Home And Garden Show
On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.
- If you have brushy areas you can clean that brush out now because you can see what you are cutting.
- Be very cautious about using bulk manure or hay as a mulch or amendment in your garden due to the risk of herbicide carryover.
- Check house plants for insects and rotate your plants around your table to maintain their shape.
- Get ready to fertilize your tall fescue lawn. Pick up a slow release turf fertilizer for application in mid-Feb. It’s fine to use one combined with crabgrass preventer, but I recommending avoiding other combinations.
- Prepare your pruning equipment because pruning season is fast approaching.
- You may want to go ahead and make sure any power equipment you will need this spring starts easily and runs well. If not, you still have time to service it before spring.
- Check seedlings growing indoors, light and moisture are key.
- If you have fruit trees, do some research on proper pruning techniques. Call us for reference materials, or check the internet for instructional videos.
- Plan on growing a new vegetable this year that you haven’t grown before.