Granville Fall Clean Out

Reminder: Granville’s Drive-Through ‘Fall Clean Out’ Disposal Event This Weekend


-Press Release, Granville County Government

On November 21, 2020, residents of Granville County can bring recyclable and hazardous household items to the Expo and Convention Center in Oxford as the annual “Fall Clean Out” is held from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. Due to statewide health requirements, this year’s event will be a drive-through, with assistance provided at each designated station.

On-site to collect items for recycling and safe disposal will be the following vendors:

  • Veolia – will be collecting paint, paint-related materials, household cleaners, old gasoline, drain cleaners, fluorescent light tubes and other hazardous household materials;
  • N.C. Department of Agriculture – will be accepting pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, weed killers, etc.;
  • Shred Ace – will be providing on-site document shredding;
  • Interstate Batteries – will be collecting car batteries, motorcycle/boat batteries, lithium/lithium-ion batteries, hearing aid and watch batteries, etc.; and
  • Granville County Sheriff’s Office – will be collecting medications, inhalers, sharps, diabetic supplies, ammunition, flares and fireworks.

In addition, scrap metal such as junk lawnmowers, broken appliances, bicycles and metal furniture will be accepted, as well as electronics (computers, televisions, laptops, printers, etc.) for recycling.

The Granville County Humane Society will also be on-site to accept donations of pet supplies, dog and cat food, leashes, collars, crates, pet beds, kitty litter and towels.

Last year’s event resulted in the collection of 6,200 pounds of paint, more than 700 pounds of pesticides/fungicides/herbicides, 3,100 pounds of electronics, 3,000 pounds of scrap metal, 5,000 pounds of shredded paper, 2,900 pounds of household chemicals and many more household items.

“We appreciate everyone’s efforts in keeping these harmful items out of the community and the environment,” said Teresa Baker, Granville County Recycling and Sustainability Coordinator.

For more details, contact Baker at (919) 725-1417 or at

Duke Energy Equality

Duke Energy Awards $1 Million in Grants for Social Justice & Racial Equity

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Tanya Evans, District Manager, Duke Energy

Duke Energy is taking another positive step to advance social justice and racial equity in North Carolina. The Duke Energy Foundation announced the recipients of $1 million in grants for nonprofit organizations working for social justice and racial equity.

In July, Duke Energy committed to an annual social justice and racial equity grant cycle for at least three years in the state.

Local recipients include:

Project Momentum – Reducing disparate outcomes

“Project Momentum Inc. (PMI) is extremely appreciative to have been selected as a recipient of the Duke Energy Foundation social justice and racial equity grant. This opportunity will allow us to recreate the narrative among local community-based organizations by educating and implementing practical solutions to address equity, diversity, and inclusion in day-to-day practices,” said Mysha Wynn, founder and executive director, Project Momentum.

Region K Community Assistance Corporation – Civic engagement

“The Kerr-Tar Council of Governments/Region K Community Assistance Corporation serves a diverse group of citizens, and has for years,” said Vance County Commissioner Leo Kelly Jr., Chairman of the Board. “The funds provided by the Duke Energy Foundation will be used to train member governments’ elected, Vance Co. boards, and citizen advisory commissions in our region on social justice and racial equity, which we feel is integral to the functionality of our organization and region. By providing this type of training from a regional entity, we hope to bring about greater cultural awareness and sensitivity of diverse groups living within the Kerr-Tar region. On behalf of the Board, I’m extremely pleased that our office seeks out such grants to benefit our region.”

Freedom Organization – Reducing disparate outcomes

“On behalf of the Freedom Organization, I want to thank the Duke Energy Foundation. We are grateful for its support. We look forward to advancing efforts in social justice and racial equity within our community by creating agency for Black and POC residents in North Carolina,” said Marquetta Dickens, CEO, Freedom Organization.

In addition to these grants, employees also have the opportunity to support local organizations through the Duke Energy Foundation’s matching grant program, Dollars4Good, as well as its Hours4Good program, which enables employees to earn grants for volunteer hours logged.

