VGCC Drama Dept. Opens “Agnes Of God” Thursday For Weekend Run

— Information courtesy of VGCC Public Information Officer Courtney Cissel


VGCC Drama returns to the stage Thursday with a three-member cast performing “Agnes of God,” the award-winning 1979 play by John Pielmeier.

Vance-Granville students Saylor Gray, JayAnn Gupton and KB Wiggs make up the all-female cast who take the stage for four performances. The curtain rises at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 21, Friday, Nov. 22 and Saturday, Nov. 23, with a 2 p.m. matinee performance on Sunday, Nov. 24.

The story is about a young novice, Agnes, who has been accused of killing her newborn child. A court-appointed psychiatrist, Dr. Martha Livingstone, is summoned to the convent to assess the young woman’s sanity. Miriam Ruth, the Mother Superior, determinedly keeps young Agnes from the doctor, further arousing Livingstone’s suspicions. Who killed the infant, and who fathered the tiny victim? Livingstone’s questions force all three women to re-examine the meaning of faith and the power of love, leading to a dramatic, compelling climax.

Because of the adult themes and language, the performance is suggested for audience members 16 and older or children accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Tickets for “Agnes of God” are on sale now. The cost is $20 General Admission, $15 for Seniors/Military, and $10 for Students and VGCC Faculty/Staff.

Purchase tickets online at

Headed to the opening night show? Stay afterward to participate in a “talkback” discussion led by VGCC psychology instructor Dr. Kristie Polk.

All shows will take place in the Small Auditorium on VGCC’s Main Campus in Henderson. The venue is located on the lower level of Building 2 (Room #2105), which is accessible from the campus’s central courtyard.

Some audience members may be triggered by content such as abuse, religion, death, and use of cigarettes. Disclaimer: the theatrical cigarettes used in the production contain no harmful ingredients for either the audience of the actors.

VGCC Drama presents “Agnes of God” by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc.

To learn more VGCC Drama or Fine Arts at Vance-Granville Community College, contact Betsy Henderson, Department Chair of Fine Arts & Humanities, at or 252. 738.3371.

TownTalk: Sossamon Calls For Recount

Vance and Granville counties will conduct a recount in the too-close-to-call contest for House District 32, which has Democratic challenger Bryan Cohn leading Republican incumbent Frank Sossamon by 233 votes.

Because that margin is less than 1 percent of the voting totals – .53 percent, to be precise – the challenger (in this case, Sossamon) was entitled to ask for a recount by 12 noon today. Vance County Board of Elections Director Haley Rawles told WIZS News Tuesday that she received a notification of the recount from Raleigh shortly before 11:30 a.m.

Sossamon spoke with WIZS News this morning as he was waiting for the General Assembly to convene and confirmed that he would be seeking a recount.

“It hasn’t been filed, but it will be filed before 12,” Sossamon said by phone shortly before 11 a.m. He said he’d waited until now to let the process play out, which included the Nov. 15 canvass and certifying and counting provisional and absentee ballots.

“A lot of elections are cut-and-dry,” he said. “Close elections are different…and there are options that candidates have,” including filing protests if there are “anomalies,” and filing a lawsuit.

Rawles said Vance County elections officials will begin the recount at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20 for two races – the District 32 contest and a statewide recount for a seat on the N.C. Supreme Court between sitting Justice Allison Riggs and Republican challenger Jefferson Griffin.

Rawles expects the recounts to take the majority of the day to complete, if not longer.

WIZS News reached out to Granville County Board of Elections Director Tonya Burnette Tuesday afternoon to find out when the recount would begin in that county and we will update the story if that information becomes available.

In a concise letter sent via email to N.C. State Board of Elections Director Karen Brinson Bell, Sossamon requested the recount.

It reads:

Executive Director Brinson Bell,

As a candidate for North Carolina House District 32 in the 2024 General Election, I her3eby submit my written demand for a mandatory recount pursuant to the N.C. Gen. Stat. 163-182.7(c) and 163-182.4(b)(3). Please confirm receipt of this timely written demand at your earliest convenience.


Frank Sossamon

Sossamon expressed frustration when it came to finding out what his options were regarding a recount and said he felt voters weren’t adequately inform about redrawn district lines that removed a portion of Vance County from District 32.

