Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • When seedlings emerge check for areas that might need reseeding.
  • Should you skip mowing this month?
  • Start checking for insect pests and signs of disease.
  • Make sure you have a good nitrogen only fertilizer on hand for vegetable gardens and flower beds. These areas may need supplemental nitrogen through the season. Blood meal is an excellent choice, organic and slow release.
  • Check out your irrigation system
  • Do you have garden areas that won’t be used this year? If so, plant a cover crop.
  • Don’t over water plants check soil media first if it is moist wait another to water your plants
  • It is way past the recommended date for fertilizing and seeding tall fescue, as well as spraying for broadleaf weeds.
  • Wear sun protective clothing even on cloudy days.
  • Growing vegetables in containers? Use large container that are clean, plus good quality potting mix. Never use soil from yard or garden.

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The Local Skinny! Shriner’s Fish Fry Is Scheduled For May 17th

The Tri-County Shriner’s Fish Fry is on again for its traditional third Wednesday in May and area Shriners are gearing up for another long, but productive day, with delicious results for its patrons.

Plates are $10 each – take-out only – and sales will begin at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, May 17, said chairman Vernon Mustian.

Mustian and Donald Seifert were guests on WIZS “The Local Skinny!” to talk up the 59th fish fry.

You just may spy Mustian near the cookers on Fish Fry Day. “I have been cooking there for awhile,” he acknowledged. He holds the club’s office of First Vice President, but the club also put him in charge of the whole event this year. “It is a chore,” he said, adding that his admiration has grown for those who have organized past events.

“We try to put out a good plate,” Seifert said. “The price is reasonable and if we have good weather, I’m sure we’ll have a good turnout.”

Drive out to 210 Industry Drive near Lowe’s and Mako Medical to pick up plates. Delivery is available for 10 or more plates. Call 919.369.0316 to make delivery arrangements.

You can buy tickets in advance or purchase plates at the take-out tent.

“We are hoping to raise more than last year, “ Mustian said. “We had a good year last year, and we’re looking for a big number – at least $10,000.”

Shriner Henry Gupton told WIZS in an earlier interview that all proceeds after expenses will be donated to the Shriners Children’s Hospital in Greenville, SC.




3 Warren Leaders Complete Rural Center’s “Homegrown” Program

Three Warren County leaders – Demetrius Hunter, Crystal Smith, and Rose Ponton – all recently graduated from the N.C. Rural Center’s Homegrown Leaders program. This three-day regional leadership and economic development program develops and supports highly motivated local leaders committed to regional collaboration.

“This experience has really underscored the importance of authentic storytelling and engaged listening in addressing community challenges,” said Ponton, who is Warren County’s Community and Economic Developer – and also a Warrenton resident. “It was so valuable to meet other regional leaders and learn how we are all addressing similar issues.”

Smith, director of Warren County Cooperative Extension, stated, “I highly recommend Homegrown Leaders. The content is relevant to creating a thriving community.”

From his perspective as a local entrepreneur, Hunter said today’s leaders need to understand equity and inclusion. He is the owner of the Soul City Event Center. As well as Peanut and Zelb’s Produce that recently opened in Norlina.

“Leaders need to act on policy change and not be afraid,” Hunter stated. “Equity is not an invested dollar; it is a debt owed to my ancestors. Therefore, I am the recipient.”

The training, held in Pittsboro from April 18-20, attracted existing and emerging leaders from a 13-county region that includes the four counties in the WIZS listening area – Vance, Granville, Warren and Franklin – as well as Caswell, Chatham, Durham, Johnston, Lee, Moore, Orange, Person and Wake.

“Our Homegrown Leaders curriculum showcases the critical importance of innovation in leadership development and regional collaboration,” said Rural Center Senior Director of Leadership and Engagement Bronwyn Lucas. “It is vital to lift up our rural leaders and the critical work they do to enhance their communities. We are thrilled these talented graduates will now be joining the Rural Center’s leadership alumni network of more than 1,400 rural leaders across the state.”

Graduation certificates were presented to the program’s 33 participants upon completion of the training.