Duke Energy also recognizes the incredible hardship our customers are facing during the global pandemic, and the Duke Energy Foundation has made significant grants to support our communities through hunger relief and bill assistance funding. We are proud to support organizations who are working tirelessly on the behalf of communities in our region such as:

  • County Outreach Ministry
  • Caswell Parrish
  • Backpack Buddies Person Co
  • Christian Help Center
  • ACIM
  • Vance County United Way
  • A Touch of the Fathers Love Ministry and Food Bank
  • Loaves & Fishes Ministry
  • Rachel’s Pantry – Elm City Missionary Baptist Church
  • The Caswell Fund
  • United Way of the Tar River Region
  • Warren County DSS
  • Halifax Community College – Patriot Fund
Maude Lassiter Painting

Painting Honors Granville’s First African-American Librarian


-Press Release, Granville County Government

The Granville County Library System has announced the completed commission for an oil portrait of Maude Lassiter, the first African-American librarian in Granville County. Painted by artist Stephen Cefalo of Raleigh, NC, the portrait will soon be on permanent display at the Richard H. Thornton Library in Oxford.

A native of the Jonathan Creek community, Lassiter was born on Sept. 12, 1892, and was a longtime educator in Granville County, having earned degrees in School Administration and Religion from North Carolina Central University, Shaw University and Atlanta University.

An oil portrait of Maude Lassiter, the first African-American librarian in Granville County, will soon be on permanent display at the Richard H. Thornton Library in Oxford. Painting by artist Stephen Cefalo of Raleigh, NC.

In 1942, she was hired as a librarian at the Granville Street Library, the county’s first library for people of color. This was a position she would hold for more than 23 years. During her tenure, she is credited with introducing literature and knowledge to many people of the community, as well as for bringing luminaries Mordecai Wyatt Johnson, John Hope Franklin and Langston Hughes to the area.

The impact of Mrs. Lassiter’s contributions to the community and to education are still being felt today.

Juanita Rogers, Head Chair of the Granville County Library System’s Board of Trustees, remembers Lassiter as being “the essence of kindness, caring and dignity” and the Granville Street Library as being a place that was “quiet and conducive to reading” throughout her childhood and teen years.

“Maude Lassiter’s leadership embraced an ambitious vision for the future of many children of color who were exposed to her skillful guidance and lectures in communication, stressing that ‘reading was the key to knowledge,’” Rogers recalls.

“The library offered a variety of books and periodicals from different academic disciplines. There I enjoyed reading ‘Ebony,’ ‘Jet,’ ‘Life’ and ‘Time’ magazines. Some of the outstanding African-American newspapers were ‘The Journal and Guide,’ ‘The African-American,’ ‘The Carolinian’ and the ‘Carolina Times.’ Mrs. Lassiter’s bold and patient leadership encouraged young people from Oxford and Granville County to venture out in life in various positions and careers.”

Lassiter was also active in over a dozen community organizations and was particularly noted for her dedication to the First Baptist Church of Oxford. After four decades of public service and a lasting devotion to her community’s right to education and information, Lassiter retired in 1966 and died five years later. She is buried at the Plummer Cheatham Memorial Park in Oxford.

Andrew Maloney, Branch Manager of the Richard H. Thornton Library, notes that a ribbon-cutting and reception to unveil the painting are now in the planning stages; however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the date and time have not yet been determined.

“This painting was a collaborative effort by our staff to honor Maude Lassiter, a trailblazing woman who excelled in a field that had low black representation, in a state that was extremely segregated,” Maloney said. “We hope that this commission will also contribute to the representation of significant black citizens in our local history today, where they are often forgotten.”

Additional details about Maude Lassiter’s life and the history of the library she so skillfully directed are available through the North Carolina Room of the Richard H. Thornton Library in Oxford. Those interested in learning more can also contact North Carolina Room Specialist Mark Pace at (919) 693-1121.

For more information about artist Stephen Cefalo, please visit his website at

Green Rural Redevelopment (GRRO)

GRRO Announces Free COVID-19 Testing, Food Box Distribution This Week

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Green Rural Redevelopment, Inc.

Green Rural Redevelopment, Inc. (GRRO), along with partners Cardinal Innovations and Groundwater Solutions, is hosting a series of COVID-19 testing events this week.

