Town Talk 10/07/16

Orange County Speedway forced to cancel Tomorrow’s Race

Due to the approach of a strong storm and storms forecast for our area, we have decided to cancel Saturday’s race. We feel that this is the best decision for the competitors and the fans with all the rain & wind that is expected. We will run the Smokey Dave’s BBQ Mod 4’s on October 22nd along with all other regular divisions and the Allison Legacy Series. It will be DOUBLE POINTS for ALL of our regular divisions and there will be TWIN 50-LAP Late Model races with 4-tire purchase required.

Start time will be at approximately 6:00 p.m. on October 22nd. An official Agenda will be put out next week. Again we apologize but with the forecast, we feel conditions will not be enjoyable for fans or competitors. Thank you and we look forward to seeing everyone for Championship Night and Track or Treat on October 22nd.

Terry and Mary Beth Deal

News 10/07/16

VCS State of Schools Luncheon

End of Grade Tests Better; Vance Has Exited Low Performance Status; Closing Gap to State Averages; Vance Improving Quicker Than Several State Averages

On Wednesday, September 28, 2016, Superintendent Anthony Jackson addressed a crowd of about 70 business and community leaders.  In his opening remarks he said, “I want you to leave with a renewed commitment to the schools and the community.  Put your name on every child you encounter.”vcs-state-of-schools-lunch-2016-jackson

Discussed was student achievement, safe and orderly schools, quality of education, effective and efficient operations and how to be good educators in the 21st century environment.

The luncheon event was co-hosted by the Henderson Rotary Club and the Vance County Public School Foundation.

Jackson also discussed aspirations for the 17 local public schools for the current school year and provided those in attendance with a “Strategic Roadmap” for the next five years.

He told those in attendance he wanted young adults “ready for society the Monday after graduation.”  Jackson wants feedback from business and community leaders about how to better prepare students for entry into the local workforce.

And Jackson said a supportive community is key, that the mindset here needs to be one of looking at the improvements and tying them to excellence.

Some of the information shared by Jackson included:

  • an 82 percent graduation rate for Vance County Schools for 2015-2016
  • members of the Class of 2016 graduating with over $7.5 million in scholarships to attend colleges in the fall
  • the Vance County Early College High School completed the 2015-2016 school year as an “A” school based on the N.C. School Performance Grade recognition system
  • Aycock Elementary School and the STEM Early High School were both “B” schools for 2015-2016 for N.C. Performance Grades
  • no local schools were judged as “F” schools for the 2015-2016 school year
  • students in grades 5 and 8 increased their scores overall on the N.C. science end-of-grade test by more than 13 percent last year
  • students in grades 3-5 improved their state end-of-grade scores in reading and math by: an increase of 15 percent in proficiency at New Hope Elementary; an increase of more than 10 percent in proficiency at Clarke Elementary; an increase of 8.4 percent in proficiency at Aycock Elementary; and an increase of 7 percent in proficiency at both Dabney Elementary and Pinkston Street Elementary
  • student proficiency on state end-of-grade testing in reading and math increased by seven percent at the STEM Early High School and almost six percent each at Eaton-Johnson Middle and Henderson Middle last year.

“All of this took a lot of hard work,” Jackson said. “Our teachers and students should be commended for their accomplishments. This doesn’t happen overnight.  We want to continue to increase our student achievements at a greater rate than students are growing across the state. We recognize we have a gap between our achievements and state achievements, but if we can continue to grow as we did last year we can eliminate the gap over the next few years.”

Jackson acknowledged continuing to make substantial student achievements and closing the gap between proficiency by local students and state proficiency will take more hard work. “But, I’m convinced we can get it done,” he said.

Jackson continued to stress the school system’s theme for 2016-2017 of “Excellence . . . Without Excuse!” He also repeated the increasingly popular slogan of “I’m Vance County Proud. Are you?”

(Editor’s Note – WIZS News attended the luncheon.  The article above was written from our notes and includes excerpts written by Vance County Schools Public Information Officer Terri Hedrick as well.  WIZS News encourages you to read the full VCS article written by Hedrick and posted on the VCS Web Page by clicking on the link below.)

Vance County School State of Schools Luncheon Article as written and posted by Terri Hedrick

Midday Thursday Matthew Update Henderson-Vance

Midday Thursday Matthew Update Henderson-Vance

Brian Short is the Director of Emergency Operations for Vance County.  Short has provided emergency preparedness teams and local media the latest from the National Weather Service on Hurricane Matthew.

Short wrote in an email, “Attached is the latest weather synopsis from the NWS on HurricaneMatthew — click here. As you can see, our wind gusts are expected to be very light with rainfall amounts of approximately 3 inches over the course of the next few days (not in a short period of time).

“While all eyes are fixed on Florida, our attention remains focused closer to home. Though we do not anticipate needing to implement any sort of emergency protective measures, those avenues remain open to us. We have been continually coordinating with our local and state public safety and response partners and are poised to change that posture quickly if it should be required.

“We encourage everyone to remain vigilant and to continue to monitor this system as it approaches our coast. Large hurricanes such as this one are very unpredictable so we should in no way let our guard down. We will continue to keep everyone informed throughout the coming days.”

For more, visit

Town Talk 10/06/16

Cooperative Extension with Jean Bell 10/06/16

Citizens Needed for “Community Voices” Program

Citizens Needed for “Community Voices” Program

Thursday, October 13, 2016, at 6 p.m., a public kick off session will be held at the Vance County Regional Farmers Market
located at 210 Southpark Drive in Henderson (off Beckford Drive).  Join in to find out how “Community Voices” can help your community pinpoint issues and problems and move forward.

Concerned citizens, existing community leaders and representatives from all community-based organizations are encouraged to attend.  The goal is to introduce the “Community Voices” program and give residents the chance to define the issues they face, collectively as anc-coop-ext-community-voices-2016-2 community, and to find ways to solve them.

The program is sponsored by Vance County Cooperative Extension, which provided all these details to WIZS News, and the Cooperative Extension Program and N.C. A&T State University.  Register by calling Morris White, County Extension Director, at 252-438-8188 or email and invite your friends.

Full Community Voices Press Release

News 10/06/16

Kerr Tar Council of Government Update 10/05/16