Health Wellness Fair Saturday

Big Ruin Creek Missionary Baptist Church is having a Health and Wellness Fair this Saturday, April 2, 2016 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.  The event will take place at Northern Vance High School, located at 293 Warrenton Road.

Keasha Richardson told WIZS News, “There will be several medical doctors, several nurses, several UNC dental students, a couple of psychologists, one or two financial planners, at least one attorney, school counselors, a personal trainer, a Zumba instructor, several of our church members, and several other vendors there to share tips about total wellness.”

The hope is to encompass every area of need. There will be some on-site health screenings.

“We hope to have something for everyone, including children.  The event is free and open to the public/community at large. We are also collecting water to send to Flint, Michigan and are accepting water donations from anyone who is willing to donate,” Richardson said.

Big Ruin Creek Missionary Baptist Church Health Wellness Fair 2016 flyer

Farmers Market Opens April 16th

The Vance County Regional Farmers Market opens for the 2016 season on Saturday, April 16th, and new vendors are welcome, according to Paul McKenzie, Agricultural Extension Agent for Vance and Warren Counties.

In a press release McKenzie wrote, “This first class facility, located at 210 Southpark Drive in Henderson, offers covered sales space, electricity and restrooms. A part-time Manager works to promote the market through various channels including traditional media, social media, signage, community events and more. Vendors are also provided with display tables for their products.”

The Market will be open on Saturdays, 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in April and will add Wednesday hours in May. The application fee is $30, with a daily setup fee of $10 per space.

McKenzie wrote, “Producers of fruits, vegetables, eggs, plants, meats and other farm products are especially encouraged to apply, although the market also allows the sale of baked goods, handmade crafts and certain other products.”

Complete Guidelines and an application form are available at, or by calling Vance County Cooperative Extension at 252-438-8188. Applications may be submitted at any time, but must be received at least three business days in advance of a vendor’s first sale date.

(Information received in a press release written by Paul McKenzie.)

VGCC holds Summer Term New Student Orientation sessions

 Registration for classes and orientation sessions for new students have begun for the Summer 2016 term at Vance-Granville Community College, which starts Monday, May 23. Students who wish to enroll at VGCC starting in the Fall 2016 semester may also attend one of the orientation sessions for summer.

Attending an orientation session is required for all new students who wish to enroll in any of the college’s curriculum programs, and for students who are returning to VGCC after being away for three or more years. Students must also meet with an advisor or academic/career coach before registering for classes.

To attend an orientation session, a student must sign up in advance by visiting

VGCC now offers orientation in both an online and a traditional face-to-face format. In either format, orientation sessions help students learn where to find resources on campus or online, including how to register for classes through WebAdvisor.

Face-to-face orientation sessions are scheduled at VGCC’s Main Campus in Vance County on Tuesday, March 29, at 9 a.m.; Tuesday, April 19, at 9 a.m.; Thursday, April 21, at 2 p.m.; Tuesday, May 10, at 9 a.m.; and Thursday, May 12, at 2 p.m.

At the Franklin County Campus near Louisburg, orientation sessions are scheduled on Tuesday, March 29, at 2 p.m.; Tuesday, April 12, at 2 p.m.; Tuesday, April 19, at 5 p.m.; and Tuesday, May 3, at 9 a.m.

Orientation sessions are scheduled at VGCC’s South Campus, located between Creedmoor and Butner, on Wednesday, April 6, at 9 a.m.; Thursday, April 14, at 2 p.m.; and Wednesday, May 4, at 9 a.m.

Students who want to attend a face-to-face orientation session at the Warren County Campus in Warrenton should call (252) 257-1900 for more information.

Registration for summer classes is set to end on Thursday, May 19. College officials encourage students to apply for admission, attend orientation/advising, and register for classes as early as possible. Course schedules are now available online at

All summer curriculum courses are eight weeks in length and will end on July 25. The VGCC course selection for this summer’s term is more robust than in years past, including a variety of online and on-campus sections.

Summer term offers opportunities for eligible high school seniors to get a head start on college by taking courses through the Career & College Promise (CCP) program. University students may also use the summer to earn transferable credits while they are at home.

The tuition payment deadline is Thursday, May 19, by 5 p.m., if paying in person, or by midnight, if paying online through WebAdvisor.

