Kerr-Tar Reentry Roundtable Shares Resources For Justice-Involved

The Kerr-Tar Reentry Roundtable is hosting a regional reentry resource fair for justice-involved individuals on Wednesday, Oct.19, from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Warren County Armory and Civic Center.

This event is sponsored by the Kerr-Tar Workforce Development Board, NC Works, New Start, and Warren County Community and Economic Development.

Regional organizations will be present and conducting outreach and education about their services, including resources on criminal record expungement, housing, transportation, food assistance, financial literary, mental and behavioral health and more.

The event is free to attend and open to all in the Kerr-Tar region of Warren, Vance, Franklin, Granville and Person counties. Justice-involved individuals may include those that have been formerly incarcerated and those involved with the court system, as well as their family members and friends.

All are encouraged to come out to learn more about the resources available in this region.

For more information, contact Sharon Thomas at 252.436.2040 or visit

NC State Board of Elections

State Board Of Elections Offers Reminders About Voter Registration Process

-information courtesy of the N.C. State Board of Elections

Elections officials say the deadline to register to vote in the Nov. 8 election is next Friday, Oct. 14.

Individuals who miss that deadline, however, may register and vote at the same time during the one-stop early voting period, which begins Oct. 20 and ends Nov. 5.  County-by-county early voting sites and schedules are available at the State Board of Elections’ One-Stop Early Voting Site Search.

To register, eligible individuals have the following options:

If an application is received after the deadline, it will be timely if it is postmarked on or before Oct. 14. If the postmark is missing or unclear, the application will be processed if it is received in the mail no later than 20 days before the election. Otherwise, the application will not be processed until after the election.

If submitted by fax or email, the application must be received by 5 p.m. Oct. 14, and a hard copy of the document must be delivered to the county board office by 20 days before the election.

“We encourage all eligible individuals to register to vote and make their voice heard in 2022,” said Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the State Board of Elections. “It’s easy, and there’s still time, either through the regular process or at any one-stop early voting location in your county.”

North Carolina residents may not register to vote on Election Day, unless they become eligible after the Oct.14 registration deadline due to becoming a U.S. citizen or having their rights restored following a felony conviction.

Seventeen-year-olds who will be 18 years old by the general election on Nov. 8 are eligible to register and vote.

To register to vote, a person must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen;
  • Live in the county of his/her registration, and have lived there for at least 30 days before the date of the election;
  • Be at least 18 years old or will be by the date of the general election. Sixteen- and 17-year-olds may preregister to vote; AND
  • Not be in jail or prison for a felony conviction.

Updating Your Voter Registration

Voters who need to update their existing voter registration may use the DMV website or a regular voter registration application to do so.

Those with a North Carolina driver’s license or other DMV identification may update their residential or mailing address and party affiliation through the DMV online service, but may not change their name through that service.

If using the paper application to update a registration, it must be signed and mailed to the voter’s county board of elections by Oct. 14. Updates to name, address (if within the county), and party affiliation must be signed, but can be provided by fax or email to your county board of elections. If a voter is using the paper form to update their residential address to a new county, they must return the paper form by mail or in person.

Registered voters may also update an existing registration at a one-stop early voting site during the early voting period.

See more Voter Registration Resources in North Carolina.

Warren Parks and Rec To Offer Parents’ Night Out On Oct. 28

Warren County Parks and Recreation is hosting a parents’ night out on Friday, Oct. 28.

Youth ages 6-12 will enjoy organized games, crafts, movie, and more at the Warren County Senior Center located at 435 W. Franklin St. in Warrenton.

Pizza and drinks will be provided as dinner for the youth that attend. Registration is $5 per child and the event is from 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Space is limited and the deadline to register is Friday, Oct. 14.

Register at the parks and recreation office Monday-Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. or online at

The office is located at 113 Wilcox St., Warrenton.

For more information or register, please visit or call the Parks and Recreation office at 252.257.2272.

Future Airbnb Hosts In Vance, Warren – There’s A Webinar Oct. 12 Just For You

Vance and Warren counties are included in a state initiative called “Dream Big in Small Town NC” designed to increase visitors to the area. A webinar will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 12 to discuss details of the program, which was passed into law by the N.C. legislature.

Vance and Warren counties are included in the Northeast Lakes & Rivers region, along with Halifax and Edgecombe counties, according to information from Charla Duncan, Warren County community & economic development director.

The purpose of the program is to drive increased visitation and exploration into participating counties with the goal of converting visitors to residents/workforce.

Airbnb, a program partner, is hosting a free online/virtual workshop for residents of rural communities to share tips on hosting a space through Airbnb.

With the purpose of the Dream Big in Small Town NC program being to drive increased visitation and exploration to participating counties with the long-term goal of converting visitors to residents and replacing population declines.

The 90-minute Airbnb Rural Entrepreneurship Academy webinar begins at 4 p.m. EST. Although there is no cost to attend, registration is required by Monday, Oct. 10.

