VGCC Phi Beta Lambda chapter installs new leaders
Vance-Granville Community College’s Chi Beta Chi chapter of Phi Beta Lambda, the business student organization, recently elected officers for the 2015-2016 year. New officers were installed and members were inducted at a ceremony on Nov. 5 on VGCC’s Main Campus.
The officers include president Angelica Bridges of Oxford, vice president Ambrianna Winston of Oxford, secretary Ashley Allen of Henderson, treasurer Tiffany Barnes of Henderson, and historian Shekinah Yancey of Oxford. Bridges and Yancey are students in the Business Administration program, while Winston, Allen and Barnes are majoring in Office Administration.
VGCC alumna Shelonda Finch of Oxford, a former Chi Beta Chi chapter president, was the special guest at the ceremony and performed the formal installation of officers and induction of members. Finch continues to be a “professional division” member of the chapter, as are other alumni as well as college faculty and staff members.
The chapter advisor is Business Administration instructor Derrick Cameron. In his closing remarks at the ceremony, Cameron addressed the newly installed officers, saying: “Going forward, think of yourselves as leaders, or ‘Vanguards.’ You have a great PBL tradition to emulate. Since being reactivated in 2008, this chapter has succeeded in receiving several state and national accolades, representing students and VGCC well.”
Phi Beta Lambda is the national organization for college students who are preparing for a variety of careers in business. The Greek letters stand for the English words “Future Business Leaders,” and PBL is affiliated with the Future Business Leaders of America, an organization for high school students. FBLA/PBL seeks to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. PBL members have opportunities to attend conferences and participate in a number of competitions. For more information, call Derrick Cameron at (252) 738-3447.