For more information, contact VGCC at or (252) 738-3330, or visit any campus.

VGCC’s new ‘VanGuarantee’ to help area residents afford higher education

Dr. Stelfanie Williams, the president of Vance-Granville Community College, announced a major new commitment yesterday to eliminate financial barriers to higher education for residents of Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren counties.

President Williams said a new need-based scholarship program, called the “VanGuarantee,” is designed to cover tuition, student fees and textbooks for eligible students whose financial needs are unmet by federal financial aid and other means of support. She made the announcement at a meeting of the VGCC Board of Trustees and was joined by school superintendents and members of the boards of education from the four counties served by the college.

VGCC already has a robust, almost 40-year-old Endowment Fund that provides primarily merit-based scholarships.

“The VanGuarantee program enhances our college’s commitment to supporting deserving students, particularly those who demonstrate the greatest financial need, because we do not want the cost of attendance to be a barrier for any student at any stage,” Dr. Williams said. “We want to guarantee that every student in our community who wants to earn a college degree can do so.”

Making the VanGuarantee possible is a $1.6 million bequest to VGCC from the estate of Wilbert A. Edwards. The gift, announced in 2015, is the second largest in the history of the college. A resident of Oxford at the time of his death in 2001, Edwards was a native of Vance County and a decorated World War II fighter pilot. In addition to the VanGuarantee, funds from the Edwards estate are being used for faculty development and for college facilities.

In its scope, the new program is believed to be unique in the North Carolina Community College System. As policymakers and students have expressed growing concerns about the rising cost of college, VGCC joins colleges across the country in creating innovative “promise” or “guarantee” programs to make education more affordable and accessible.

Some colleges have made such commitments only to recent high school graduates, but the VanGuarantee applies to all students in the four counties, reflecting VGCC’s longstanding tradition of helping adults retrain for new careers at any age, Dr. Williams explained. Nevertheless, she encouraged 2016 high school graduates to take advantage of the new opportunity to obtain a debt-free college education.

Among the eligibility requirements for the VanGuarantee, students who reside in the college’s service area must enroll in at least nine credit hours per semester in any VGCC curriculum program. They must first apply for and meet the eligibility requirements for federal and state financial aid programs. Next, they will apply for endowed VGCC scholarships. When students still lack the funds to pay for their education after exhausting those and other sources, the VanGuarantee program will help to fill the gap. That makes the program an example of what is often called a “last-dollar scholarship.”

The VanGuarantee will be available in the fall 2016 semester, which starts in August. All residents of the four counties served by the college, regardless of their age or whether they have attended VGCC before, may benefit if they meet the eligibility criteria. Once enrolled in the VanGuarantee program, students must maintain at least a 2.5 grade point average (GPA) to continue receiving the scholarship.

For more information on the VanGuarantee, students can visit

VGCC to host Afternoon Tea class

Vance-Granville Community College will offer a course on the “afternoon tea” party, the tradition that is enjoying a renaissance as fine hotels, inns and tea rooms across the country give guests an opportunity to retreat from the hurried pace of their lives.

The course, called “Let’s Have a Tea Party,” will meet on VGCC’s Main Campus in Vance County, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 until 4 p.m., starting March 29. The final class and “graduation” ceremony is an actual afternoon tea party planned and facilitated by the students at Magnolia Manor Plantation in Warrenton on April 19, thanks to the generosity of owners Sheila and Larry Carver.

The instructor will be Dr. B.K. McCloud of Oxford, a 2012 graduate of the course and historian for the Old North State Tea Society (ONSTS). McCloud has a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and retired as a full professor of education at North Carolina Central University. She is also a member of the Granville County Historical Society and a docent at the Granville County Museum.

After completing the tea class at VGCC under the instruction of Constance Lue of Oxford, McCloud has continued her education in the world of tea by attending meetings of the ONSTS, frequenting tea rooms, reading, building her personal tea library, and attending classes. In 2013, she attended the International World Tea Expo in Atlanta, Georgia.

In 2015, McCloud participated in a tea master-class with international tea expert Jane Pettigrew in London, under the auspices of the U.K. Tea Council. That same year, she received her certification as a Tea and Etiquette Consultant after studying with Bruce and Shelley Richardson in Lexington, Kentucky.

