Show Shine Shag & Dine 2017

Show Shine Shag & Dine 2017 — click for more

East Coast Drag Time Hall of Fame and Reunionclick for more

It’s a world-class car show, Drag Times Hall of Fame reunion and weekend full of fun, and it’s all happening right here in downtown Henderson with an anticipated economic impact in Vance County of about $2 million.

Nancy Wilson, director of Vance County Tourism, appeared on WIZS’s TownTalk this week, and you can hear the audio here.

This week and weekend roughly 35,000 people will come from all over the United States and parts of Canada to participate in and see the 16th annual Show Shine Shag and Dine in downtown Henderson.

Wilson said, “They love our little town.  They never have negative things to say about our area, and they come back year after year, so they must like it.  They enjoy coming here, and they have great things to say about the restaurants and the staff that waits on them, and we do not get any negative feedback.  It’s amazing.”

These types of events can also become the face of a town like Henderson.  During the TownTalk episode today, Wilson said she had and demonstrated an effort to work with our new Vance County Economic Development director and the new director of the Henderson-Vance Downtown Development Commission.

As a part of the Saturday morning and afternoon event downtown, the Corbitt Preservation Association will have its annual display of Corbitt Trucks at the corner of Montgomery and Williams Streets.

There are also other events during the weekend on Friday and Sunday.  Be sure to check out for a full list.

For the weekend’s event schedule, click here for a downloadable, printable PDF.


— courtesy Granville Chamber of Commerce

Friday, October 20th

The Granville County Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring their seventh annual fall seafood event – a “CLUCK ‘N SHUCK”, to be held Friday, October 20th, 5:30 until 8:00 pm at The Red Barn – Golf Course Road, off Lake Devin Road, in Oxford.

The dinner menu offerings will be: steamed oysters, fried shrimp, fried fish, fried chicken tenders, slaw, buttered potatoes, hushpuppies, tea, Pepsi-Cola products and cold beverages.

The event will be held at the venue – The Red Barn – where it has been held the past four years. This location provides an incredible setting for those desiring to eat on the decks overlooking Lake Devin. Inside seating on the ground floor of The Red Barn will be available.

Advance ticket sales – $40 per person or 2 tickets for $75 – includes all-you-can-eat on premises. As this is a limited ticket event, those wishing to attend are encouraged to purchase tickets early from one of the Chamber’s offices – 124 Hillsboro Street in Oxford (8:30 am ‘til 5 pm) 919.693.6125 or the South Office – 1598 NC Hwy 56, Butner (8:30 am ‘til 5 pm Tuesdays and Wednesdays and 8:30 ‘til noon Thursdays) 919.528.4994. Event t-shirts are also available at the Chamber’s offices for $10 each.

Granville Board of Ed Work Session


The Granville County Board of Education will meet in a Board Work Session on Thursday, October 19, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. at Granville Early College High 1552 South Campus Dr., Creedmoor, North Carolina.  The Board will also meet in Closed Session for Personnel/Attorney Client Privilege.  The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be held on November 6, 2017.

Granville Crime Stoppers

Granville County Crime Stoppers

— courtesy Granville County Crime Stoppers

Sometime between Monday, September 25th, 2017 and Friday, 29th, 2017 early evening hours, an unknown person or persons unlawfully went upon private property located off Highway 158 West Oxford , NC and criminally removed several antique collectibles.

Sometime between Friday, September 29th, 2017 late evening and Saturday, September 30th, 2017 mid-morning hours, an unknown person or persons unlawfully went upon private property off Highway 158 West, Oxford, NC and forced entry into a shed and a storage building, which caused criminal damage.

On Friday, September 29th, 2017 during late evening hours, an unknown person or persons unlawfully went upon private property off Pope Road, Creedmoor, NC and criminally removed a Freight Harbor welding machine from underneath a shed.

On Friday, October 6th, 2017 between early to mid-morning hours, an unknown person or persons unlawfully went upon private property located off Buck Hart Road, Oxford, NC and forced entry of a residence and a shed, which caused criminal property damage.

If you have information concerning these incidents, please contact the Granville County Sheriff’s Office at 919-693-3213 or call Crime Stoppers 919-693-3100.


7th Annual Masonic Homecoming Festival Saturday

The 7th Annual Masonic Homecoming Festival continues tomorrow, Saturday, October 14th.

Every year Oxford welcomes home all of its Masonic Home for Children alumni in the fall. Head Administrator for the institution Kevin Otis talked with WIZS TownTalk this past Wednesday – click here for the Oct 11th archive.

Otis said Saturday morning at 9:30 features the largest and best Shrine parade, followed by campus tours and folks can check out the print shop.  He said it’s a family friendly event with great activities for kids.  There’ll be great food on site at the BBQ pit followed by Jim Quick and Coastline with live, free beach music at noon, according to Otis.

