Hurricane Preparedness 2016

Note: You can always return to this article by entering Hurricane Preparedness in the search box.  Information provided by Brian Short, Director – Vance County Emergency Operations.

“The 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season is about to begin. Are you prepared?”

The Atlantic hurricane season begins on June 1st of each year and ends on November 30th. The Vance County Office of Emergency Operations wants to make sure that you and your family are prepared for whatever this season brings our way.

May 15th through May 21st has been designated National Hurricane Preparedness Week for 2016. The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is once again promoting a “Weather Ready Nation”.

Tropical cyclones are among nature’s most powerful and destructive phenomena. If you live in an area prone to tropical cyclones, you need to be prepared. Even areas well away from the coastline can be threatened by dangerous flooding, destructive winds and tornadoes from these storms. The National Hurricane Center issues watches, warnings, forecasts, and analyses of hazardous tropical weather.

Each year, Dr. William Gray and his team at Colorado State University produce a report that contains information on the projected outlook for the upcoming season. This year is forecast to be an average year according to Hurricane Experts.

“We anticipate that the 2016 Atlantic basin hurricane season will have approximately average activity. The current weakening El Niño is likely to transition to either neutral or La Niña conditions by the peak of the Atlantic hurricane season. While the tropical Atlantic is relatively warm, the far North Atlantic is quite cold, potentially indicative of a negative phase of the Atlantic Multi-Decadal Oscillation. We anticipate a near-average probability for major hurricanes making landfall along the United States coastline and in the Caribbean. As is the case with all hurricane seasons, residents are reminded that it only takes one hurricane making landfall to make it an active season for them. They should prepare the same for every season, regardless of how much activity is predicted. The tropical and subtropical Atlantic are also quite cool at present. We anticipate a below-average probability for major hurricanes making landfall along the United States coastline and in the Caribbean. They should prepare the same for every season, regardless of how much activity is predicted,” said Dr. William M. Gray, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University.

The Atlantic Basin Seasonal Hurricane Forecast for 2016 is as follows:

Number of Named Storms: 13
Number of Hurricanes: 6
Number of Major Hurricanes (Category 3 or higher): 4


While the prediction for the 2016 Atlantic hurricane season is “Average,” the prediction for this season does show a notable increase over last year.

“The time to prepare is now, well out in front of peak hurricane season,” said Brian K. Short, Director of Emergency Operations for Vance County. Keep in mind that it only takes one storm to cause significant impact. Communities and individuals are expected to be self sufficient for a minimum of 72 hours (3 days) following the impact of a hurricane. “If the impact is severe enough, it may potentially take outside help that long to get here,” Short said. “By taking the time to gather up a few basic necessities now, you will enable your family to weather the storm and the aftermath until help can arrive.”

In the event that a storm should threaten our area, The Vance County Emergency Operations staff will get important information out and will keep the public informed of our preparedness activities. Like us on Facebook to stay up to date on severe weather and coordination activities.

Smart phone users can also download a free app from This app provides a great deal of information regarding storm preparedness as well as current road conditions, local weather, power outages and storm shelters that are open just to name a few. Follow the link below to get this free app.

For more information about how you and your family can prepare for severe weather including hurricanes visit our website at:

While you’re there, be sure to visit our community alert and notification section to sign up for CODE RED, our emergency alert and notification system. NOTE: if you have a land line phone you are most likely already in the CODE RED system. Please add your cell phone if you would like to receive real time alerts on your mobile phone or device.

Or visit Vance County Emergency Operations on Facebook

You can also call our office at 252-438-8264

Recommended Family Preparedness Items

The best time to assemble a three-day emergency supplies kit is well before you will ever need it. Most people already have these items around the house and it is a matter of assembling them now before an evacuation or State of Emergency order is issued. Stocking up now on emergency supplies can add to your family’s safety and comfort during and after a disaster. Store enough supplies for at least three days, preferably seven days, in one place.

