Granville County Swears in New Superintendent

At the beginning of their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, August 7, 2017, the Granville County Board of Education held a special ceremony for the official swearing in of Dr. Alisa R. McLean as Superintendent of Granville County Public Schools.  On hand to observe her taking the oath of office were Dr. McLean’s family, friends and former coworkers.  Her husband, Frank McLean, daughter, Amari McLean, and her parents,  Dr. and Mrs. A.C. Robinson, participated in the ceremony which was presided by The Honorable Carolyn J. Thompson, District Court Judge of the 9th Judicial District.

Following a brief break in the agenda, the Board resumed its regular meeting, and covered a variety of topics related to the upcoming opening of school.  During one portion of the meeting, Dr. McLean provided an update on her role thus far, sharing thoughts on how her first two and a half weeks had been, “I have met with so many wonderful people from the community, and received such a generous outpouring of support and hospitality.  I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to come to this district, and I truly feel like we are poised for great things.  I want everyone to join me in being committed to excellence and achievement for all.”

The Board also provided copies and information about Dr. McLean’s contract, as well as information about superintendent contracts from across the state in order to provide context and comparison.   Her compensation includes a base salary of $124,128, and a doctoral supplement of $3,036, both of which are paid for by the state.  In addition, Dr. McLean will receive a local supplement of $30,000, for a total salary of $157,164.  The only additional benefits include a retirement/annuity supplement of $19,000, contributions to state retirement of $9,430, and dental and health insurance valued at $678.  Public Information Officer Stan Winborne noted that the contract was more noteworthy perhaps for what it did not contain.  “This is a pretty simple contract.  There are no special perks or expenses added to the base salary like you might see in other contracts across the state.  The Board was rather conservative in negotiating this compensation package, and the taxpayers should be pleased with how it stacks up against other districts.”

Dr. McLean offered her perspective on the arrangement, saying, “Again, I am just so honored and excited to come to Granville County Public Schools.  I chose to come here because I see great potential here.  It is evident that real progress has been made in recent years.  Student achievement is on the rise, and I fully intend to help lift this district up to a world-class level.  I think not only can we be the best in the state, but nationally recognized as well.  Excellence is my standard.”

The next regularly scheduled Board of Education will take place on Monday, September 4 at 6:00 pm.

Oxford Prep Students Personalize Parking Spots

The final year of high school has already begun for the Oxford Prep Class of 2018.

Once again, Griffin seniors joined together on a weekend in early August to personalize their senior parking spot.

Friends, brothers and sisters, parents and others join with the seniors to spend a weekend painting their own design creations on the parking space that is reserved for the senior’s use until they graduate in May.


ICYMI: N.C. SBI and Virginia State Police Coordinate Marijuana Eradication Operation

RALEIGH – A joint North Carolina-Virginia marijuana eradication operation July 25-26 yielded more than 800 plants seized in Granville, Vance and Warren counties. Two stolen vehicles were recovered as well. On the north side of the state line, the Virginia State Police seized 25 plants and 20 guns. Charges are pending on one individual. 

North Carolina’s State Bureau of Investigation and the Virginia State Police coordinated the multi-agency operation that took place along the border of the two states.

“The partnerships we have at the state and local level and with our partners to the north made this operation successful,” said Lynn Gay, assistant special agent in charge of the SBI’s Capitol District.  “No one agency brought more to the table than another.  It was a group effort, and everyone’s input helped achieve our goal of putting illegal growers out of business.”

The N.C. State Highway Patrol, the N.C. National Guard and the SBI provided aerial surveillance. Other participants included the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission and the sheriffs’ offices from the three counties.

“In my years of being with the Virginia State Police, I have never seen a joint eradication operation between the two state bureaus to include local departments on both sides of the state line,” said Fst. Sgt. Tony Barksdale of the Virginia State Police. “I deem the operation a success and praise the efforts put forth by all agencies involved.” 

“The season is not over for the Marijuana Eradication Program,” Gay said. “We have agents trained to spot grow operations from the air and we will be back.”


Scammers Targeting Local Businesses

Please help us spread the word about a scam targeting our community.

Someone using the number (919) 277-0344 is calling Oxford residents claiming to represent the Oxford Fire Department and claiming they are raising money for our schools.

This is a scam.

