Garrison Provides Comparisons of the State’s Proposed Vs. Adopted Budget

-Information courtesy the June 2018 newsletter of Rep. Terry E. Garrison (Dem)

SB 99 or the Appropriations Act of 2018 is the adjusted budget for the State of North Carolina. Every biennium, the General Assembly produces a budget for all North Carolina department divisions. The budget is a document that reflects the authorized expenditures for the department heads by which they determine their program allocations. Governor Cooper vetoed this bill because he felt the budget did not do enough to ensure the welfare of all North Carolinians.

The legislative short session typically has allowed all legislators an opportunity to review the budget and provide input for budget changes or adjustments. However, that did not happen this past session. Budget adjustments were made by a joint conference committee comprised of few Republicans from both the Senate and House. However, all Democrats and many Republicans were not involved with making budget adjustments. Thus, the general legislative body had but one option – to vote either “Yes” or “No” for approval of the budget.

This bill was vetoed by the Governor and his veto was overridden by the General Assembly on June 12, 2018.

Below are some comparisons of the budget that was put forth by the Governor and North Carolina General Assembly (NCGA):

Cooper’s Proposed Budget – Provided $20 million to expand broadband in underserved areas                                          NCGA’s Adopted Budget – Provides $10 million

Cooper’s Proposed Budget – Provided $12.2 million in rural economic development grants                                              NCGA’s Adopted Budget Does not include statewide rural economic support grants

Cooper’s Proposed Budget – Provided $9 million in community mental health funding to fight opioid use disorders   NCGA’s Adopted Budget – Does not provide statewide funding to combat opioid use disorders

Cooper’s Proposed Budget – Recommended expanding Medicaid to cover 670,000 additional people                            NCGA’s Adopted Budget – Does not expand Medicaid eligibility to close health care coverage gap

Cooper’s Proposed Budget – Invested $28 million to improve safety & security of prison facilities                                    NCGA’s Adopted Budget – Provides $15 million w/no funding for correctional officer training

Cooper’s Proposed Budget – Provided $14.5 million to tackle water quality concerns                                                            NCGA’s Adopted Budget – Provides $10.3 million but spreads it around several entities

Cooper’s Proposed Budget – Provided an additional $2.5 million to our state’s HBCU’s                                                          NCGA’s Adopted Budget – This budget does not increase investment in HBCU’s

Garrison Provides Updates on Recent NC General Assembly Session

-Information courtesy the June 2018 newsletter of Rep. Terry E. Garrison

The 2018 session of the NC General Assembly convened on May 16 and adjourned on June 29. The General Assembly is scheduled to reconvene on November 27, 2018.

This short session of the NC General Assembly included adjustments to the 2017-19 Biennium Budget and passage of a flurry of bills allowable under rules of the General Assembly including six bills placing constitutional amendments on the ballot for the upcoming midterm elections in November 2018.

Some major items on the agenda considered:

  • Appropriations Act 2018 (Budget)
  • Teacher Pay
  • Principal Pay
  • NC Schools
  • State Employees Pay
  • Retirees Pay
  • Rural Broadband
  • Strengthening Safety Guidelines for Correctional Officers
  • Constitutional Amendments – Judicial Redistricting, Election Law Changes
  • Income Tax Cap
  • Farm Act
  • Clean Water

To stay up-to-date on NC General Assembly happenings, please visit the official website at

Families Living Violence Free

Families Living Violence Free to Offer Domestic Violence 101 Courses

-Information courtesy Peggy Roark, Sexual Assault Advocate & PREA Coordinator, Families Living Violence Free

Register today for Domestic Violence 101

Domestic Violence 101 is a six-week course with a new class beginning Tuesday, August 7, 2018.

Classes will be held Tuesdays from 6 – 7 p.m. at the office of Families Living Violence Free, 125 Oxford Outer Loop, Oxford.

Receive your DV 101 certificate upon completion of the six-week course.

Missed a class from a previous session? That’s okay! You can take the class you missed in the next DV 101 course and still earn your certificate.