Nobody said “Mr. Sossamon, you can call for a recount,” Sossamon said. “I had to find that out for myself – I find that quite alarming.”

Sossamon also said he was concerned to learn that voters in Vance County showed up to vote and noticed that the District 32 race wasn’t on their ballot.

“They were thinking they could vote for me, but I wasn’t on their ballot,” he said, adding that “people who are already skeptical of the voting system are getting even more skeptical.”

In a telephone interview Tuesday, Cohn said he was pleased with the overall process but acknowledged that the campaign was “long and expensive, and, at times, a rather dirty campaign. I don’t think anybody is happy about any of that.”

(This text and story developed more after the embedded audio below.)



The Local Skinny! N.C. House District 32 Contest

Incumbent N.C. Rep. Frank Sossamon has until noon tomorrow – Tuesday, Nov. 19 – to put the wheels in motion to call for a recount in the contest to retain his District 32 seat.

Both Vance and Granville’s boards of elections completed the canvass on Friday, Nov. 15 to certify results of the Nov. 5 general election, including the District 32 race, in which challenger Bryan Cohn holds a 233-vote lead over the incumbent Sossamon.

The N.C. State Board of Elections website lists vote totals as 21,213 for Cohn, a Democrat, and 20,980 for the Republican Sossamon. Cohn won handily in Vance County, taking 60.55 percent of the vote to Sossamon’s 37.26 percent; Sossamon won among Granville County voters by a 52.67 percent to 44.53 percent margin.

State law states that a recount can occur in non-statewide contests where the margin of victory is 1 percent or less of total votes cast. The 233-vote margin is .53 of 1 percent of the total vote.

“In contests under the jurisdiction of the State Board of Elections (including General Assembly seats in which the district lies in more than one county), the recount demand must be in writing and received by the State Board of Elections no later than noon on Tuesday, Nov. 19,” according to the state board of elections website.

There has been no indication about whether Sossamon will make a recount request.

The District 32 race is one of two key contests yet to be decided – the other is District 25 in Nash County – which will determine whether Republican keep their supermajority in the N.C. House.

Click Play!

Granville County Library System

Granville Library System Gets $10,000 From Anonymous Benefactor

– information courtesy of Granville County Public Information Officer Terry Hobgood

The Granville County Library System recently received a $10,000 donation to support children’s programming.

The donor, who wants to remain anonymous, designated the gift for projects aimed at improving children’s reading abilities in creative ways with a  primary focus on the Richard H. Thornton Library in Oxford, but with potential to impact other library branches  across the county, according to information from Granville County Public Information Officer Terry Hobgood.

The money will be used for projects that the library system otherwise could not afford, including innovative reading programs, literacy support and educational initiatives that inspire young readers.

“We are incredibly fortunate to receive this support,” said Thornton Branch Children’s Librarian Amy Carlson. “This donation will allow us to create impactful programs that foster a love of reading and learning among children. We look forward to using these funds to expand the library’s community reach and resources in meaningful ways.”

The Granville County Library System will begin planning and implementing new initiatives with these funds by helping children develop stronger reading skills and a lasting connection to literacy. Further updates on the use of this donation will be shared with the community at a later date.

Visit to learn more about the programs and services the library system offers.



3 GCPS Elementary Schools Earn Kudos In US News And World Report Ranking Program

Three elementary schools in the southern end of Granville County have earned “Best Elementary Schools” badges from U.S. News and World Report, according to Granville County Public Schools Public Information Officer Courtney Currin.

Butner-Stem Elementary, Tar River Elementary and Wilton Elementary each placed among the top 40 percent of public elementary schools in North Carolina.

According to the US News and World Report, “the top-ranked schools are all high-achieving and have succeeded at educating all their students.”

GCPS Superintendent Dr. Stan Winborne echoed that sentiment in praise of the school staffs, stating they “do everything they can to ensure their students succeed. Because of this and the students’ hard work, the students of those schools thrive. It’s exciting that their hard work and accomplishments are recognized.”

The rankings are based on students who scored at proficient or above proficient levels on math and reading state assessments, “while accounting for student background and achievement in core subjects,” according to information from the national publication.



