One Arrest In Traffic Stop That Turned Into Two-County Chase

Members of the Vance County Sheriff’s Office patrol division attempted a traffic stop Monday that turned into chase across two counties before the suspect was apprehended.

Jatavious Reid, wanted on outstanding felony warrants, was driving a red Toyota Tacoma pickup truck and failed to stop as sheriff’s officers attempted the stop.

A chase ensued into Granville County and then back into Vance County, where Henderson Police successfully deployed Stop Sticks.

Reid ran from the vehicle and fled into a nearby wooded area. He was apprehended after a brief period when he ran across the road and officers pursued him on foot.

Reid faces the following charges:

  • two counts of felony flee to elude arrest with motor vehicle
  • possession of firearm by felon
  • second-degree kidnapping
  • resisting public officer
  • two counts of reckless driving to endanger
  • fail to feed light or siren
  • fail to maintain lane control
  • felony larceny
  • two counts of burglary
  • child abuse

Reid is in the Vance County Detention Center with $55,000 secured bond for a previous incident and was given no bond for the car chase on Monday.

Henderson Police Make Arrest In Armed Robbery

Press release from Henderson Police Chief Marcus Barrow

On the afternoon of the 26th of November, officers were dispatched to an armed robbery in the 1000 block of Nicholas Street.

The armed assailant brandished a firearm and demanded money. The victim relinquished an undisclosed sum of money, according to Henderson Police Chief Marcus Barrow.

Vance County 911 telecommunicators dispatched the call and officers in the area quickly responded. The suspect, with the weapon in hand, was spotted by officers a short distance from the scene, and a perimeter was established.

The suspect, identified as Yusef Jafar, 24, of 505 Skenes Ave, was located hiding in a shed behind a neighborhood residence, and the firearm was located nearby. Jafar was taken into custody without incident and transported to the Henderson Police Department for processing.

Jafar was remanded to the Vance County Detention Center without bond, due to having several orders for arrest from failing to appear in court on previous charges.

NC State Board of Elections

State Board Completes Canvass, Certifies Most Results Of Nov. 5 Elections

The State Board of Elections on Tuesday unanimously certified the results of the 2024 general election in North Carolina, ensuring the ballots of more than 5.7 million voters were counted.

The bipartisan State Board voted 5–0 to canvass the votes cast in all ballot items within the jurisdiction of the State Board, including the presidential contest, and authenticate the count in every ballot item, except for contests under recount.

More than 5.7 million NC voters cast ballots in the November 5 election, a 73.7 percent turnout of registered voters.

“Today, the State Board made sure that the votes of more than 5.7 million North Carolinians who voted in the 2024 election were counted,” said Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the State Board of Elections. “We appreciate the hard work of election officials and poll workers across North Carolina who helped make this election a success, despite the catastrophic Hurricane Helene, which struck just weeks before Election Day.”

According to information on the N.C. State Board of Elections website, certificates of elections will be issued to winning candidates 6 days after today’s canvass, except for the presidential race (determined by the Electoral College),  contests under recount and contests with pending protests.

The 10 contests currently under review include:

  • NC Supreme Court Associate Justice Seat 6 (Statewide)​
  • NC State Senate District 18 (Granville, Wake)​
  • NC State Senate District 42 (Mecklenburg)​
  • NC House of Representatives District 032 (Granville, Vance)​
  • NC House of Representatives District 105 (Mecklenburg) ​
  • Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners (Cabarrus)​
  • Pitt County Board of Commissioners District C (Pitt)​
  • City of Trinity City Council Ward 03 (Randolph)​
  • Rowan-Salisbury Schools Board of Education Seat 05 (Salisbury) (Rowan)
  • Wilson County Board of Education District 04 (Wilson)​

The state certification came after the 100 county boards of elections recently certified results at the county level and after post-election audits conducted over the past couple weeks verified the counts. The State Board will issue certificates of election to the prevailing candidates in contests under State Board jurisdiction.

The Local Skinny! Live Nativity At North Henderson Baptist Church

Pastor Eddie Nutt invites the community to a live nativity presentation at North Henderson Baptist Church on Friday, Dec. 6 and Saturday, Dec. 7.

There will be three presentations offered between 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. both nights – lasting just about a half hour each.

Most of the characters will be portrayed by children, Nutt said on Tuesday’s segment of The Local Skinny! A narrator will read from the Gospels as the children act out the story of Jesus’s birth in Bethlehem.

