Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 05/09/16

Cooperative Extension with Jean Bell 05/05/16

Animal Kingdom Show 05/04/16

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 05/04/16

Home and Garden Show 05/03/16

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 05/03/16

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 05/02/16

“Walk the Beat” with the Henderson PD

On May 2nd, the Henderson Police Department is launching a new initiative called “Walk the Beat.” At designated times throughout the day, members of the Henderson Police Department will be out and about in the downtown area. This is in addition to our normal patrols. Officers will be joining the growing number of downtown walkers, runners, and cyclists in hopes of becoming healthier, and to invigorate the use of our attractive downtown landscape.

This will be a 7 day a week event and starting at 6am-9am, 12noon-2pm, and 5pm-7pm.

If you have any questions regarding the program please feel free to contact Lt. Chris Ball @ (252)431-6069.

Cooperative Extension with Jean Bell 04/28/16

Alliance Against Crime 04/27/16