McCloud’s students will learn about the history of tea; the difference between an afternoon tea party, a royal tea party and “High Tea”; and the proper way to make the best pot of tea. They will have tastings of a wide variety of teas (black, white, green, Oolongs and herbal) at each class meeting. Beyond the specifics of teas, students will consider qualities of grace, civility and etiquette. Participants might use what they learn to hold their own tea parties for children as well as their adult friends. Afternoon Tea also can be a way to raise funds for churches and clubs.

The cost of the course is $60 for four class sessions, plus $20 for the final tea at Magnolia Manor. Students will receive a valuable resource manual with recipes for tea time, tips on flower arranging, and a section on etiquette.

The deadline to register for this class is March 26. Prospective students can register online at or in person at Main Campus, Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

For more information, contact Gail Clark at (252) 738-3385 or

Tobacco Trust Fund awards grant to VGCC

The North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission has awarded a $25,000 grant to Vance-Granville Community College to support students in a pair of training programs.

The grant, for a project entitled “Cultivating and Growing Agricultural Communities,” will help cover the cost of tuition and other fees for eligible students in the “NC REAL Agricultural Entrepreneurship” and “Heavy Equipment Operator” courses offered by VGCC. Grant funding will also support instructional staff, marketing and supplies related to the programs.

VGCC has offered the Agricultural Entrepreneurship program at various locations, most recently at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market and the Granville County Expo & Convention Center. Heavy Equipment Operator training is held at VGCC’s Warren County Campus.

While this is the first grant of its kind awarded to VGCC, the college has previously received grants from the N.C. Tobacco Trust Fund Commission as part of “Project Skill-UP.” As in those previous grants, the commission’s goal is to help individuals and communities adversely affected by the decline of tobacco-related employment in the region.

“We appreciate that the Tobacco Trust Fund Commission chose to support our agricultural efforts to help adults in our service area to gain new skills and in some cases, to start new careers or businesses,” said Kyle Burwell, VGCC’s coordinator of Human Resources Development.

The seven-week NC REAL Agricultural Entrepreneurship course is designed specifically to help local farmers and budding entrepreneurs succeed in developing profitable, environmentally-sound small farms or agricultural businesses.

One of VGCC’s newest programs, Heavy Equipment Operator training takes approximately 13 weeks to complete. During the course, students gain a general understanding of the requirements necessary to operate equipment such as a motor grader, a four-wheel drive loader and backhoe, which are used both in construction and in agriculture.

Students receiving grant funding must meet certain eligibility requirements and must be residents of Vance, Granville, Franklin or Warren counties. Each student can receive up to $250.

For more information on receiving assistance and the opportunities available at VGCC, contact Kyle Burwell at or (252) 738-3276.

For more information on the N.C. Tobacco Trust Fund Commission, visit

Winter Weather Possible Along Virginia Border

UPDATED…Wintry Weather possible near the Virginia border tonight…

(Full 4:00 P.M. Release)

  • Rain will mix with, or briefly change to snow and sleet, when precipitation rates are heaviest tonight, mainly between 10pm and 4am. This may result in a very light accumulation of snow and sleet on grassy and elevated surfaces across the northern NC Piedmont, mainly from Roxboro to Henderson to Warrenton.
  • Temperatures initially around 40 degrees when the precipitation begins to reach the ground this evening will fall to between 32 and 35 degrees overnight, coldest (at freezing) when precipitation rates are highest.
  • A Winter Weather Advisory is not anticipated at this time due to limited accumulations. However, a heavier band of snow could produce up to one inch of snow.


(Full 7:00 A.M. Release)

Information provided by Brian Short, Director of Emergency Operations for Henderson and Vance County, indicates the possibility of winter weather tonight for portions of our area.

The National Weather Service briefing from 7:00 A.M. Thursday, which is linked above, says:

“Rain will mix with, or briefly change to snow and sleet, when precipitation rates are heaviest tonight. This may result in a light accumulation of snow and sleet across the northern NC Piedmont, from the Triad to Roxboro to Henderson to Warrenton to Roanoke Rapids. Higher amounts are expected from the NC Mountains to Central VA.”

The briefing continues, “Temperatures initially around 40 degrees when the precipitation begins to reach the ground this evening will fall to between 32 and 35 degrees overnight, coldest (at freezing) when precipitation rates are highest.  A Winter Weather Advisory may be issued for the far northern NC Piedmont later today.”