Do not provide them with any personal or financial information. If you received such a call and did provide them with any information you should contact your financial institution immediately and report the incident.

As always, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the legitimacy of a fundraiser or event.


Cynthia Bowen

City Clerk

City of Oxford

300 Williamsboro Street

Oxford, NC 27565

Thousands answer the call, but Red Cross blood shortage continues

In appreciation, $5 Target eGiftCard™ available for all those who come out to give

DURHAM, N.C. (July 25, 2017) — Thousands of people have responded to the emergency call for blood and platelet donations issued by the American Red Cross in early July, but there continues to be a critical summer blood shortage. Eligible donors of all types are urgently needed.

After issuing the emergency call, the Red Cross has experienced a 30 percent increase in blood donation appointments through mid-July. About half of the appointments were scheduled by donors using the free Blood Donor App or at Despite this improvement, blood products are still being distributed to hospitals as fast as donations are coming in, so more donations are needed to meet patient needs and replenish the blood supply.

“The blood supply is like a cell phone battery, it constantly needs recharging,” said Maya Franklin of the Carolinas Blood Services Region. “We sincerely appreciate those who have responded to the call to help save lives and encourage those who haven’t to consider rolling up a sleeve and give the gift of life. It only takes about an hour but can mean a lifetime for patients.”

Nearly 61,000 fewer blood donations than needed were given through the Red Cross in May and June, prompting the emergency call for donations in early July. The shortfall was the equivalent of the Red Cross not receiving any blood donations for more than four days.

How to help

To schedule an appointment to donate, use the Blood Donor App, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Donation appointments and completion of a RapidPass online health history questionnaire are encouraged to help reduce the time it takes to donate.

As a special thank you, those who come out to give blood or platelets with the Red Cross July 26 through Aug. 31 will be emailed a $5 Target eGiftCard™.*

Who blood and platelet donations help

Blood shortages could lead to delays in patient care, something Arthur Bourget learned firsthand after being diagnosed with leukemia in July 2007. When he arrived for his second blood transfusion, he was told the blood he needed was not available. He waited eight hours for blood to arrive and to receive the transfusion he needed that day.

“One thing that I committed to my wife was that I was going to beat leukemia, no matter what, and I was going to do that,” said Bourget. “But what I wasn’t going to be able to do was survive without the blood that I needed.”

Bourget went into remission following a successful treatment plan, which included 28 blood and 34 platelet transfusions. He has been a faithful advocate for blood donations ever since.

“If it wasn’t for the generosity of volunteer blood donors, I would not be here today,” he said. “My daughter would not have a father, and my wife would not have a husband. Thank you and please give blood. You may never know the life you have saved, but I guarantee they will never forget you.”

Upcoming blood donation opportunities July 25-Aug. 15



7/30/2017: 11 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Youngsville Masonic Lodge #377, 110 W. Main Street




7/28/2017: 2:30 p.m. – 7 p.m., Creedmoor United Methodist Church, 214 Park Avenue

8/8/2017: 11:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., South Branch Library, 1550 S. Campus Drive


8/1/2017: 10:30 a.m. – 3 p.m., The Thornton Branch, 210 Main Street



Hurdle Mills

8/13/2017: 12 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., Walnut Grove United Methodist Church, 7215 Walnut Grove Church Road


7/27/2017: 1:30 p.m. – 6 p.m., National Guard Armory, 605 Burlington Rd

8/7/2017: 2 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., Person Family Medical & Dental Center, 702 N. Main St.

8/10/2017: 11 a.m. – 3 p.m., Person County Human Services Building, 355 A South Madison Blvd

8/11/2017: 11 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Roxboro Police Department, 109 Lamar St.



8/2/2017: 12 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., MR Williams, 235 Raleigh Rd


What to know about giving blood

To make an appointment or more information, simply download the American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age in most states (16 with parental consent where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements.

Blood donors can now save time at their next donation by using RapidPass to complete their pre-donation reading and health history questionnaire online, on the day of their donation, prior to arriving at the blood drive. To get started and learn more, visit and follow the instructions on the site.

About the American Red Cross

The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides emotional support to victims of disasters; supplies about 40 percent of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; provides international humanitarian aid; and supports military members and their families. The Red Cross is a not-for-profit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission. For more information, please visit or, or visit us on Twitter at @RedCross.

