VGCC Students Recognized at Virtual Practical Nursing Pinning Ceremony


-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College held a Pinning Ceremony for the Practical Nursing Class of 2020 using Zoom on July 29, 2020, at 6 p.m. Twenty-two students successfully completed the program in the summer semester.

Since an in-person ceremony could not be held, students chose to have a virtual ceremony. Family and friends were able to watch the ceremony live, and the recorded ceremony can be viewed on Youtube using this link:

Dr. Rachel Desmarais, VGCC’s president, and Dr. Levy Brown, VGCC’s Vice President of Learning, Student Engagement, & Success, greeted the graduates and those who have supported them while they have been in the Nursing program. Both pointed out how needed nurses are in the healthcare field during the current pandemic. Jessica Price, Class President, congratulated her classmates and noted that 2020 is “the year of the nurse.”

Dr. Erica Jastrow, Department Chair of Nursing/PN Program Director (for SimLab Coordinator Mrs. Brande McILroy), recognized students graduating with honors (a GPA of 3.5 or higher). This is an important accomplishment, as the PN program is a challenging program with class, lab, and clinical components.

Those recognized include Beverly Frierson and Garikayi Nyakudya. Beryl Ogachi was recognized as the graduate with the highest GPA in the class. Mrs. Patsy Pegram, Nursing Instructor, shared the story of the VGCC Nursing Pin, and graduates were then “virtually handed” their pins by Dr. Jastrow. As each graduate received their pin, they shared their appreciation to family, friends, and the faculty for their support during their time in school.

After receiving their pins, the graduates recited the Nursing Pledge (written by Beverly Hansen O’Malley, RN) with Mrs. Kathy Bray, Nursing Instructor. At the conclusion of the ceremony, Dr. Anna Seaman, ADN Program Head, presented the class as official graduates of the Practical Nursing Class of 2020.

Many of the graduates plan to return to VGCC for the LPN to ADN Transition program, which is a one-year program in which current LPNs can return to college to earn their Associate Degree in Nursing to become Registered Nurses. The program starts in the summer semester. Current LPNs interested in the Transition program can contact Ms. Seletha Pherribo at for more information.

The graduates recognized were Sade Hunt of Butner; Ronald Kurui and Cavine Otieno, both of Durham; Jessica Price of Franklinton; Jessica Faulkner, Milton Harper, Jessica Martin, and Lizeth Nieto Mata, all of Henderson; Doanita Williams of Louisburg; Angela Grissom of Oxford; Rahabu Fraser, Jennifer Laney, Patricia Makori, Garikayi Nyakudya, Beryl Ogachi, Zipporah Omambia, Ibrahmia Pouye, and Jonique Whitaker, all of Raleigh; Kelley Lynch of Roxboro; Cheyanne Riley of Stem; Ashely Bass and Beverly Frierson, both of Youngsville.

Warren Co. Flag

Warren Co. Parks and Recreation Department Seeks Contract Instructors

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Warren County Government

The Warren County Parks and Recreation Department is currently looking for contract instructors to teach recreation classes.

If you or someone you know have a way with people and a flair for arts, crafts, sports clinics, exercise classes, or other specialty classes, share your special skill and become a contract instructor with Warren County Parks and Recreation. These opportunities can be conducted virtually and, when it is safe to do so, the department will offer these classes in an in-person, group setting.

Instructors can set their class schedules, title, content, and subject (with the approval of the Recreation Department and dependent upon facility availability).

Instructors enrich program diversity and contribute to the overall success of program offerings. Interested individuals must first submit a Class Instructor Proposal Form; upon approval, instructors must pass a background check.

For more information and to obtain an interest form, please contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (252) 257-2272.

Warren County Logo

Warren County EDC Lists Local Commercial, Industrial Properties

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Warren County Government

Warren County Economic Development is now listing commercial and industrial buildings, as well as land that is zoned for commercial and industrial development, on its website at

Property owners that have eligible property and are interested in listing their property that is for sale and/or lease should contact the Warren County Economic Development office. The property search platform is paid for by Warren County and provided through the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina (EDPNC).

Listing eligible property is free of charge, but property owners are expected to work in partnership with Economic Development staff to submit, collect, and update the appropriate and required information. Not all property will be eligible for listing; eligibility is determined at the discretion of Warren County Economic Development staff.

Information collected for listings includes, but is not limited to size, property description, sale price or lease rate, ceiling height, and utility information.

