City of Henderson Committees
Volunteers Needed –The City of Henderson has Committee openings that need to be filled. You can help. These openings are for City Committees that usually meet once a month to (1) Hear citizens’ concerns and complaints (2) Review pending changes and make recommendations to the City Council (3) Make plans for upcoming events/organize subcommittees or group events.
Interested? Openings are available for the following Committees for City residents.
- Board of Adjustments (Zoning)
- Henderson Community Appearance Committee
- Planning Board (matters involving Land Use)
- Henderson-Vance Recreation And Parks Commission
Applications are available on the City’s web site or from the City Clerk or by clicking here Applications are available for any of the Committees as openings are often available.
Below is a complete list of Boards, Commissions and Committees for the City of Henderson. You can apply for any of these and the City will keep your application on file.
- Airport Authority
- E-911 Advisory Board
- Henderson Community Appearance Commission
- Henderson Planning Board
- Henderson Redevelopment Commission
- Henderson-Vance Human Relations Commission
- Henderson-Vance Recreation & Parks Commission
- Perry Memorial Library Board of Trustees
- Henderson-Vance Economic Development Commission
- Henderson Board of Adjustment