Vance County Regional Farmers Market Opens 4-21-18

— courtesy VCRFM by Tracy Madigan

Vance County Regional Farmers Market  Season Begins April 21st

Mark your calendar. We will be kicking off our 5th season at our current farmers market location. You are invited to come out and celebrate the new season!  Vance County Regional Farmers Market, 210 Southpark Dr., Henderson, NC, Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

The Spring Fling Market: Featuring numerous craft vendors, bedding plants for the garden including vegetables, herbs, flowers, and shrubs and locally grown spring produce.

There will also be baked goods, estate wine, canned goods and meat for sale.

Beginning April 28th: The Farmers Market will be open Saturdays only from 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. from April 28 – May 12.

Beginning May 16th: The Farmers Market will be open Wednesdays and Saturdays 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

KEEP IN TOUCH on Facebook.

(Not a paid advertisement.  However, the VCRFM is an advertising client on WIZS, and you will hear this same event advertised.)

Franklin County Logo

Franklin County Solid Waste Facilities to Close May 28th for Maintenance

— press release from Franklin County Government

Franklin County Solid Waste Facilities to Close May 28th for Maintenance

State Required Maintenance will close transfer station and convenience centers

Franklin County’s Solid Waste Transfer Station and 12 residential convenience centers will be closed Memorial Day, Monday, May 28, 2018 to perform State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality required maintenance and safety improvements inside the transfer station and its disposal tipping floor. Franklin County residents and commercial customers of the transfer station are encouraged to adjust their disposal plans in the days leading up to the one-day closure to avoid any inconveniences.

According to Brian Haynesworth, Franklin County’s Solid Waste Director, “It can be challenging to find a window of opportunity to perform two consecutive days of required maintenance and safety improvements at a busy facility such as ours and minimize disruption of disposal services for residents and the commercial customers. By choosing to close the transfer station on Memorial Day, we selected a day that normally has a significantly reduced number of customers because of holiday events or out of town travel as opposed to a non-holiday where more customers would be inconvenienced.”

Solid waste facilities are open with abbreviated operating hours at the transfer station but normal operating hours at the residential convenience centers on most holidays with the exception of Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.

The transfer station’s operating hours for the Memorial Day Holiday weekend will be as follows: Friday, May 25 – 7am to 3:30pm; Saturday, May 26 – 7am to 1pm; Sunday, May 27 and Monday, May 28 – Closed. The convenience centers’ operating hours for the same period are: Friday, May 25 – 7am to 7pm; Saturday, May 26 – 7am to 7pm; Sunday, May 27 and Monday, May 28 – Closed.

For more information about the schedule change or Franklin County’s solid waste management, recycling and waste reduction programs, please visit or contact the Solid Waste Information Line at 919-496-5002.


— submitted by Lorraine Watkins, MADD President


MADD’S 2017 Annual Awards Banquet was held Thursday, April 5th in Cary, North Carolina. Vance, Franklin and Warren counties “Troop C District 4,” led by 1st Sergeant Jeff Rowan, had three troopers to receive the highest honors for the number of arrests made for keeping our highways safe from drunk and impaired drivers. Flanked by the Governor’s Highway Safety Program Director Mark Ezzell, Col. Glen M. McNeill, State Highway Patrol Commander, a judge, district attorneys, lawyers as well as state police officers, sheriff’s and deputies and other state highway patrol officers, the “2017 Enforcer Award” was presented to three of our troopers: Trooper Joseph Thomas, 154 arrests; Trooper Joshua Southerland, 128 arrests; and Trooper Eugene Burrell, 122 arrests. These troopers will tell you it’s not about numbers but saving innocent lives from being ripped from families by senseless acts of an impaired individuals. Our sincere congratulations to all three of these deserving men for a job well-done.

The final highlight of the evening was the presentation of the “Trooper Brandon Peterson Hero Award.” This first-time award was in memory of Trooper Peterson who lost his life in 2017. 1st Sergeant Rowan and his troopers were the recipients of this prestigious award representing the sincere heartfelt compassion of an officer and his team during difficult times for the family of a lost one as well as the perpetrator.