Start with an easy to carry, water tight container – a large plastic trash can will do, or line a sturdy cardboard box with a couple of trash bags. Next gather up the following items and place them in your kit:


  • Water – 1 gallon per person per day (a week’s supply of water is preferable)
  • Water purification kit or bleach
  • First aid kit and first aid book
  • Pre-cooked, non-perishable foods, such as canned meats, granola bars, instant soup & cereals, etc.
  • Baby supplies: formula, bottle, pacifier, soap, baby powder, clothing, blankets, baby wipes, disposable diapers, canned food and juices
  • Non-electric can opener
  • Anti-bacterial hand wipes or gel
  • Blanket or sleeping bag per person
  • Portable radio or portable TV and extra batteries
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • Essential medications
  • Extra pair of eyeglasses
  • Extra house and car keys
  • Fire extinguisher – ABC-type
  • Food, water, leash and carrier for pets
  • Cash and change
  • Seasonal change of clothing, including sturdy shoes

Sanitation Supplies

  • Large plastic trash bags for waste, tarps and rain ponchos
  • Large trash cans
  • Bar soap, shampoo and liquid detergent
  • Toothpaste and toothbrushes
  • Feminine hygiene supplies
  • Toilet paper
  • Household bleach
  • Rubber gloves

Don’t forget your pets when getting prepared!!!

VGCC honors Radiography graduates


Twenty-one new graduates of Vance-Granville Community College’s two-year Radiography program were honored in a May 9 pinning ceremony in the college’s Civic Center.

Members of the 2016 Radiography graduating class at Vance-Granville Community College who received their pins May 9 included, on first (front) row, from left: Jessica Lynn Loera, Elizabeth Nichole Cooper, K. Christian Chaney and Haley Elizabeth Watkins; second row, from left: Nicholas LaMont Kemp, Taylor Marie Goubeaux, Hannah Marie Wyatt, Ashley Nichole Keith, Candace Leigh Gentry and Sarah Elizabeth Sutton; third row, from left: James Hinks, Anna B. Filyaw, Elizabeth Rose Twisdale, Courtney Michelle Mitchell, Preston Lin Verble and Canon O’Briant; fourth row, from left: Jonathan Wayne Robbins, Brian Heath Winslow, Brian Holmes, Jake Kiley and Terrell Johnson III.  (See cover photo.)

In welcoming remarks, VGCC Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs Dr. Angela Ballentine congratulated the graduates and, as a colleague in the field of radiologic technology, former instructor and former program head, welcomed them to the imaging profession. She shared some information about the diverse class, noting that six graduates had been raising children during their studies, eight had earned Dean’s List or President’s List honors, and six already held college degrees in other fields.

Ballentine expressed best wishes to at least 13 graduates who are planning to continue their education in fields such as CT, MRI, mammography and radiation oncology. She also thanked the faculty and staff who had “educated, inspired and supported these students.”

Elizabeth Twisdale was presented with the Academic Achievement Award for having the highest GPA in the class. Nicholas Kemp received the Mallinckrodt Award for outstanding clinical performance. Elizabeth Cooper received the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) Student Award of Excellence.

The students voted for Patrick Castro of Duke University Medical Center as the top technologist at the clinical sites in which they received their 900 hours of practical training, while Ashley Lorbacher of Southpoint Triangle Orthopaedic Center received the JRCERT Award of Excellence for Clinical Educators. The Clinical Affiliate Award of Excellence went to Duke Regional Hospital.

The guest speaker for the ceremony was Carla Williams, the lead PET-CT technologist at the VA Medical Center in Durham. Williams is a U.S. Air Force veteran and Pitt Community College Sonography graduate. “As you look back, you will see that you paid for this achievement tonight with dedication, focus and grit,” she told the graduates. “So, for the simple fact that you are sitting here, you do have what it takes to succeed.” Williams also urged the new graduates to “walk in compassion” as professionals. “In health care, where there is no compassion, there is no success,” she said. “Even with all the technological advancements known to man, compassion is still the driving force behind the word ‘care.’”

