N.C. Safety Awards Recognize Businesses For Workplace Safety

The N.C. Department of Labor is taking applications now for 2024 Safety Awards which highlights businesses, local governments and other agencies for excellence in safety in the workplace.

Businesses and other organizations are encouraged to submit applications to be recognized for meeting safety requirements for employees.

The annual awards banquet, jointly sponsored by the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce and the Granville County Chamber of Commerce, will take place in Granville County this year, according to H-V Chamber President Sandra Wilkerson.

In a written statement, N.C. Labor Commissioner Luke Farley said the department presented 2,058 safety awards last year – 1,737 gold and 321 silver. Gold award recipients achieved a rate of days away from work, job transfer or restriction that is at least 50 percent below the industry rate. The silver award criteria include lost workday cases but not restricted work activity and the applicant must attain a rate of cases with days away from work that is at least 50 percent below the industry rate.

Applications are due by Saturday, Feb. 15. The application can be found at

2024 Safety Award applications as well as  instructions for completing the application, according to NCDOL Safety Awards Coordinator Kiley Willard.


In addition to the gold and silver safety awards, Million-Hour Safety Awards are presented to companies that accumulate one million employee hours with no cases of injury or illness that involve days away from work. Million-Hour Awards are also presented during the local annual safety awards ceremony. Access the online application at million-hour safety awards.


For help completing the applications or to find out more, call 919.707.7855 or email safety.awards@labor.nc.gov.

Granville Human Relations Commission Hosts Annual MLK Jr. Program Jan. 20

The Granville County Human Relations Commission will host its annual fellowship breakfast and program to honor the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at 9:30 a.m.  on Monday, Jan. 20 at Oxford Baptist Church, 147 Main St., Oxford.

Tickets are free, but are required for entry. Contact the Granville County Administration Office at 919.693.5240 to request tickets to the event or email jessica.todd@granvillecounty.org.

In addition to the breakfast, a program titled “Continuing the Dream: How Has Dr. King’s Legacy Inspired Me Today?” will feature readings by the winners of the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. essay contest. This year’s contest entries came from G.C. Hawley Middle School, Granville Early College, and J.F. Webb High School.

Town of Butner Mayor Dr. Linda Jordon will serve as the keynote speaker and there will be musical performances by Tim Johnson and Benaiah Adesoji.

The event will also serve as a donation drive for Area Congregations in Ministry and attendees are encouraged to bring high-need items like deluxe-types of macaroni and cheese, tuna, peanut butter, cereal, oatmeal, granola bars, packaged meals, canned soup, spaghetti sauces,  tomato products, crackers, lunch-box items, condiments, personal care items, paper products, diapers,  cleaning products or any non-perishable food items.

The Granville County Human Relations Commission invites the community to celebrate diversity and unity while honoring the academic achievement and writing talent of local students.

Brad Knott Sworn In As Congressman Representing N.C. District 13

Brad Knott took the oath of office last week to become North Carolina’s congressman representing the 13th Congressional District, comprised of eight counties, including Granville and Franklin counties.

“It is an honor to now serve as the representative for North Carolina’s 13th District. I am both excited and eager to begin working for stronger law enforcement, a secure border, safer communities and a prosperous future for North Carolina and the United States,”  Knott said in a written statement released Monday, Jan. 6.

Knott, a Republican, will serve on the House Judiciary, Transportation & Infrastructure and Homeland Security committees.

Constituents may contact Knott’s office for assistance with service requests at knott.house.gov or by calling 202.225.4531.

The Local Skinny! Rise Against Hunger

This year’s local Rise Against Hunger event organizers are counting on packing 65,000 meals in about four hours on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, and they are hopeful that folks from across Vance and Granville counties will join in the effort.

“It’s about the community coming together” as much as preparing bags of a nutritious mixture that are sent to places across the globe to feed hungry people, said co-organizer Sue Nicholas.

The Rise Against Hunger pack-a-thon returns this year to the Vance-Granville Community College Civic Center.

As of Wednesday, about 75 people had signed up to take part in the Jan. 20 event, but Nicholas said they’ll need more like 300 to make sure they can achieve the 65,000 goal.

But the event isn’t just about packing food to send to other continents, she added. Non-perishable food items will be collected to be shared with ACTS in Henderson and ACIM in Oxford, local food banks that feed hungry people in the two counties.

The set-up for the day is pretty simple – individuals or groups can sign up for one of two shifts, the first is from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, and the second shift covers 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

During the two-hour shifts, teams will measure rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables and more to create nutritious and transportable bags, each of which will feed six people, Nicholas said.