Please call (919) 693-3579 to register.

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American Flag

Still Plenty of Upcoming Fourth of July Events to Enjoy!

WIZS wishes you and your family a very happy and SAFE July 4th holiday!

Tuesday, July 3 –

The City of Creedmoor and Town of Butner will host a “spectacular” fireworks display at Lake Holt, located at 1200 Old Highway 75 in Butner, on Tuesday, July 3, 2018.  Gates open at 6 p.m. and fireworks begin at 9 p.m.

Concessions offering a selection of hot dogs, bottled water, and soft drinks are available (no alcoholic beverages are permitted), and a DJ plays music to add to the celebration.

Attendees are encouraged to bring a lawn chair or blanket and a personal-size flashlight. Due to the loud nature of fireworks, event organizers request that all pets be left at home for this event.

Parking and security are organized by officers of the Creedmoor Police Department, the Creedmoor Volunteer Fire Department, Butner Public Safety, and Granville County Sheriff’s Office.

This event is sponsored by Granville County, Town of Stem, Town of Butner, City of Creedmoor and City of Oxford.

For more information, please visit

Wednesday, July 4 –

Mark your calendars for the greatest small town celebration in NC! For those of you who have been…just a simple “Don’t miss the celebration in Wise on the 4th…” is all you need! For those of you who haven’t been yet, it is a “must” event for 2018.

Wednesday, July 4 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. all roads lead to Wise. For nearly an hour they close down US 1 through Wise for a hometown parade. Following the parade, everyone gathers on the grounds of the Wise Baptist Church (the Stone Church) for fellowship, food, fun, live music from The Deep Creek Band and some of the best homemade ice cream you’ll ever taste.

With activities for the entire family and lots of vendors and crafts, you’ll remember your 4th in Wise for years to come!

As an added entry in this year’s parade, they will have a Vietnam era Huey Medivac Helicopter. Mr. Jesse McGee of Hollister, NC will be the Grand Marshal this year. Mr. McGee is a WWII, US Army Air Corp veteran.

This year there’s the additional Classic Car Show. A $10 entry fee gets your classic rod in the competition for a chance at 1st, 2nd & 3rd place trophies.

Wednesday, July 4 –

The Creedmoor Lions Club and City of Creedmoor will host a Fourth of July picnic from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Wednesday, July 4 at Lake Rogers Park, 1711 Lake Road in Creedmoor.

The event is open to the public and features free hot dogs, watermelon slices, live music and a cake baking contest. Cake contest begins at 1 p.m.

For more information, please contact Lynwood Hicks at (919) 793-3172 or (919) 528-2137.

Saturday, July 7 –

Cokesbury Volunteer Fire Department will host its annual “fireworks extravaganza” on Saturday, July 7.

Fireworks will begin around 8:30 p.m. Those interested in the event are encouraged to arrive early.

Food, including Chick-fil-A and Pelican Snowballs, will be available for purchase.

NC Coop Extension

Parenting Tip of the Week – 7/2/18

-Weekly parenting tips provided courtesy of Jean Bell, Parenting Education Coordinator, Vance County Cooperative Extension

Fireworks Safety

Holiday fireworks can be great fun but can be dangerous if not used safely. The National Council on Fireworks Safety has some great tips to help make your celebration fun and safe:

  • Use fireworks outdoors in a clear area, point fireworks away from buildings, brush, leaves and flammable substances
  • Adults should supervise all fireworks
  • Wear safety glasses when shooting fireworks
  • Never hold fireworks in your hand when lighting
  • Never relight a dud firework
  • Have a bucket of water and a hose ready when using fireworks
  • Dispose of spent fireworks by wetting them down and place in a metal trash can
American Flag

Local Independence Day Events Sure to Entertain

Check out the 2018 Independence Day celebrations happening in the local area. There are enough events to keep you and the entire family fed and entertained all week long!

WIZS wishes you and your family a very happy and SAFE July 4th holiday!


Saturday, June 30

Fireworks over the water at Kerr Lake, Satterwhite Point, in Henderson, NC on Saturday, June 30, 2018.

