Vance County High School

SportsTalk: Elliott Prepares Vipers For Homecoming Game Against Louisburg

The Vance County Vipers got the proverbial monkey off their backs with a thrilling 14-12 victory of Southern Durham last week at Viper Stadium.  “Our kids, they were focused all week. They came in and did what they were supposed to do,” Coach Aaron Elliott said on Thursday’s SportsTalk.

Southern Durham beat the Vipers twice last year but with last week’s win the Vipers are now 5-0 and ranked 29th in the state.  The Vipers will put that unblemished record on the line this Friday night as they take on the Louisburg Warriors in another important conference game.  Coach Elliott was with the Warriors for many years before coming to Vance County but doesn’t see the familiarity between him and Louisburg coach Dante Lassister having much impact on the game. “It will cancel each other out.  They run the same offense as we do and the same defense as we do.  There might be a few wrinkles,” Elliott said.

The weather could be a factor tomorrow night but Elliott said that they are prepared to go ahead with the game and festivities of Homecoming.  “The game starts at 7pm and fireworks will happen after the game. A lot has gone into this to get it ready,” Elliott said.

Join Bill Harris and Doc Ayscue for live coverage of the game between Vance County and Louisburg starting immediately following the Joy Christian Center broadcast around 6:50pm here on WIZS on Vance County Friday Night Football.


TownTalk: Around Old Granville: Granville Street Library Gets Historical Marker


The Granville Street Library got its own historical marker last week, distinguishing the 40-foot-by-25 foot building as the first library for African Americans. There were about 100 guests in attendance for the unveiling, performed by the library’s second librarian, Helen Amis.

Amis, now 93, took over from Maude Lassiter, who was the first person to hold the librarian’s position when the doors opened in 1942.

“She kind of made Granville Street the center of the African American community – and really Granville County,” said Mark Pace about Lassiter.

Not only is Pace the North Carolina Room specialist at Thornton Library, he also is president of the Granville County Historical Society. He spoke with WIZS’s Bill Harris on Thursday’s regular history segment of TownTalk about the significance of the library and more.

Pace said Granville County was ahead of its time regarding the library system. “It was the first library to get county funding when it was established in 1936,” he said. Shortly thereafter, a group of prominent African American citizens pushed for a library to serve the Black community. And in 1941, Roosevelt’s Works Progress Administration approved $2,200 to build the library.

The city of Oxford donated the land on Granville Street and the building went up. Pace said the building has not undergone any alterations since it opened in 1942.

First Baptist Church owns the property, and has plans to restore it, Pace said.

According to Pace, the library is the third oldest building still standing that once was owned by the county.

Once the library opened, Lassiter – from the Oak Hill community in northern Granville County – got to work to get books. By 1950, there were about 23,000 volumes. A few years later, a bookmobile was taking books to patrons out in the county. The little library averaged 3,000 borrowers a year.

Lassiter got Howard University President Mordecai Johnson to visit the library, as well as historian John Hope Franklin and poet Langston Hughes, Pace said.

“Hughes stayed at Ms. Lassiter’s house and gave readings at the library,” he said, “and at Shaw High School out at Stovall.”

By the time the Civil Rights movement was gaining momentum in 1965, the current Thornton Library in Oxford was ready to open and county officials decided to integrate the library system. The Granville Street Library remained open, but saw fewer patrons. It closed in 1975.

Placement of the marker was a joint effort of the county library system and First Baptist Church, with fund paid from donations made to the North Carolina Room.

“I was just really amazed” at the attendance for the unveiling ceremony, Pace said. “I’m pleased that that many people care.”




The Local Skinny! Pop The Hood Change Your Oil

For our sponsor, Advance Auto Parts, as part of a paid radio sponsorship on WIZS.

These days, our vehicles do a good job of telling us when it’s time to change the oil. Most vehicle experts agree that changing the oil in a timely manner is one of the best things a car or truck owner can do to extend the life of a vehicle’s engine.