She and co-organizer Sandra Wiggins have been working through details of the day for the past few months, and there’s a lot of excitement about bringing the community together to work for a common goal.

“It takes all of us to do this – working together is the most important thing,” Nicholas said. “As a community, you come together…for such a great cause – to fight hunger.”

And participants have fun as they get the work done, she added. “Before you know it, we’ve packaged 10,000, then 20,000,” and a gong sounds to celebrate each time 10,000 meals are completed.

“You have fun while doing good,” Nicholas said.

It was 2020 when the event was held at the farmers market, she recalled. “That was the first time (that) it was a big collaboration of folks,” Nicholas said. “There was lots of positive energy from it,” but the COVID-19 pandemic derailed plans for a couple of years. Fast-forward to last year’s event, held at the VGCC Civic Center, when teams packed 60,000 meals.

There’s a fundraising component to the pack-a-thon, too, Nicholas said, and there’s still a considerable amount to go – about $21,000. But Nicholas is confident that folks in the two counties will come together to reach that goal, too.

For those who may wonder just how that money will be spent, Nicholas said Rise Against Hunger has a four-star rating with a charity score of 90 percent, which means money goes to buy the food and then get it delivered.

The main office is located in Raleigh, she said. Rise Against Hunger was started in 1998 by Ray Buchanan, a former Marine and a retired Methodist minister. As a Marine, he saw parts of the world where people struggled to have enough to eat, so he started the organization to help feed hungry people around the world.

Nicholas said the meals that will be packed in Henderson are destined to wherever they are needed the most. A couple of months after the pack-a-thon, she expects to be notified where the pallets of boxed and bagged meals were sent.

“They can end up in any place across the world.”

There’s a QR code to scan to join the team, go to https://www.riseagainsthunger.org/register/?id=701Pj00000DGxfnIAD 

or you can call Nicholas at 252.425.4505 and she can help get you registered.

Visit https://www.riseagainsthunger.org/ to learn more about the organization and its impact.



TownTalk: Around Old Granville – Camp Butner

Soldier Memorial Sports Arena in Butner, which serves as a recreational center as well as the site of the Camp Butner Museum, was built in four days back in 1942 by a special team of builders who traveled about constructing buildings for use at military installations during World War II.

It is one of about 1,700 buildings that popped up like mushrooms across the 60 square miles or so of farmland to provide training facilities for U.S. soldiers. By the time the war ended in September 1945, things were winding down at Camp Butner, and local historian Mark Pace said it gave rise to the town of Butner, a unique town in that, until 2007, was operated completely by the state of North Carolina.

When the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers decided that this part of Granville County would be the site of the camp, they offered landowners cents on the dollar for their property, which happened to be perfect for growing flue-cured tobacco.

“It was a take-it-or-leave it” proposition,” Pace told WIZS’s Bill Harris on Thursday’s Around Old Granville segment. If the offer wasn’t accepted, the government just condemned the property anyway, he noted.

That didn’t sit too well with many landowners, a sentiment that lingers still today with descendants of those farmers, many of whom didn’t return, even after the war ended.

“It was a major upset to their everyday lives,” Pace said, adding that to say the government’s actions were contentious would be an understatement.

More than 425 families – 1,300 people – had to relocate, not to mention churches, school buildings and more than 1,600 graves.

Just like the recreational facility, the barracks, roads and other infrastructure was built in an incredibly short time, Pace said, and by August 1942 the camp was operational – complete with air field, a railroad spur line, churches, a hospital and even a radio station. Construction went on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in response to the national emergency – remember, the United States had just entered into the war in December 1941, after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

Camp Butner took $28 million to build in the early ‘40’s, Pace said. In today’s dollars, that sum would hover around half a billion dollars. Workers got paid $1.25 an hour, which would be about $30 an hour in today’s money.

Because so many young men were fighting in Europe, local farmers faced a labor shortage. They had a hard time getting all the work done on the farm – crops still had to come in, the dairy cows needed milking and the cash crop – tobacco – had to get in the barns.

“Some of the prisoners were allowed to leave the camp and go to work,” he said. And the government said farmers had to pay them wages.

After the war ended, only about half of the land was sold back to the original landowners, their descendants or others. Pace said one man from Durham bought 3,000 acres for the grand total of $10,000. No need to break out the calculators – that’s less than $3.50 an acre.

The National Guard kept about 5,000 acres and the state of North Carolina bought what was left – for the grand sum of $1.

And that’s how all those state-run facilities came to be located in Butner – the alcohol rehab center, Murdoch center and more, Pace said.

Today, the population of Butner is about 8,600. Where soldiers once trained and POWs were housed are now subdivisions and other trappings of post-War suburbia. Many of the buildings are gone, but some – like the sports complex – remain. St. Bernadette’s Catholic Church occupies a former church building at Camp Butner, for example.