It is very humbling for MADD of Henderson, as young as we are as an organization, to have the honor of such caring troopers at our fingertips. Thank you, 1st Sgt. Rowan, for your sincere dedication and compassion, as well as that of your troopers. It is an honor for me and our team of volunteers to initiate this program, to support you, your men and all law enforcement officers in our city and county that selflessly make the effort to keep our travels safe.

Franklin County Logo

Franklin County Broadband Survey Meet and Greet 4-24-18

— Franklin County Broadband Survey press release courtesy Franklin County Government

Franklin teams with Vance and Granville to develop broadband strategy

Franklin County, April 16, 2018: Franklin County is hosting a Broadband Survey Meet and Greet to give citizens an opportunity to complete the recently available Franklin County Broadband Surveys. The event will be held on Tuesday, April 24 from 5PM to 7PM at the Main Branch of the Franklin County Library at 906 N Main Street in Louisburg. Members of the Broadband Action Committee will be in attendance to answer questions and provide information about the survey process.

The Broadband Action Committee is working with Vance and Granville Counties through the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments and consultant Joe Freddoso with Mighty River, LLC to identify resources and develop a broadband strategy. Survey results will provide input on where service needs to be made available and areas where existing service needs to be improved. Results will also be used to determine how Franklin County residents want to use their internet service and what level of service needs to be available to meet those needs.

Please attend the Broadband Survey Meet and Greet or take time to complete a brief Residential and/or Business Survey about your Internet/Broadband service in Franklin County. Please encourage other county residents to respond as well by the due date of April 30.

A Residential Survey and a Business Survey are both available on the Franklin County website at Links are on the home page or you can go directly to the following links:

Below are some frequently asked questions about the Broadband Surveys.

Franklin County Broadband Surveys
Questions and Answers

Q: How should I respond to the survey questions if no internet service is available in my area?
A: Please select the “None” response in the first question if you do not have service available at your location. Proceed to answer any other questions that are applicable to your situation.

Q: If I do not have access to the internet, how can I complete the survey?
A: Paper copies of the Broadband Residential Survey have been distributed to schools in Franklin County so that students can take the surveys home for completion. Paper copies have also been included in municipal electric and water bills and in the Franklin County Public Utilities Water and Sewer bills for the month of April. Paper copies are available in County Libraries and Government Offices and responses can be mailed or delivered to: Franklin County, Attn: Broadband, 113 Market Street, Louisburg, NC 27549. A Broadband Survey Meet and Greet will be held on Tuesday, April 24 from 5PM to 7PM at the Main Branch of the Franklin County Library at 906 N Main Street in Louisburg to give citizens an opportunity to complete the survey at that time.

Q: Is there a different survey for Business customers?
A: Yes, the Broadband Business Survey has been emailed to existing businesses in the county through email distribution lists and the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce and other area organizations. The business survey is also available on the Franklin County website (

Q: Do I have to provide my address?
A: Providing your address is not required, however, address information will be used to map service availability throughout the county.

Q: How will the results of the survey be used?
A: The survey results will be used to determine areas where service needs to be made available and areas where existing service needs to be improved. Results will also be used to determine how Franklin County residents want to use their internet service and what level of service needs to be available to meet those needs.

Q: Will the survey results be published?
A: Individual service responses will not be published; however, summary information will be used to discuss needed improvements and offerings for internet and broadband services.

Q: How long will the survey be available?
A: The survey will be available online until April 30, 2018. Mailed copies should be postmarked by April 30 or returned to schools or organizations by April 30.

Q: If I want to learn more about the survey or have someone speak to a citizen group about internet access, who can I contact?
A: Please contact Assistant County Manager Kim Denton at 919-496-5994 for questions or information.

Thank you for your participation and your support!

Franklin County Government is committed to effective and innovative public services for all Franklin County citizens and businesses

Veteran Actors Join VGCC Students In Cast For Sixth Annual Dinner Theater

VGCC Dinner Theater — press release

Vance-Granville Community College students will be joined by veteran theater actors for the college’s sixth annual Dinner Theater production of “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee,” a musical comedy, at the end of April.

