Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Remove dead plant debris from the landscape and garden. This will help prevent diseases from overwintering and being a problem next year.
  • Except for perennial flowers, which can support beneficial insects.
  • Check Christmas tree water reservoirs daily
  • Visit public gardens over the winter.
  • Keep poinsettia looking good during the holidays and place them in bright light but not direct sunlight. Avoid cold drafts,heat vents. Don’t over water.
  • Continue planting trees and shrubs.
  • Soil samples are now In peak season they are $4 per sample.
  • Continue planting pansies.
  • Start ordering your seed catalogs or go online to seed company websites.

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The Local Skinny! Local Filing Period Now Open

The filing period is now open for the 2024 elections. Vance County voters will elect four members of the county commissioners and four members of the board of education.

So far, neither incumbents nor challengers have filed. The filing period opened Monday, Dec. 4 at 12 noon and will close on Friday, Dec. 15 at 12 noon, according to Vance County Board of Elections Director Jennifer Cocklin.

County commissioners in districts 1,2,5 and 6 will be elected. Carolyn Faines holds the District 1 seat, Archie Taylor holds the District 2 seat, Leo Kelly is in District 5 and Yolanda Feimster is the District 6 commissioner.

Kelly filed on Tuesday, Dec. 5 for the District 5 seat.

Candidates for county commissioner will pay a $138.59 filing fee, payable by check, and must present a valid photo ID, live in the district they wish to file for and be 21 years old by Election Day. Primary Elections will be held on March 5 and the general election is slated for Nov, 5, 2024.

Candidates for school board will pay a $72 filing fee. Seats in Districts 1,3,4 and 5 will be up for election.

Cocklin clarified that any filing fee more than $50 must be paid by check.

Currently, Gloria White represents District 1, Dorothy Gooch represents District 3, Ed Wilson represents District 4 and Linda Cobb represents District 5.

Additional information can be found on the Vance County Board of Elections website:  https://www.vancecounty.org/departments/board-of-elections/upcoming-candidate-filing-information/.




The Local Skinny! Christmas Pop Up Shop To Support Domestic Violence Victims

A local nonprofit organization that assists victims of domestic violence and sexual assault is sponsoring a Christmas Bazaar on Sunday, Dec. 10 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Kearah’s Place, located at 946 W. Andrews Ave., Suite O, is hosting the pop-up fundraiser which includes pictures with Santa, a silent auction and a number of vendors.

More than 1,000 have been helped over the past 10 years at Kearah’s Place, said Jasmine Bryant, executive director.

Kearah’s Place, online at www.kearahsplace.org, partners with numerous local agencies to help victims of domestic violence and sexual assault as they work through difficult times and strive to become self-sufficient.

“We want to support people in need…and empower people to grow better instead of bitter,” Bryant said on Monday’s segment of The Local Skinny! In addition to providing transitional housing, Kearah’s Place provides a range of victim advocacy services, as well as job skills workshops and more to help individuals get back on their feet, Bryant said. Call the office at 252.598.2025 to find out how Kearah’s Place can help.

Interested in becoming a vendor? There’s still time and space, said administrative assistant Courtney Anthony. “We have room for plenty more – the more the merrier,” Anthony said.

Contact Anthony at 252.204.8079 to learn more or email her at Canthony.kearahsplace@gmail.com.



The Local Skinny! Pop The Hood: Vehicle Winterization




It took a little while, but it finally seems like winter weather is upon us. As nighttime temperatures dip below freezing and daytime highs hovering in the 40s and 50s, it may seem an unlikely time to wash your vehicle.

But one last wash and wax can add a layer of protection against winter precipitation, not to mention the icy, salty mess that other vehicles can sling as we make our way across roads and interstates.

It’s just one area of protection your car or truck needs to keep you safe this season, and Advance Auto Parts has all the supplies you need to check off all the items on that winterization checklist.

Check your tires for excessive wear. And grab a tire pressure gauge at Advance to make sure those tires are properly inflated. As temperatures cool off, so does the air inside those tires, and you may need to add air.

District General Manager Michael Puckett invites you to stop by the Raleigh Road store or the store just off Dabney Drive if you need help to check wiper blades or batteries.

It takes just a few minutes to check a battery, and the folks at Advance will be happy to replace most vehicle batteries; some are recommended to have a professional installation, Puckett noted.

