News 02/18/16

West End Community Watch Meeting Recap

On Tuesday evening at the West End Baptist Church the West End Community Watch Group met at 6:30 p.m. to receive updates from Henderson Police Officers and to partake in a Henderson-Vance Crime Stoppers presentation.

Henderson Police Officers addressed several issues in the West End Community such as speeding and litter along the roadways. If you have such issues in your community contact local law enforcement to make them aware of the situation.

The Henderson-Vance Crime Stoppers then explained their mission statement, purpose, and gave details as to the latest payouts and crimes in the area.

The next local community watch meeting will be the Carey Chapel Community Watch. Carey Chapel Community Watch will hold it’s next meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, February 22nd at the Aycock Recreation Center. Brad Manring, a Vance County Forestry Ranger, will be the speaker. All members and area residents are encouraged to attend this meeting.

For more information about local Community Watch groups you can send an email to Eddie Ellington, the president of the Henderson-Vance Community Watch Association at or Leonard Hight the vice president of the association at

Photo Credit: Bobby Choplin

Alliance Against Crime 02/17/16

Early College Applications

Vance County Schools is now accepting applications for rising ninth graders to enroll in the Vance County Early College High School for the 2016-2017 school year.

Applications can be picked up from counselors at Eaton-Johnson Middle School, Henderson Middle School and the STEM Early High School, as well as on the Early College website and at the school’s office on the third floor of Building 2 on the campus of Vance-Granville Community College off Poplar Creek Road.

The deadline for receiving completed applications is March 3, 2016.

The first of the parent information meetings with parents of current eighth graders will be held Thursday, February 18, at Eaton-Johnson Middle School at 6 p.m. in the school’s media center. Additional, parent meetings are scheduled on February 24, at 6 p.m. at the STEM Early High School on the campus of Northern Vance High School, and on February 25 at 6 p.m. at Henderson Middle School.

(VCS Press Release)

Town Talk 02/17/16

Home and Garden Show 02/16/16

Nominations open for Small Business of the Year

From the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce

The Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce is now seeking nominations for the 2015 Small Business of the Year. This award honors a local small business, which provides a critical product or service, fills a void in the business community or has a unique approach to the delivery of goods and services.

To be considered for this award, the nominee must be a member of the Henderson-Vance Chamber, have a maximum of 50 employees and be located in Vance County. The nominee cannot be a governmental agency or municipality. Chamber members are encouraged to nominate businesses they feel are deserving of this recognition.

For nomination forms and a complete list of criteria, please contact the Chamber office at 252-438-8414. Nomination forms should be completed and submitted to the Chamber office by Friday, April 8th.


News 02/17/16

Upcoming H-V Chamber Ribbon Cutting

From Annette Roberson

The Henderson-Vance Chamber announces their continued growth in its membership, with Davis-Royster Funeral Service at 926 South Garnett Street in Henderson.  This new member represents a business that is actively contributing to the success and economic activity of this region.

Davis-Royster has not only joined the Chamber but expanded and will be having their Open House on Sunday, February 21, 2016.

They have joined many other business owners and managers working with the Chamber to move the economy forward and make Henderson and Vance County a better place to work, live and play.  We’re excited to have them join us, please join the Chamber in welcoming this new member.

Please be advised that we will hold a ribbon cutting on Friday, February 19th at 9:00 a.m. for Davis-Royster Funeral Service located at 926 South Garnett Street in Henderson as requested by the business.  Please, let’s make every effort that we possibly can to be there to help Davis-Royster Funeral Service to celebrate their their membership with the Chamber and for the expansion of their business.

Vance County Sheriff’s Office Press Release Missing Person

Marcus Lamont Fields, age 36, of Poplar Street in Henderson was reported missing on January 2, 2016.

His body was discovered in a makeshift grave on Saturday, February 13, 2016. The site where the body was found is located in a wooded area a short distance north of the City of Henderson. An autopsy is being performed.

Five individuals have been charged in connection with the death of Fields. Chelsea J. Collier, Daniel B. Grissom, Jessica L. Lewis, and Chase Wiesner all have been charged with first degree murder and conspiracy to commit first degree murder. Shannon Collier has been charged with accessory after the fact.

This investigation is still ongoing by the Vance County Sheriff’s Office, NC State Bureau of Investigation, and the Henderson Police Department.

More arrests may be forthcoming. A clear motive is unknown at this time.