A collaboration of Vance-Granville’s Drama and Culinary departments, the event is scheduled for the evenings of Thursday, April 26, and Friday, April 27. Dinner will begin at 6 p.m. each evening in the Civic Center on the college’s Main Campus. Tickets are being sold online for $30 each.

Among the veterans are Brian Westbrook of Durham, who is serving as guest musical director and choreographer while also playing the role of Comfort Counselor Mitch Mahoney; Andy Dickerson of Henderson, portraying Chip Tolentino; and Peyton Grissom of Oxford, who will portray Rona Lisa Peretti.

Westbrook, originally from Henderson, studied piano in Henderson under Angela Scott and Nella Holden and theater under the direction of Dwight Pearce. He spent nine years with Shadowbox Live in Columbus, Ohio, after studying piano at Appalachian State University. He worked as a band leader, vocal coach and choreographer in Ohio in addition to performing.

Since returning to North Carolina in 2010, Westbrook has been busy in the Triangle area as well as locally. He has served as a director for the Henderson Rec Players (HRP), a choreographer for Granville Little Theater (GLT) and has performed in several shows for the Raleigh Little Theater and Theater in the Park, as well as HRP, GLT and the McGregor Hall Performing Arts Center. Westbrook most recently played Corny Collins in McGregor’s production of “Hairspray.” His other roles include Lancelot in Monty Python’s “Spamalot,” Beadle Bamford in “Sweeney Todd” and Cosme McMoon in Theatre in the Park’s production of “Glorious!”

He currently works as a marketing manager for the Association of International Certified Public Accountants in Durham and, for the past six years, has been singing with the Duke Chapel Choir.

“I’m so pleased to have Brian work with us on music and choreography in addition to having him take a role in this production,” observed Betsy T. Henderson, director of this Dinner Theater production who also serves as the department chair for Fine Arts and Humanities at VGCC. “It is Brian’s deeply held belief that theater can and is a catalyst for positive change in the world. Brian’s appreciation of the talent and the passion that this area can boast in theater production gives us energy as we work to provide another outstanding live show for our community.”

Dickerson is a 20-year veteran of the Henderson Rec Players in addition to performances for GLT and Temple Theatre in Sanford. Grissom has performed with both HRP and GLT and currently is serving as a board member for Granville Little Theatre. Employed as a registered nurse at Duke University Hospital in Durham, she is an alumnus of Vance-Granville’s nursing program.

Among the students in the cast from VGCC, some of them dually enrolled at VGCC and Granville Early College High School (GECHS) or Vance County Early College High School (VCECHS), are sisters Allison Hines, a “super senior” at GECHS, and Samantha Hines, a junior at VCECHS, playing, respectively, Leaf Coneybear and Olive Ostrovsky; Brittney Patterson, portraying Logainne SchwartzandGrubeniere, in her last year at VCECHS; and VGCC students Nick Kurtz, who plays William Barfee; Blake Lee, portraying Vice Principal Douglas Panch; and Evan O’Geary, playing March Park.

Winner of the Tony and the Drama Desk Awards for Best Book, “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” has charmed audiences with its effortless wit and humor. Featuring a fast-paced, wildly funny and touching book by Rachel Sheinkin and a vibrant score by William Finn, this “bee” is one unforgettable experience, critics have said.

The action in the comedy centers on an eclectic group of six schoolchildren who are vying to win the coveted spelling bee championship. The tweens candidly disclose hilarious, and often touching, stories from their home lives while spelling their way through a series of (potentially made-up) words, hoping never to hear the soul-crushing, pout-inducing “ding” of the bell that signals a spelling mistake.

For the occasion, Culinary Arts is preparing a menu featuring meatloaf and vegetables, chicken pot pie and a veggie pot pie in addition to salad and desserts.

Patrons are able to choose the table and specific seats they want at the same time that they buy tickets online. The online link to the ticketing service can be found at on the college’s website.

— VGCC —

(Not a paid advertisement.)

VGCC President honors Cosmetology department

VGCC Cosmetology — press release

The president of Vance-Granville Community College, Dr. Stelfanie Williams, recently recognized a group of faculty members for excellence by awarding the “Vanguard Cup” to the college’s Cosmetology department.

The department became the third recipient of the cup, an honor created by Dr. Williams to recognize “exceptional team performance toward the college mission, vision and strategic plan.”