“Leadership development is at the core of the Rural Center’s work, and now more than ever it is important that our leaders are equipped with the skills and tools to foster growth and innovation,” said Rural Center President Patrick Woodie. “We’re excited to see the impact our Homegrown Leaders graduates will have in their communities and regions to create a thriving future for generations of residents.”

Class participants included economic development and health professionals, educators, and civic and nonprofit leaders.

To learn more, visit https://www.ncruralcenter.org/leadership/.

The Rural Center was established in 1987 and serves the state’s 78 rural counties with a special focus on people with low-to-moderate incomes and communities with limited resources. To learn more about how the NC Rural Center is developing and supporting rural leaders across the state, visit ncruralcenter.org.

Warren Library Has Inflatable Planetarium On Site For Kids Of All Ages To Enjoy

-Information courtesy of Warren County

Warren County Memorial Library is hosting the StarLab mobile planetarium during the months of May and June.

StarLab is an inflatable, portable planetarium that uses a projector to display images on the inside of the dome. It is used as an interactive tool geared towards astronomy and produces a real-life experience for all ages. Children can engage in mathematics, science, and technology that will spark their curiosity about our universe.

“The library staff is excited about bringing this program to our community. StarLab will serve as a way to bring space right up close and personal,” said Christy Bondy, library director for the Warren County Memorial Library. “This is a unique and exciting opportunity for all ages to learn about the moon, planets, stars, and other constellations.”

All ages can visit and experience the portable StarLab planetarium. StarLab has a limited seating capacity, and 30-minute sessions will take place from 12 noon to 4 p.m. throughout the day at the Armory Civic Center on May 4, 11 and 15. No registration is required, but seating is first come, first served. The StarLab is available until June 20. Local educators can contact the library if they are interested in bringing the portable planetarium to their school.

StarLab is provided by the State Library of North Carolina with funding from the Institute for Museum and Library Services.

For more information on StarLab visit www.starlab.com.


The Warren County Memorial Library is located at 119 S. Front St. in Warrenton.

TownTalk: Henderson Kiwanis Club Celebrates 100 Years

The Kiwanis Club of Henderson observed 100 years of service to the community during a special celebration that featured proclamations by city officials, reflections on the civic group’s history and a reminder of the club’s mission to be advocates for children.

Art Falkner, current president of the local Kiwanis Club, was a guest on TownTalk to discuss the club’s past – and its future.

“Not many clubs can say they’re a hundred years old,” Falkner said. “It’s a major milestone.”

The civic organization received its charter on April 16, 1923, just eight years after the very first club was formed in Detroit, Michigan. Today, the international organization has a place for individuals from elementary-school age to adult and boasts of having a presence in close to 100 countries around the world, with 600,000 members in 8,000 clubs.

One upcoming fundraiser event is a golf tournament, scheduled for May 25 at Kerr Lake Country Club.

Just this year, Henderson Collegiate started a Key Club for its high schoolers, Falkner said.

The Kiwanis mission is “molding good kids into exceptional adults,” he said. The Key Club is just one way to help support this mission.

Helping young people understand how to give back to their communities through civic clubs and organizations also can be a way to promote membership in clubs when those young people leave school and head out into the world.

“Just like other civic organizations, we’re losing membership,” Falkner said. But despite lower numbers – the club has 12 members now, down from a high of up to 70 – the club continues to help make a difference.

Falkner said there’s no telling how much money the club has raised throughout its history, but during the 1990’s, Falkner said longtime club treasurer Bill Cox kept meticulous financial records of all the fundraiser projects, and he estimated that the club contributed $75,000 to local projects that directly benefit children just during that 10-year period.

Thinking back on some of the past Kiwanis projects, Falkner said the annual azalea sale was always popular, as were the peanut sales and everyone remembers the funnel cakes that the club sold in front of Frazco on Garnett Street during Colorfest.

“We sold azaleas in pretty much any empty lot in town,” Falkner said with a chuckle. Same for peanuts.