If you’re the type of vehicle owner who likes to tackle this task yourself, trust the folks at Advance Auto Parts to help you choose the proper type of oil – there are so many options!

Manufacturers may recommend synthetic oil for newer models, but that sweet ’65 Mustang parked in the garage may need a conventional oil.

Remember, think safety first when changing the oil yourself. Even if you don’t need to jack the vehicle, it may be a good idea to put a jack in place, just in case.

And chock the wheels for good measure.

Use a drain pan to catch the oil once the plug is removed – and make sure that the old gasket comes off the block when you remove the oil filter!

Give the oil 15 minutes or so to drain and then you can install the new filter.

DIY’ers know to rub a little fresh oil around the seal, take care not to cross thread or overtighten.

Advance Auto Parts is a great place to bring that reclaimed oil for proper disposal.

Tune in to this week’s Pop the Hood segment for a step-by-step “how-to” for changing the oil in your car or truck.

The information contained in this post is not advice from Advance Auto Parts or WIZS.  Safety First!  Always seek proper help.  This is presented for its informational value on and is part of a paid advertising sponsorship.




Cooperative Extension With Jamon Glover: Managing Parenthood, Pt. 2

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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Join In For CommUNITY Cleanup Day Friday, Sept. 29

Don’t be a litterbug. It’s that simple. But it’s easier said than done. Unsightly trash along roadsides or sidewalks detracts from the overall beauty of a downtown street or neighborhood.

Whether you live, work or go to school in the city of Henderson, you’re invited to take part in CommUNITY Cleanup Day on Friday, Sept. 29.

Last year, individuals from the community joined forces with city employees to collect more than one ton of trash – that’s more than 2,000 pounds.

This is an opportunity to work together to clean streets, neighborhoods and any identified areas in need of trash removal.

Contact Cindy Norwood, executive assistant to City Manager Terrell Blackmon, to learn more about joining the CommUNITY event, by calling 252.430.5700 or emailing

TownTalk: Ward 4 At-Large Candidates Answer Questions

Note: This is the fifth of five TownTalk segments to provide election coverage for the upcoming Oct. 10 municipal elections in Henderson. Today, we’ll hear from the candidates for the Ward 4 at-large seat.

WIZS posed the same questions to all 17 candidates running for the five races – mayor, Ward 1 and Ward 2 seats, as well as the at-large seats in Wards 3 and 4.

Some of the candidates responded to the questions in written form and others were recorded in phone interviews and their responses were transcribed for inclusion in this story. Online readers will notice direct quotes in the answers; information not in direct quotes is paraphrased to provide concise text and readability.

The candidates’ responses appear in alphabetical order, beginning with George Daye, and continuing with Tami Walker. Lora Durham, who also filed for the Ward 4 at-large seat, did not provide responses, despite numerous attempts to reach her by phone call, text message, email and correspondence via the U.S. Postal Service.

Early voting begins Thursday, Sept. 21 and ends Oct. 7.

1.   Why are you running for elected office?

George Daye: “I filed because I was interested in going back (on the City Council) and wanted to work with the new manager. The day I filed, that was what I wanted.” He said that when sitting Council member Jason Spriggs filed for mayor, he was spurred on to file for the seat he had previously held.  “Jason filed for the mayor role and I just feel like I could go there and do some good,” Daye said.

Tami Walker: “I am running for elected office because I have served my country and now I am ready to serve my hometown community.”

2.  What’s your platform?

Daye: Daye acknowledged in a telephone interview that he had second thoughts about filing for the Ward 4 at-large seat, but “if they vote for me, I’ll do the best I can.”

Walker: Walker listed the following topics: Senior citizens’ rights and assistance, assisting hometown veterans, the disabled and active-duty, as well as support and inclusion of youth. “Children deserve a great education, neighborhood and support system of family and friends to develop into great citizens,” Walker said.

3.  What are the top three issues that, in your opinion, this city faces in the next two years?  Five years?

Neither candidate directly addressed the question about the top three issues that Henderson faces in the near future.

