Entries by Laura Gabel

TownTalk: Tax Revaluation Currently Underway

Vance County is in the middle of a tax revaluation process – something that state law requires happen at least once every eight years. Vincent Valuations is the company contracted to complete the work of assessing the 26,000 parcels of property and the buildings that are on them. According to County Manager Jordan McMillen, about […]

The Local Skinny! What’s Happening At Perry Library

Perry Memorial Library has several opportunities for patrons to observe Black History Month as they take part in interactive workshops, take book walks and go on scavenger hunts. Youth Services Director Melody Peters ran down a list of activities that are already underway or will be presented during February. The “pop up” story walk located […]

The Local Skinny! Around Old Granville with Mark Pace

Watch out, Oxford. Your tiny neighbor to the south is gaining on you. It will only take a couple of hundred more people to stake the claim of being the largest town in Granville County. That, according to local historian Mark Pace, who talked with WIZS’s Bill Harris for the “Around Old Granville” segment of […]

TownTalk: Andy Perkinson Reflects On Public Works Service

Growing up, Andy Perkinson watched his daddy work tobacco. By watching, and working, he developed a strong work ethic. But he also listened to his father, who told him to find a job that had some benefits and some retirement. “I listened to him,” Perkinson told John C. Rose on Monday’s TownTalk. “I’m grateful that […]

Vance Welcomes New Assistant County Manager Feb. 13

Vance County’s new assistant county manager is set to begin work in just more than a week. Chris Dillon comes to his new position from Wake County, where he worked for almost seven years in various roles, including assistant county manager and senior assistant county manager. His responsibilities included overseeing transportation, economic development, workforce development and […]

TownTalk: February-March Events In Granville County

From handcrafted coffee mugs to murder mystery dinners, Granville County has a wide range of events to please just about everyone, including prospective brides and individuals who want to immerse themselves in a “Viking experience.” Granville County Tourism Director Angela Allen took a deep breath before reeling off a plethora of upcoming events scheduled for […]

TownTalk: Henderson Fire Chief Steve Cordell Passes

City leaders and colleagues of Henderson Fire Chief Steve Cordell paid tribute to their friend and coworker, who died Sunday after a brief illness. Cordell and his family had attended a ceremony at City Hall on Jan. 19 – on Cordell’s 51st birthday – during which he received the Order of the Guardian award for […]

The Local Skinny! St. Paul’s Lutheran Food Minsitry

The kickoff event for the “Feeding the 5,000” food ministry is set for this Saturday, and Corey Brooks, pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church near Ridgeway, said volunteers will be ready to serve a hot meal between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. “Come in, sit down, have a hot meal…and enjoy a time of fellowship,” […]