Testing times and locations are as follows:


Wednesday, November 18 ~ 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Franklinton Middle School Parking Lot
224 Rams Way
Franklinton, NC 27525

Rocky Mount

Thursday, November 19 ~  9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Word Tabernacle Church (Impact Center Building)
821 Word Plaza
Rocky Mount, NC 27804


Friday, November 20 ~ 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Granville County Expo & Convention Center
4185 U.S Highway 15
Oxford, NC 27565


Tuesday, November 24 ~ 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Elks Lodge
326 W. Rockspring St
Henderson, NC 27536

Like GRRO’s testing events last month, these events will be conducted as low/no contact drive-up services. People who get the free COVID-19 test will also receive a free family box of food, PPE and information on resources to help them through the pandemic.

NC Governor Logo

NC’s New COVID County Alert System Codes Vance, Warren ‘Substantial’ Spread

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Office of Governor Roy Cooper

Governor Roy Cooper and Dr. Mandy Cohen, Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS) announced a new COVID-19 County Alert System to pinpoint counties with the highest levels of viral spread and offer specific recommendations to bring numbers down.

This system will help give local leaders another tool to understand how their county is faring and to make decisions about actions to slow viral spread. The map will be updated every four weeks (click here).

“By pinpointing counties with high virus transmission and asking everyone in those counties to work with us and do more right now to slow the spread of the virus, we can succeed,” Governor Cooper said. “It can help bring down their case rates, keep their communities safer, save lives and keep their hospital systems working.”

“It’s going to take all of us working together to avoid tightening restrictions like so many states are now doing,” said NCDHHS Secretary Mandy K. Cohen. “The COVID-19 County Alert System gives North Carolinians an easy way to see how their county is doing and know what they can do protect their family and neighbors and slow the spread of this virus.”

The system uses metrics informed by the White House Coronavirus Task Force and North Carolina’s key metrics to categorize counties into three tiers:

Yellow: Significant Community Spread

Orange: Substantial Community Spread

Red: Critical Community Spread

Because no one metric provides a complete picture, the COVID-19 County Alert System uses a combination of three metrics: case rate, the percent of tests that are positive, and hospital impact within the county.

To be assigned to the red or orange tier, a county must meet the threshold for case rate for that tier AND the threshold for either percent positive OR hospital impact.

  • Case Rate: The number of new cases in 14 days per 100,000 people
  • Percent Positive: The percent of tests that are positive over 14 days
  • Hospital Impact: A composite score based on the impact that COVID-19 has had on hospitals including percent of COVID-19 hospitalizations, COVID-19 related visits to the Emergency Department, staffed open hospital beds, and critical staffing shortages over 14 days

Counties that do not meet the criteria for red or orange are categorized as being in the yellow tier (significant community spread) and should continue to be vigilant to prevent further spread of COVID-19.

Locally, Vance and Warren counties are coded orange for substantial community spread, while Warren and Franklin counties are coded yellow for significant community spread (as of Nov. 17, 2020).

Vance County has a 9.1% 14-Day Percent Positive rate; 464.8 14-Day Case Rate Per 100,000 and a moderate hospital impact.

Granville County has a 5% 14-Day Percent Positive rate; 355.7 14-Day Case Rate Per 100,000 and a low hospital impact.

Warren County has a 7.3% 14-Day Percent Positive rate; 299 14-Day Case Rate Per 100,000 and a moderate hospital impact.

Franklin County has a 6.8% 14-Day Percent Positive rate; 302.8 14-Day Case Rate Per 100,000 and a low hospital impact.

The Alert System includes recommendations for individuals, businesses, community organizations and public officials in every county, as well as specific stepped-up recommendations for orange and red counties.

To read more and see Frequently Asked Questions, visit the alert page.

Granville Vance Public Health Logo

GVPH Director Discusses Spike in COVID Cases Ahead of the Holidays

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Granville Vance Public Health

Granville Vance Public Health Director Lisa Harrison told WIZS News that the local spike in COVID-19 cases is the highest Vance and Granville counties have seen since the pandemic began. According to the latest GVPH data, there are currently 271 reported active cases in Vance County and 202 in Granville County.