Entertainment presented by “Frankie Faucet & The Drips” Band.

Food vendors on site. Bring a lawn chair or a blanket. Enjoy the music and good food.

FREE event admission, but $7.00 per car gate fee charged by NC State Parks.

7 – 10 p.m.


Directions: From I-85, take Exit 217 and follow the signs to the park. Park entrance located directly across from 6254 Satterwhite Point Road.

Sponsored by Vance County Department of Tourism –


Sunday, July 1

Free fireworks will light up the night at Fox Pond Park, 467 Vicksboro Rd., Henderson, on Sunday, July 1, 2018, at 9 p.m.

Fox Pond Park will close at 7 p.m. on the evening of July 1 for normal operations.

No parking will be allowed at Fox Pond Park. Visitors may park at the Aycock Recreation Center or the Vance County Fairground for shuttle service to the Park. Shuttling will begin at 7 p.m.

For more information, please contact Tara Goolsby at (252) 438-3948 or email

Fireworks sponsored by the Henderson-Vance Recreation & Parks Department.


Tuesday, July 3

The City of Creedmoor and Town of Butner will host a “spectacular” fireworks display at Lake Holt, located on Old Highway 75 in Butner, on Tuesday, July 3, 2018.  Gates open at 6 p.m. and fireworks begin at 9 p.m.

Concessions offering a selection of hot dogs, bottled water, and soft drinks are available (no alcoholic beverages are permitted), and a DJ plays music to add to the celebration.

Attendees are encouraged to bring a lawn chair or blanket and a personal-size flashlight. Due to the loud nature of fireworks, event organizers request that all pets be left at home for this event.

Parking and security are organized by officers of the Creedmoor Police Department, the Creedmoor Volunteer Fire Department, Butner Public Safety, and Granville County Sheriff’s Office.

This event is supported with donations from the Town of Stem, City of Oxford, and Granville County.


Wednesday, July 4

Mark your calendars for the greatest small town celebration in NC! For those of you who have been…just a simple “Don’t miss the celebration in Wise on the 4th…” is all you need! For those of you who haven’t been yet, it is a “must” event for 2018.

Wednesday, July 4 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. all roads lead to Wise. For nearly an hour they close down US 1 through Wise for a hometown parade. Following the parade, everyone gathers on the grounds of the Wise Baptist Church (the Stone Church) for fellowship, food, fun, live music from The Deep Creek Band and some of the best homemade ice cream you’ll ever taste.

With activities for the entire family and lots of vendors and crafts, you’ll remember your 4th in Wise for years to come!

As an added entry in this year’s parade, they will have a Vietnam era Huey Medivac Helicopter. Mr. Jesse McGee of Hollister, NC will be the Grand Marshal this year. Mr. McGee is a WWII, US Army Air Corp veteran.

This year there’s the additional Classic Car Show. A $10 entry fee gets your classic rod in the competition for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place trophies.


Wednesday, July 4

The Creedmoor Lions Club and City of Creedmoor will host a Fourth of July picnic from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Wednesday, July 4 at Lake Rogers Park, 1711 Lake Road in Creedmoor.

The event is open to the public and features free hot dogs, watermelon slices, live music and a cake baking contest.


Saturday, July 7

Cokesbury Volunteer Fire Department will host its annual “fireworks extravaganza” on Saturday, July 7.

Fireworks will begin around 8:30 p.m. Those interested in the event are encouraged to arrive early.

Food, including Chick-fil-A and Pelican Snowballs, will be available for purchase.

Faith Dove

Averett Baptist Hosting Bluegrass Gospel Concert

-Information courtesy Rev. Rodney Barwick, Averett Baptist Church

The Averett Baptist Church, 2671 Averett Church Road, Nelson, Virginia is hosting a free Bluegrass Gospel Concert featuring The Oak Grove Boys & Stephanie. Concert to be held Sunday, July 15 @ 6 p.m. All are welcome!

The church is located 5 miles southwest of Clarksville, VA off Highway 49-S

Free admission but a love offering will be taken.