Property owners interested in listing their property should contact Charla Duncan, Economic Development Director (Interim), at (252) 257-3114 or by email at

Any questions related to Planning/Zoning and how property is zoned should be directed to Ken Krulik at (252) 257-7027 or by email at


VGCC’s Statement of Support for President Rachel Desmarais


Vance-Granville Community College Vice President Dr. Levy Brown and Board of Trustees Chair Danny Wright have released the following joint statement:

The college community is deeply saddened and heartbroken to share that President Rachel Desmarais’ oldest son, Ian J. Simmons passed away as a result of a car accident on Tuesday, August 18, 2020. The Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, and students at Vance-Granville Community College fully support President Desmarais and her family during this tragic time.

Furthermore, we send our prayers and condolences during this time of bereavement. And, we ask that you join us in offering up prayers and positive thoughts.

Dr. Desmarais is an outstanding leader, educator, community member, spouse, and mother who embodies both the mission and vision of Vance-Granville Community College. The members of our campus community are deeply committed to following the strategic leadership direction established by President Desmarais.

“My heart and the heart of the entire Board of Trustees goes out to the Desmarais family,” said VGCC Board Chair Danny Wright. “The Board of Trustees, faculty, and staff are fully committed to ensuring that our students continue to receive an excellent education while our president takes the necessary time needed with her family.”

As her college family, we will get through this difficult time together while showing love and support for our President and her loved ones.

VGCC Reboot Recover Rebuild

VGCC Small Business Center Offering Free Counseling Services

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

The Small Business Center Network and Vance-Granville Community College Small Business Center have launched the Reboot, Recover, Rebuild (R3) Program offering free counseling services to local small businesses.

Now is the perfect time for small business owners to reach out and receive guidance on solving issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The program will be available through December 30, 2020. Interested businesses must complete a Counseling Request Form (click here).

For more details or to sign up, please contact Sheri Jones, director of the VGCC Small Business Center at (252) 738-3240.

VGCC Dr. Levy Brown

VGCC Vice President Levy Brown Appointed to Serve on National Commission

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Dr. Levy Brown, a vice president at Vance-Granville Community College, recently accepted an appointment to the Commission on Student Success of the American Association of Community Colleges. He will serve a three-year term (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2023).

“I am excited and humbled to have been appointed to AACC’s Commission on Student Success. It is a fantastic opportunity that provides a space for exchanging ideas, connecting, and learning with some of the brightest leaders who champion the success of students,” Brown said. “Community colleges such as Vance-Granville are continuing to positively impact the lives of our students. My goal is to partner with highly motivated professionals from across the country to eliminate barriers that keep our students from being successful. This includes those from underrepresented and marginalized populations. Finally, I am appreciative to work at an outstanding college, and with a supportive president who supports this type of work.”

Dr. Levy Brown, a vice president at Vance-Granville Community College, recently accepted an appointment to the Commission on Student Success of the American Association of Community Colleges. He will serve a three-year term (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2023). (Photo courtesy VGCC)

Dr. Brown serves as the Vice President of Learning, Student Engagement & Success (Chief Academic and Student Affairs Officer) for VGCC. He is responsible for leading and working collaboratively with credit faculty and staffers in the areas of academic programs, student success, equity and inclusion, enrollment management, K-12 partnerships and other areas.

Prior to joining VGCC, Brown served as Dean of Arts & Sciences at Lenoir Community College and has been engaged in higher education work for nearly two decades. Brown is an active member of the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce and other local boards. He is also a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

The Commission on Student Success focuses on student access and success and organizational transformation. The commission may examine subject areas including, but not limited to, degree completion and two-year to four-year transfer programs. In addition, the commission focuses on AACC’s 21st-Century Initiative and Implementation Guidelines, to showcase cutting-edge innovation with proven outcomes and improve student success; and to provide affordable, high-quality technical assistance in areas that support student success.

“At VGCC, Dr. Brown has been an active champion of changing institutional mindset, structures and supports to encourage all students to achieve their best success,” said Dr. Rachel Desmarais, president of VGCC. “I am proud that he will be representing our college successes on the AACC Commission and look forward to what he is able to glean from the collective wisdom of this national panel.”

Warren Sewer Groundbreaking

Warren County Breaks Ground on Sewer Extension Project at Wise I-85 Interchange

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Warren County Government

Warren County broke ground last week on the Wise I-85 interchange sewer extension project. The project was initially approved by the Warren County Board of Commissioners in May of 2018 upon the award of a $200,000 GoldenLEAF grant. The total project budget is $428,331.