*Restrictions apply. Additional information and details are available at The Bullseye Design, Target and Target GiftCard are registered trademarks of Target Brands, Inc. Terms and conditions are applied to gift cards. Target is not a participating partner in or sponsor of this offer.


District Attorney’s Schedule August 2017

Tues, Aug 1          Vance Trial Court (Hobgood) – Pelfrey, Fuller, Allen

                                                **Franklin District Court (Keith) – Gardner, Gregory, Roberson

Vance District Court (Burnette) – Erdmann, Watson/Hargrove


Wed, Aug 2                          ##Granville District Court (Stevenson) – Putney, Dickerson

Warren District Court (Davis) – Gregory, Raymond

Granville County Clerk’s Office Hours, Public, 2:00-4:00 pm – Sellars


Thurs, Aug 3                        ##Vance District Court (Burnette) – Erdmann, Watson/Hargrove

Granville Dispo Court (Stevenson) – Sellars, Putney, Gregory, Dickerson, Brickhouse


Fri, Aug 4                              No Criminal District Court


Mon, Aug 7                          Franklin District Court (Keith) – Gardner, Roberson

##Vance District Court (Stevenson) – Louis, Watson/Hargrove

##Granville District Court (Burnette) – Sellars, Dickerson


Tues, Aug 8                          Franklin District Court (Davis) – Gregory, Roberson

Vance District Court (Keith) – Pelfrey, Watson/Hargrove

Granville Juvenile Court (Thompson) – Putney


Wed, Aug 9                          Granville District Court (Burnette) – Putney, Dickerson

Warren District Court (?????) – Fuller, Raymond


Thurs, Aug 10                      Franklin Juvenile Court (Thompson) – Louis

##Vance District Court (Stevenson) – Erdmann, Watson/Hargrove

Franklin Trial Prep – Gardner, Gregory


Fri, Aug 11                           Franklin Trial Prep – Gardner, Gregory

Vance Juvenile Court (Stevenson) – Louis


Mon, Aug 14        Franklin Trial Court (Holt) – Gardner, Gregory, Johnson

Franklin District Court (Burnette) – Erdmann, Louis, Roberson

##Vance District Court (Keith) – Pelfrey, Watson/Hargrove

##Granville District Court (Stevenson) – Putney, Dickerson


Tues, Aug 15                        ##Franklin District Court (Thompson) – Putney, Roberson

Vance District Court (Davis) – Louis, Sellars, Watson/Hargrove

Warren Juvenile Court (Keith) – Fuller

Vance County Clerk’s Office Hours – Attorneys – 2:00-4:00 pm – Erdmann


Wed, Aug 16                        Granville District Court (Davis) – Sellars, Dickerson

**Warren District Court (Thompson) – Fuller, Raymond

Vance County Clerk’s Office Hours – Public – 2:00-4:00 pm – Erdmann


Thurs, Aug 17                      Vance Dispo Court (Burnette) – Louis, Erdmann, Pelfrey, Watson/Hargrove

Granville Trial Prep – Capps, Sellars, Putney

Warren CMS Prep – Fuller


Fri, Aug 18                           Granville Trial Prep – Capps, Sellars, Putney

Warren CMS Prep – Fuller


Mon, Aug 21        Granville Trial Court (Hobgood) – Capps, Sellars, Putney, Garrett

Warren CMS Court (Rozier) – Fuller, Pendergrass, Raymond

Franklin District Court (Keith) – Gregory, Roberson

##Vance District Court (Burnette) – Waters, Watson/Hargrove

**Granville District Court (Stevenson) – Gardner, Dickerson

Vance CMS Prep – Pelfrey, Fuller


Tues, Aug 22        Vance Probation Court (Rozier) – Gregory, Pendergrass

Franklin District Court (Stevenson) – Gardner, Roberson

Vance District Court (Burnette) – Capps, Waters, Watson/Hargrove

Granville Juvenile Court (Thompson) – Putney or Sellars

Vance CMS Prep – Pelfrey, Fuller


Wed, Aug 23        Vance CMS Court (Rozier) – Pelfrey, Fuller, Pendergrass, Allen