This is the first time in several generations that the church has put on a live nativity. The idea was born when several church members had a desire to do something new for the community, Nutt said, “a different type of outreach to remind people of the true meaning of what Christmas is all about.”

There will be refreshments served – including fresh popcorn from a brand-new popcorn machine – and folks can come inside to shake off any winter chill in the air.

Nutt said it’s special to see church members who are willing to give their time to create a production like a live nativity. It shows they care for their community and they want to share the love of Jesus Christ, he added.

He admitted his relief that a real live donkey has been secured to take part in the live nativity.

“Because I was the closest thing they had until they got a real one,” he joked.

North Henderson Baptist Church is located at 1211 N. Garnett St.




Sheriff’s Office: Two Drug Arrests Made In Separate Vehicle Stops

Press releases from Vance County Sheriff’s Office

The Vance County Sheriff’s Office made two drug arrests Monday in two separate vehicle stops.

  • On Monday, November 25, 2024, members of the Vance County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics unit conducted a vehicle stop in the 900 block of Faulknertown Road.  The driver was identified as Kemarreus Frank-Quan Jones, 22, of Henderson. During the investigation, a certain amount of crack cocaine, cocaine hydrochloride and heroin was seized.  Jones was charged with two counts of trafficking cocaine; two counts of trafficking heroin; one count of possession with intent to sell and deliver cocaine; one count of possession with intent to sell and deliver heroin; maintaining a vehicle to keep and sell controlled substances; and possession of drug paraphernalia.  Jones was released on a $187,000.00 secured bond.
  • On Monday, November 25, 2024, members of the Vance County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics unit conducted a vehicle stop near the intersection of Crozier and Burr streets in Henderson.  During the investigation, a certain amount of heroin was seized from a passenger who was identified as Daquian Demard Nickolson, 34, of Louisburg.  Nickolson was charged with possession with intent to sell and deliver heroin. He is currently out on federal probation.  Nickolson, who is currently on federal probation, was released on a $20,000 secured bond, according to information from Capt. Gooch with the sheriff’s office.
Vance County Logo

Program For Low-Income Residents Offers Help With Winter Heat Bills

The Low-Income Energy Assistance Program provides a one-time annual vendor payment to help eligible families pay their heating expense.  If you received a LIEAP payment in 2023-2024, someone in the household was disabled and receiving services through the Division of Aging and Adult Services OR households containing a person aged 60, an automatic payment will be generated to that same account this fiscal year. It is not necessary to re-apply. The state mailed notices in October 2024 to each family from the 2023-2024 pre-populated application information, according to Cassandra Hart with the Vance County Department of Social Services.

The notice contains instructions about how to report changes to the department. The recipient can contact or return the notice with changes to their local DSS office within 10 business days. If the recipient does not contact or report any changes to DSS, the information from the 2023-2024 LIEAP application will be used to approve the household for 2024-2025 benefits. The recipient will be informed that an automated LIEAP payment was approved.

Households not included in the target population will be able to apply following regular LIEAP application policy. Regular application policy is as follows:

  • Application period begins Dec. 1 for households with a disabled person who is receiving services through the Division of Aging and Adult Services OR households containing a person aged 60 and above are potentially eligible during the month of December or until funds are exhausted.
  • Applications for general public will be taken from Jan. 1 through Mar. 31 or until funds are exhausted.

This program is being administered by:

Vance County Department of Social Services

500 N. Beckford Dr. Ste. C

Henderson, NC 27536

office 252.492.5001 ext. 3900

fax 252.438.5997


Applications may be submitted by mail, email, fax, dropped off, in person, or online (,

When applying, the following information may be needed to determine eligibility:

  • Information about your household’s income. If anyone works, provide wage stubs for the month prior to the month of application
  • Recent statement for savings or checking accounts
  • Name, date of birth, and social security card or numbers for each household member
  • Account number for the heating source. Households that heat with wood/kerosene, will not have a bill to submit

Heating bill-If the bill is not in applicant’s or other household member’s name, the applicant must provide a written statement from the person whose name the bill is in (must be 18 or older), stating that applicant is responsible for payment of the heating expense.

(Originally published on on November 18, 2024.)

Longtime VGCC President, Dr. Ben F. Currin, Dies

Dr. Benjamin Fleming Currin, long-time president of Vance-Granville Community College,  died on Nov. 23, 2024. Under his leadership, VGCC grew from a single campus to four campuses, doubled its enrollment and saw its Endowment Fund swell to $5 million. He was 88.

