Vance County Schools Show 02/08/16

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 02/09/16

News 02/10/16

VGCC Trustees endorse Connect NC Bond

The Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees has voiced its support of the Connect NC Bond on the ballot for voters in the primary on March 15.

In a unanimous vote on Monday night, Feb. 8, at the trustees’ regular bimonthly meeting, the board adopted a resolution of support for the $2 billion bond package.

“The Connect NC Bond … will enable North Carolina’s systems of higher education to educate and train a highly qualified workforce for the 21st century and will support our state’s parks, National Guard, community infrastructure, and agricultural resources,” the resolution states.

If approved by the state’s voters, $7.6 million of the bond package “will pay for ongoing, necessary improvements for VGCC and provide a substantial savings to the people of Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren counties,” the resolution states.

“This is the first statewide bond we’ve had since the year 2000,” VGCC President Dr. Stelfanie Williams told the board. “The state of North Carolina has actually grown by 2 million people since then. We have a lot of new people in our state.

“This will very much benefit our region. Not only will the community college receive funding but also the state parks. Kerr Lake is set to receive $3,750,000. Municipalities can apply for water and sewer infrastructure,” Dr. Williams said.

The college can use its allocation for new construction, renovations and repairs across its four campuses, Dr. Williams added.

VGCC’s proposed allocation is the eighth largest among the state’s community colleges. “The nice thing about this bond for Vance-Granville is that the formula for determining allocations incorporated county wealth and the age of buildings, so we fared well with $7.6 million,” Dr. Williams said.

Steve Graham, VGCC’s vice president of finance and operations, said the college has many needs for retrofitting and enhancing instructional program spaces and addressing critical repair and renovation needs with the bond proceeds, if approved.

Graham noted as examples that partnerships with area industry are resulting in higher enrollments in programs such as the new Mechatronics Engineering Technology academic program. Additional space is needed for lecture areas and for housing new equipment.

Some buildings on VGCC’s main campus have air handling units that are over 30 years old, and there are older model fire alarm systems that need to be replaced, Graham added. In some curriculum areas, such as Cosmetology, electrical and ventilation upgrades are needed.

Dr. Williams added that the public school students will also benefit from the bonds in the four-county area, because there are approximately 800 enrolled in the early college high schools on VGCC’s four campuses.

On the ballot, the Connect NC Bond will be labeled the “Connect NC Public Improvement Bond.” Early voting is scheduled for March 3-12, Dr. Williams said.

The board voted to contribute $7,000 of non-state funds to support the Connect NC Bond Committee.

In other action:

  • Mid-Year Amendments to the 2015-2016 Budget Resolution were approved. Trustee Danny Wright, chair of the board’s Budget Committee, said the adjustments were necessary to account for $2,074,022 in carryover funds from the previous year and grant funding.
  • The board voted to close the Industrial Systems academic program, effective in the fall of 2016, upon recommendation of the Curriculum Committee, chaired by Trustee Barbara Cates Harris. More students are gravitating to the Mechatronics program, contributing to low enrollment in Industrial Systems.
  • Under a new sales tax redistribution plan, the state and local sales tax base will be expanded to include repair, maintenance and installation services, Graham reported. A portion of local sales tax revenue will be placed in a statewide pool and allocated under a new statutory method with the proceeds used for expenditures related to economic development, public schools or community colleges. By county, the estimated annual distribution is: Vance, $241,000; Granville, $1,157,000; Franklin, $1,903,000; and Warren, $778,000.
  • Following a report by Trustee Sara Wester, chair of the Personnel Committee, the trustees approved resolutions to adopt two additional Supplemental Retirement Plans established by the State for the benefit of VGCC employees with no cost to the college. All qualified employees are eligible immediately for the NC 403 (b) and NC 457 plans.
  • The Investment Committee, co-chaired by Trustees Opie Frazier and Donald Seifert, reported on a joint meeting held with members of the VGCC Endowment Fund Board of Directors in January. Seifert said the two boards are currently updating the college’s investment policies.
  • In an update for the Building Committee, Graham reported that work began on the Building 10 renovations in January with an expected completion date of June 23.
  • The board approved a course offering at Polk Correctional Institution in Butner and Warren Correctional Institution in Manson. All courses offered at the state’s prisons must go before trustees for approval.
  • Student Government Association President Aleria Perry, who serves as Student Trustee, announced upcoming events at the college, including Fun Friday for Valentine’s Day on Feb. 12, Spirit Week starting Feb. 29, and a Talent Show for students on March 4.
  • In Dr. Williams’ report to the board, the trustees were updated on activities since the board last met in November, including the recent announcement of a former VGCC president, Dr. Ben Currin, winning the community college system’s top award, the I.E. Ready Award, and plans for VGCC’s new online learning initiative, VOLT (Vanguard Online Learning through Technology), to offer online College Transfer degrees starting in the fall. She also announced the dates of an Arts & Sciences Lecture Series that will feature Bill Barker of Colonial Williamsburg, Va., as Thomas Jefferson; lectures are set for Feb. 18, March 17, and April 21, at 11 a.m. each day in the Auditorium in Building 2. The college’s Fourth Annual Dinner Theater will be held April 28-30. The annual VGCC Endowment Fund Golf Tournament is set for Tuesday, May 3.

The Monday night meeting was moved to Feb. 8 because of inclement weather on the original meeting date of Jan. 25. The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is set for Monday, March 21, on the Main Campus.