Learn more about the academy and sign up to attend at:

Red Cross Helps Hurricane Victims, Asks For Donations Of Time, Blood, Money

As relief agencies continue their cleanup efforts in Florida and other areas affected by Hurricane Ian, the American Red Cross reminds folks in local communities that there are ways they can support those volunteers from right here at home.

The Red Cross Eastern North Carolina region deployed a disaster responder to help with relief efforts. Cindy Romig is one of 33 from the eastern NC region to assist in the Red Cross volunteer efforts in hard-hit Florida.

Many communities are unrecognizable after the storm and volunteers from all 50 states and the District of Columbia are helping those affected and will be helping them recover for weeks and months to come, according to a press statement issued by the Raleigh-based Red Cross office.

“People’s lives were turned upside down by this massive storm,” said Barry Porter, Regional CEO, American Red Cross of Eastern North Carolina. “They need your help now. Please consider making a donation to help people affected by disasters, giving blood or becoming a Red Cross volunteer today.”

“It’s devastating, it’s heartbreaking to see the destruction and see what Mother Nature can do,” said Romig. “We know that there’s so much need out there and if there’s anything that we can do–there’s so many resources that we can offer and that we can dispense down in Florida to help folks get on to the road of recovery as well as getting through one day at a time.”

The Red Cross and its partners are providing a safe place to stay, food to eat and a shoulder to lean on as people begin to pick up the pieces after the storm. Shelters are open across the affected areas, Red Cross emergency vehicles are delivering food and relief supplies and volunteers are helping families cope and replacing prescription medications, eyeglasses or critical medical equipment like canes and wheelchairs.

Dangerous weather conditions and floodwaters have canceled a dozen blood drives in North Carolina with nearly 400 lifesaving blood and platelet donations uncollected. Individuals who live in areas unaffected by Hurricane Ian — especially those with type O blood — are urged to give blood now to help ensure patients in impacted areas continue to have access to lifesaving blood.




MAKE A DONATION We will be working side-by-side with our partners to help people in need for weeks and months to come. To help people affected by Hurricane Ian, visit, call 1-800-RED CROSS, or text the word IAN to 90999 to make a $10 donation. Your gift is a commitment to helping people in need, and every single donation matters. Financial donations enable the Red Cross to prepare for, respond to and help people recover from this disaster.


GIVE BLOOD Please schedule an appointment to give blood or platelets today by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting or calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).


VOLUNTEER If you have the time, you can make a significant impact as a Red Cross volunteer. Review our most urgently needed volunteer positions at and get involved today.

Warrenton Sports Bar Loses ABC Permits Following ALE Investigation

A Warren County establishment has had its ABC permits rejected as a result of a range of incidents occurring there, from disorderly conduct and property damage to assaults and shootings.

Roxies Sports Bar and Lounge, located at 109 South Hall St. in Warrenton had received a temporary ABC permit in 2020, but that permit was revoked following a recent ALE investigation.

According to a press statement from the NC Department of Public Safety, the sports bar “has been a drain on emergency personnel,” who most recently responded to the bar on Sept. 25. At that time, “a physical altercations between patrons occurred inside the business and was pushed out into the parking lot by security personnel. Shortly after, gunshots were heard near the entrance, and two patrons sustained gunshot injuries.,” the press statement reported.

Any time there are a high number of 9-1-1 calls and violence associated with an ABC-permitted business, ALE special agents conduct an investigation, document any criminal or regulatory violations, and submit a report to the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission. The ABC Commission then reviews the investigative report and determines if the ABC permits are to be suspended, revoked, cancelled or issued a fine.


Warren Offers Smart Start Basketball Class For Youngsters Ages 4-5

The Warren County Parks and Recreation is offering a new basketball program for 4- and 5-year olds call Smart Start Basketball. The program is a parent/child instructional program led by an instructor weekly for six weeks at the John Graham Gym.

The fee is $10 and includes a basketball for each child.

Register between Oct. 3 and Nov. 3 online at or in person at the parks and recreation office Monday-Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. The office is located at 113 Wilcox St., Warrenton.

Two sessions will offered on Saturdays, Nov. 5-Dec. 17. The first class begins at 10 a.m. and the second class begins at 11 a.m.

Space is limited for each class, so register soon.

For more information, call 252.257.2272.


Warren Winter Youth Basketball League Registration Opens Oct. 3

Registration for Winter Youth Basketball with Warren County Parks and Recreation begins Monday, Oct. 3 and runs through Thursday, Nov. 3. The winter youth league is for youth between 6-17 years. The registration fee is $10.

Registration can be completed online at or in person between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday-Friday at the parks and recreation office, located at 113 Wilcox St., Warrenton.

Visit the website for more information or call the office at 252.257.2272.

Warren County Parks and Recreation is also seeking volunteer coaches for youth basketball season. Please submit volunteer application and complete an online background check at

TownTalk: Lakeland Cultural Arts Center Livens up Littleton

Littleton, situated on the Warren-Halifax county line, has long been known to those travel there to enjoy second homes or to vacation on nearby Lake Gaston. But Lakeland Cultural Arts Center, looking especially spiffy after a recent renovation, is looking to attract more people to visit, shop and enjoy this little corner of the world.