Class president Nicholas Kemp gave a response on behalf of his fellow students. He thanked the Radiography faculty and clinical site staff, his classmates for their spirit of collaboration and encouragement, and class treasurer Hannah Wyatt for her attention to detail. Kemp also thanked the graduates’ family members and friends for their support. “You all gave us the courage to take the first step, and you have been along with us for the twisty, bumpy ride,” he said. “Know that although the pin is worn upon our chests, it is also worn on all of your hearts.”

He and other class officers then surprised faculty members Angela Thomas, Stacey Soles, Anthony Twisdale and Lewis Daughtry with gifts from the class to show their appreciation.

Graduates received pins from Dean of Health Sciences Angela Thomas and recited the Radiographer’s pledge as the ceremonies concluded.

— VGCC Press Release —

HPD Gattis Press Release

On Tuesday, May 17, 2016,  Geoffrey Gattis, 22, was served with a true bill of indictment returned by a federal grand jury.  Gattis was taken in to custody at the Vance County Jail where he was being held on state charges.  Gattis was charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition.HPD - Geoffrey Gattis 051716

Gattis was transported to Raleigh for an initial appearance before a United States Magistrate Judge.  Gattis was remanded into the custody of the Unites States Marshall’s service pending additional hearings in this matter.

This case was investigated by members of the Henderson Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.

Press Release Authority: Chief Marcus Barrow

Cooperative Extension with Jean Bell 05/19/16

Town Talk 05/19/16

News 05/19/16

School Entry Controls at Six Pilot Schools

Starting this past Monday, May 16, six Vance County Public Schools initiated a pilot program for building access.  The new Access Control System in place requires all visitors during the school day to identify themselves before being allowed into the school.

The schools include: Aycock, New Hope, L.B. Yancey, Henderson Middle, STEM Early High and Northern Vance High.

Visitors now have to enter the front main entrance of each school. Each visitor will be required to press a button on the new Access Control box (shown in the cover photo) near the main entrance door, say his/her name and why he/she is visiting plus show a valid photo ID on the camera on the box. School office personnel will respond once the button is pressed and will talk with visitors to get the required information. Visitors can then be “buzzed in” through the main entrance.

Anyone planning on visiting these six schools through the end of this school year is reminded that they must have their photo ID with them to enter the building. Arrangements can be made at the school to get photo IDs for those who do not have them.

School office personnel can help visitors with any questions about this new school entry system.

53rd Annual Henderson Shrine Fish Fry

The local Henderson Shrine Club is raising money for Shriners Hospitals for Children today. This is the 53rd straight year for the event.

Most important on the minds of the many Shriners and citizens interviews during “TownTalk” today is helping a crippled or burned child at one of the 22 Shriners Hospitals.  Second, but equally important on the minds of everyone interviewed, was the overwhelming community support the Shrine Club Fish Fry has received through the years.

Your support comes in the form of an $8.00 plate of freshly fried whiting fish, cole slaw, boiled potatoes, and hush puppies.  If you eat in, a drink is included.  There is drive-thru service available out front, right where they are preparing all the food.

The location is Raleigh Road just across the road from Supply Line Country Market and very near the Pete Smith Shell Quick Lube.

The mood of the event is one of joy.  It is a joyful occasion to raise money, with a goal of exceeding last year’s proceeds of $11,000.00, it is a joyful occasion to contribute to society by helping children, and it is a joyous occasion to see and socialize with family, friends and members of the community.

As was pointed out, a number of Vance County children have benefited from the care received at Shriners Hospitals, which is absolutely free of charge and often times includes transportation and accommodations.

If you do not know the name of a local Shriner and would like to apply for help, Donald Seifert has offered his name and number which which is 252-438-8355.  If you prefer to call a toll free number in the United States, then call 800-237-5055.

Town Talk 05/18/16

Cooperative Extension with Paul McKenzie 05/18/16