“I worry the most about Thanksgiving and families getting together and not practicing public health recommendations to stay safe and keep their family and friends safe,” said Harrison. “There are ways to still get together, but people have to be really careful: wear their masks, not eat around one table together and, if it’s nice out, be outside as much as possible. This will be hard. I expect another spike in the weeks following Thanksgiving.”

If you decide to host or attend a holiday gathering, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of spreading COVID-19. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) provides the following steps to Celebrate Thanksgiving Safely (click here).

It is strongly recommended that people not participate in traditional Black Friday shopping events that can create large crowds and increase the risk of spreading COVID-19. Here are some guidelines for Safer Black Friday Shopping.

Colleges and universities have seen cases and clusters of COVID-19 throughout the fall semester. While the holidays are a time when families and others gather together, you should be careful and take steps to prevent the spread of the virus while you’re on break. Here are some guidelines for Safer Holiday Breaks.

The following is an update for COVID-19 spread and response in Granville and Vance County as of November 16, 2020. Granville Vance Public Health numbers correlate with the NC Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NCEDSS) data.

The county case numbers reported on the NC county map from the NC Department of Health and Human Services may differ from the ones reported locally as they are updated at different times and may change once residence is verified.

Granville County

2,311 positive test results for COVID-19.

Of those 2,311, 1,606 are community-spread cases located across Granville County. Of those 1,606, 1,404 have been released from isolation.

Of those 2,311, 531 cases are affiliated with the prison system in Granville County, and 505 of those 531 have been released from isolation.

Of those 2,311, 174 are associated with outbreaks at long-term care facilities, including 58 at Murdoch Development Center, 95 at Universal Health Care and 17 at Granville House.

The outbreaks at Central Regional Hospital and Brantwood are no longer active.

Of the 174 cases in long-term care facilities in Granville County, 130 have been released from isolation.

Seven individuals in Granville County are hospitalized.

There have been a total of 55 deaths in Granville County: eight in the community, one associated with Central Regional Hospital, one associated with Granville House, two associated with Murdoch Development Center, 21 associated with Universal Health Care, and 22 associated with the Bureau of Prisons Federal Correctional Complex.

Unfortunately, there has been a recent death associated with Granville House. A 74-year-old white female passed away on November 16.

Vance County

1,418 positive test results for COVID-19.

Of those 1,418, 1,263 are community-spread cases located across Vance County. Of those 1,263, 992 have been released from isolation.

Of those 1,418, 155 are associated with outbreaks at congregate living facilities, including 47 at Senior Citizens Home. Senior Citizens is currently experiencing a second outbreak.

The outbreaks at Kerr Lake Nursing Home, Alliance Rehabilitative Care and Pelican Health Nursing Home are no longer active.

Of the 155 cases in congregate living facilities in Vance County, 95 have been released from isolation.

Twelve individuals in Vance County are hospitalized.

There have been a total of 48 deaths in Vance County: 14 associated with the Pelican Health nursing home outbreak, 12 associated with Kerr Lake Nursing Home, two associated with Senior Citizens Home, and 20 in the community.

Unfortunately, there has been another death in the community: a 74-year-old white male passed away on November 15.

Additional Information

The number of those who have been ‘released from isolation’ is determined by the CDC Guidance for discontinuation of isolation for persons with COVID-19.

Please visit GVPH’s COVID-19 Data Dashboard (click here) for tables and graphs that are updated daily, including a seven-day rolling average, as well as new cases by day for each county graphed.

Cardinal Innovations Healthcare

Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Releases County Action Plan

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Information courtesy Cardinal Innovations Healthcare

Cardinal Innovations County Action Plan

Cardinal Innovations Healthcare is wholeheartedly committed to helping the people we serve and are invested in supporting the counties and communities where our members live. In the spirit of transparency, ongoing improvement and partnership, and together with the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Cardinal Innovations has committed to a detailed plan of action, effective immediately.

Contained in this plan are concrete measures and specific steps for improvement to address county concerns and hold us accountable to our members and our communities.