Warren and Granville Legal Press Releases

Warren 02-23-16 Press Release

Granville 02-26-16 Press Release


Warrenton, NC – Warren County Superior Case Management Court was held Monday, February 22, 2016. The Honorable Donald W. Stephens was the Superior Court Judge presiding over this session of Court. Bond motions were held in the cases of State of North Carolina vs. Darren Alston, State of North Carolina vs. Marquis M. Davis and State of North Carolina vs. Montrell Davis. These defendants are each charged with First Degree Murder arising out of the death of Michael Pressley on August 9,2015. After hearing from Assistant District Attorney Onica Fuller, and the attorneys for each of the defendants, bond was set at $1,000,000.00 secured in the cases of State of North Carolina vs. Marquis M. Davis and Montrell Davis. Defendant Darren A. Alston did not ask to be heard on bond at this time. The fourth defendant charged, Kadeem J. Grooms, was not in court on February 22, 2016, because his attorney was unavailable. A fifth defendant, Keshan Goode, is charged with Felony Accessory After the Fact to First Degree Murder, and his bond was set at $50,000.00 secured.


Oxford, NC – Granville County Criminal Superior Trial Court was held during the week of February 22, 2016. The Honorable W. Osmond Smith, III presided over the week long session. The Office of District Attorney Mike Waters was represented by Assistant District Attorneys Allison Capps, Tasha Gardner and Mike Putney.

Davey Allen pleaded guilty to Second Degree Murder in the death of Suzy Hester. Ms. Hester was the nighttime caregiver for Mr. Allen’s grandmother who was an invalid. Mr. Allen entered his grandmother’s home on the evening of October 5,2013, and stabbed Ms. Hester multiple times. Judge Smith sentenced Mr. Allen to 365 to 450 months in the North Carolina Department of Public Safety, Division of Adult Correction (DAC). This case was investigated by the Oxford Police Department and was prepared for trial by Assistant District Attorneys Tasha Gardner and Allison Capps.

After Judge Smith declared that he was capable of proceeding to trial, Jose Dominguez-Lopez plead guilty to Second Degree Sex Offense. Dominguez-Lopez received an active sentence of 78 months minimum to 148 months maximum in DAC. Dominguez-Lopez was charged after he assaulted a woman on Westbourne Drive in Creedmoor. After a short man-hunt, Dominguez-Lopez was apprehended by officers of the Creedmoor Police Department while hiding in a shed on nearby Sam Moss Hayes Road.

Tyre Burnette pleaded guilty to Conspiracy to Commit Assault with a Deadly Weapon Inflicting Serious Injury. Burnette received an active sentence of 28 months minimum to 43 months maximum in DAC. Burnette and a co-defendant, Anthony Mann, were involved in the beating of Kedric Hester on Otho Mangum Road. Anthony Mann also pleaded guilty to Conspiracy to Commit Assault with a Deadly Weapon Inflicting Serious Injury, as well as, various drug and weapon charges. Mann received an active sentence of 18-31 months in DAC. Detectives from the Granville County Sheriffs Office investigated all
of these cases.

Thurston Darius Bobbitt pleaded guilty to Attempted Common Law Robbery and Felony Fleeing to Elude an Officer. Bobbitt received an active sentence of 16 months minimum to 38 months maximum in DAC. The Attempted Common Law Robbery charge arose from the attempted robbery of the Shell Station located at 3901 Oxford Loop Road on September 16, 2014, and was investigated by detectives of the Oxford Police Department. The Fleeing to Elude an Officer charge arose from a high speed chase that began in the city limits of Oxford and ended at Wilton Elementary School on February 2, 2016. The chase involved officers from Oxford Police Department and The Granville County Sheriffs Office.

Phillip Markunas pleaded guilty to Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon. On September 9,2014, the United States Marshall Service, Eastern District of North Carolina, Violent Fugitive Task Force assisted the Granville County Sheriff’s Office with verifying registration compliance of all registered sex offenders in Granville County. Upon search of the camper that Markunas resided in, officers recovered several firearms and knives. Markunas was previously convicted of Indecent Liberties with a child on December 2, 2013.

