Henderson Optimist Club Hosts Annual Respect for Law Enforcement Banquet

On July 25th the Henderson Optimist Club held their annual Respect for Law Enforcement Banquet at the Henderson Country Club.

Representatives were on hand from the Henderson Police Department, North Carolina Highway Patrol, Henderson Fire Department, Vance County Fire Department and EMS, Vance County Animal Services and the Kerr Lake Park Rangers to receive awards for department representative of the year.

Britt Sams, vice president of the Henderson Optimist Club, was on hand to assist with the award presentations.

Award Recipients by department are listed below:

Vance County Sheriff’s Office

Sergeant Donald R. Roberson Jr.

Henderson Police Department

Sergeant David Elliot

North Carolina Highway Patrol

Trooper J.A. Thomas

Henderson Fire Department


Battalion Chief Doug Owen

Vance County Fire/EMS

Fireman Latrel Fields

Vance County Animal Services

Officer William Spain

Kerr Lake Park Rangers

Ranger William D. Stanley


Notes: Trooper J.A. Thomas has nominated by Sergeant Jeff Rowan for leading the State of North Carolina in DWI arrests for three consecutive years. Trooper Thomas patrols the Vance, Granville and Warren County areas.

Fireman Latrel Fields received his award for completing 18 months worth of training in seven.

Ranger William D. Stanley thanked the Henderson Optimist Club and other area agencies for working together. The Kerr Lake Rangers ask for the assistance of other area agencies with various issues at Kerr Lake on a routine basis.

Home and Garden Show 07/25/17

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Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 07/24/17

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Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 07/18/17

Local Police, Fire and EMS team up to save life

Earlier today, I witnessed an incredible series of events in Downtown Henderson. I was walking out of a meeting at the Henderson Police Department, when a call came out for local police, fire and EMS to respond to the intersection of Breckenridge and Chestnut Street for a medical emergency. When I heard that, I turned around and was able to witness Corey Adams of the Henderson Fire Department, and Chief Williams of the Vance County Fire Department begin the process of resuscitating a man that had apparently overdosed. The man was unconscious at the wheel of his vehicle (with the car still in drive and his foot on the brake) when Adams noticed that something was wrong. Adams turned around and placed the call in to other area agencies. Adams, Williams and representatives from the Henderson Police Department and EMS were able to resuscitate the man before placing him inside of an ambulance.

It was hard for me to believe what I saw.

I asked for a description of what had happened from Adams, and his response is below.

“Kevin I really appreciate the gratitude, but I really didn’t do nothing special. Just like you have gone to school for broadcasting and marketing, I went to school for situations like that. I did nothing else that any police, fire or ems person would have done, I was just the one in the right place at the right time. I just happen to notice a person that seemed in distress, when I checked on him I knew he was having a medical emergency. At that moment all of my  EMS training kick in to help the patient the best of my abilities. I was lucky enough to have Chief Williams from Vance County Fire Department around the corner to assist me in helping the patient. I removed the patient from the vehicle  so me and Chief Williams could better assist the patient until the arrival Of EMS. The Public Safety services  here in Vance County And the City as you saw firsthand work very well together. The citizens of this city are very lucky to have the service they have here, because you won’t find no better.”

Henderson and Vance County may have its fair share of problems. Everywhere does. However, Adams’ last sentence is quite correct. We are lucky to have that type of service and expertise right here in our hometown.