Warren County Board of Commissioners voted in 2019 to fully fund the project with additional financial support. The county looks to spur development at the state’s first interchange on I-85 with this infrastructure investment.

“This project speaks to the growth of Warren County, and it speaks to how the Commissioners view economic development,” said Chairman of the Board of Commissioners Tare “T” Davis. “This infrastructure utility puts us in a place to be an asset to the region for future development.”

The contractor for the expansion is H.G. Reynolds. Construction is scheduled to be completed within 120 days. A groundbreaking ceremony took place on Friday, August 14 at 10:30 a.m.

For more information, contact the Warren County Manager’s Office at (252) 257-3115.

Warren County Sewer Groundbreaking

Photo (L to R): Fred Stowe (Engineer and Project Manager, Rivers & Associates), Ray Spain (EDC Board Chair), Victor Hunt (Vice-Chair, Warren County Board of Commissioners), Bertadean Baker (County Commissioner), Tare Davis (Chair, Warren County Board of Commissioners), Representative Terry Garrison, Jennifer Pierce (County Commissioner), Walter Powell (County Commissioner), Vincent Jones (County Manager). (Photo courtesy Warren Co. Govt.)


Best Colleges 2020

VGCC Ranked Sixth-Best Community College in the Nation


-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College was recently recognized as one of the top ten community colleges and trade schools in the nation for 2020. VGCC came in at number six on the rankings published by “Best Colleges” (, a leading provider of independent college rankings and higher education research. The college was also the third-highest-ranked school from North Carolina.

“We are pleased to see this national recognition for Vance-Granville, which we attribute to the dedication and innovation demonstrated by our faculty and staff every day,” Dr. Rachel Desmarais, president of the college, said. “VGCC is committed to providing high-quality education and training that is affordable and accessible for the people of Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren counties.”

Best Colleges noted that the college has extended its reach by providing career-oriented programs that can be completed entirely online. These programs include Supply Chain Management, Medical Office Administration, IT/Business Support, Early Childhood Education, Criminal Justice, Accounting, and Business Administration. Students can also complete the Associate in Arts or Associate in Science programs online, which prepares them for transferring to a university to complete a bachelor’s degree. The college has transfer agreements with numerous four-year universities.

“VGCC boasts strong graduation rates and small class sizes,” the website also noted. “The school’s 13-to-1 student-to-teacher ratio allows students to receive plenty of individualized attention.”

Established in 1969, VGCC offers more than 40 credit programs, in which students work toward certificates, diplomas and degrees. Area residents and businesses can also take advantage of a variety of continuing education/job training opportunities, as well as the High School Equivalency and Adult High School Diploma programs.

Enrollment is currently ongoing for eight-week curriculum credit classes that begin on October 14, and for the spring semester that starts in January 2021. For more information about VGCC, visit

VGCC Agritech

VGCC to Offer Sustainable Agri-Tech Program This Fall

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College continues to “cultivate” new programs for the fall semester. The Sustainable Agri-Tech program will grow one’s knowledge in the agricultural field and prepare students for occupations in a wide variety of jobs in agriculture (both production and value-added) with a range of skills and knowledge.

The program addresses agricultural concepts, skills, and techniques that are required by the agriculture industry. Upon completion, students will have explored sustainable and organic methods, plant, soil and animal science, field management, equipment maintenance and basic computer skills and marketing techniques.

The class begins on September 14, 2020, at 6 p.m. Kelly Dixon will be leading this hybrid class at VGCC’s Franklin Campus. The 96-hour program is made up of only 30 hours in the classroom and 66 hours online. The cost is $188.25.

Tuition assistance is available to those who meet eligibility guidelines. Space is limited.

For more information please visit:

Warren County Logo

Warren County to Hold Groundbreaking for Wise Interchange Sewer Extension Project

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Warren County Government

Warren County is breaking ground this week on the Wise I-85 interchange sewer extension project. The groundbreaking ceremony will take place on Friday, August 14, 2020, at 10:30 a.m. The public is invited to attend. A quorum of Warren County Board of Commissioners will be present.

The project was initially approved by the Warren County Board of Commissioners in May of 2018 upon the award of a $200,000 GoldenLEAF grant. The total project budget is $428,331.

Warren County Board of Commissioners voted in 2019 to fully fund the project with additional financial support. The county
looks to spur development at the state’s first interchange on I-85 with this infrastructure investment. The contractor is H.G. Reynolds. Construction is scheduled to be completed within 120 days.

For more information, contact the Warren County Manager’s Office at (252) 257-3115.