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Who: Carolina United for Change
What: The 2025, 3rd Annual Torch Awards. Appearances will be made by Alice Sallins, Tracy Madigan along with Dasha Stutson. Band Performance by Just Friends.
When: Sunday, March 16th, 2025. Doors open at 4pm
Where: Southern Charm Events Center, 200 S. Garnett St. Henderson, NC 27536
Why: To celebrate our exceptional community members achievements and dedication!
Fee: Admission is $30
Who: ACTS – Area Christians Together in Service
What: Fish Fry Fundraiser – Trout Dinner including fish, fries, slaw
When: Monday, March 17 from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m.
Where: 220 Seafood Restaurant – 1812 Norlina Road
Why: For continued support of the local food bank
Cost: $10 per plate; Tickets available locally but it’s Take Out Only and you can just drive up and pay
Who: The Henderson-Vance Downtown Development Commission
What: Shamrocks on Breckenridge. Hot Dogs, Chips, Cookies and Drink for the first 200 people. Entertainment by DJ Brian Dawson.
When: March 17th, 2025. From 5pm-7pm
Where: Downtown Henderson
Fee: Free Event
Who: Bridge to Peace Vance County, in collaboration with the NC Department of Public Safety’s Governors Crime Commission and the NC Office of Violence Prevention
What: Vance County Community Listening Session – “Breaking the Cycle” A Community-Driven Approach to Ending Violence. Everyone is welcome to attend. Refreshments will be served.
When: Monday March 17th, 2025. From 6pm-8pm
Where: Southern Charm Event Center, 200 S. Garnett St., Henderson, NC 27536
Why: To have a powerful conversation on building a safer, stronger Vance County.
Fee: No fee
Who: The GOP of Vance County
What: Vance County 2025 GOP Convention
When: March 20th, 2025. Starting at 6pm.
Where: Clearview Church, 3485 US-158 Bus, Henderson, NC 27537
Why: To elect officers for this year as well as our yearly slate of Delegates and alternates to the District and State Conventions. If you are interested in running for one of the elected offices of the VCGOP, please attend!
Offices up for election:
– Chairman
– Vice Chairman
– Secretary
– Treasurer
– Finance Committee Chair
– 6 At Large Voting Executive Board members
– Legal Counsel
Fee: No fee to attend
Contact: The GOP of Vance County
Phone/email: (252) 432-3436
Who: North Henderson Baptist Church
What: BBQ Chicken plate sale. The plate will consist of 1/2 a BBQ Chicken, boiled potatoes, green beans, bread and dessert. Drinks will be available if you eat in.
When: Saturday, March 22nd from 4-7pm
Where: North Henderson Baptist Church, 1211 N Garnett St, Henderson, NC 27536
Fee: Plates will be $10 each
Contact: Eddie Nutt for more information
Phone/email: (252) 438-8012 or
Who: The Granville, Vance, and Warren alumni chapters of Shaw University
What: Celebration Event – Shaw Day
When: Saturday, March 29th, 2025. From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: Spring Street Missionary Baptist Church, 511 Orange St. in Henderson.
Why: To celebrate education, faith and community impact.
Fee: No fee
Who: Union Chapel Church of Kittrell
What: Spaghetti Dinner
When: Saturday, March 29th. Take out plates will be available from 4pm-8pm. Eat-in plates will be available from 4:30pm-7:30pm.
Where: Tony’s 50’s Diner, 415 Raleigh Rd, Henderson, NC 27536
Why: Proceeds will support the Kittrell Tent Revival
Fee: Eat-in plates are $15.00 each and will include Spaghetti, salad, bread, drinks and ice cream bar. Take out plates are $10.00 each and will include Spaghetti and Salad.
Contact: For Tickets or more information, contact any of the following people: Tony Sanford (252) 492-9993, Jennifer Eatmon (252) 432-9090, Alice Braswell (252) 492-0882 or Edward Woodlief (252) 767-4044
Who: The Granville County Historical Museum
What: Art Unveiling and Reception. The public is invited to attend.
When: The reception is on Sunday, April 6th from 2:00 to 4:00 PM
Where: Granville County Historical Museum at 1 Museum Lane in Oxford.
