New Teacher Bag Donations

The following from the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce:

New Teacher Bag Donations

We need your help to welcome our new teachers to Vance County!  Snacks, gum, candy, water bottles, notepads, pens, pencils, coupons etc. are just a few of the things we need to pack in the bags. Make sure your business name and contact information is on the items you donate.

We will be packing 120 bags and these will be distributed to new teachers at all Vance County Public schools, Kerr-Vance Academy, Henderson Collegiate, Vance Charter, and Crossroads Christian.

If you would like to make a donation, please contact Melanie Mann at 252-438-8414 or

Deadline for donations is this Wednesday, August 3rd.

Warren County Criminal Superior Trial Court

(Full Press Release from Mike Waters)

Warrenton, NC- Warren County Criminal Superior Trial Court was held the week of July 11, 2016.  The Honorable Henry W. Hight, Jr., Resident Superior Court Judge, presided for the session.  District Attorney Michael D. Waters along with Assistant District Attorneys Onica F. Fuller and Mark L. Gregory appeared on behalf of the State of North Carolina.

Luchano Johnson was convicted of Second Degree Murder in the death of Daniel Martinez. Mr. Martinez was murdered in his home on October 11, 2014, in an attempted robbery. Mr. Johnson’s sentencing was continued until after the trial and disposition of Rance Richardson’s case in September 2016. This case was investigated by the NC State Bureau of Investigation and the Warren County Sheriff’s Office.

Tywan Ali Williams was convicted of Felony Possession of Schedule II Controlled Substance, Possession of a Firearm by a Felon, Felony Carrying a Concealed Gun, Driving While Licensed Revoked along with other related traffic matters and received an active sentence of 19 to 32 months in the North Carolina Department of Public Safety, Division of Adult Correction (DAC). These cases were investigated by the Warren County Sheriff’s Office and the Warrenton Police Department.

Jerry Warren Pendergrass was convicted of a Felony Domestic Violence Protective Order Violation and Misdemeanor Assault Inflicting Serious Injury. He received an active sentence of 16 to 29 months in the DAC. This sentence is to be served at the expiration of the sentence that he is currently serving. This case was investigated by the Warren County Sheriffs Office.

Reginald Southerland was convicted of Felony Failure to Register as a Sex Offender and received an active sentence of 26 to 41 months in the DAC. This case was investigated by the Warren County Sheriff’s Office.

James Ayscue was convicted of Misdemeanor Sexual Battery and received a suspended sentence of 150 days. Mr. Ayscue was placed on supervised probation for 24 months and was ordered to register as a sex offender. He was also ordered not to have any contact with any minor under the age of 18 without an adult over the age of 21 present. This case was investigated by the Warren County Sheriff’s Office.

Richard Newman was convicted of Misdemeanor Assault Inflicting Serious Injury and received an active sentence of 120 days in a Misdemeanor Confinement Facility. This case was investigated by the Warren County Sheriffs Office.

Town Talk 07/18/16

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland 07/18/16

News 07/18/16

Town Talk 07/15/16

STEM now accepting applications

Vance County Schools is now accepting applications for STEM Early High School for grades 7 and 8 for the 2016-2017 school year.

STEM is an innovative early high school that focuses on science, mathematics, engineering and technology. All students are provided with a laptop computer and work collaboratively in an environment that encourages high levels of problem solving through the use of engineering principles and creativity.

Limited space is available for students.

Applications will be accepted through July 27 at the school on the campus of Northern Vance High School or at the Vance County Schools Administrative Services Center at 1724 Graham Avenue in Henderson.

Applications are available on line at

Decisions regarding acceptance will be made prior to August 5, 2016.

News 07/15/16

Town Talk 07/14/16

NC Teacher Pay To Historic Levels

Press Release — Thursday, July 14, 2016

Governor McCrory Signs Budget Providing Monumental Teacher Pay Increases and Tax Relief for Middle Class Families

Monroe, N.C. – Average teacher pay in North Carolina will be more than $50,000 for the first time in state history under North Carolina’s newest budget signed today by Governor Pat McCrory. The governor signed the $22.3 billion state budget today surrounded by teachers, local elected officials and legislators at Shiloh Elementary School in Union County. The budget makes key investments to strengthen education, provide tax relief for middle class families, make college more affordable and improve the health of our communities and bolster the state’s savings reserves.

“This budget further fulfills my vision to increase average annual teacher pay to $50,000 for the first time in state history, provides a middle class tax cut, makes college more affordable and makes much needed investments to improve mental health services, all while strengthening our position as one of the fastest growing economies in the nation,” said Governor McCrory. “We look forward to building on our successes through these important investments for North Carolina’s future.”
Governor McCrory Signs Budget Providing Monumental Teacher Pay Increases and Tax Relief for Middle Class Families

The highlight of this year’s budget is investing in North Carolina teachers to ensure it recruits and retains the best and brightest to prepare students for future success. Teachers will receive an average 4.7 percent pay increase, bringing average teacher pay in North Carolina above $50,000 for the first time in state history. When considering robust health and retirement benefits offered to every full-time teacher in our state, the budget will boost average total compensation to more than $67,000. Teacher pay in North Carolina is growing faster than in any other state in the country under Governor McCrory’s leadership. Since 2013, North Carolina has invested more than $1 billion in new funding for teacher raises.
Governor McCrory Signs Budget Providing Monumental Teacher Pay Increases and Tax Relief for Middle Class Families

The budget also provides funding to empower schools to trade textbooks for tablets so students can learn anytime, anywhere using the latest information available. When Governor McCrory entered office, just 22 percent of classrooms were connected to robust Wi-Fi. Investments included in the budget will help ensure 100 percent of classrooms are connected to Wi-Fi by 2018. The budget also increases funding in textbooks and digital resources, which has now tripled under Governor McCrory’s leadership to $71.5 million.

Additionally, the budget builds on the governor’s record of pro-growth tax reform by providing a middle class tax cut anticipated to save taxpayers $132 million over the next year. By increasing the personal income tax standard deduction by $2,000 for married filing jointly and proportionately for other filers, the budget puts more dollars in the paychecks of North Carolinians and eliminates income taxes for approximately 75,000 taxpayers.Governor McCrory Signs Budget Providing Monumental Teacher Pay Increases and Tax Relief for Middle Class Families

To further support North Carolina families, this budget makes college more affordable. Starting with students entering this fall, this budget will freeze undergraduate tuition for students at all University of North Carolina schools who graduate in four years, or five years for those in five-year programs. Fee increases are now capped at 3 percent annually and tuition is dropped to $500 per semester for in-state students at Elizabeth City State University, UNC-Pembroke and Western Carolina University.

The budget also upholds Governor McCrory’s philosophy of helping those who can’t help themselves while encouraging those who can. The budget fulfills the governor’s call for much needed investments to help those with mental health and substance use issues across the state by investing $20 million to implement recommendations of the Governor’s Task Force on Mental Health and Substance Use.

The bipartisan budget grows responsibly by 2.8 percent, which is more slowly than the rate of population plus inflation and is balanced, consistent with the state constitution and responsible governance. In line with responsible fiscal management, the budget invests $473 million in the state’s rainy day fund, bringing the reserve to an all-time high of nearly $1.6 billion.


(This post and all its contents are entirely a press release from The Office of Governor Pat McCrory.)