Supporting Children Entering DSS Custody

• We recognize that even with all deliberate speed, change will take time and will not resolve all pain points overnight. For this reason, and in addition to the steps outlined in our plan of action, we plan to invest an additional $30 million to help our counties take care of children in foster care.

Effective immediately, Cardinal will enter into a subcapitation agreement with its county DSS partners to provide a Per Member Per Month (PMPM) payment for every Medicaid-eligible foster child in its care. Counties will be able to use these Medicaid funds to cover the cost of some preliminary or transitional care or to address social determinants of health (e.g., housing, transportation, food insecurity).

Payments will begin retroactively from March 2020 due to additional constraints caused by the pandemic and extend through June 30, 2022.

Access to Care

• Cardinal will remove authorization requirements for a broad category of outpatient and community-based services. For services that still require a Treatment Authorization Request (TAR), Cardinal will issue a decision within 72 calendar hours for foster children/juveniles and individuals with two or more occurrences in the Emergency Department within 60 days.

• Cardinal will co-locate Cardinal staff at county DSS offices to work directly with DSS staff to identify high-needs cases sooner, help to resolve emerging issues, and assist in identifying care needs earlier.

• To increase the availability of immediate access to care, Cardinal will partner with preferred Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) providers to enhance the delivery of TFC by creating an emergency/transitional setting option, as well as pairing the service with evidence-based support and high-fidelity wrap-around services.

Emergency Department Utilization

• Cardinal will develop a transition of care program, which will include both hospital inpatient and ED discharge planning program with the goal of reducing the length of stay and improving access to services post-discharge

Improved Processes

• Effective immediately, Cardinal will eliminate site-specific contracting with TFC provider agencies

• Within 30 days, Cardinal will eliminate site-specific authorizations for TFC or Level II Family Type homes

• To increase provider accountability for timely authorizations, Cardinal will expand its provider monitoring activities to include tracking the length of time between a provider’s receipt of an assessment and the date the provider submits a completed TAR

Outreach and Education

• Cardinal will conduct in-depth trainings with DSS staff around the adult service continuum, including the state-funded registry, the Transitions to Community Living Initiative (TCLI), the Registry of Unmet Needs (Innovations waitlist), Medicaid services, (b)(3) services, and non-Medicaid services

• Cardinal will provide at least quarterly webinar trainings on the state-funded eligibility criteria and service array for DSS partners and other community stakeholders and will conduct pre/post surveys to assess the level of understanding pre/post to adjust content as needed

• Cardinal will develop updated member resources to improve ease of navigation and raise awareness of the service array offered by Cardinal

• Cardinal will begin implementation of a new service model that raises awareness of the Cardinal service array, simplifying the process for members to issue and resolve complaints and ensuring that members have access to services

For more information on Cardinal Innovations Healthcare, please visit

Duke Energy

Duke Energy Warns Customers to Beware of Utility Scams

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, Duke Energy

The phone rings. It’s Duke Energy. We’re on the way to disconnect your electric service unless you pay us over the phone right now. You follow the instructions and – just like that – you’ve been scammed.

Sadly, this is not an uncommon phone call. That’s why Duke Energy has again joined forces with utilities across the continent to bring awareness to these criminal scam tactics on the fifth annual Utility Scam Awareness Day on November 18. Utility Scam Awareness Day is part of the week-long International Scam Awareness Week, an advocacy and awareness campaign focused on educating customers and exposing the tactics used by scammers.

“As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, it’s absolutely critical to remind all utility customers to beware of impostors attempting to scam them,” said Jared Lawrence, Duke Energy’s vice president of revenue services and metering. “We’ve made great progress as an industry in getting the word out the past few years, and the numbers continue to improve. But so do the scammers, and that’s why we must continue to keep our customers informed and aware so they don’t become the next victims. Together, we can stop scams.”

Recognized annually, Utility Scam Awareness Day was created by Utilities United Against Scams (UUAS), a consortium of nearly 150 U.S. and Canadian electric, water, and natural gas companies and their respective trade associations.

Scamming through the pandemic

Duke Energy – a founding member of UUAS – and the consortium’s other member companies have seen an increase in scam attempts appearing to take advantage of the uncertainty of the pandemic. In addition to the frequent impostor scam, some new tactics include bogus COVID-19 references to steal personal information. Although impostors continue to target utility customers, UUAS members and partners have succeeded in taking nearly 9,400 scam telephone numbers out of operation.