James Tunstall pleaded guilty to Felonious Possession of Cocaine. Tunstall received an active sentence of 6 months minimum to 17 months maximum in DAC. Officers of Oxford Police Department executed a traffic stop of the vehicle Tunstall was driving on October 13, 2014. In plain view was an open container of alcohol. A further search of the vehicle yielded illegal controlled substances and drug paraphernalia.

Tiffany Thomas pleaded gUilty to Habitual Misdemeanor Larceny. Thomas received a minimum of 8 months to a maximum of 19 months suspended with supervised probation. As a condition of probation, she was ordered to serve a 60 day sentence. On May 28, 2015, Thomas entered the Family Dollar located at 117 Hilltop Village, shortly before the store was to close. After walking around with a tote and filling it with various household items, Thomas left the store without paying for the items. Officers of the Oxford Police Department responded and Thomas was immediately apprehended.

Cast, crew announced for VGCC Dinner Theater production

Vance-Granville Community College has announced the cast and crew for “Deathtrap,” a comedy-thriller that will be the college’s fourth annual Dinner Theater event.

The dinner theater is scheduled for the evenings of Thursday, April 28, and Friday, April 29, in the Civic Center on VGCC’s Main Campus in Vance County. Dinner begins at 6 p.m. each night. Then, on Saturday, April 30, at 2 p.m., there will be a special encore matinee performance of the play, without dinner, at the same location.

For the first time, the dinner theater will incorporate two casts in order to provide more opportunities for students to participate. On Thursday and Friday, the cast will include Spencer Nunn of Warrenton as Sidney Bruhl, Jessie Hartley of Oxford as Myra Bruhl, Morgan McFalls of Oxford as Clifford Anderson, and Jordan Bunting of Rocky Mount as Porter Milgrim. For the Saturday matinee, the cast will feature TaJuan (“Taj”) Glenn of Oxford as Sidney Bruhl, Tia Garren of Henderson as Myra Bruhl, Malachi Glass of Henderson as Clifford Anderson, and Keyante Lindsey of Oxford as Porter Milgrim. Brittney Patterson of Henderson will play the part of Helga ten Dorp in both casts.

The crew includes Jerome Bulluck of Henderson, who is serving as stage manager, sound designer and lighting engineer; Michael Frink of Raleigh, the sound engineer who is also helping with props; and Ashley McEntee of Oxford, who is supervising props and costumes, with assistance from Jamie McGinn of Wake Forest and Allen Young of Henderson.

All are current students at the college, except for Garren, a VGCC alumna who is now on the staff of the college’s Continuing Education division.

Betsy Henderson, VGCC’s Department Chair/Instructor of Humanities and Fine Arts, is the director of the play.

Written by the late playwright and novelist Ira Levin, Deathtrap enjoyed a successful original Broadway run from 1978 through 1982 and was then adapted into a feature film. Skillfully blending thrills and laughter, the plot concerns the devious machinations of Sidney Bruhl, a writer of thrillers whose recent offerings have been flops, and who is prepared to go to any lengths to improve his fortunes. He receives a script from a student, Clifford Anderson, and immediately recognizes the thriller as a potential hit, setting in motion a suspenseful chain of events.

Tickets are scheduled to go on sale on March 15. For more information, visit

VGCC Trustees endorse Connect NC Bond

The Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees has voiced its support of the Connect NC Bond on the ballot for voters in the primary on March 15.

In a unanimous vote on Monday night, Feb. 8, at the trustees’ regular bimonthly meeting, the board adopted a resolution of support for the $2 billion bond package.

“The Connect NC Bond … will enable North Carolina’s systems of higher education to educate and train a highly qualified workforce for the 21st century and will support our state’s parks, National Guard, community infrastructure, and agricultural resources,” the resolution states.

If approved by the state’s voters, $7.6 million of the bond package “will pay for ongoing, necessary improvements for VGCC and provide a substantial savings to the people of Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren counties,” the resolution states.

“This is the first statewide bond we’ve had since the year 2000,” VGCC President Dr. Stelfanie Williams told the board. “The state of North Carolina has actually grown by 2 million people since then. We have a lot of new people in our state.

“This will very much benefit our region. Not only will the community college receive funding but also the state parks. Kerr Lake is set to receive $3,750,000. Municipalities can apply for water and sewer infrastructure,” Dr. Williams said.

