Granville Plans May 15 Public Hearing To Review Proposed 2023-24 Budget
The Granville County Board of Commissioners has scheduled a public hearing on May 15 to discuss the proposed 2023-24 budget.
County Manager Drew Cummings presented his first budget during the commissioners’ May 1 meeting, which calls for an extra $1 million to Granville County Public Schools, cost of living adjustments for county employees, all with no increase in the county tax rate.
A vote on the final budget draft is planned for June 5, according to information from Granville Public Information Officer Terry Hobgood.
Highlights of the recommended budget for the upcoming fiscal year include:
- No increase to the current Granville County tax rate (property tax rate remains $0.84 per $100 valuation and Fire Tax District remains $0.06 per $100 valuation).
- Major market adjustments (up to 8%) and paid meal breaks (equivalent to a 4.35% increase) for public safety employee salaries. Maintain current merit pay program (up to 4%).
- Up to 4% cost of living adjustments for all other county employees and maintain current merit pay program (up to 4 percent).
- Lowering employee health insurance premiums and enhancing retirement benefits.
- Funding increase to Granville County Public Schools current expense of nearly $1 million. An increase of 4.7 percent on a per-pupil basis.
- Continues significant recent increases to EMS funding.
- Maintains strong support of Vance-Granville Community College funding.
- A net increase of seven full-time positions and four new part-time positions in Administration, Finance, Tax Administration, Board of Elections, Senior Services, Human Resources, Information Technology, and Social Services (Social Services positions are all partially funded by the State of NC).
- Increased funding to Kerr Area Transportation Authority.
- Fleet management transition to leased vehicles.
To view the County Manager’s Budget presentation, visit the Granville County YouTube page:
A PowerPoint presentation of budget highlights can be viewed on the Granville County website at this link ( FINAL.pdf) and the full recommended budget document can be found here
( Budget_compressed.pdf)
Those wishing to examine a hard copy of the recommended budget document can do so during business hours at the Granville County Administration Office (104 Belle Street, Oxford) or at the Richard H. Thornton Library (211 Main Street, Oxford).