4.   As an elected official, how will you address these issues?

Daye: Daye said that, during his previous term on the City Council, he strived to be attentive during meetings to conduct the business of the city. “When I was on the council, I was in business. I saw some people that were sitting in the council meeting and (they) would answer their telephones. I thought that was a disgrace. Despite effects of severe asthma, Daye said he took his role seriously.

Walker: Walker stated that she would address the issues through “education and action (and by) using the resources available to me as an elected official. “

5.  What is your experience in the public sector?

Daye: Daye has served previously on the City Council in the Ward 4 at-large seat. He opted not to run for re-election when Jason Spriggs showed interest in running for the seat.

Walker: “ I am a retired veteran, a Vance County schools retiree, a volunteer and humanitarian. I enjoy interacting with the public sector.”

6.  If you are a newcomer to politics, what role do you see yourself playing as a member of an elected body?

Walker: “I see myself as a team member listening to my community, and doing my best to grow in my role, while using resources to find resolutions to the issues that my community brings forth.”

7.  Please share any additional information you want voters to know about you.

Daye: “When I went and filed,” Daye said, “I was gung ho” to run for Council. But, he said, “the spirit hasn’t hit me yet to get out there and fight for that position.” If he is elected, however, he said he would do his best to serve the people of Henderson.

Walker: Walker said she looks forward to serving her community as a Council member. “This is my neighborhood and my community,” she stated. (It’s) where I grew up. The people are nice and welcoming. Growing up near Pinkston Street School, Walker said she could hear the school bell ring from her house.  It was a short walk to elementary school for her in 1974 or 1975, right after integration, and then she walked a little farther to Henderson Junior High. “I had one of the best childhood ever,” she said.


The Local Skinny! Relay For Life To Take Place September 30th

The Vance County Relay for Life is resuming its efforts after several years of reduced activity because of pandemic restrictions. The entire community is invited to the Henderson Family YMCA on Saturday, Sept. 30 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. to participate, honor and remember.

Freddie Harris and Donald Matthews shared details about the event on Wednesday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

“I believe this will be great start for Relay for Life coming back to Vance County, said Harris, one of the organizers from St. James Missionary Baptist Church that is sponsoring the event. There will be an opening ceremony and luminaria lining the track, with lots of activities in between.

The theme is Uniting in Hope, Empowering Together, she said. The main word is hope, Harris said.

Hope is the key word, Harris said. “I’m hoping that hope will inspire people and that people will feel hopeful from this event,” she said.
“Not just cancer survivors, but the city and the county. We really need to come together.”

Donald Matthews remembers the Relay events of some years ago when thousands of people would gather to participate. He was in charge of logistics, and it was challenging to organize 75 or more teams and have them in the right place at the right time.

There are currently nine teams signed up to participate, but the event can accommodate more.

The event is open to the whole community, and Matthews invites other churches, businesses and individuals to take part.

“Just because COVID stopped (us), cancer didn’t stop,” he said. “Our goal is, one day, to work ourselves out of a job. I’d like to see (cancer) eradicated, if I’ve got anything to do with it,” he said.

Harris invites the community to come out and show support for cancer survivors.

Cancer survivors like herself, a two-time cancer survivor.

“We want everybody to come out and be a part of it,” she said.

To register a team, call the American Cancer Society at 800.227.2345 or visit  to find out more, make a donation or purchase a luminary.

Luminary bags are $10 each, 3 for $25 or $25 for one gold luminary.










The Local Skinny! Home And Garden Show 09-20-23

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • When reseeding your cool season lawn buying poor quality seed is asking for disappointment.Check your seed tags purchase certified seed. Check for the blue certification tag.Certified seed is free of noxious weed seed and contains low amounts of other crop seed.b  Good seed helps in having a good lawn.
  • Start controlling fire ants.
  • Check cole crops for insects. Ex Loopers, cabbage worms, Harlequin bugs.
  • Start planning for any trees and shrubs you may want to plant in your landscape this fall.
  • Control weeds in the garden. One weed left to seed out can produce 1000’s of weeds in your garden next year.

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