News 02/09/16

Marcus Fields Disappearance Leads To Indictments

(Full Press Release)

Henderson, NC – Over the past six weeks, investigators from the Henderson Police Department and the Vance County Sheriff’s Office, together with agents from the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation have investigated the disappearance of Marcus Lamont Fields of Henderson, North Carolina. The District Attorney’s Office has been working closely with these agencies during this investigation.

Today, the District Attorney’s Office presented indictments to a Vance County Grand Jury. True bills were returned on all counts and the Hon. James E. Hardin, Jr. has issued warrants for the arrests of Chelsea Joanne Collier, Daniel Blake Grissom, Jessica Lauren Lewis, and Chase M. Wiesner for the Conspiracy to Commit and the First Degree Murder of Marcus Lamont Fields. Additionally, Shannon Tingen Collier was indicted for Accessory After the Fact to First Degree Murder.

The investigation into the murder of Marcus Lamont Fields remains ongoing and further arrests are anticipated in connection with the case. All defendants indicted or charged are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.

Anyone with additional information is encouraged to contact the following:
Crimestoppers: (252) 492-1925
Vance County Sheriffs Office: (252) 738-2200

Fatal Shooting in Henderson

Henderson Police Press Release

Monday, February 08, 2016


On Monday, February 08, 2016 at 11:24 A.M., members of the Henderson Police Department responded to Gate City Foods, 601 W. Andrews Avenue, Henderson in response to someone being shot.  Arriving officers found Tre’shon Cheek, 18, 315 Davis Street, Henderson suffering from a gunshot wound.  Cheek died as a result of his injuries.

The investigation of this matter is being handled by the Henderson Police Department Criminal Investigation Division.  Anyone with information is asked to contact the Henderson Police Department at 252-438-4141 or Henderson Vance Crime Stoppers at 252-492-1925.  Crime Stoppers will pay rewards of up to 2,000.00 for information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of individuals engaged in criminal activity.


Authority: Chief Marcus Barrow

VGCC welcomes “Thomas Jefferson” for lecture series

Vance-Granville Community College’s Arts and Sciences division is offering a spring lecture series with a distinguished guest speaker, former President Thomas Jefferson — or, to be exact, Bill Barker, the critically acclaimed resident “Mr. Jefferson” at Colonial Williamsburg, Va.

The public is invited to attend the Jefferson presentations, as are VGCC students, faculty and staff. On Thursday, Feb. 18, at 11 a.m., the series kicks off with “Mr. Jefferson and the Pursuit of Science.” That will be followed by “Mr. Jefferson and the U.S. Constitution,” on Thursday, March 17, at 11 a.m.; and finally “Mr. Jefferson and Slavery,” on Thursday, April 21, at 11 a.m.

All of the hour-long lectures will be held in the small auditorium in Building 2 on VGCC’s Main Campus in Henderson.

The lectures will illuminate topics from many different disciplines within the arts and sciences at VGCC, from the math and natural science subjects that so fascinated Jefferson to history and other social sciences. Meanwhile, the lively format also highlights language and dramatic arts.

Barker has portrayed Thomas Jefferson in a variety of venues since his first appearance at Independence Hall in Philadelphia in 1984. He has been a regular interpreter at Colonial Williamsburg since 1993. Born and raised in Philadelphia, his interest in Thomas Jefferson reaches back to his youth. He enjoys researching the American world Jefferson knew with an interest in the role the man played and continues to play in our American identity.

Barker received a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in history, from Villanova University. Attracted to the stage at an early age, he became a professional actor, director and producer. He was cast as Jefferson in many different venues including the musical, 1776. Barker is the same height, weight and general appearance as Mr. Jefferson.

He has performed as Jefferson at the White House, the Palace of Versailles and throughout the United States, Great Britain, France and even on the Las Vegas Strip. He appeared as the Founding Father in programs that aired on ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, The History Channel, and C-SPAN.

For more information on the lecture series, call David Wyche at (252) 738-3364 or Deanna Stegall at (252) 738-3311.

Read-a-Thon at Perry Memorial Library

One of the most important missions of the Perry Library Youth Department is to promote early literacy within the library through programming and information distribution and to partner with community organizations with similar goals.  To that end, the library is holding a Read-a-Thon in cooperation with FGV Smart Start.  The theme of the Read-a-Thon will be:  “Read for the Youngest Readers”.  All proceeds from the Read-a-Thon will go the Dolly Parton Imagination Library program which provides age appropriate books, one per month, to children ages 0-5 years.

We are looking for community organizations and local businesses that would be willing pledge donations based upon the number of hours read during our Read-a-Thon.  The Read-a-Thon will take place at Perry Memorial Library on Monday, February 15th from 12:00 pm until 8:00 pm.  Any and all members of the community ages 1 to 100 are encouraged to read for this cause.  The total number of hours read by all who come to the library will be the basis for any pledges we receive.  The names of all businesses or organizations pledging their support for the Read-a-Thon will be publicized so that the community will know who to thank.

If you would like more information about the Read-a-Thon, or would like to give a pledge of support, please contact Angie Bates at or 252-438-3316 (ext 225).  If you would like more information about the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, please contact Gary Daeke, Development Coordinator of Smart Start, at or 252-433-9110 (ext 227).

(All of the information above was written and supplied to member businesses of the H-V Chamber of Commerce by email.)

(Perry Library Online) – (Perry Library on Facebook)

(F-G-V Smart Start Online) – (F-G-V Smart Start on Facebook)

(Dolly Parton Imagination Library Online) – (Dolly Parton Imagination Library Online on Facebook)

Town Talk 02/08/16