“At the height of the pandemic, scammers preyed on Duke Energy customers with an alarming frequency,” Lawrence said. “The good news? Most people didn’t fall for it.”

When the UUAS campaign started in 2016, more than nine percent of Duke Energy customers who reported scams lost money, and so far this year less than three percent have reported falling for scams. That’s still nearly $400,000 of hard-earned money lost to scammers in less than a year, and the reason why more work needs to be done to get the word out.

“Customers need to be on high alert as we continue to see impostor utility scams rise across North America,” said UUAS Executive Director Monica Martinez. “Scammers demand money or personal information on the spot – usually with threatening language – and indicate that service will be disconnected immediately. Anyone and everyone, from senior households to small business owners, is at risk of being targeted.”

UUAS advises customers who suspect that they have been victims of fraud or who feel threatened during contact with a scammer to contact their local utility or law enforcement authorities. Here are tips to protect yourself from falling victim to utility scams:

Common scam tactics include:    

  • Threat to disconnect: Scammers may aggressively tell a customer their utility bill is past due, and service will be disconnected—usually within an hour—if a payment is not made.
  • Request for immediate payment: Scammers might instruct a customer to purchase a prepaid card, cryptocurrency, or to send funds via a mobile app to make a bill payment.
  • Request for prepaid card or payment through certain mobile apps: Customers are instructed to pay with a prepaid debit card. The impostor asks for the prepaid card’s number, which grants instant access to the card’s funds. More recently, customers have also been instructed to send a payment through a mobile app. Duke Energy currently does not accept payments through the Cash App, Venmo or Zelle apps. However, customers can make payments on Duke Energy’s mobile app available in the Apple App Store for iOS and the Google Play Store for Android.
  • Personal information: During the COVID-19 crisis, criminals are promising to mail refund checks for overpayments on their accounts if they can confirm their personal data, including birthdays and, in some cases, Social Security numbers. Duke Energy will apply refunds as a credit to customers’ accounts and will not contact customers to verify personal information by phone, email or in-person in order to mail a check.

Protect yourself

  • Customers should never purchase a prepaid card to avoid service interruption. Utility companies do not specify how customers should make a bill payment and always offer a variety of ways to pay a bill, including online payments, phone payments, automatic bank drafts, mail, or in person.
  • If someone threatens immediate service interruption, customers should be aware. Customers with past due accounts receive multiple advanced notices, typically by mail and in their regular monthly bill. Utilities will never notify of a disconnection in one hour or less.
  • If customers suspect someone is trying to scam them, they should hang up, delete the email, or shut the door. The utility should be contacted immediately at the number on the most recent monthly bill or on the utility’s official website, not the phone number the scammer provides. If customers ever feel that they are in physical danger, they should call 9-1-1.

Visit Duke Energy’s brand journalism site, illumination, to learn more about Lawrence’s involvement in founding Utilities United Against Scams and to download a call from a customer who reported being scammed.


Reminder: VGCC to Hold Open Air Job Fairs This Week


-Information courtesy Tanya Weary, VGCC Dean of Business & Industry Solutions

Open air job fairs featuring hundreds of local positions will be held at all four Vance-Granville Community College locations this week. These events are in response to the dramatic need for employees across the service area.

The job fair begins at the college’s Warren County Campus (Warrenton) on November 17, 2020; at Main Campus (near Henderson) on November 18, 2020; at South Campus (Creedmoor/Butner) on November 19, 2020; and at the Franklin County Campus (Louisburg) on November 20, 2020.

VGCC’s Career Services, Small Business Center and Customized Training have teamed up to offer the first open air job fair event in our service area. Employers from across Granville, Franklin, Vance and Warren Counties will be there seeking to fill jobs from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

“We’re really just trying to connect the businesses and employers with our job seekers throughout the counties that we serve. There are a lot of jobs and we are sure we can help you find one,” said Tanya Weary, VGCC Dean of Business & Industry Solutions.