TownTalk: The Barefoot Movement Headlines Hurricane Relief Concert At SGHS

The Barefoot Movement’s Noah Wall and Tommy Norris have a deep connection to western North Carolina and east Tennessee, just over the Blue Ridge Mountains. They were dating and in a band when Norris was a student at Western Carolina and Noah was at East Tennessee State, and the two would meet in Asheville for a date night or band-related events.

But they also have connections to Granville County – both are 2006 graduates of South Granville High School in Creedmoor, and when Wall felt the urge to do something to help folks who lost so much in the devastation and flooding brought by Hurricane Helene, she turned to that high school and the choral department.

The result:  a hurricane relief concert on Friday, Nov. 22 featuring a couple of local groups as well as the bluegrass sound of The Barefoot Movement. The concert is sponsored by the South Granville Choral Association.

Tickets are $15 and are on sale now for the concert, which kicks off at 7 p.m.

First up is GrassStreet Bluegrass band, followed by the popular Granville County Southern Rock band Bryan’s Hill.

Wall said she has “zero ego” in being called the headline group, but she’ll take the stage with her fiddle and her husband – (Norris, if you didn’t know) – mandolin in hand, to finish out the concert.

“I wish I could just donate a million dollars,” Wall said on Tuesday’s TownTalk segment with WIZS’s Bill Harris. She said she has been moved by what the folks in the mountains have been going through, so she set about doing what she knows best. “I have my music and I know how to put on a concert,” she explained. The rest fell into place fairly easily.

The high school auditorium has a stage, a sound system and is a comfortable place for a concert. “It ultimately worked out great,” Wall said. All proceeds from the concert will go to Baptist on Mission, which has had teams of people on the ground helping in the disaster zone. They also have a specific Hurricane Helene Relief Fund, so Wall is confident the money will get to where it can be of most use.

Next week’s concert playlist may be a little different from what audiences hear when they’re on tour across the country, Wall said, hinting at what may be in store.

“It won’t be traditional bluegrass, necessarily,” said. “We may cover Ozzy Osborne, but we’ll do it with fiddle and mandolin.”

What it will be, she said, is fun. And she hopes all three bands play to a sold-out house.

“Its’ going to be a great night,” Wall said. “I just felt like I had to do something…just looking at pictures I’ve seen of Asheville, (recovery is) going to take a long time and they need our help.”

Find a link to ticket sales at  or find a link at 



NC Coop Extension

Free Soil Samples End Nov. 26; Submit Samples Now To Avoid $4 Fee Per Sample

The time for getting free soil samples from The N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services soil testing lab is almost over – it’s about to hit its busy season, but growers and homeowners have until Tuesday, Nov. 26 to squeak in under the wire before the fee of $4 per sample begins.

“Accurate lime and fertilizer recommendations are critical to producing healthy plants and crops and to avoid unnecessary expenses and protect our natural resources,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. “Recommendations that come from soil testing lets you know exactly what you need to add for optimal production. When it comes to fertilization needs, don’t guess, test.”

Peak-season fees are implemented annually to encourage growers to submit samples early, which helps spread out the testing time frame and to invest in equipment and temporary staff to decrease turnaround times. This year, the peak laboratory season starts Nov. 27 and runs through March 31, 2025.

Samples must physically arrive on the Agronomic Services’ loading dock no later than 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 26, to avoid that $4 per sample fee.

“This year the Agronomic Services Division is renewing its efforts to improve operational efficiency and optimize our customer service. To help in this mission, growers are asked to pay particular attention to the submission process,” said Dr. Don Edralin, soil testing section chief. “Small details matter when you consider that the Soil Testing Lab processes about 300,000 samples annually.”

Soil samples submitted without adequate grower, consultant, and/or sample information will not proceed through the lab but will be set aside.  This information is essential to associate samples with the correct existing client account or to establish a new unique client account. Samples will be held for at least five days, and an attempt will be made to obtain the missing information. Due to limited storage space, samples cannot be held indefinitely.

To avoid samples ending up in the “holding area,” simply follow the instructions listed below. In doing so, you will help the Soil Testing Lab be more efficient, and in turn, avoid unnecessary delays in sample processing.

