NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Jean Bell 06/14/18

Quality Time

The time you spend with your child is precious. As any parent of a grown child will tell you, time flies by much too quickly. Looking back most parents think “I wish I had spent more time with my child.” So take the time to spend time with your child as much as possible.

Parents have many other responsibilities that can get in the way of spending time with children. The term quality time was created with this dilemma in mind. The term was created when experts found that parents were too busy working, taking care of the house, running errands, and focusing on other responsibilities to spend much time with their children. Many parents felt that scheduling time with their children would help them to spend meaningful time with their child. But quality time does not have to be scheduled. Quality time can be anytime you are with your child. There are many times throughout the day when we may be shopping, waiting in line, driving to school, or getting ready for bed when we have a few moments of downtime. Use this time as quality time with your child.  Parents can turn this time into fun and sneak in a little intellectual stimulation, too.

So, how can you turn waiting time into quality time? The best place to start is by paying attention to your child and talk to him. Ask a question and really listen to his answer. Ask your child’s opinion and take it seriously.

You can ask a serious question or a silly one. Some examples might be asking your child to describe something he sees while you are driving in the car, and you can guess what he sees. You can ask a younger child to find something red or blue, or count a certain color car as you drive by. Start a discussion by asking about things your child is interested in, you might ask a child who likes dinosaurs which dinosaur he would want to be and then find out why he chose that dinosaur. Have your child imagine she was a superhero, then ask her to describe her powers.  Tell your child what your favorite dinosaur is or what superpower you would want too.  This can spark a lively discussion and you will both learn a lot about each other.

How about adding quality time to dinner preparation? Instead of parking your child in front of the TV or a video game, involve him in your dinner preparations.  Children can help with meal preparations, setting the table and clean up. If you do these things together you are having some quality time together. Depending on their age, kids can wash or chop vegetables, read a recipe, measure ingredients, stir and mix, and lots of other jobs in the kitchen. Kids will be learning while they are doing, and keep up the conversation! Cooking time is a great time to talk about foods you like and foods your child likes.

Waiting time in a doctors office is easy to turn into quality time with a few markers or crayons and some paper. Carry a notebook and you can draw together while you have a few minutes to wait. You don’t have to be an accomplished artist, just have fun doing it. You can draw a picture together, draw a story, or even draw a picture and write a story about your picture. Of course, the old standby of the tic tac toe games or hangman is great fun for kids too.

Bathtime can easily turn into quality time. Science experiments are fun and easy to clean up in the tub. Make a volcano with baking soda and vinegar, experiment with different objects that sink or float, try to sink a boat by pouring water into it. There are lots of fun things to do in the tub with your child.

Quality time at bedtime is easy too; read a book together! Talk about your day, and maybe about what you will do tomorrow.

Of course, the common denominator of all quality time activities is paying attention to your child. Talk to your child, listen to his answers, ask her opinions, and you will be well on the way to a better relationship with your child. Use all of the small moments of your day to spend time with your children. Remember, they grow up fast!

If you want some ideas about things to do for quality time that are free or inexpensive, the book “Quality Time Anytime” by Penny Warner has lots of great ideas. It’s available in the Lending Library at Cooperative Extension. Come check it out for free along with our other parenting resources

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Paul McKenzie 06/13/18

Home and Garden Show 06/12/18

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 06/12/18

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 06/11/18

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City of Henderson Update 06/06/18

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Jean Bell 06/07/18


Summer Learning


Kids work hard during the school year and look forward to summer break. Kids and parents do need downtime from schoolwork and projects, but students can lose ground over the summer, forgetting what they learned the previous year. Parents can help prevent this from happening by planning some simple summer activities to help keep kids engaged in learning.

One of the most important activities you can do with your child over the summer school break is to encourage reading. Make reading fun for your child this summer and let your kids know that reading is important.  Set a good example by reading together as a family. Let kids know that their parents read for pleasure, and let your kids see you reading.

Go to the library or bookstore together and let kids select books on any topic that interests them. Ask the librarian for help in selecting books that are at your child’s reading level. Even if your child is not yet reading on her own, take her to the library and let her select books that interest her, then read them aloud together. If a book is a little above your child’s reading level, but he is interested in the topic, select the book as one that you will read aloud together. Reading aloud together is a wonderful way to let your child know that reading is enjoyable and can spark discussion on new topics and interests between parents and kids.

Talking and listening to kids about what they are reading is a good way to get to know your kids and is a way to encourage learning. Ask your kids questions about what he is reading. Go beyond the easy questions like “What book are you reading?” and ask her about the story and the characters. You could ask your child questions like “Why do you think the character did that?” or “What do you think could happen next?”

Listen to your child’s ideas about the book. Asking more in-depth questions helps your child think about the meaning of what he reads. Don’t forget about having talks when you and your child are together. This is a great way to learn about how your child thinks and feels. You might talk in the car when traveling or just at home in the evenings since there’s no homework to do! Your preschooler has ideas too, and when you talk and listen and sing to your preschool child you also teach your child vocabulary and how language works.

Along with reading, talking and listening to your child, writing is another way your child learns to express himself and learns language. Your child may already be able to write his name and his ABC’s but that doesn’t mean that he can’t have fun writing. Make writing fun by writing your children of all ages a note, and have them write you a note back. Find a pen pal for an older child. Have kids write your shopping list, then take the list to the store when you shop and have the kids check off the items as you put them in the cart.  Kids can even write and illustrate their own comic or short story on anything that interests them.  Show your kids how you use writing in everyday life, that writing can be a good creative outlet.

Helping kids continue to learn during the summer does not mean that you have to do worksheets and tests, just showing your kids that reading is a fun activity will help them to be ready for the next school year

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Paul McKenzie 06/06/18

Home and Garden Show 06/05/18

NC Coop Extension

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 06/05/18