Lakeland’s Executive Director Peter Holloway and Artistic Director John DuVall agree that, while the COVID-19 pandemic made it difficult to have shows, it allowed for a renovation that is nothing short of spectacular. Holloway said the pandemic afforded them the opportunity to do more planning, which resulted in more of a multipurpose facility. There’s a smaller performance space in the rear of the arts center, which gets a lot of use from students at Littleton Academy, right next door.

Lakeland Cultural Arts Center first opened in 1978, but a recent gala to celebrate the completed renovation served to mark its reopening.

Littleton native Ed Fitts and wife Deb have played a significant role in revitalizing the town of 520. “They’ve injected so much life and enthusiasm into the town,” Holloway told WIZS’s Bill Harris on Thursday’s TownTalk.

The center is actually attached to the former high school, but a brand-new lobby and art gallery provides a cohesive look to the facility.

“It’s kind of mind-blowing that it’s sitting in a town like Littleton,” Holloway said of the center, which boasts a 300-seat auditorium where patrons can enjoy concerts, stage productions and even watching films.

DuVall said volunteers drive much of the work that is done, both on stage and behind the stage.

“We need volunteers every day,” Holloway agreed.

DuVall said in his role as artistic director, he seeks to offer a well-rounded season with a variety of programming. He seeks to balance the familiar with other performances that people may not be as familiar with.

“Tuesdays With Morrie” is scheduled for two performances tonight and Saturday afternoon. The play is based on Mitch Albom’s bestseller of the same name.

Then the new hit movie “Elvis” will be shown at 7 p.m. on Oct. 8. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Visit to see the full schedule of events or phone 252.586.3124.

“We’re working really hard to choose folks who’ve got an educational component,”

Holloway explained.

There often is a matinee performance that gives students the chance to experience the arts live, he added.

On Oct. 28, Mike Wiley will perform “Breach of Peace,” based on true accounts of the Freedom Rides in the early days of the civil rights movement.

The Neil Simon classic “Odd Couple” comes to the main stage in November and then pianist Robin Spielberg will perform in early December. Later that month, Holloway said the familiar “A Christmas Carol” will take the stage, but it will have a unique twist. With a nod to the radio plays of the 1940’s, a small group of actors will perform a radio play of the Dickens classic, complete with the Foley artist, whose job is to create the play’s sound effects.

“It’s a very endearing, fun, and exciting performance – a great way to see an old classic,” Holloway said.





VGCC Hosts Oct. 20 Conference To “Imagine The Future Of Work”

Vance-Granville Community College is hosting a daylong conference in October designed to help the region’s employers and business leaders to learn more about important workforce issues and how to create innovative programs to offset the challenges employers and employees face.

The “Business/Industry Connect 2022: Imagine the Future of Work” is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 20 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Civic Center on the college’s main campus in Vance County. The event is free, includes lunch, but registration is required. To register, visit

VGCC officials hope that the event can help businesses attract talent, understand the neuroscience behind successful hiring, institute highly motivating onboarding programs and develop a company culture that energizes coworkers, unlocks their potential and leads to higher retention rates. Many organizations are finding it difficult to find and keep skilled workers, according to a press statement from Jerry Edmonds, III, VGCC’s vice president of Workforce & Community Engagement.

Two special guests will help facilitate the conference: Phil Dixon and Bryan W. Mattimore.

Dixon graduated from Warwick University with a degree in Computer Science. His career in the Information Technology field included a stint with Apple before launching his own consulting firm. In 2010, he earned a master’s degree in Consulting and Coaching for Change in England at a program run jointly by HEC Paris and Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford. He found his life’s passion in studying neuroscience and the brain.

Today a resident of Oxford – in Granville County – Dixon has published several articles and books about the brain, and is a frequent and international speaker on the topic of brain-based leadership.

Mattimore is cofounder and “Chief Idea Guy” of the Growth Engine Company, based in Connecticut. In his business consulting career, Mattimore has given more than100 keynote addresses, facilitated over a thousand brainstorming sessions, and managed 200 successful innovation projects, leading to over three billion dollars in new sales annually for one-third of the Fortune 100 companies. He is also a Senior Fellow with The Conference Board, an innovation and marketing instructor for Caltech in their Executive Education Department, and the author of several books. His new book, “Islands of Invention, How to Create Extraordinary Innovation Centers,” co-authored with McKinsey consultant Claus Raasted, is set to be published later this year.

“We look forward to this opportunity for the local business and economic development community to gather, learn and collaborate on ways to not only find new team members, but also to develop and engage the employees they already have,” said VGCC Grants Administrator Ken Wilson, who is coordinating the conference. “VGCC and our partners in education and workforce development are here to help local organizations successfully hire and train their talent.”

For more information, contact Ken Wilson at