needed in delivering relentless customer care and motivate and coach sales associates to meet or exceed credit goals. Sales Associate.  Part-time. Experience in retail preferred.  Excellent communication skills required with the ability to use and learn industry technology preferred. Beauty Advisor.  Full-time. Drive sales through customer clienteling to meet and exceed sales goals.  Maintain unpacking and display of products, provide excellent customer service, and expert in product knowledge.

How To Apply: Stop by the Belk Store, 350 North Cooper Drive in Henderson to pick up an application.  Or apply online at


Company Name:  Quality Equipment Company

Job Title:  I/S Field Pro.  Full-time. Provides agronomic solutions and support for the sale and use of John Deere Agriculture Management Solutions (AMS) equipment. Works with all dealership departments to sell and support precision farming products to producers in their trade area. 1+ years of experience in an agricultural-related role with activities such as sales, service, training, or other related work. Prior experience with JD technology and support is preferred or similar customer support role. Certified Crop Advisor accreditation or ability to achieve within 18 months of hire date. Extremely organized, sensitive to deadlines and goals within dealership. Must be driven to achieve results, highly attentive to detail and accuracy. Solid communication skills. Can deal with and effectively resolve challenging customer issues.

How To Apply:  Inquire about position at Henderson store location at 70 John Deere Road or apply online at


Some of these businesses are present or past advertisers of WIZS.  Being an ad client is not a condition of being listed or broadcast.  This is not a paid ad.

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The Local Skinny! Granville Co. Beekeepers Are Abuzz With Events

Christina Henthorn stays as busy as the proverbial bee, and this weekend she and fellow bee enthusiasts are putting on a couple of events that will serve several purposes, not the least of which is to provide the community with some great entertainment.

Bring the family to a free event on Saturday, Oct. 29 at Highrock Farm, located just outside Oxford on Enon Road, for the inaugural “Bees and Boos.” This event features outdoor games and trick-or-treating for the children and more than 30 vendors and other activities sure to please. There will be a table set up where tickets may be purchased, which creates a carnival-like atmosphere, she said.

There will be freshly pressed cider and a do-it-yourself candy apple station, thanks to a generous donation of apples from Moore’s Produce in Stovall, Henthorn said.

The first part of the Saturday doubleheader is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., she told John C. Rose on Monday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

The Lord Granville Association will bring its locally famous hit-or-miss ice cream maker and the Model A Car Club will wheel in some of its vehicles for folks to admire.

The second part of this double feature begins at 6 p.m. with a costume party and concert by Nashville recording artist Zach Top. This kicks off what Henthorn hopes will become an annual “Hum of the Hive” concert series.

Not interested in wearing a costume? No problem, Henthorn noted. “Costume or not, everyone is welcome,” she said. Honey Girl Meadery will bring their mead, which is like honey wine, and a local brewery will bring a beer made with Granville County honey.

“This is not a 21 and over show,” Henthorn said of the evening event, but ID will be checked at the door.

“All proceeds go to N.C. State’s endowment for honeybee research,” she said, adding that the university conducts world-renown research on the little pollinators. Beekeeper associations across the state are helping to raise funds to establish an endowment to ensure that NCSU continues its apiary work.

Can’t make it to the event but want to contribute? Again, not a problem.

“We want to involve everyone around the state,” Henthorn said. “If you can’t make it, you can buy a ticket for a veteran.” Any tickets purchased for veterans will be taken to a military history event being held at the Henderson-Oxford airport Saturday, where they will be donated.

The Granville County Beekeepers, known for its summertime Bee Jubilee, is branching out to create a fall event that focuses on the importance of bees in everyday life. The honeybee was named North Carolina’s official State Insect in 1973 because of its critical role in pollination of the variety of crops produced in the state.

“Raising awareness is just as important” as fundraising, Henthorn said. But she says this weekend’s emphasis is on the “fun” part of fundraising.

Visit Granville County Beekeepers Facebook or the Visit Granville County tourism page to find out all the details.

And visit to learn more about the endowment.



The Local Skinny! Maria Parham To Host Breast Cancer Screening

As part of its observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Maria Parham Health is offering free clinical exams to promote education, prevention and early detection.

MPH Cancer Center Director Kim Smith said staff will be available to walk participants through the process, literally greeting you as you walk into the hospital and then making sure the process goes smoothly. The screening event will take place Thursday, Oct. 27 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

There will be snacks and other goodies, as well as giveaways and door prizes, too, and Smith encourages women to bring their families, neighbors or anyone who may benefit.

“Knowledge is definitely power,” echoes hospital social worker Hope Breedlove. Whether the news is all good, or whether there needs to be some follow-up diagnostic care, “knowing what we need to do to be healthier gives us a sense of power in our lives,” Breedlove said.

Both women spoke with John C. Rose on Thursday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

Anyone who attends the event will be seen, a doctor will discuss the results with the client and then staff will review any next steps that need to be taken. Follow-up care will be scheduled if necessary.

In addition to the exams, the event is designed to educate people about how to be healthy, Smith said. “We know that early detection is what saves lives,” she said, while stressing the importance of getting screenings done in a timely fashion.

Smith said staff will walk participants through the entire process, “and provide support every step of the way.”

This event, as with previous events, requires no advance registration and follows COVID-19 recommendations, including wearing masks to maintain a safe environment for all.