Entries by Laura Gabel

TownTalk: RAM Clinic Returning To Henderson In February

The Duke RAM clinic is returning to Henderson later this month to provide free health, vision and dental care for patients in the community. RAM stands for Remote Area Medical, and this year marks the third year in a row that the clinic has come to town. Clinic volunteers will set up shop once again […]

TownTalk: Tri-City Seahawks Play In Holiday Bowl

The holiday season and all its festivities may seem like distant memories for many of us, but for a group of young local athletes, the memories made on a football field on New Year’s Eve are likely to last a lifetime. Eleven members of the Tri-City Seahawks had the opportunity to play in the Holiday […]

Tracy Madigan Honored As Newest Sam Watkins Visionary Award Recipient

  Tracy Madigan, director of the Henderson-Vance Downtown Development Commission, is the newest recipient of the Sam Watkins Visionary Award presented by the United Way. Madigan said she was among the 40 or so in attendance at the United Way’s annual breakfast when her name was called. “I was very honored and very humbled,” Madigan […]

TownTalk: Human Trafficking and Putting a Stop to It

North Carolinians can take pride in knowing that this state we call home is a destination for many tourists each year. The interstate highway network helps folks travel easily from Manteo to Murphy, Henderson to Charlotte and just from about anywhere to Raleigh with minimal effort. Those very things that make the Old North State […]

TownTalk: Rep. Sossamon Voices Concerns About ‘Gas Station Heroin’

N.C. Rep. Frank Sossamon, recently appointed to serve on the House Select Committee on Substance Abuse, said he would like to see the state ban the sale of products that contain tianeptine, which is being referred to as “gas station heroin.” Sossamon was a guest on Wednesday’s TownTalk and said eight other states have banned […]

Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey Visits Henderson For Chamber-Sponsored Event

N.C. Department of Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey was in Henderson Tuesday and spoke to a room full of local insurance agents, business leaders and others from the community about what’s going on in the industry. The event, sponsored by the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce, was held in the Farm Bureau Room of Perry Memorial Library, […]

TownTalk: NC Insurance Commissioner Discusses Rate Increases

      The proposal to raise homeowners’ insurance rates has been a hot topic of conversation lately for Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey, and he wants the people of North Carolina to understand one thing: He’s not the one asking for it. In fact, Causey said on Tuesday’s TownTalk, he has said “no” to every […]

TownTalk: Housing And Discrimination

    Finding a new place to live can create all kinds of feelings, from excitement to anxiety. But looking for a new place where you and your family call home should NOT make you feel like you’re being discriminated against. Hope Williams, supervising attorney with N.C. Legal Aid’s Fair Housing Project, said anyone who […]

Study: McGregor Hall Huge Boost For City’s Economic Health

As McGregor Hall gears up for another jam-packed season of concerts, plays and more, its Executive Director Mark Hopper knows that a well-attended event at the downtown venue creates a big ripple effect felt throughout the city. And Hopper has a study to back him up. Well, it’s in draft form, but the board got […]

TownTalk: Around Old Granville Visits Watkins Township

At just 10.5 square miles, the Watkins township is the smallest of the 38 townships located in the geographical area once known as Granville County. It was established in 1881 – the same year that Vance County was formed from the larger Granville County, but local historian Mark Pace said while it may lack in […]