Ben was born on November 13, 1936 in Granville County to Sophia Hunt Currin and Elam Ray Currin. He attended the public schools of then Oxford City Schools. He graduated from Oxford High School in 1955 and earned bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees from UNC-Chapel Hill. He is survived by his wife, Betsy, a son, George and a granddaughter, Catherine.

According to his obituary, “Ben was a man of the people and had the rare ability to relate to and care about people from all walks of life. He and Betsy devoted their lives to education—he was a teacher, school principal, school superintendent, and community college president.”

Current VGCC President Dr. Rachel Desmarais sent a message to staff and board members on Sunday afternoon to share the news of Currin’s passing. “It is with sadness that I communicate with you this weekend,” the statement read. “I know that some of you worked with him or went to college when he was president,” Desmarais stated. He held a variety of positions in public schools systems across the state, beginning in 1959 in Durham as a teacher and coach. He rose through the ranks and became the youngest principal in the state just a couple of years later when he was named principal at Eureka Elementary in Wayne County. By 1970, he was named superintendent of Rocky Mount City Schools and led the school system for more than a decade.

Currin was named VGCC president in 1981 and retired in 1998. During that time, VGCC experienced exponential growth.

In 2016, Ben received the I.E. Ready Award, the highest honor given by the North Carolina Community College System, which recognizes individuals who have made significant, statewide contributions to the establishment, development or enhancement of the community college system. Currin also was a Mason and a Shriner.

A graveside service will be held at Elmwood Cemetery in Oxford, North Carolina, 530 Hillsboro St., at a date and time to be announced.

Brown-Wynne Funeral Home is handling arrangements. View the full obituary at In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Dr. Ben F. Currin scholarship at Vance-Granville Community College, or to Transitions LifeCare.

In an article about the I.E. Ready award written in 2016, WIZS News spoke with L. Opie Frazier Jr. about Currin’s accomplishments. Frazier was chair of the VGCC board of trustees for many of the years during Currin’s tenure as president, and Frazier called Currin “a godsend” as part of the written nomination for the award. “His greatest asset was his emphasis on students. The second was his enthusiasm. His successes are many – for example, the satellite campuses started under his leadership and the scholarship program that grew dramatically – because he wanted the best for students, and his enthusiasm helped him win friends at various levels to help him grow the college and serve more students,” Frazier wrote.

In remarks at the 2009 ceremony at which Currin received The Order of the Long Leaf Pine, Dr. J. Reid Parrott Jr., retired president of Nash Community College, cited the positive impact Currin had on VGCC. “I want to tell you, I’ve been doing this community college stuff a long time, and there is no president of all 58 of our schools that has transformed an institution as quickly and as magnificently as Ben Currin did at Vance-Granville,” Parrott said.

The Local Skinny! 3rd Annual Vance County Camp Meeting

It’s called a camp meeting, but it’s not the type of camp meeting that Scott Matthews’s granddaddy Jesse held, always the week of the Fourth of July under a tent on the grounds of Forest Hill Baptist Church.

Back then, it could be 100 degrees, with 1,000 percent humidity, Matthews said, half joking half serious. “I can remember some hot days,” Matthews said on Monday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

The third annual Vance County Camp Meeting will be held all next week in the comfortable surroundings of McGregor Hall, and Matthews said he couldn’t be happier to head back home to lead the gathering. Things kick off at 7 p.m. nightly on Monday, Dec. 2 and continue through Friday, Dec. 6.

A few years ago, several pastors encouraged Matthews to bring the camp meeting concept back to life. The first year, there were nine churches involved, he said, but last year’s camp meeting had close to two dozen pastors who attended on multiple nights.

Scott and wife Becky spend most of the year traveling the country preaching and singing as Matthews Family Ministries, which includes the couple’s two daughters. They recently returned from Phoenix, AZ and then turned around and headed to Jacksonville, FL.

“I’m just excited for everybody to come together, Becky said. “It’s always good to see everybody there in Henderson and just have a great week of worshipping the Lord.”

A 1000-seat climate-controlled auditorium in early December is the perfect venue to bring people from different churches and denominations to hear the nightly preaching and musical performances that will be offered.

The speakers “have no axes to grind, no agendas to push,” Scott said. They are interested in delivering “messages that encourage the people of God to do more for the cause of Christ right now is what these guys will bring. We’ll try to make it (McGregor Hall) a church every night,” Scott said. “Come on out and join us.”