Henderson Police Department

CURFEW 9 p.m. on Feb. 13 until 6 a.m. Feb. 14

The County of Vance and the City of Henderson have declared a State of Emergency due to the current weather conditions. The State of Emergency includes a curfew that begins at 9PM tonight and ends at 6AM tomorrow morning.

The purpose of the curfew is due to power outages, road conditions, and the possibility of more falling trees/branches/and ice. These conditions can, especially at night, cause grave danger to our citizens and to the emergency workers.

The curfew does not apply to emergency personnel who are responding to calls, essential health care workers, utility repair workers, or any who is required to report to their place of work during the posted hours.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Marcus W. Barrow

Chief of Police

Henderson Police Department

Henderson, N.C.


THANK YOU for being on WIZS.com!  We sincerely appreciate your attention and support.

ALL closings and delays we gather for this weather event will be shared on our Facebook page.


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Henderson City Council Strategic Planning Retreat Rescheduled

The Henderson City Council’s Strategic Planning Retreat, which was postponed a few days because of the weather, has now been rescheduled for Wednesday.

On February 3, 2021 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. at City Hall, the annual meeting will take place.  A quorum of council members is likely, but no decisive actions will take place during the meeting.

A public notice from City Clerk Esther McCrackin says the public can observe via Zoom and provides the following information:


Meeting ID: 825 8232 8369
Passcode: 091682
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,82582328369#,,,,*091682# US (Chicago)
+19292056099,,82582328369#,,,,*091682# US (New York)

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keuOAsOSML


Closings and Delays

Thank you for choosing to make WIZS.com part of your day.  Remember WIZS, Your Community Voice on air at 100.1 FM and 1450 AM or our Live Radio Stream.  We are announcing closings and delays on air.

Closings and Delays are being posted at facebook.com/wizsradio.

We will tweet entries as well as twitter.com/wizsradio.

Below freezing temperatures will result in a refreeze the evening of Jan 28th into the morning of January 29th.

National Weather Service

Threat of Stormy Weather Christmas Eve

The latest National Weather Service briefing includes the possibility of stormy, maybe even severe, weather for the WIZS area.

You can always see the Latest Briefing of from the National Weather Service by clicking this link.


While the strongest, most wide-spread weather is expected along and east of the I-95 corridor as of this posting (at 9:30pm Wednesday), the fact remains the severe threat has shifted closer to our area in the last 24 hours.  Does it shift closer, stay the same or move more to the east?  Those facts and the timing will be revealed Thursday as the frontal boundary approaches.

The big questions are how warm and unstable it becomes in Vance County on Thursday, how far down the strongest winds aloft can reach towards the surface and if the greatest instability and “supercell” thunderstorms stay more to the east.

For now, the latest forecast, courtesy of the National Weather Service: Click here or read below for the period Thurs-Sat.

Thursday: Showers, with thunderstorms also possible after 1pm. High near 64. South wind 10 to 18 mph, with gusts as high as 36 mph. Chance of precipitation is 100%. New rainfall amounts between a half and three quarters of an inch possible.

Thursday Night: Showers and possibly a thunderstorm before 1am, then a chance of showers. Low around 31. South wind 14 to 18 mph becoming west after midnight. Winds could gust as high as 36 mph. Chance of precipitation is 90%. New rainfall amounts between three quarters and one inch possible.

Christmas Day: Mostly sunny, with a high near 35. West wind 11 to 14 mph, with gusts as high as 23 mph.

Friday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 18. West wind 6 to 9 mph.

Saturday: Sunny, with a high near 40.

Saturday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 24.

Sunday: Sunny, with a high near 50.

Granville County Public Schools

Granville County Public Schools Schedule, Delay 12-16-20

— courtesy of Granville County Public Schools; written by Dr. Stan Winborne, GCPS

Tomorrow, Wednesday, December 16 is a remote learning day for all students, and the first day of our temporary transition to Plan C.

However, tomorrow is also the first day for our traditional high school students to report to their school in-person to take their state mandated final exams. Schools have communicated these exam schedules to individual students.

That being said, the National Weather Service has Granville County under a winter weather advisory with possible freezing rain and ice tomorrow morning. So, as a precaution, our high schools will operate on a 2 hour delay for all students who will be taking their exams tomorrow. We will be monitoring the weather closely throughout the evening and early morning hours and provide any additional updates as needed.

Again, tomorrow is a remote learning day for all students EXCEPT our high school students who will need to take their state final exams in person, but at this time those high school students will report to school with a 2 hour delay.

Thank you and please be safe!

Dr. Stan Winborne
Assistant Superintendent of Operations & Human Resources
Public Information Officer
Granville County Public Schools

Hurricane Isaias

Hurricane Isaias Has Potential to Impact Local Area Beginning Monday Morning


From Brian Short, director of Henderson-Vance Emergency Operations:

While Hurricane Isaias, at this point, is expected to be mainly a coastal event, it is still days away and a slight jog to the left could change our local level of impact significantly. Isaias is also expected to reach category 2 status prior to impact. At its current forward speed, we could begin to feel the impacts of the storm as soon as early Monday morning.

Henderson-Vance Emergency Operations has been monitoring this system for the past few days with great interest and will continue to do so going forward. Everyone is encouraged to continue to watch this storm closely and to begin basic preparedness activities if they have not already done so.

Today, we began our pre-storm activities and will escalate them over the coming days, implementing certain emergency protective measures if and when they are needed.

Keep in mind that we are now entering peak hurricane season, and the tropics have already been very active. The time to prepare is now and not when the winds begin to blow.

In addition to non-perishable food and water, hurricane emergency supply kits should include:

• First-aid kit
• Weather radio and batteries
• Prescription medicines
• Sleeping bag or blankets
• Changes of clothes
• Hygiene items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, soap and deodorant
• Cash
• Pet supplies including food, water, bedding, leashes, muzzle and vaccination records.

If you live in a storm surge hurricane evacuation zone or if you’re in a home that would be unsafe during a hurricane, figure out where you’d go and how you’d get there if told to evacuate.

We will continue to issue additional updates as they are received or our situation changes.

Please follow Vance County Emergency Operations on Facebook to stay informed on current preparedness efforts and other storm-related information.

More information on severe weather and hurricane preparedness is located at www.ReadyNC.org.

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Happy 4th of July Weekend!

WIZS – Your Community Voice

1450 AM / 100. 1 FM

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Town Talk 05/28/20: Temporary Order Allowing Indoor Church Worship Ends – Now What?

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

On Thursday’s edition of Town Talk, WIZS’s John Charles Rose and Trey Snide discuss the end of the 14-day order that allowed churches to hold services inside and whether places of worship have a choice going forward.

The discussion was a follow-up to yesterday’s posting on www.wizs.com.

Worship Broadcasts on WIZS Sunday, March 15th

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

The following are worship broadcasts that aired on WIZS on Sunday, March 15th.  Please scroll down and click to listen.

6:00 – 7:00am ~ Joy Christian Center

7:15 – 7:30am ~ Cooks Chapel AME Zion Church

7:45 – 8:00am ~ Walking In The Word with Gloria Ragland

8:15 – 8:30am ~ Blessed Trinity Ministries

8:30 – 9:00am ~ The Calvary Baptist Church

10:00 – 10:30am ~ First Presbyterian Church

10:30 – 11:00am ~ The Help Center

11:00am – 12:00pm ~ Victory Baptist Church

2:00 – 3:00pm ~ The First Baptist Church

3:00 – 4:00pm ~ Eastside Baptist Church

5:00 – 5:30pm ~ Blessed Hope Baptist Church