Local Pop-Up Farmers Market Today

As Ardis Crews of Green Rural Redevelopment Organization explains, there is a local pop-up farmers market today (Friday) in downtown Henderson.  The market is along Chestnut Street within sight of the library and the Henderson Police Department.  It will continue from now through 4 p.m.  In additional to fresh vegetables and flowers, there is a grill going with hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken and barbecue sandwiches.

Crews said, “The pop-up market in the downtown section is an idea which brings traffic to the downtown area.  It also brings food to the downtown area.  Today we have foods that come from our local farmers, and that’s what we will always use is local farmers.  We have foods from people who are selling at the (Vance County Regional) farmers market.  In the future, we will have farmers who have small farms and who are doing the food and who grow sustainably.  We are very interested in food products and that food is available to everyone.  We are excited about our Regional Farmers Market.  However, for some of our citizens here in Henderson, it may not be convenient to get there.  So the pop up market downtown will hopefully be a vehicle to solving that situation.”

The organization is approved for E-B-T as are several of the associated farmers.  Green Rural Redevelopment Organization is also approved for “Double Bucks.”  For example, if you buy $10 in E-B-T, then you can get another $10 in double bucks that can be spent on fresh vegetables.

The pop-up market is neither in competition with nor is it an extension of the Vance County Regional Farmers Market, which operates just off Beckford Drive on Wednesday and Saturday mornings.

Crews said, “…we are working with.  We can’t work without them.  Pop up markets will never happen on days when (The Vance County Regional) Farmers Market is open, and we will always go to the people in Farmers Market to help us fill our tables.  We also hope that the young farmers that come out to work with us will become members for (The Vance County Regional) Farmers Market so the Farmers Market will grow.”

News 08/26/16

VGCC recognizes 22 Medical Assisting students at Pinning

Vance-Granville Community College held a pinning ceremony for its 2016 Medical Assisting program graduates on Aug. 5 at the college’s Franklin County Campus in Louisburg, where the program is conducted.

As VGCC’s program is nationally accredited, the graduates are now eligible to sit for the American Association of Medical Assistants’ (AAMA) certification examination to become Certified Medical Assistants.

The 22 graduates being honored included Heather Harwood and Kimberly Richardson, both of Castalia; Amanda Newton and Shatory Yarborough, both of Franklinton; Jenny Clark, Tonya Henderson, Kenia Puga-Gomez, Stephanie Ranes and Adrienne Robertson, all of Henderson; Ashley Kittrell of Kittrell; Brittany Blacknall, Jessica Crudup, Jodi Hess, Regina Hicks and Lindsay Ward, all of Louisburg; Julius Glasper of Oxford; Kayla Hutson and Samantha Patterson, both of Stem; Brittany Ray and Denise Six, both of Wake Forest; Kelly Tharrington of Warrenton; and Dallas Glover of Youngsville.

Program Head/instructor Donna Gardner served as the mistress of ceremonies. Student Regina Hicks provided the invocation.

Franklin County Campus Dean Bobbie Jo May made welcoming remarks, congratulating the students and thanking their supportive families and friends who had gathered to celebrate the graduates’ success.

“We are all so proud of you, and we’re grateful that you have allowed the VGCC Franklin Campus family to assist in your education, inspiring and supporting you in meeting all of your goals,” May told the class.

Samantha Patterson, who led the graduating class as president of the VGCC Student Association of Medical Assistants chapter, was the featured speaker.

“Our studies at Vance-Granville Community College have culminated in this day, and will echo in our futures,” Patterson said. “Some of us will be working; some going on to pursue an associate’s degree; some may still be trying to figure things out, and that’s okay, too. Therein lies the beauty of life, and, more specifically, life in this country. We have the freedom to pursue our own dreams, but let us not be so caught up in ourselves that we forget those that we pledge to serve. After all, we are Medical Assistants. We are the extra sets of hands, eyes, and ears for our providers. We are advocates for our patients. We are a vital part of the team that makes the medical office work. Let us consider the needs of others as we work to fulfill our own.”

Gardner presented each graduate with his or her pin, signifying that each had successfully completed the course of study and was prepared to enter the growing Medical Assisting profession. As they were pinned, VGCC Dean of Health Sciences Angela Thomas read reflections from the graduates about their educational experiences and their career aspirations. Instructor Patrice Allen then led students in reciting the creed of the American Association of Medical Assistants.

Dr. Angela Ballentine, VGCC’s vice president of academic and student affairs, rounded out the ceremony with concluding remarks. “You have wisely chosen a profession in which you can make a difference in the lives of others, and in which there are a variety of career opportunities,” Ballentine told the class. She encouraged all graduates to maintain high standards as professionals and to become lifelong learners. “I know that you will continue to succeed and make us proud as VGCC alumni,” Ballentine said.

Student Tonya Henderson gave the benediction.

With their one-year diplomas in hand, many graduates are continuing their education to complete the two-year associate degree in Medical Assisting. For more information about Medical Assisting, call the Franklin Campus at (919) 496-1567.

Town Talk 08/25/16

News 08/25/16

Two Arrested on Federal Gun and Drug Charges

On Wednesday, August 24, 2016, members of the Henderson Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and ExpAntoine Clacklosives arrested two Henderson men on federal gun and drug charges.

Antoine Clack, 25, 1218 Topleman Street, Henderson was charged via criminal complaint with one count of possession of a firearm during a drug related crime and one count of possession with the intent to distribute a mixture containing heroin. Clack was taken into custody at the Vance County Jail where he was being held on state charges.

Kareem Ali Lewis, 30, 718 Roberson Street, Henderson was charged via criminal complaint with one count of possession with the intent to distribute a mixture containing heroin. He was also taken into custody at the Vance County Jail.

Kareem LewisBoth subjects appeared in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina and were ordered held by the U. S. Marshals Service pending further proceedings in these matters.

These two are the latest arrested in the ongoing investigation of heroin trafficking and violent crime in the Henderson and Vance County area.

Authority: Chief Marcus Barrow

Economic Development Update 08/24/16

Grants Available for Downtown Businesses through Henderson-Vance DDC

The Henderson-Vance Downtown Development Commission has an Incentive Package available to new businesses locating in downtown Henderson. The package includes:
Building Incentive Grant, 10% of building upfit, up to $6,000. Restaurants, 15%, up to $6,000.

Façade Incentive Grant, 50% of the cost of façade improvements, up to $2,500.

Signage Incentive Grant, 25% of the cost of new signage, up to $1,500.

Full-Time Employee Grant, $500 for each fulltime employee who has worked for 6 months.

Permitting Grant, for required City of Henderson permits.

Existing Businesses are eligible for the Façade Incentive Grant and the Signage Incentive Grant.

Grant applications are available at the HVDDC’s website, hendersonncdowntown.com. For more information email us at info @hendersonncdowntown.com or call 252-820-9785.

Come Grow with Us in Historic Downtown Henderson

Town Talk 08/24/16

Cooperative Extension with Paul McKenzie 08/24/16