“We’ve bagged peanuts in just about any open place we could find,” he recalled. During the peak of the peanut sales, club member Bob Leggett was a good resource. “He used to let us set up a stand right out there at the entrance to Leggett’s, the department store that was located in Henderson Mall.

Throughout its 100 years of existence, the focus has been on young people. “We’ve supported children throughout,” Falkner said, providing scholarships for high school graduates and in 2014 endowed a scholarship at Vance-Granville Community College in honor of longtime member Robert J. Turner.

Recent projects include providing dictionaries and other sets of books to all 3rd grade classrooms across the county.

The club meets on the first and third Wednesday evenings at 6 p.m. for dinner at the Henderson Country Club. “We would love to have visitors come,” Falkner said. “We need young people and new ideas.”

As the club enters its second century of service to the community, members acknowledge the successes of the past and the hope of the future in comments that appeared in the program of the April 22 celebration:

“We take a moment to reflect on the service and dedication of the hundreds of Kiwanians from our community who have preceded us. The Kiwanis Club of Henderson has a remarkable history of assistance to the children of Vance County and a proud legacy of service to our community Looking forward, the Club will continue its efforts to recruit new members so that we may continue our traditions and work in Vance County. May we continue to be guided by the call to Work and Build. On Kiwanis, on Kiwanis – there is work to do!”

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Cooperative Extension With Paul McKenzie: What Works in the Garden

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at WIZS.com at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

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TownTalk: Watkins VFD Plans BBQ Fundraiser

Watkins Volunteer Fire Department’s upcoming barbecue and chicken fundraiser on Friday, May 5, is one way the firefighters have to help make sure the residents inside their fire district – and beyond – have everything they need when it comes to fire, EMS and other services.

Assistant Fire Chief Brandon Link said this is one of two fundraisers the fire department undertakes each year, with a filler fundraiser in between.

Plates of barbecue or grilled chicken, with potatoes, slaw, bread and dessert, are $12. Plates with both barbecue and chicken are $15 and a pound of barbecue is $10, Link said.

The sales begin at 11 a.m. and they’ll serve it up until it’s all gone. Patrons can eat in or take out.

Watkins Volunteer Fire Department is located at 1590 Horseshoe Bend Rd., Henderson.

Link said Monday on TownTalk that Watkins, like other volunteer departments in the county, receives county funding for operations and to help pay for paid staff, but it’s not enough. Watkins gets $100,000 from the county, which comes from the county’s fire tax.

He estimated that between 15 percent and 20 percent of the department’s funding comes from the community in the form of fundraisers. The firefighters are always looking for ways to be frugal, Link said, and “getting more bang for our buck.”

The firefighters respond to all types of calls, not just fire calls, he said. There’s also EMS calls, and then there are the collisions and wrecks that happen within the district, too.

Link said departments like his use volunteers in creative ways to try to make sure there’s someone in the firehouse at all times. Nights and weekends are problematic, but Link said it’s important to provide the best coverage possible. “It takes some creativity to fill those gaps,”he said.

Of course, the ultimate goal is to have the firehouse staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year long. In the meantime, they’re doing the best they can.

“We make sure we’re using everything that the county is providing us, and taxpayers are providing for us,” Link said. “Everyone pays the same tax rate and deserves the same level of service.”

The fire department uses some of the funds for trainings like an upcoming workshop scheduled at the Vance County Rescue Squad about electric vehicles.

Fred’s Towing is going to do the training, which will help firefighters get up to speed on differences between EVs and traditional gas-powered vehicles.

“EV fires are an entirely different monster,” he noted, adding that they require lots more water than the routine vehicle fire call.

“This specialized training comes at a cost,” Link said, but it’s essential to keep firefighters training updated.

“The end goal is to provide the best service that we can to the taxpayer, to the customer,” Link said. Sometimes that means accepting changes, like when service areas change. There are multiple areas across the county that used to be covered by one department and now it’s covered by another.

“We’re passionate about who we serve,” Link said. “As a department, (with) some things you gotta bite the bullet and let it go – and be the second responder.”