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McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center Announces Summer Lineup

-Information courtesy the McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center

Enjoy these upcoming summer performances at the McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center:

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat presented by Henderson Rec Players

Friday, July 6, 2018, at 8 p.m.

Saturday, July 7, 2018, at 8 p.m.

Sunday, July 8, 2018, at 2 p.m.

Saturday, July 14, 2018, at 8 p.m.

Sunday, July 15, 2018, at 2 p.m.

Doors open one hour before the show

ABOUT THE PERFORMANCE: Based on the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors from the Bible’s Book of Genesis, this uplifting and energetic musical is celebrating its 50th Anniversary in 2018. Presented by the Henderson Rec Players, the performance will feature a large cast of all ages and is directed by Jo Ellen Nowell and Mark Hopper. Bring the whole family to this creative re-imagining of a beloved Bible story!


The Manhattans featuring Henderson’s Gerald Alston

Friday, August 3, 2018, at 8 p.m.

Doors open one hour before the show

Premium Meet & Greet Tickets available

ABOUT THE PERFORMANCE: R&B legends The Manhattans featuring Henderson, NC-native Gerald Alston bring their smooth sound with hits like “Kiss and Say Goodbye” and “Shining Star.” Tickets are not general admission, rather, seat selections are made in advance and are based on availability. All seats are expected to sell out. Advance ticket purchases recommended.

MEET & GREET with GERALD ALSTON: Enhance your experience with PREMIUM MEET & GREET TICKETS that include front-row seats to the concert as well as admission to a private catered reception with Gerald Alston prior to the show at 6:30 p.m. Advance purchases recommended.


Clybourne Park presented by Henderson Rec Players

Thursday, Aug. 9, 2018, at 8 p.m.

Saturday, Aug. 11, 2018, at 8 p.m.

Sunday, Aug. 12, 2018, at 2 p.m.

Doors open one hour before the show

ABOUT THE PERFORMANCE: Winner of both the Pulitzer Prize and the Tony Award for Best Play, “Clybourne Park” is a satire about the politics of race that will be directed by Stephanie Asabi Howard. In response to Lorraine Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun,” playwright Bruce Norris set up his work as a pair of scenes that bookend Hansberry’s piece and are set in the same modest bungalow on Chicago’s northwest side. In 1959, Russ and Bev move out to the suburbs after the tragic death of their son. Inadvertently, they sell their house to the neighborhood’s first black family. Fifty years later in 2009, the roles are reversed when a young white couple buys the lot in what is now a predominantly black neighborhood, signaling a new wave of gentrification. In both instances, a community showdown takes place, pitting race against real estate with this home as the battleground.

3 Easy Ways To Purchase Tickets:

DROP IN: 201 Breckenridge Street, Henderson, N.C. Monday – Friday 1:30 – 5:30 p.m,

CALL: (252) 598-0662 (M-F 1:30 – 5:30 p.m.)

CLICK HERE:  (Use the eTix official site, online fees apply)

Doors open one hour prior to showtime. Group & Student Discounts Available.

For more information and updates on upcoming performances, visit

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Lake Gaston’s Annual The Crossing Fundraiser Event, Sat., Aug. 11

— courtesy The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County | Kathleen Derring, Chamber President~ 252-257-2657 ~ ~ Facebook

The Crossing, a charitable fundraising event held the second Saturday of every August is a fun-filled event for the young and young at heart! Swim, kayak, canoe, raft or use your imagination to come up with a new mode of transportation (The Waver category)!

Swimmers and non-powered vessels traverse the one-mile open water span adjacent to Eaton’s Ferry Bridge, starting at Morningstar Marina and ending at Watersview Restaurant.

Swimming across Lake Gaston isn’t your thing? No problem! The Crossing also includes a bridge walk! Participants walk across Eaton’s Ferry Bridge from Morningstar Marina to Watersview.

Registration may be completed online through 5 p.m. on Friday, August 10, 2018. Registration the day of the event is $30 – Please arrive early! Note: Powered vessels are not allowed to participate.

