News 04/15/16

Town Talk 04/14/16

Cooperative Extension with Jean Bell 04/14/16

News 04/14/16

Council of Government Update 04/13/16

Henderson Man Arrested on Federal Gun Charges

Press Release- Wednesday, April 13, 2016

On Wednesday, April 13, 2016, members of the Henderson Police Department Special Operations Unit arrested a Henderson man on federal gun charges. William L. Ormond III, 28, 828 State Street, Henderson has been indicated by a federal grand jury on two counts of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.HPD william ormond 041316

Ormond, who was awaiting trial on state charges was taken into custody at the Vance County Jail and transported to Raleigh for a hearing in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina. Ormond remains in the custody of the United States Marshall Service.

This arrest is the latest in an ongoing investigation into drug and gun crimes in the Henderson and Vance County area. The investigation was handled by the Henderson Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.

Authority: Chief Marcus Barrow

Clarke Elementary Students Publish Book #VANCECoProud

Members of the third-grade class of Sara Ireland at Clarke Elementary School have had a book published featuring their writings and illustrations.
Ireland’s students studied for a few weeks about outer space and our solar system. She used her students’ studies as the basis for the book entitled, “If I Were An Astronaut That Landed On . . .,” with each student selecting a planet, real or imaginary, they would like to visit.
The results were 20 different stories, each with illustrations, written by the students in the class. The book has brightly colored drawings that correspond with each student’s story. The stories are handwritten on the book’s pages, with the student author’s name on the bottom on each page.
Ireland said her students voted on what drawing to place on the book’s cover. The students whose art work is on the cover are Jasir Gamble and Kendall West. The illustration on the title page of the book was done by Xya’Riaha Best and Jaylen Jones, also voted on by class members. A different illustration is on the dedication page and was done by Mariana Hernandez-Ancona and Jaylen Jones.
All of the illustrations feature planets surrounded by the darkness of space and lots of stars. Many of the illustrations with the stories depict what the students believe their selected planets would look like.VCS Clarke Book 2
Ireland said her students worked on their stories and illustrations for several weeks in writing, reading and science classes. They had to choose their topic, do research on it and create several drafts before the final draft for publication. The book was published through the company Schoolmate. Each student received a certificate as a “published author” and a bookmark. Students and their families could purchase a copy of the book for $20. Several students did purchase copies and the school received a copy to be placed in the media center.
Students who had their works published include: Alexia Alvarado, Xya’Riah Best, Jasmin Bullock, Ke’Mya Campbell, Jarett Diaz-Guzman, Iratze Duran-Ruiz, Shaniya Everett, Jasir Gamble, Alysia Harris, Barry Henderson, Kristopher Herbster, Mariana Hernandez-Ancona, Awnya Johnson, Jaylen Jones, Fabiola Lopez-Villa, Jose Rivera, Makala Roberson, Aviana Terry, Kendall West and Danielle Wilson.
“The students were so excited when we received copies of the book,” Ireland said. “They are amazed now that they can see their work published in a book. The whole experience was very positive. They’re really proud of their work and the finished product.”
Principal Crystal Richardson is shown in the cover photo as she reads one of the stories in the book.
(VCS Press Release)

Embrace Henderson is This Saturday

Embrace Henderson 2016

Ready, Set, Grow!

The Warren County Extension Center will host “Ready, Set, Grow! Successful Gardening in Raised Beds & Containers” on Saturday, April 30th.

The agricultural extension agent for Vance and Warren counties, Paul McKenzie, told WIZS News, “This two hour workshop (9:30 a.m – 11:30 a.m.) will cover all the basics to start your gardening season off right.”

Registration is only $5 in advance, $7 at the door.  McKenzie said, “Learn about growing vegetables in raised beds and containers, and also how to manage pests organically.”

Instructors include Extension Master Gardener Volunteers and your friendly Horticulture Extension Agent, Paul McKenzie.   Visit to register or download a flyer.

For more information, e-mail or call 252-257-3640.

The Warren County Extension Center is located at 158 Rafters Lane in Warrenton, NC.

Town Talk 04/13/16