                                                Franklin County Clerk’s Office Hours – Attorneys – 2:00-4:00 pm – Gardner

Granville District Court (Thompson) – Gregory, Waters, Dickerson

##Warren District Court (Burnette) – Gardner, Raymond


Thurs, Aug 24      Vance CMS Court (Rozier) – Pelfrey, Fuller, Pendergrass, Allen

                                                Franklin Juvenile Court (Davis) – Gregory

Franklin County Clerk’s Office Hours – Public – 2:00-4:00 pm – Gregory

##Vance District Court (Keith) – Waters, Watson/Hargrove

Granville CMS Prep – Capps, Sellars, Putney


Fri, Aug 25                           Franklin Dispo Court (Davis) – Gardner, Gregory, Waters

Granville CMS Prep – Capps, Sellars, Putney


Mon, Aug 28        Granville CMS Court (Rozier) – Capps, Sellars, Putney, Pendergrass, Garrett

##Franklin District Court (Burnette) – Louis, Roberson

##Vance District Court (Stevenson) – Pelfrey, Watson/Hargrove

Granville District Court (Keith) – Erdmann, Dickerson

Franklin CMS Prep – Gardner, Gregory


Tues, Aug 29        Granville CMS Court (Rozier) – Capps, Sellars, Putney, Pendergrass, Garrett

##Franklin District Court (Burnette) – Erdmann, Roberson

Vance District Court (Davis) – Louis, Watson/Hargrove

Warren Juvenile Court (Keith) – Fuller

Franklin CMS Prep – Gardner, Gregory


Wed, Aug 30        Franklin CMS Court (Rozier) – Gardner, Gregory, Pendergrass, Johnson

                                                Granville District Court (Keith) – Capps, Dickerson

##Warren District Court (Stevenson) – Fuller, Raymond


Thurs, Aug 31      Franklin CMS Court (Rozier) – Gardner, Gregory, Pendergrass, Johnson

**Vance District Court (Thompson) – Capps, Watson/Hargrove


**mediator available**

##9:30 am regular docket, PLUS POSSIBLE 2:15 pm DWI docket##


New Hours at the Granville County Tax Office


Beginning Thursday, September 7th, the Granville County Tax Office will open at 9:30 a.m. on Thursdays to serve taxpayers.  This change in office hours is for Staff Development.

Monday – Wednesday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Thursday 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Boys and Girls Club Offers Summer Update

Vance County

According to the Old Chinese Proverb “Tell me, I’ll forget. Show me, I may remember. But involve me, and I’ll understand.” The Boys & Girls Clubs of North Central NC Vance Unit are delighted to share that our  2017 Summer Program participants have had a visit from a slew of community representatives  that range from Nutritionist , Military (Army & Navy), Youth of the Year, and Henderson Fire Department.

Anticipating that the Members will be inspired at this young and hoping that some may remember down the road and get involved. Members are looking forward to meeting and talking with our remaining line up of guest.

Featured here our most recent visitor Lieutenant Corey Adams City of Henderson Fire Department Division of Fire Prevention.

Granville County

Summer is always a blast & our members love a wide array of activities. Swimming & dodgeball top their lists, but BGCNCNC wanted to focus on leadership among our older youth this summer.

One of the highlights of our summer has been our partnership with the Penn Ave Soup Kitchen. At the BGC, we are teaching our middle schoolers & high schoolers that they are role models for our younger youth & our community. It has been so exciting to see our teens step up & serve the community. We are so proud to be a place for them to learn & grow. Below, you will see our youth preparing plates & assisting the soup kitchen with their set up.

Warren County

The club kids at Warren County enjoyed our “Around the World” Summer Camp.  We studied France, Mexico, South Africa and Japan! We learned about the culture, landmarks, food, currency, and language of each country.

Each student received a Camp Passport to virtually travel to each country.

Students also enjoyed various field trips.  We visited Aycock Recreation Center for swimming, Market Place Cinema, the Skateeum, and Galaxy Fun Park in Raleigh.

Franklin County

The Franklin Club has been busy this summer! With ages ranging from 5 to 16 all members have been actively participating in Summer Brain Gain each day.

Members participating in hands on activities focusing on leadership, decision making, innovators, and the invention of bubble gum!! Members also enjoyed field trips to swim at Aycock Recreation Center, Brooks St. Bowl, and Jellybeans Skatteum! Members have also enjoyed water relay races, water balloon fights,
and water contests!