There’s probably no community like Butner in the entire country, Pace mused.

Butner has a rich past for a town that’s been incorporated less than 20 years.

The Camp Butner Museum is open the first Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Pace invites the public to come visit the museum, which has many artifacts and photos. The address is 416 24th St., Butner.



Kerr-Tar COG Seeks Sponsors For 2025 N.C. Senior Games

Local businesses and individuals still have time to become sponsors for the 2025 Kerr-Tar Regional Senior Games, held each spring across the five counties that comprise the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments.

Sponsorship levels include:

Gold – $1,500

Silver – $1,000

Bronze – $500

Family – $250

Friend – $100

Sponsors can choose to provide regionwide support or a specific county, according to information from KTCOG officials. Make checks payable to Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments to provide regionwide support or to your local Senior Center to support a particular county.

The Senior Games holds events in all five counties and involves adults 50 years and older in a variety of athletic events, as well as Silver Arts, which includes creative and performing arts.

In 2024, more than 223 local athletes participated in more than 50 sporting events and Silver Arts categories. Even more participants are expected for the 2025 games. First- and second-place winners qualify for the state finals, and state finals winners advance to the National Senior Games, held every two years.

For more information, contact local coordinator Michael Patterson or local co-coordinator Crystal Allen at 252.436.2040 or by email at mpatterson@kerrtarcog.org or callen@kerrtarcog.org.

Granville County Emergency Communications Honored by North Carolina 911 Board


In his role as North Central Regional Coordinator for the N. C.  911 board, Brian Short sees how counties cooperate to provide the very best coverage possible when it comes to handling emergencies.

No longer a boots-on-the-ground participant, Short nonetheless witnessed first-hand how counties not affected by Hurricane Helene came to the aid of those in western North Carolina who were hit by floods and mudslides as the remnants of the storms ripped through the state.

The Granville County 911 call center was recently recognized by the state’s 911 board for the mutual aid it provided to Mitchell County from late September to mid-October.

Short may be a familiar name to many in the area – he spent more than three decades in service to Vance County, about 27 of which were as emergency services director.

His retirement in May 2023 was short-lived, however, when he became one of four state coordinators. The North Central region includes 22 counties, including the four counties in the WIZS listening area.

“I happened to be on duty at the state operations emergency center at the height of Helene,” Short said on Tuesday’s TownTalk. As mountain counties reported losing connectivity, Short said he and others manning the phones and radios had to figure out what to do.

“As they started to drop, we knew we had to act quickly,” he said. “I had already been working on a list of potential places to reroute those calls,” and when Granville County was contacted, he said 911 Emergency Services Director Stacy Hicks didn’t hesitate. “Yes, send them our way – we’re ready,” Short recalled her saying. “And just like that, Granville started getting those calls.”

That was on Sept. 27. For the next 17 days, about a quarter of all calls fielded by Granville County 911 were calls originating from Mitchell County, Hicks stated in a press release from Granville County Public Information Officer Terry Hobgood.

“Our team handled a wide range of emergencies, including flood rescues, medical calls, welfare checks, and reports of individuals trapped in homes or vehicles due to mudslides, downed trees, and rising waters. I’m proud of the work we did to assist Mitchell County while they were in distress while also continuing to provide the same emergency services to Granville County residents,” Hicks said.

“Granville County served as a Public Safety Answering Point ‘friend’ to Mitchell County and provided tremendous assistance and dedication to the citizens of western North Carolina by answering 911 calls from miles away in response to Hurricane Helene,” Short said.

Thanks to technology, overall consistency of operations and training that county PSAP employees receive, counties can come to the aid of other counties in emergency situations.

The way Short explained it, because of the mutual aid that unaffected counties were able to give to those ravaged by Helene in the western part of the state, “we lost no

911 calls, even during the heart of the hurricane Helene impact.”

Given the widespread devastation and loss of power, internet and cell phone service, the counties providing mutual aid had to think outside the box to get information relayed quickly and accurately.

“A lot of times, these PSAPs had to think on their feet,” Short said. “It wasn’t as simple as (sending) an email,” he said. “What it really came down to at the PSAP level was knowledge, creativity at the ground level” that played a critical role in sending help where it was needed.

“Every call they took was a true emergency,” he said – life and death emergencies. “I’m very proud of every PSAP in my region, they stepped up and did what they had to do.”


IRS Reminder About Deadlines For RMDs From Certain Retirement Accounts

If you’re 73 years or older, the Internal Revenue Service reminds you of important deadlines regarding required minimum distributions for those with certain retirement accounts.