It helps our volunteers immensely if you register for The Crossing using the online service, but we understand it’s not for everyone. If you prefer to mail a paper entry form to us with your check you may download a form.

Note: one entry form must be completed for each participant!

You may register online by clicking here.

(This is not a paid advertisement)

New VGCC Nursing Scholarship Named in Honor of Retired Registered Nurse

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Hutson Wester of Henderson recently made a donation to the Vance-Granville Community College Endowment Fund to create the Brenda McGee Wester, R.N., Academic Achievement Scholarship in honor of his wife.

Wester has long been a supporter of the college’s scholarship program. He started his first scholarship in the 1980s, recently elevating the Hutson Wester Insurance scholarship to the Presidential Merit Award status. He started the Virginia L. Wester Academic Achievement Scholarship in 2015 in memory of his former wife. He was also instrumental in endowing the Henderson Rotary Club Academic Achievement Scholarship in 2008.

Now retired from Wester Insurance Agency in Henderson, Wester also taught Continuing Education classes on insurance at VGCC for several years.

Brenda McGee Wester retired after 30 years as a Registered Nurse in 2005, having worked at Duke Raleigh Medical Center and Wake Medical Center as well as spending a portion of that time in State government. She received her Associate Degree in Nursing from Johnston Community College and is considering enrolling into a Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at a four-year institution, she said.

Hutson Wester and his wife, Brenda, present a donation to Vance-Granville Community College’s Endowment Fund to start the Brenda McGee Wester, R.N., Academic Achievement Scholarship. From left are Eddie Ferguson, Endowment Fund director; Kay Currin, Endowment specialist; Brenda Wester; Hutson Wester; and VGCC President Dr. Stelfanie Williams.

Mrs. Wester said her career in Nursing was sparked by her mother’s interest in helping neighbors in the McGee’s Crossroads community while growing up as one of six daughters on a 100-acre tobacco farm in Johnston County. “My mother, Lillie McGee, was the one that they called on when a mother was having a baby,” said Mrs. Wester. “My mother was a nurse by what came natural to her,” serving as a midwife in addition to providing loving care to members of her family.

“I know what it’s like to come along and want to be a nurse, but some students can’t afford to go to college,” said Mrs. Wester. “Having a scholarship available will help them be able to make it. That means a lot to me.”

In awarding the newest scholarship, preference will be given to students enrolled in eight or more credit hours in one of the college’s Nursing programs. A minimum grade point average of 2.5 will be required. VGCC offers Associate Degree Nursing, LPN to ADN Transition, RIBN (Regionally Increasing Baccalaureate Nursing) and Practical Nursing among its Health Sciences programs.

“I think Vance-Granville is one of the best things that ever happened in our four-county area,” said Hutson Wester. “I’ve seen what the college has done since the very beginning when it was located in the former Maria Parham Hospital building on Chestnut Street in Henderson.”

VGCC President Dr. Stelfanie Williams voiced her appreciation of the new scholarship. “Students who are preparing for careers in Nursing have a new source of support, thanks to the generosity of Hutson Wester. This scholarship, like those he started earlier, is so essential in helping us meet our mission of educating, inspiring and supporting our students.”

Eddie Ferguson, director of the VGCC Endowment Fund, added, “Hutson Wester has been such a strong supporter of the college — in the classroom, in the community and also on the golf course as a regular participant in our annual Endowment Fund golf tournament. He has chosen a meaningful way to honor his wife.”

The new scholarship will add to the more than 9,000 scholarships that have been awarded to students since 1982, funded by interest earned on the Endowment Fund and Scholarship Program. Scholarships have been established by individuals, industries, businesses, civic groups, churches and the college’s faculty and staff to assist deserving students. Tax-deductible donations to the VGCC Endowment Fund have often been used to honor or remember a person, group, business, industry or organization with a lasting gift to education. In the Fall of 2017, Vance-Granville awarded scholarships to 306 students.

For more information, the Office of the Endowment can be reached by calling Endowment Specialist Kay Currin at (252) 738-3409.