Why: To honor noted Granville County historian Mark Pace.
Fee: No Fee
Contact: For more information contact Toni Anne Wheeler at the museum or Frank Timberlake.
Phone/email: Toni Anne Wheeler – (919) 693-9706. Frank Timberlake – (919) 805-0055.
Who: St. John Baptist Church
What: Pastoral Installation for Rev. Cora Vass Boyd. Guest speaker Reverend Chad Armstrong, Pastor of Phillips Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, NC.
When: Sunday, April 6th, 2025 starting at 4pm.
Where: St. John Baptist Church, 490 Jacksontown Road, Middleburg, NC.
Why: To celebrate and induct Pastor-elect, Rev. Cora Vass Boyd as pastor of St. John Baptist Church.
Fee: No fee
Contact: St. John Baptist Church for more information.
Phone/email: (252) 438-8844
Who: New Providence Christian Missionary Baptist Church
What: 220 Fundraiser, Get a plate which includes, Trout, coleslaw, hushpuppies and fries. Take Out Only.
When: Monday, April 7th, 2025 from 4pm-7pm
Where: 220 Restaurant, 1812 N Garnett St, Henderson, NC 27536
Fee: Donation is $10
Contact: Minister Rosa Marks for more information or for tickets
Phone/email: (252) 213-7076
Who: Invision Diagnostics
What: Pink with a Passion Event. FREE 3D Mammograms! The Mammogram Bus will be onsite, offering 25 free screenings! A Tree of Hope Ceremony – A special moment of remembrance & strength. Live Band, DJ, Food Trucks, Vendors, & Kid-Friendly Activities – A full day of fun, connection, and celebration!
When: Saturday, April 12th, 2025. From 9AM-2PM
Where: Warren County Recreation Complex, 840 US-158 BYP Warrenton, NC 27589
Why: To offer free mammogram tests and to honor those affected by breast cancer.
Fee: No fee
Contact: To schedule a 3-D mammogram test
Phone/email: Go to
Who: North Henderson Baptist Church
What: Their annual Easter Egg Hunt. There will also be a free hotdog lunch provided.
When: April 19 at 11am
Where: North Henderson Baptist Church, 1211 N. Garnett St. in Henderson
Fee: No fee
Contact: Eddie Nutt
Phone/email: (252) 438-8012 or
Who: First United Methodist Church of Henderson
What: Tag Sale
When: Every Tuesday and Thursday from 11AM-1PM. Please enter through the Church Office entrance, and a volunteer will guide you through several rooms of the Tag Sale.
Where: First United Methodist Church of Henderson, 114 Church St, Henderson, NC 27536
Why: All proceeds from the Tag Sale ministry go to support the missions of the United Women in Faith. These missions include the following: Hand-in-Hand, Soup Kitchen, Pinkston Street Elementary Weekend Packs, Area Christians Together in Service (ACTS), the Boys & Girls Club, Lifeline, Community Partners of Hope, Good Neighbor Fund, YMCA Children’s Programs, NC Conference Missions, Methodist Home for Children, and United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR).
Contact: FUMC of Henderson for more information or Tom Church if a shopping time beyond these hours is needed.
Phone/email: FUMC – (252) 438-8791. Tom Church – (252) 432-3845 or
Who: Vance County Housing Authority at Lincoln Height Apartments
What: Accepting applications for two and three bedroom apartments. Applicants will need to bring original birth certificates and original social security cards for everyone on the application. They must also bring a photo ID for everyone over 18. Applications must be completed in the office.
When: Applications are accepted on Tuesdays, 9:00 am until 3:00 pm
Where: 224 Lincoln St, Henderson, NC 27536
Contact: Lincoln Height Apartments for more information
Phone/email: (252) 438-6127
Who: The Salvation Army
What: Food distribution through their food pantry
When: Mondays and Wednesdays 9:00am-3:00pm, Thursday 9:00am-12:00pm
Where: The Salvation Army of Henderson, 2292 Ross Mill Rd, Henderson, NC 27537
Why: Providing food assistance to area families in need
Fee: No fee
Contact: The Salvation Army of Henderson if you would like to volunteer
Phone/email: 252-438-7107