An RMD is an amount that an account owner must withdraw annually. The withdrawals are considered taxable income and may incur penalties if they aren’t taken on time, according to information from IRS officials.

The IRS.gov Retirement Plan and IRA Required Minimum Distributions FAQs webpage provides detailed information regarding the new provisions in the law.

If you turned 73 in 2024:

  • Your first RMD is due by April 1, 2025, based on your account balance on Dec. 31, 2023, and
  • Your second RMD is due by Dec. 31, 2025, based on your account balance on Dec. 31, 2024.


A new law called the Secure 2.0 Act raised the age that account owners must begin taking RMDs, while eliminating RMDs for Designated Roth accounts in 401(k) and 403(b) retirement plans.

The minimum distribution rules generally apply to original account holders and their beneficiaries in these types of plans:


  • IRAs: IRA withdrawals from traditional IRAs and IRA-based plans occur every year once people reach age 73, even if they’re still employed.
  • Retirement plans:The RMD rules apply to employer-sponsored plans, with delays allowed until retirement unless the participants own more than 5% of the sponsoring business.
  • Roth IRAs:Roth IRA owners are not required to take withdrawals during their lifetime, however beneficiaries are subject to the RMD rules after the account owner’s death.


Designated Roth accounts in a 401(k) or 403(b) plan will not be subject to the RMD rules while the account owner is still alive for 2024. The RMD Comparison Chart outlines key RMD rules for IRAs and defined contribution plans.


Taxpayers can find easy-to-use tools such as forms, instructions and publications at IRS.gov.

Wallace Vaughan Receives Order Of The Long Leaf Pine

Wallace T. Vaughan recently was presented The Order of the Long Leaf Pine for 45 years of exemplary service to Granville Vance Public Health.

GVPH Health Director Lisa Macon Harrison made the presentation on Nov. 26. “We are so proud of Wallace’s 45 years of service to public health as an Environmental Health Specialist. When he began his career with the Granville-Vance District Health Department on July 16, 1979, no one could have foreseen that his career with our agency would span over 40 years, with growth and development along the way. Thankfully, even as a retired member of our team, he returns to assist part-time with the important work of Environmental Health at GVPH.”

Vaughan began his career with the Granville-Vance District Health Department as a Sanitarian I, focusing exclusively on wastewater disposal. His position changed to Sanitarian II and then Environmental Health Specialist as duties and responsibilities increased through the years. When the environmental health supervisor retired in 2002, Vaughan took over, and was responsible for overseeing all environmental health duties and the professional development of eight employees in both counties. In 2007, his position was reclassified to Environmental Health Supervisor III to accurately reflect the complex duties of managing a district program.

Vaughan was presented the award at a luncheon in Oxford, NC – his lifelong home. In attendance were his wife, Brenda Vaughan, three children and four grandchildren. Also on hand for the presentation were several GVPH staff who have worked with him over his noteworthy career.

Vaughan is a lifetime member of Tungsten Baptist Church, serving as a deacon and Sunday School teacher, and he also trains Tennessee Walker horses.

Keep Safety In Mind When Decorating This Holiday Season

Some folks have had their homes – inside and out – decorated for weeks, and others have taken a slower approach to decking the halls to create a festive Christmas look.

No matter how far along you are in your holiday decorating, however, the American Red Cross has some timely reminders about safety this time of year.

“Many people are getting ready for holiday celebrations and time with loved ones and we want everyone to be safe while doing so,” said Sharonne Hayes, communications manager with Red Cross North Carolina Region. “This time of year is a peak time for home fires involving things like candles and holiday decorations. You can help help keep things safe and fun for your family by practicing some extra safety — using battery-operated candles, checking your cords, and even practicing a two-minute escape plan with everyone in your household.”

Here are a few tips to keep in mind as Christmas and New Year’s approach:

  • If you must use candles, keep them away from anything that could burn, and place them out of reach of pets and children. Never leave burning candles unattended.
  • Check all holiday light cords to ensure they aren’t frayed or broken. Don’t string too many strands of lights together — no more than three per extension cord.
  • Ensure outside decorations are for outdoor use and fasten lights securely to your home or trees. If using hooks or nails outside, make sure they are insulated to avoid an electrocution or fire hazard.
  • If buying an artificial tree, look for a fire-resistant label.When putting it up, keep it away from fireplaces, radiators and other sources of heat. Never use electric lights on metallic trees.
  • If getting a live tree, make sure it’s fresh and keep it watered. To test if the tree is fresh, bend the needles up and down to make sure no needles fall off.
  • Don’t light the fireplace if hanging stockings or other decorations on the mantel.

Visit redcross.org/fire to learn more.