This event is free and open to the public. Participants will meet employers from across the service area who will be hiring and eager to fill jobs with competitive wages, benefits and more. Job fair seekers will also be able to gain tips on getting the job they are after.

“We are excited to offer job fairs at each of our campuses,” Linda Fletcher, Director of Career Services said.  She continued, “The college is committed to developing strong communities and improving the quality of life for our community members. Jobs are the key. Local employers have jobs and need good candidates ready to work. We welcome both VGCC students and community job-seekers at each of our open air job fairs.”

Attendees are expected to adhere to social distancing guidelines, and capacity levels will be observed and mandated throughout each event. Job fair participants are reminded that health screenings and masks or face coverings are required for everyone while on campus.

VGCC Career Services encourages job seekers to consider adding to their skill set through additional training and/or education. We can help with career exploration for career-changers or determining the next step in developing an established career. In addition, our students receive assistance with resumes, interview preparation, and job search skills. Take the next step with us toward a better future.

For more information, visit:, or contact Linda Fletcher, Director of Career Services, at (252) 738-3466 or

NC State Board of Elections

NC Counties Finalize Election Results; Several Steps Remain in Process

100.1 FM ~ 1450 AM ~ WIZS, Your Community Voice ~ Click to LISTEN LOCAL

-Press Release, NC State Board of Elections

About 10 county boards of elections in North Carolina are meeting early this week to finalize their 2020 election results, with a few counties correcting discrepancies in election results discovered during the post-election canvass process.

Results reported on election night are always unofficial. Canvass is the official process of determining the votes have been counted and tabulated correctly, resulting in the authentication of the official results.

Most county boards of elections certified their results late last week. However, a few are still working with State Board staff to ensure all votes are counted properly before they complete their canvass. Counties may delay canvass for a “reasonable time” if all aspects of the canvass process were not completed on Friday.

As counties continue their canvass processes, unofficial results will be updated accordingly on the State Board’s Election Results Dashboard.

“The canvass process exists to ensure votes are counted accurately,” said Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the State Board of Elections. “This is the process working as it is supposed to work. This election will not be certified until we are certain the results are accurate.”

Please see below for information about counties that will meet early this week to complete their canvasses.


After all counties have completed their canvasses, any mandatory recounts would be conducted by county boards of elections. For statewide contests, the vote difference must be 10,000 votes or fewer for a candidate who is the runner-up to demand a recount. For non-statewide contests, the difference between the candidates must be 1 percent or less of the total votes cast in the contest.

Requests for recounts in most single-county contests are due by 5 p.m. Monday. Such requests in statewide and multicounty contests are due by noon Tuesday.

If a recount is demanded, the State Board of Elections office would issue a schedule, and the counties would conduct recounts individually during open meetings.

Counties would re-run every ballot through a tabulator and the results of the recount would be compared to the results of the original count.

State Board Audits

Prior to state canvass scheduled for November 24, the State Board conducts various audits of election results, including the “Voter History Audit.” Here’s how that audit is conducted:

When a voter checks in to vote at an early voting site or an Election Day polling place, or submits an absentee by-mail ballot, the voter receives a voter history record for that election.

When ballots are run through tabulators, tabulation software provides election return data that identifies the number of ballots cast in that election.

The “Voter History Audit” compares the “voter history” number with the number of physical ballots cast in that election. These two numbers should generally match, but may be slightly off for valid reasons, such as if a voter checks in at a polling place and then decides not to vote.

This audit is designed to identify certain problems or fraud, such as ballot stuffing, erroneous manual entries, user error, or certain ballot coding issues.

The State Board conducts additional audits summarized here:…

The State Board will not certify results unless evidence from the audits show the results are accurate.

State Canvass

The State Board of Elections will certify statewide results for all federal, statewide, multi-district and judicial contests at a public meeting held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 24. Results in each contest are not considered official until certified by the State Board. After state canvass, the board of elections with jurisdiction over each contest will issue a certificate of election to the prevailing candidate.

Electoral College

The Electoral College meets at noon on December 14. Electors’ names will be announced when the Secretary of State receives certified election results from the State Board and notifies the governor of the electors’ names. For more about the Electoral College, go here: