Granville County Public Schools

Granville Co. Board of Education to Meet in Closed & Opened Sessions Jan. 7

-Press Release, Granville County Public Schools


The Granville County Board of Education will meet in a Closed Session to consult with the Board attorney and preserve the attorney/client privilege in accordance with N.C. General Statute 143.318.11 (a)(1) and (a)(3) on Monday, January 7, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. at West Oxford Elementary School.

The Granville County Board of Education will also meet for a regular board meeting on Monday, January 7, 2019, at 6 p.m. at West Oxford Elementary School, 412 Ivey Day Rd, Oxford, NC. Please note the change of location for this regular board meeting.

To find a copy of the agenda for the meeting, click here. The agenda for January 7 includes a Closed Session to discuss confidential personnel matters and preserve the attorney/client privilege in accordance with N.C. General Statute 143.318.11 (a)(6), 143.318.11 (a)(5) and 115C-321.

Dywanda Pettaway

Clerk to Board of Education

Contaminant Levels Above Standard Detected in Local Drinking Water


Important information about your drinking water:

Henderson-Kerr Lake Regional Water has levels of Total Trihalomethanes ABOVE DRINKING WATER STANDARDS.

Our water system recently violated a drinking water standard. Although this incident was not an emergency, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened, what you should do and what we did (are doing) to correct this situation.

We routinely monitor for the presence of drinking water contaminants. Monitoring results for water samples collected during the time period ending September 30, 2018, show that the contaminant concentration from one or more sampling locations in our water system exceeds the standard, or maximum, contaminant level (MCL) for Total Trihalomethanes. The standard for Total Trihalomethanes is 0.080 mg/L. Over the referenced compliance period, the sample location with the highest average level of Total Trihalomethanes had a concentration of 0.105 mg/L.

What Should I Do?

  • There is nothing you need to do. You do not need to boil your water or take other corrective actions. However, if you have specific health concerns, consult your doctor. If a situation arises where the water is no longer safe to drink, you will be notified within 24 hours.
  • If you have a severely compromised immune system, have an infant, are pregnant or are elderly, you may be at increased risk and should seek advice from your health care providers about drinking this water.

What Does This Mean?

This is not an emergency. If it had been, you would have been notified within 24 hours. However, some people who drink water containing trihalomethanes in excess of the MCL over many years may experience problems with their liver, kidneys or central nervous system, and may have an increased risk of getting cancer.

What Is Being Done?

Henderson-Kerr Lake Regional Water is evaluating our distribution system in order to lower our test results. We anticipate resolving the problem within three months.

Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools and businesses).

For more information, please contact:

Clarissa Lipscomb, Director – Henderson-Kerr Lake Regional Water, (252) 438-2141

280 Regional Water Lane – Henderson, NC 27536


Granville County Chamber of Commerce

Granville Co. Chamber Submits Slate of Officers & Directors for 2019

— Information courtesy Granville County Chamber of Commerce | Ginnie Currin, Executive Director ~ 919-693-6125 ~

Granville County Chamber of Commerce’s Nominating Committee – Report to the People

Kyle Puryear, Past President and Chairman of the Nominating Committee, along with the committee members, submits the following slate of officers and directors for the 2019 Granville County Chamber year:


President: Tanya Evans – Duke Energy
President-elect: Cecilia Wheeler – Vance-Granville Community College
Vice-President: Larry Wilson – Lewis Electric of Oxford
Treasurer: Jason Finch – Union Bank

Past-President: Hal Muetzel – Express Employment Professional

Board of Directors

Terms expire 2020
Sandra Pruitt – Granville Insurance Agency

Jason Jones – Granville County Farm Bureau

Terms expire 2021

Reba Bullock – Vance-Granville Community College

Andrew Swanner – Oxford Preparatory School

Terms expire 2022

Kyle Puryear – BB & T

Scott Thomas – Granville Health System

Newly-filled positions are President, President-elect, Past President, one (1) Board of Director, filling an unexpired term (expires 2021); two (2) Board of Directors’ terms (expire 2022).

As stated in the Chamber’s By-Laws, the following will apply:

C.  Nominations by petition. Additional names of candidates for directors can be nominated by petition bearing the genuine signature of at least ten (10) qualified members of the Chamber.  Such petition shall be filed within ten (10) days after the notice has been given of the names of those nominated. The determination of the Nominating Committee as to the legality of the petition shall be final.

D.  Determination. If no petition is filed within the designated period, the nominations shall be closed, and the nominated slate of candidates shall be declared elected by the Board of Directors. Installation of the Executive Committee and the Board shall take place at the Annual Banquet with responsibilities beginning in February of the new year at the Board of Directors Meeting.

Granville County Logo

Granville Co. Urges Residents to Complete Tax Listing Forms Early to Avoid Penalty

-Information courtesy the County of Granville website 

Residents of Granville County should be on the lookout for the 2019 tax listing forms. The listing period is during the month of January.

The following items should be listed if owned as of January 1, 2019:

  • All new construction and improvements made to real property during 2018;
  • Unregistered vehicle (registered or licensed vehicles should NOT be listed);
  • Business personal property, including IRP, multi-year or permanently-tagged vehicles/trailers;
  • Non-household personal property such as boats and motors, jet skis, planes, etc..

Failing to list before Jan. 31, 2019 will result in a 10 percent late listing penalty of the tax levied. All listings, including those submitted by mail, should be received in the Granville County Tax Department or postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service within the listing period.

Application deadlines for exemptions include:

  • Elderly, disabled or circuit breaker – Jan. 1 through June 1, 2019;
  • Present use value deferments and all other exemptions, Jan. 1 through Jan. 31, 2019;

Applications may be obtained from the Tax Department.

The Granville County Tax Department staff will be available for assistance during the listing period, Monday through Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. and on Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. at 141 Williamsboro Street in Oxford.

For more information, contact the Granville County Tax Department at 919-693-4181.

Granville County Logo

Granville Co. Animal Shelter Reminds Public of Adoption Policy, Hours of Operation

Information courtesy the Granville County Government Facebook Page

With a new year quickly approaching, the Granville County Animal Shelter is taking the opportunity to remind the public of its adoption policy and shelter hours.

If you have lost a pet, please contact the Granville County Animal Shelter immediately. The shelter has LIMITED SPACE and will only hold an animal for 72 hours before it is available for adoption. Allowing your pet to sit in a shelter may be stressful for your pet, and it may jeopardize the chance for another animal to be adopted out because of space limitations.

If you have found an animal or lost an animal, please contact Granville County Animal Management or fill out a form:

Animal Shelter Hours Of Operation:

Sunday: Closed
Monday: 12 – 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday: 12 – 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 12 – 4:30 p.m.
Thursday: 12 – 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 12 – 4:30 p.m
Saturday: 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

5650 Cornwall Road
Oxford, NC 27565

Phone: (919) 693-6749


Granville County Library System

Join Thornton Library for ‘Game Night’ Every Other Thursday

-Information courtesy the Granville County Government Facebook Page

Come participate in “Game Night” every other Thursday night at the Thornton Library in Oxford. Beginning Thursday, December 27, enjoy board games, cards and fellowship from 6 until 8 p.m.

The Richard H. Thornton Library is located at 210 Main Street in Oxford and is one of four branches of the Granville County Library System. Call 919-693-1121 for more details or visit the library system’s new website at

Granville Co Sheriff

Granville Co. Sheriff’s Office Warns of Recent Phone Scam

-Information courtesy the Granville County Sheriff’s Office’s Facebook page

Please be aware…
There is a scam where someone calls you and says he’s a Deputy from the Granville County Sheriff’s Office. He has told some people that they missed jury duty or court. He wants you to purchase pre-paid cards and meet him. Do not talk to him and do not send any money.

Thank you, 
Sheriff Brindell B. Wilkins Jr.

VGCC’s Welding Technology Program at Franklin Earns Vanguard Cup

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Vance-Granville Community College’s interim president, Dr. Gordon Burns, has honored a team of faculty members in the Welding Technology program at the Franklin Campus by awarding them the “Vanguard Cup” for excellence in education.

The department became the fourth recipients of the cup, an honor created by the President’s Office to recognize “exceptional team performance toward the college mission, vision and strategic plan.” The Vanguard Cup is awarded to a department that meets or exceeds the targets on improvement strategies designed to further department or instructional goals, Dr. Burns said in making the presentation on Thursday, Dec. 13, at a college event in the Civic Center.

Above: Members of the VGCC Welding Department faculty pose with the “Vanguard Cup,” awarded to the Welding program at Franklin Campus for educational excellence by Dr. Gordon Burns, interim president of the college. From left are Dr. Burns; Rusty Pace, program head/instructor for Welding Technology; Allen Tharrington, instructor for Welding at Franklin Campus; and Luke Gravel, instructor for Welding at Main Campus. (VGCC photo)

Rusty Pace, program head and instructor for Welding, and Allen Tharrington and Luke Gravel, instructors, were honored for the Franklin Campus achieving a student course success rate of 100 percent, the president noted.

“The Welding program at the Franklin Campus achieved this superior student course success rate by advancing student skill development through increased repetition and by working more closely with local employers,” said Dr. Burns. “The local employers provided student tours of their respective campuses, served as guest lecturers and hired program graduates.”

In addition to the cup, the department receives up to $10,000 for use on equipment, professional development, adjunct instructors, or other approved purposes for state funds, as well as a luncheon for the area.

Runners-up for the cup were announced as the Math Department faculty who increased the student success rate of Math 171 students by 8 percent by offering supplemental instruction and maintaining performance rates in Math 172; and the Accounting/Business Administration/Entrepreneurship faculty who increased retention rates by connecting with students during registration periods and over the summer

VGCC offers degree, diploma and certificate programs in Welding Technology. In addition to the classes at Franklin, classes are offered on the Main Campus in Vance County. For more information, contact Rusty Pace at (252) 738-3375 or

Harris Exhibit Hall Presents ‘Granville Greats: Footprints in History’

-Information courtesy the Granville County Historical Society Museums website 

Harris Exhibit Hall’s newest exhibit, Granville Greats: Footprints in History, is now open for viewing! Learn about 75 individuals from Granville County that have impacted history locally, statewide, nationally, and internationally. Enjoy interactive exhibits as well as a train display!

These individuals have left behind a legacy: what legacy will you leave?

Harris Exhibit Hall is open Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The hall is part of the Granville County Historical Society Museum and is located at 1 Museum Lane in Oxford. Admission is free; donations are welcome!

(This is not a paid advertisement)

VGCC Apprentice at Frigi-Temp Places Third in State Fair Contest

-Press Release, Vance-Granville Community College

Cyrus Jover of Henderson, the first participant in Vance-Granville Community College’s new apprenticeship partnership with Frigi-Temp of Youngsville, took third place in the North Carolina State Fair HVAC Apprenticeship Competition in October.

“I’m extremely proud of Cyrus and the way he represented the Frig-Temp team,” said Cory Thornton, chief operating officer of the commercial heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) company.

Jover joined the apprenticeship program earlier this year. Already enrolled in the Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Technology program at VGCC, he had worked in the HVAC field for almost four years before he became an apprentice, but only in residential installation.

Cyrus Jover of Henderson, a VGCC student who participates in the VGCC apprenticeship program through Frigi-Temp of Youngsville, placed third in the 14th Annual Apprentice HV/AC-R Contest at the N.C. State Fair in October. In the photo above, Jover is being tested on his brazing skill level and safety precautions during one section of the day-long competition. Event organizers gave instructions and then, as shown in the background of the photo, judged students on how well they soldered while also observing their steps to follow good safety measures. (Photo Credit: VGCC)

The 14th Annual Apprentice HV/AC-R (Heating, Ventilation/Air Conditioning – Refrigeration) Contest was open to the first 20 applicants, registered in a program recognized by the N.C. Department of Commerce, who have completed less than 8,000 hours of training. Eight apprentices participated and six were awarded prizes. Third place awarded a prize of $175 out of a total of $1,325 in prizes to the top finishers. The top three finishers received extra prizes with Jover winning a tool bag, hand tools, and a drill set in addition.

The contest was designed to promote interest among apprentices in the skilled construction trades, according to the NC State Fair organizers. “This contest dramatizes a ‘job training program’ through which ApprenticeshipNC has assisted voluntary efforts of industry to meet their needs for skilled workers,” apprenticeship director Kathryn Castelloes said. “These skilled craftworkers have contributed significantly to the economic growth of North Carolina.”

A program of the North Carolina Community College System, ApprenticeshipNC seeks to “ensure the state has an innovative, relevant, effective and efficient workforce development system that develops adaptable, work ready, skilled talent to meet the current and future needs of works and businesses to achieve and sustain economic prosperity,” NCCCS says on its website.

Jover’s entry into the competition came at the suggestion of NCCCS staff, Thornton said. “Cyrus was signed up for the event even before he knew about it,” Thornton added, noting that it was a great experience for Jover and the company.

“I was very nervous going in because I had never competed in a contest like this,” Jover said. “You do not know how skilled your competitors are because they are strangers. You have no idea what to expect from them or the contest. I was also nervous because I knew that Vance-Granville and Frigi-Temp were depending on me to represent them well.”

“Despite the pressure and nerves,” he added, “the competition was a fun learning experience because it shows you how you rank when up against your peers. It also shows you how much more there is to learn so that you can be the best.” Thornton added that the contest began at 8 a.m. and lasted until 3 p.m.

Cory Thornton, chief operating officer for Frigi-Temp in Youngsville, left, celebrates with Cyrus Jover, a student in the Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Technology program at VGCC who is also an apprentice with Frig-Temp. Jover placed third in the 14th Annual Apprentice HV/AC-R Contest at the N.C. State Fair in October. (Photo Credit: VGCC)

“If I could hire five more team members just like him I would do so in an instant,” Thornton said. ”His drive to become a professional, his humility, his work ethic and the way that he chooses to work as a true team player is something I truly admire about him. I am humbled that I get to work at Frigi-Temp alongside Cyrus and many others just like him.”

Jover is originally from the Philippines, where he earned a college degree in Biology before coming to the United States seven years ago, at age 20. Here, he found that the HVAC field had numerous job openings. He enrolled at VGCC, first as a part-time and then a full-time student. Now, he is done with almost all of his classwork and spends most of his time working at Frigi-Temp. He sometimes works a full 40 hours per week at the company while continuing his studies.

Thornton said the apprenticeship program is going very well while “still in its infancy.” “We have high hopes for the future and look forward to hiring several more apprentices over the next year,” he said.

As for next year’s competition at the State Fair, Thornton says Frigi-Temp will be ready for another round. “We weren’t able to coach Cyrus prior to the event and, with this being the first time, none of us any idea what to expect,” he said. “He did an excellent job by placing in third and next year we are looking forward to him taking first place.”

Michael Whittemore, program head for Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration at VGCC, shared in Thornton’s excitement about Jover’s accomplishment. “Cyrus is exactly as Cory describes him. He is an excellent student and he makes Vance-Granville proud, not only for this contest but also for the professional manner in which he performs as an apprentice at Frigi-Temp,” he said.

Students interested in enrolling in the program can contact Whittemore at or (252) 738-3214.

Employers who are interested in partnering with VGCC on apprenticeships are encouraged to contact Ken Wilson, project manager for VGCC’s TechHire grant program, at or (252) 738-3259.