And while they don’t usually check to make sure the antifreeze is adequate for the cold weather, Puckett said he’s happy to help a customer take a look at it to tell whether it’s ok. There are several sizes of testers at Advance to help vehicle owners determine if they have the proper strength of antifreeze.

A few quick maintenance checks – with the help of the team at Advance Auto Parts – can save a wintry headache down the road.


For all your automotive needs, be sure to visit your local Advance Auto Parts or shop online at AdvanceAutoParts.com.

The information contained in this audio on air and online as well as the wizs.com web post is not advice from Advance Auto Parts or WIZS.  Safety First!  Always seek proper help. This is presented for its informational value only and is part of a paid advertising sponsorship.




Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Compost your leaves this year! DO NOT BURN LEAVES
  • Inspect shade trees now that leaves have fallen.
  • Select NC Christmas Trees!
  • Monitor soil moisture on any fall planted trees/shrubs
  • Use greenery from your landscape when decorating this year.
  • Include NC products in your holiday celebrations.
  • Bring soil samples to Cooperative Extension TODAY
  • Consider getting mowers serviced now.
  • Consider Gardening books or garden tools for Gardeners on your Gift list.
  • Consider how your landscape looks through the winter.
  • Keep leaves off newly planted grass
  • Check mower height on lawn mowers and replace blades.

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The Local Skinny! Maria Parham Health Receives Medicaid Expansion Funds

Maria Parham Health joins more than 100 hospitals in the state’s 70 rural counties to share close to $2.6 billion federal funds that will be used to provide support as the state rolls out Medicaid expansion.

Friday, Dec. 1 marks the start date for NC DHHS to launch the Medicaid expansion across North Carolina, meaning an estimated 600,000 people will be eligible for full Medicaid coverage. Almost 300,000 people currently with limited Medicaid family planning benefits will automatically be enrolled.

In a statement to WIZS News, MPH Public Information Officer Donna Young said “Maria Parham Health is proud to join hospitals and health systems statewide in celebrating the launch of Medicaid expansion.” The Healthcare Access and Stabilization Program (HASP) funds enable hospitals to pay for the non-federal share costs of Medicaid expansion efforts, and will “strengthen the state’s healthcare delivery network and ensure greater access to healthcare, especially for those residing here in Vance County,” Young stated.

“These payments to hospitals are a lifeline and critical as we work to strengthen rural hospitals and health systems in North Carolina,” said NC HHS Secretary Kody H. Kinsley. “The money will ensure people covered by Medicaid and Medicaid expansion have access to comprehensive physical and behavioral health care services in the communities they live in.”

Gov. Roy Cooper called Medicaid expansion “a monumental achievement that will save lives and provide better health care while sending billions to our economy.” “We’re beginning to see the real-life impacts of this extraordinary win for North Carolinians through these first payments to our rural hospitals that have been struggling for years to keep their doors open,” Cooper stated.

Medicaid expansion and HASP will be financed through new assessments on North Carolina hospitals and will allow the state to draw down more than $8 billion each year from the federal government based on expected ultimate expansion enrollment. This will have a historic impact on individuals across the state, including the more than 4.6 million people living in one of the 70 rural counties across North Carolina.

The HASP payments are calculated based on in-network Medicaid managed care payments to acute care hospitals, critical access hospitals, hospitals owned or controlled by the University of North Carolina Health Care System and ECU Health Medical Center.

To learn more about Medicaid enrollment and eligibility, call the MPH helpline at 252.923.3747 or visit www.mariaparham.com/medicaid.



Vance County NC

Vance County Manager Thanks Staff Leadership Team

The new county manager for Vance County, Renee Perry, started November 1, 2023, and on November 20 as a Board of Commissioners work session wrapped up, she gave thanks to county staff and named her leadership team.

“I’m coming up on week three, and I just wanted to sing high praises to staff. They’ve been wonderful with helping me get acclimated, and I would just say that Vance County has some jewels and especially in administration,” Perry said. Perry said her leadership team consists of the following:

  • Finance Director – Katherine S. Bigelow, CPA
  • Human Resources Director – Argretta Johen
  • Clerk to the Board/Executive Assistant – Kelly H. Grissom
  • Special Projects Coordinator – Frankie Nobles

In the mid-October announcement by the Board of Commissioners of Perry’s appointment, Board Chair Yolanda Feimster stated that a recruitment process over the summer resulted in Perry’s selection and that Perry “will assist the board in continuing to achieve its ongoing goals as well as execute major capital projects.”

Perry Memorial Library

The Local Skinny! Events At Perry Memorial Library

The Perry Memorial Library has a flurry of events planned between Thanksgiving and Christmas, providing lots of interactive activities for the whole family.

Youth Services Director Melody Peters invites patrons to take the long way in to the library and enjoy reading a story along the sidewalk outside and lingering among the lovely Festival of Trees exhibit in the Gallery between the library entrance and McGregor Hall.

The library will be closed Thursday through Sunday, but come Monday, Nov. 27, activities at the library are going to be heating up.

The StoryWalk, Peters explained, is geared toward those preschool-aged children. Families can join in the fun and get in a little exercise while they read a book, panel by panel, along the sidewalk.

“It’s just a fun activity,” Peters said on Tuesday’s The Local Skinny! “This is a good way to build in exercise…and read a story along the way,” Peters said. The StoryWalk will be up for a month for all to enjoy.

On Tuesday, Dec. 12, at 4 p.m., Durham-based StoryUp! Aerial Theater will perform the classic fable of The Lion and the Mouse. “It’s like going to the circus, but then imagine theater,” Peters said, sort of a mini Cirque de Soleil with aerial artists interpreting the story that’s basically about being kind.

The library is launching another story time beginning Thursday, Dec. 7 for elementary-age children, Peters said. She hopes the 3:30 p.m. time slot will be just right to get children engaged before they head off to tackle homework assignments or Lego Club.

These books will be a little longer than those selected for younger children’s shorter attention spans, she said. The theme for December will focus on different holiday traditions. First up is a book titled “Hershel and the Hannukah Goblins.”

She said she plans to incorporate this new story time offering as a way to encourage children of all ages to enjoy being read to.

Consider embracing your inner crafter on Saturday, Dec. 16 when the library opens up for all ages to join in a variety of crafts for the whole family.

Speaking of crafts, the Mother Goose story time slot is giving way in December to make-and-take craft activities for those kiddos birth to 5 years, Peters noted. “We’ll take a break in December and offer…crafts,” she said. And while they may just seem like fun activities, there’s a lot of learning going on. Stringing cereal on a pipe cleaner involves developing that pincer grasp, as well as sorting by colors. “There’s so much learning happening,” Peters said.

Learn about all the services and programs at Perry Memorial Library at www.perrylibrary.org.




The Local Skinny! Franklin County Releases Historic Architecture Book

The much-awaited Franklin County architectural history book has been published and is ready for purchase, just in time for Christmas.

The books are $60 and feature more than 400 photos and list 800 properties of interest throughout the county.

There will be a special book release party at the Louisburg Senior Center, 279 S. Bickett Blvd.,  on Monday, Dec. 4 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Books will be on sale at the event, and also will be available for sale at the various library branches in the county, said WIZS’s own Bill Harris, who also serves as chair of the Franklin County Historical Preservation Commission.

The book is the result of a comprehensive survey conducted before the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, which slowed the process of completing the book.

The previous survey undertaken by the state preservation office was completed in the 1970’s, but didn’t result in a book, he said.

Now, half a century later, this most recent survey includes properties that would not have been considered historically significant back in the 1970’s, Harris explained.

There also was an effort to focus on the southern part of Louisburg, which had not been thoroughly considered in the previous survey, he noted.

The book’s main editor is J. Daniel Pizzone, but there were numerous others who contributed to the completion of the book, Harris said. It was published in Oxford by BW&A Books.

Copies of the book are available now at the following locations:


  • Central Library, 906 North Main St., Louisburg
  • Bunn Branch Library, 610 Main St., Bunn
  • Franklinton Branch Library 9 West Mason St., Franklinton
  • Youngsville Branch Library, 218 US-1A Hwy. South, Youngsville
  • Franklin County Planning & Inspections Department, 127 S. Bickett Blvd., Louisburg




The Local Skinny! Pop The Hood: Warming Your Engine

For our sponsor, Advance Auto Parts, as part of a paid radio sponsorship on WIZS.

The information contained in this post is not advice from Advance Auto Parts or WIZS.  Safety First!  Always seek proper help.  This is presented for its informational value on and is part of a paid advertising sponsorship.

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