In this case, the president lauded the Cosmetology faculty for their outstanding work on promoting student success on the North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners licensure exam.

“In order to help students achieve professional success, the Cosmetology department set a goal of having 90% of its students pass the state board exam,” Dr. Williams noted. “With clear strategies to accomplish this, they initiated faculty professional development to better prepare students, training videos for students, online modules for student preparation, and a mock state exam review. As a result, this past year, the department exceeded the original goal and achieved a 100% passing rate across all four VGCC campuses.”

Members of the VGCC Cosmetology faculty pose with the “Vanguard Cup.” They include, from left, instructor Wallace Evans, Warren Campus coordinator/instructor Magnolia Terry, program head/instructor Tomeka Moss and Franklin Campus coordinator/instructor Tammy Johnson-Dudding. Other instructors for the program include Vivian Smith, Rhonda Gibbs, Linda Foster, Dorothy Godfrey, Nancy Jackson, Emily Coburn and Salina Alston. (VGCC photo)

The president added, “The Cosmetology faculty are to be commended for their creativity and their commitment. The education, inspiration and support that they provide empowers students to start rewarding careers.”

“We have an exceptionally dedicated team of instructors in the VGCC Cosmetology department who work really hard to ensure our students’ success,” said Program Head Tomeka Moss, who is also a graduate of the program. “Our program’s success is without a doubt a team effort, of which I am extremely proud.”

VGCC offers diploma and certificate programs in Cosmetology, along with a Cosmetology Instructor certificate program. These curriculum programs provide competency-based knowledge, scientific/artistic principles and hands-on fundamentals associated with the cosmetology industry. Students develop their skills in a simulated salon environment at each VGCC campus, located in Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren counties. For more information, contact Tomeka Moss at (252) 738-3357.


Infinite Possibilities, Inc. Offers Support/Advocacy for Victims of Abuse

By: Kelly Bondurant, Freelance Writer/Editor for Hire

Infinite Possibilities, Inc, an advocacy group for victims of abuse, was recently on air to discuss the organization’s services and to announce upcoming events.

Founded in 2009 by CEO Kanika Turrentine, the agency provides advocacy, acts as a resource center and provides a safe haven for those who have been abused sexually or have experienced domestic violence.

The agency also provides legal advocacy by pairing court advocates with victims and working with legal aid to provide free legal representation. Hospital advocacy for victims of sexual abuse, counseling for all victims and assistance finding safe living arrangements are also provided.

With a staff of eight, Infinite Possibilities, Inc. serves victims in the five-county area, including Vance, Franklin, Warren, Granville and Halifax counties.

The agency may be reached by calling their 24-hour crisis line or in person at one of their office locations. In Vance County, the agency is located inside the Vance County Courthouse.

In fact, according to Turrentine, if a victim comes to the courthouse to file civil paperwork against their abuser, they will automatically be connected with an Infinite Possibilities, Inc. advocate.

Turrentine stresses that everything that is discussed is confidential and that staff will perform a danger assessment with the victim to determine what other agencies and departments may need to intervene.

Despite the stigma that victims of domestic and sexual violence are predominantly female, Turrentine reported that there are a fair number of male victims as well. “Domestic and sexual abuse is about power and control,” said Turrentine. “There are individuals of both genders who want to exhibit power and control over another person.”

Turrentine conservatively estimates that the agency helps 1,000 victims each year; however, this represents just a small number of those who experience abuse. “There are those who take the step and make the call, but then there are so many more who are suffering behind closed doors,” Turrentine said.

The agency measures the success of those they help by celebrating even the smallest of victories. “That step of someone actually calling the crisis line when they may have been in an abusive situation for 30 years – that’s success,” said Turrentine.

Other success stories are seen in victims who are able to find safe housing, secure employment, keep their children safe from harm and give back to their community.

“Infinite Possibilities, Inc. is just that,” Turrentine said. “There are no limits to the number of things you can accomplish when you have the right support system, the right knowledge and the right foundation.”