The college can use its allocation for new construction, renovations and repairs across its four campuses, Dr. Williams added.

VGCC’s proposed allocation is the eighth largest among the state’s community colleges. “The nice thing about this bond for Vance-Granville is that the formula for determining allocations incorporated county wealth and the age of buildings, so we fared well with $7.6 million,” Dr. Williams said.

Steve Graham, VGCC’s vice president of finance and operations, said the college has many needs for retrofitting and enhancing instructional program spaces and addressing critical repair and renovation needs with the bond proceeds, if approved.

Graham noted as examples that partnerships with area industry are resulting in higher enrollments in programs such as the new Mechatronics Engineering Technology academic program. Additional space is needed for lecture areas and for housing new equipment.

Some buildings on VGCC’s main campus have air handling units that are over 30 years old, and there are older model fire alarm systems that need to be replaced, Graham added. In some curriculum areas, such as Cosmetology, electrical and ventilation upgrades are needed.

Dr. Williams added that the public school students will also benefit from the bonds in the four-county area, because there are approximately 800 enrolled in the early college high schools on VGCC’s four campuses.

On the ballot, the Connect NC Bond will be labeled the “Connect NC Public Improvement Bond.” Early voting is scheduled for March 3-12, Dr. Williams said.

The board voted to contribute $7,000 of non-state funds to support the Connect NC Bond Committee.

In other action:

  • Mid-Year Amendments to the 2015-2016 Budget Resolution were approved. Trustee Danny Wright, chair of the board’s Budget Committee, said the adjustments were necessary to account for $2,074,022 in carryover funds from the previous year and grant funding.
  • The board voted to close the Industrial Systems academic program, effective in the fall of 2016, upon recommendation of the Curriculum Committee, chaired by Trustee Barbara Cates Harris. More students are gravitating to the Mechatronics program, contributing to low enrollment in Industrial Systems.
  • Under a new sales tax redistribution plan, the state and local sales tax base will be expanded to include repair, maintenance and installation services, Graham reported. A portion of local sales tax revenue will be placed in a statewide pool and allocated under a new statutory method with the proceeds used for expenditures related to economic development, public schools or community colleges. By county, the estimated annual distribution is: Vance, $241,000; Granville, $1,157,000; Franklin, $1,903,000; and Warren, $778,000.
  • Following a report by Trustee Sara Wester, chair of the Personnel Committee, the trustees approved resolutions to adopt two additional Supplemental Retirement Plans established by the State for the benefit of VGCC employees with no cost to the college. All qualified employees are eligible immediately for the NC 403 (b) and NC 457 plans.
  • The Investment Committee, co-chaired by Trustees Opie Frazier and Donald Seifert, reported on a joint meeting held with members of the VGCC Endowment Fund Board of Directors in January. Seifert said the two boards are currently updating the college’s investment policies.
  • In an update for the Building Committee, Graham reported that work began on the Building 10 renovations in January with an expected completion date of June 23.
  • The board approved a course offering at Polk Correctional Institution in Butner and Warren Correctional Institution in Manson. All courses offered at the state’s prisons must go before trustees for approval.
  • Student Government Association President Aleria Perry, who serves as Student Trustee, announced upcoming events at the college, including Fun Friday for Valentine’s Day on Feb. 12, Spirit Week starting Feb. 29, and a Talent Show for students on March 4.
  • In Dr. Williams’ report to the board, the trustees were updated on activities since the board last met in November, including the recent announcement of a former VGCC president, Dr. Ben Currin, winning the community college system’s top award, the I.E. Ready Award, and plans for VGCC’s new online learning initiative, VOLT (Vanguard Online Learning through Technology), to offer online College Transfer degrees starting in the fall. She also announced the dates of an Arts & Sciences Lecture Series that will feature Bill Barker of Colonial Williamsburg, Va., as Thomas Jefferson; lectures are set for Feb. 18, March 17, and April 21, at 11 a.m. each day in the Auditorium in Building 2. The college’s Fourth Annual Dinner Theater will be held April 28-30. The annual VGCC Endowment Fund Golf Tournament is set for Tuesday, May 3.

The Monday night meeting was moved to Feb. 8 because of inclement weather on the original meeting date of Jan. 25. The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is set for Monday, March 21, on the Main Campus.