The Granville County Tourism web page, at, describes it as a “celebration of North Carolina’s oldest and first home for children.”  Check out more at

While on TownTalk, Otis discussed the vocational and educational aspects among other topics concerning the Masonic Home and how it serves Vance and Granville Counties and, in fact, 26 counties in NC.

(Granville County Tourism and The Masonic Home for Children are paying advertising clients of WIZS.)

Families Living Violence Free

Families Living Violence Free Candlelight Vigil

— courtesy Families Living Violence Free

Please join FLVF as we recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month with our Annual Candlelight Vigil to honor Granville County Survivors and Victims of Domestic Violence who have lost their lives as a result of family violence. We honor and celebrate their lives with a vigil.

“Knowledge is Power… Awareness Saves Lives”

The Vigil will take place in front of the Families Living Violence Free’s Office. (125 Oxford Outer Loop Road)
Monday, October 16th, 2017
5:30pm to 6:30pm

For further information, please feel free to contact Families Living Violence Free: (919) 693-3579

Oxford Kiwanis Lobster Sale

The Oxford Kiwanis Club is having a lobster sale.  Pre-order now by calling 919-693-0000.  Final orders due by Oct 17th.  You can pick up your lobster Oct 21st from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m. at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church located at 140 College Street.

NC Forest Service

Oct 8-14 is Fire Prevention Week

— courtesy NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services and NC Forest Service

With fall fire season approaching, N.C. Forest Service offers tips to prevent wildfires

RALEIGH – As fall wildfire season approaches, the N.C. Forest Service encourages North Carolinians to heed the call of National Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 8-14, and take steps to ensure careful burning of leaves and yard debris.

Fall wildfire season typically lasts from mid-October until mid-December, the time of year when people do a lot of yard work that may include burning leaves and yard debris. These fires sometimes escape and start wildfires. In fact, debris burning is the top cause of wildfires in North Carolina.

“Between October and November of 2016, there were 1,138 wildfires that burned more than 59,511 acres across North Carolina,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “All of us can do our part to avoid another fall fire season like last year by exercising caution while burning debris.”

There are many factors to consider before burning any debris. The N.C. Forest Service encourages residents considering debris burning to contact their local county forest ranger. The ranger can offer technical advice and explain the best options to help maximize the safety to people, property and the forest.

Follow these tips to protect property and prevent wildfires:

  • Consider alternatives to burning. Some types of debris, such as leaves, grass and stubble, may be of more value if they are not burned, but used for mulch instead.
  • Check local burning laws. Some communities allow burning only during specified hours. Others forbid it entirely.
    Make sure you have a valid permit. You can obtain a burning permit at any Forest Service office or authorized permitting agent, or online at
  • Keep an eye on the weather. Don’t burn on dry, windy days.
  • Local fire officials can recommend a safe way to burn debris. Don’t pile vegetation on the ground. Instead, place it in a cleared area and contain it in a screened receptacle away from overhead branches and wires.
  • Household trash should be hauled away to a trash or recycling station. It is illegal to burn anything other than yard debris.
  • Be sure you are fully prepared before burning. To control the fire, you will need a hose, bucket, steel rake and a shovel for tossing dirt on the fire. Keep a phone nearby, too.
  • Never use kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel or other flammable liquids to speed debris burning.
  • Stay with your fire until it is completely out.
  • These same tips hold true for campfires and charcoal grills as well. Douse burning charcoal briquettes or campfires thoroughly with water. When soaked, stir the coals and soak them again. Be sure they are out cold and carefully feel to be sure they are extinguished. Never dump hot ashes or coals into a wooded area.
  • Burning agricultural residue and forestland litter: In addition to the rules above, a fire line should be plowed around the area to be burned. Large fields should be separated into small plots for burning one at a time. Before doing any burning in a wooded area, contact your county ranger, who will weigh all factors, explain them and offer technical advice.

Studies have shown that taking these and other measures can reduce the possibility of wildfires. For more information on ways you can prevent wildfires and loss of property, log onto

Granville County Logo

Granville and Oxford Commissioners Joint Meeting

— courtesy of Clerk to the Granville County Board of Commissioners


All interested persons please take notice that the Granville County Board of Commissioners and the City of Oxford Board of Commissioners will hold a Special Joint Meeting on Thursday, October 5, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at the Masonic Home, 600 College Street in the Cobb Center. General issues involving Granville County and the City of Oxford may be discussed.

Help Seniors Get Hired!

Are you age 55 or older or, know someone who is? Are you unemployed and looking for a job? Are you interested in paid on-the-job community service training!

NC NCBA-SCSEP supports over 300 part-time positions in 18 counties by providing hands-on workplace settings for seniors to develop new skills and talents and support community service activities. Participants enhance or refresh work experience through exposure to various jobs. Must meet income guidelines, able to work 20 hours per week, participate in assisted job search, earn minimum wage stipend.

Call Beryle Lewis
919693 2686