In honor of April being Sexual Assault Awareness month, Infinite Possibilities, Inc. is hosting several events, including:

  • A sexual assault awareness presentation from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Monday, April 23 at the H. Leslie Perry Memorial Library in Henderson and on Wednesday, April 25 at the Warren County Memorial Library. Participants may walk-through to receive information, meet advocates and ask questions. Both presentations will feature a Silent Witness Exhibit to honor the lives of those lost to abuse. The exhibit will include life-size wooden silhouettes of victims with name plaques.
  • Infinite Possibilities, Inc. encourages the community to participate in Denim Day on Wednesday, April 25. This is a nationally recognized day for all community members to make a social statement by wearing jeans as a means of protest against the misconceptions that surround sexual assault and sexual assault victims.

To learn more about Infinite Possibilities, Inc., please visit their website at or call (252) 431-1926.

Letters of Interest Are Due May 1, 2018

— press release

Triangle North Healthcare Foundation Offers Grant Opportunities for Health Programs

Triangle North Healthcare Foundation is seeking partners to help measurably improve health in Vance, Warren, Franklin, and Granville counties. The 2018 grant cycle is now open. Letters of Interest are due May 1.

To be considered for a grant with Triangle North Healthcare Foundation, you must represent a nonprofit organization, school, or governmental agency that serves the Triangle North region— Warren, Vance, Granville, and/or Franklin counties, according to the Foundation’s executive director Val Short. “Your project should fall into one of our five funding priorities, which are Chronic Disease, Mental Health & Substance Abuse, Nutrition & Physical Fitness, Success in School as related to Health & Fitness, and finally, Reproductive Health,” said Short.

The first step in the grant application process is the Letter of Interest, which is actually a form, available on the online Grant Portal, and accessed via the Foundation’s website,

“We ask that anyone interested in applying for a grant should contact us first to schedule a meeting,” said Short. “We can discuss the details of a project and determine if it falls within our funding guidelines.” To schedule a meeting to discuss a potential grant project, call 252-598-0763.

Since its first grant cycle in 2013, Triangle North Healthcare Foundation has awarded over $1 million in grants to a variety of programs and projects throughout the region, including the Henderson YMCA’s Save Our Kids and Girls on the Run programs, Boys & Girls Clubs’ healthy teen programs, N.C. MedAssist’s free pharmacy for the uninsured, Smart Start, and many others. A full listing of TNHF grant programs is available on the Foundation’s website.

The mission of the Foundation is “to encourage, support, and invest in quality efforts that measurably improve health in the Triangle North region.” The Foundation cannot accomplish this alone. “Through our partnerships with community organizations, formed through grantmaking, this Foundation can make a difference in the health status of our communities,” said Mrs. Short. “Please let us hear from you!” she added.

Triangle North Healthcare Foundation is a nonprofit regional grantmaking organization based in Henderson, NC, which supports and invests in health and wellness initiatives and programs that will impact health in a positive way in Warren, Vance, Granville, and Franklin counties. Funding for the Foundation’s grantmaking was made possible by the endowment established after the merge of Maria Parham Medical Center and Duke Lifepoint.

Shepherd Youth Ranch Provides Equine Therapy to Local Children

By: Kelly Bondurant, Freelance Writer/Editor for Hire

Shepherd Youth Ranch, located in Creedmoor, NC, pairs rescue horses that have experienced abuse and neglect with children who have also experienced trauma.

Founded by Ashely Boswell in 2004, the program relocated from just outside of Charlotte, NC to Creedmoor seven years ago to provide local youth with equine-assisted learning and psychotherapy. The ranch currently serves a 12 county area with Vance, Granville, Franklin and Wake being their most heavily served population.

Trained horse counselors work with children and their families; however, Boswell believes it is the horses themselves who do the counseling. “Our horses have a great impact on these children’s lives,” said Boswell. “They are prey animals and can really read the nonverbal cues of people and know what’s going on.”

Since the therapy involves animals, Boswell believes this helps create a non-threatening environment that allows the children to open up and express their thoughts and frustrations.

Boswell has found that most of the participants two biggest fears are the fear of abandonment and the fear of rejection. “Many of the children have been abandoned by one or both parents,” Boswell said. “Also, many of the children have a fear of bullying and being rejected.”