Halifax County

We have learned how to stay safe this summer; we have learned how important it is to keep moving.

We have traveled the world, China, Italy, Fiji, France and Mexico only to discover how proud we are to be Americans.

Even with all that we still have plenty of adventures left ahead of us this summer;  more visits to the pool, more art, learning to cook and so much more!!

Better Lighting Coming for Interstates and Major Highways Across North Carolina

RALEIGH – It will be a brighter drive along many interstates and major highways in North Carolina, as a result of a $30.8 million contract awarded by the N.C. Department of Transportation to upgrade more than 10,600 roadway light fixtures at more than 350 locations across the state.

In addition to improving lighting, the agreement with Trane U.S. Inc. and J. Brady Contracting Inc. will save the state money, as it is expected to result in more than $56 million in reduced electrical and maintenance costs over 15 years. That savings will primarily come from switching from existing high intensity roadway lights to longer-lasting and lower-maintenance LED lights.

Improvements are planned for lights along such interstates as I-95, I-40, I-77 and I-85, as well as I-440, I-540 and the Triangle Expressway in the Raleigh-Durham area, I-485 and I-277 in Charlotte, I-73/74 in the Triad, and I-240 and I-26 around Asheville. Several non-interstate highways around the state will also see lighting improvements.

The contract also calls for upgrading more than 12,000 building lights, including those at rest stops and visitor centers around the state, in addition to weigh stations and NCDOT county maintenance facilities.

The project includes the installation of a lighting and control system that will not only support the maintenance of the lights, but will also save and measure energy usage and lower costs.

Construction work is scheduled to start in September of 2017, with the initial locations still being determined. The light and equipment installation should wrap up in November 2018.


Granville County Installs Cigarette Litter Receptacles

Oxford, NC, July 21, 2017- Granville County has completed installation of cigarette litter receptacles that were funded by a $5000 grant from the Keep America Beautiful Cigarette Litter Prevention Program (CLPP). The CLPP stipulates that a portion of the grant funds were to be spent on the receptacles and a portion of the funds were to be spent on messaging. The receptacles include messaging that encourages passersby to “Keep Granville County Beautiful” and thanks users for “being a part of the solution.” Each receptacle should hold approximately 700 cigarette ends.

Receptacles were placed in problem areas and transition areas with a focus on government buildings, downtown areas, and parks. The receptacles can be found by the Bullock Post Office, the Stem Town Hall, Lake Rogers in Creedmoor, the Granville Athletic Park, Wilton Slopes, the Granville County Animal Shelter, the Granville County Courthouse, the Granville County Administrative Complex and Detention Center, and other areas in downtown Oxford. Over 2100 cigarette ends were counted and collected in the immediate area around the placement of the receptacles during an initial scan. The grant also provided pocket ash trays and cup holder ashtrays which were given out at the Granville County Administrative Building.

Granville County Government is one of 37 organizations to receive grant funding for 2017, totaling $297,500, through the 2017 Cigarette Litter Prevention Program. The Cigarette Litter Prevention Program, now in its 15th year, is the nation’s largest program aimed at reducing cigarette litter. Communities that implemented the Cigarette Litter Prevention Program in 2016 realized an average 60 percent reduction in cigarette litter, an 8 percent increase over the 2015 results.

Tobacco products, consisting mainly of cigarette butts, are the most littered item in America, representing nearly 38 percent of all items littered, according to “Litter in America,” Keep America Beautiful’s landmark study of litter and littering behavior. Research has shown that even self-reported “non-litterers” often don’t consider tossing cigarette butts on the ground to be “littering.”  Keep America Beautiful has found that cigarette butt litter occurs most often at transition points—areas where a person must stop smoking before proceeding into another area.  These include bus stops, entrances to stores and public buildings, and the sidewalk areas outside of bars and restaurants, among others.

Granville County Grants Coordinator, Charla Duncan, and Granville County Environmental Services Director, Jason Falls, would like to thank David Cottrell and the City of Oxford for their cooperation in this effort, as well as officials in Bullock, Creedmoor, and Stem. Also involved in the effort was the Granville County General Services Department, who fabricated and installed special posts for receptacles, as well as the Granville County Addressing Department who installed “no littering” signage at county parks to accompany the new receptacles.