  1. Only use soil sample boxes provided by NCDA&CS. Soil sample boxes and submission forms are provided at local county Cooperative Extension Centers and at the Agronomic Services Division, 4300 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, NC 27607. Fill the soil box to the red line found on the outside of the box. Required information on the box includes the client’s name, address and sample ID.
  2. With your samples, send a completed soil submission form. Needed information includes client’s name with their full address and a crop code which is critical for plant-specific recommendations. The list of codes is found on the second page of the sample submission form. Since soil test results are emailed to clients, it is extremely important that a valid email address is provided. Additionally, providing a current phone number is highly encouraged as it is helpful for faster contact if there is an issue with soil sample submission. For convenience, a fillable soil submission form for routine homeowner samples can be found at
  3. Make sure that information listed on your soil submission form matches what is on your sample boxes.
  4. Save a copy/photo of your sample submission form for your records.
  5. Ensure that sample boxes are packed securely inside a sturdy shipper to avoid damage during transport. Do not use padded mailing envelopes. For faster delivery, private carriers such as UPS or FedEx deliver directly to the Agronomic building rather than an off-site mail center that USPS is required to use. Some Cooperative County Extension offices collect samples from homeowners for delivery to the division; clients are encouraged to make sure that delivery meets their intended expectations and needs.
  6. If you have access to a computer and printer, use the online data entry feature on PALS ( to ensure the most accurate delivery of sample information to the lab but enclose a copy of the submission form with soil sample boxes.

N.C. House Of Representatives District 32 Election Result 2024

UPDATE: Thursday, Nov 7

The N.C. House District 32 race is one of several tight contests that played out across the state during Tuesday’s election. And although Democratic challenger Bryan Cohn ended the night with 182 more votes than incumbent Frank Sossamon, it remains unclear whether there will be call for a recount.

Local elections officials still have to review provisional ballots, which must be verified before they are counted and added to the official results.

Vance County Board of Elections Director Haley Rawles said the provisional ballot meeting will take place in Vance County Thursday, Nov. 14 at 5 p.m.

According to information released earlier Thursday by the N.C. State Board of Elections, Vance County had a total of 163 provisional ballots cast – 141 on Nov. 5 and 22 during the early voting period.

In Granville County, a total of 417 provisional ballots were cast – 380 on Nov. 5 and 37 during the early voting period.

Granville County Public Schools

Granville County Public Schools To Shutter Three More Schools In Consolidation Efforts

-information courtesy of GCPS Public Information Officer Courtney Currin

The Granville County Board of Education voted earlier this week to close three more schools – Granville Central High School, Hawley Middle School and Butner-Stem Middle School. Beginning with the 2025-26 school year, the current Granville Central High School students will move to J.F. Webb or South Granville, making room for the middle school students to attend classes at high school-turned middle school campus in Stem.

The new name of the school is Granville Central Middle School.

The school board also approved new attendance zones for the district’s traditional middle and high schools.

The school board will have a work session on Tuesday, Nov. 12 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. to discuss topics including:

  • The creation of a student reassignment plan for middle and high school students based on new attendance zones;
  • The creation of a staffing reassignment plan at the affected schools (Butner-Stem Middle, G.C. Hawley Middle, Granville Central High School, J.F. Webb High School, and South Granville High School) that includes a timeline for staff notification;
  • The implementation of new high school and middle school attendance zones; and
  • The development of a facility transition plan with specific tasks for the renovation of facilities and relocation of furniture, equipment, and supplies.

19th Annual Turkey Trot For ACIM Nov. 28

It’s almost time for the 19th annual Turkey Trot in downtown Oxford to benefit Area Congregations in Ministry, the local food bank in Granville County.

This fun run/walk is held on Thanksgiving morning – Thursday, Nov. 28 – and sends participants along a 2-mile route along College Street to the campus of the Masonic Home for Children in Oxford and back to Oxford United Methodist Church, the event organizer.

Admission is at two cans of food or other non-perishable item for ACIM. Monetary donations also will be accepted.

Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. in front of Oxford United Methodist Church, with welcoming remarks shortly before the 9 a.m. start.

Families are encouraged to participate and everyone is welcome! Push little ones in strollers, bring your dogs on leashes and dress up in your favorite costume to add some holiday flair.