At first, some of the children are intimidated by the sheer size of the horses. Boswell believes that overcoming this initial fear helps build life skills, “When a child can accomplish something in spite of that fear [of horses] they can then take the skills they learned with the horse out into the world and overcome other fears.”

Participants begin with Trail 2 Success, the foundation program of the ranch. This is a 24-week intensive equine-assisted learning program. Children attend weekly sessions while their parents attend monthly multi-family sessions.

After completing the Trail 2 Success program, children can enter the Shepherd Academy program to continue their work with the horses. “Children can participate in the Shepherd Academy program for as long as they want,” said Boswell. “The goal is that they will become interns and volunteer and serve other programs as mentors for other children.”

Both the Trail 2 Success and the Shepherd Academy programs are available for children ages 7-17. The ranch also provides a therapeutic riding program for children ages 4-17 with autism.

Many of the ranch’s horses have been with the program since it was first founded. According to Boswell, the majority of the horses are from abusive situations and were purchased directly by the ranch or were rescued by more official means.

Boswell explained that while the program began with mostly court-ordered participants, the word has spread about the ranch’s services and many children are now there of their own accord.

These children are often referred by school counselors, mental health professionals, youth organizations, court counselors, teachers and parents.

One of the most satisfying outcomes of the program, according to Boswell, is the positive effect the equine therapy has on the participants’ self-esteem and suspension rates, “During and after graduating from our program, there is a 95 percent decrease in both in and out of school suspension rates and a 99 percent decrease in recidivism.”

Boswell reports that only one child has gone back into the court system after completing the program in the 14 years it has been in operation.

In summing up the overall mission of the ranch Boswell stated that “we believe through God’s creation itself, the horse, that we can reach the unreachable.”

For more information on Shepherd Youth Ranch including their mission and volunteer opportunities, please call (919) 480-1535 or visit their website at

VGCC Offers Medical Office Assistant Course at South Campus and Franklin Campus

— VGCC Press Release

VGCC Offers Medical Office Assistant Course at South Campus and Franklin Campus

Area residents interested in getting jobs in medical offices will have two opportunities for learning new skills this summer through continuing education programs at Vance-Granville Community College.

The Medical Office Assistant course is scheduled to begin in mid-May on VGCC’s Franklin Campus. Another offering of the course is scheduled for early June at South Campus.

At the Franklin Campus, the course will be offered on Mondays, May 14 through June 18, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., and two Saturdays, May 19 and June 2, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The Franklin Campus is located at 8100 NC Highway 56 in Louisburg.

At the South Campus, the course will be offered on Mondays and Wednesdays, from June 6 through July 2, from 9 a.m. to noon. The South Campus is located between Creedmoor and Butner at 1547 Campus Drive, off NC Highway 56.

For both course offerings, students will also complete 42 hours of coursework online.

This course is designed to provide training in the skills required for a medical office assistant. Course topics include keyboarding and basic computer skills; preparation of medical records, health insurance and financial records of patients; understanding medical terminology, body systems, diseases and clinical procedures used in a medical office; preparation of medical reports; health care law; handling front office operations; and assisting the physician and medical staff.

Students who complete the program will be eligible to apply for entry-level administrative positions in doctor’s offices and clinics, as well as health care facilities such as nursing homes and retirement communities.

This course is approved for CE to CU credit at VGCC. Those students who pass the course and earn a certificate from the college can use the contact hours as credit in the Office Administration and Medical Office Administration certificate and degree programs. Students can also earn 6.6 CEUs as professional development.

The instructor is Tammy Ball, an instructor for the college’s Office Administration and Medical Office Administration curriculum programs.

Students taking this course must be aged 17 or older and have a high school diploma or its equivalent or permission from their high school counselor.

The cost of the course is $187. Qualifying students may be eligible for tuition assistance.

Prospective students can now register and pay for the course online (

The deadline to register for the Franklin Campus course is May 8 and for the South Campus course May 31.

For information or registration, please contact Kyle Burwell, VGCC’s director of Occupational Extension at or (252) 738-3276. For questions about the course, please contact the instructor, Tammy Ball, at or (252) 738-3248.

(This is not a paid advertisement.  VGCC is however an advertising client of WIZS.)