TownTalk: Reflections On Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday’s TownTalk segment includes reflections from area pastors in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Please listen back to hear these reflections in their entirety.


The Rev. Joseph Ratliff, pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church, said he views the MLK holiday “not simply about a single man, but…the struggle of Black people for generations. Today, Ratliff said, Black Americans can vote, get elected and sit anywhere they choose on public transportation – “things our grandparents and great-grandparents only dreamt of.”

Because of the continued support from so many, Ratliff said, “we now have a brighter day – there are all kinds of opportunities in front of us.”

He called King the dreamer of the dream that Blacks would no longer be considered second-class citizens, a vision that provided hope to an entire nation.

“Our action – or inaction – determines our future,” Ratliff said. “Dream with me – we can make a difference. Be the somebody that Christ has made you.”

The pastor of Clearview Church, Dr. Abidan Shah, arrived in the U.S. as a teenager and quickly realized that “every citizen had the opportunity to achieve, through hard work, determination and initiative.”

He called King one of the most influential Christians in history, and laid down the challenge to revisit King’s vision of equality for all – that vision that says people should not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the strength of their character.


Dr. Ron Cava, senior minister at First Baptist Church, said he is a little too young to have first-hand knowledge about King and his ministry, but said what he has learned about King confirms the idea that he was not only a prophet but a great preacher.

King’s ministry, like the Gospels in the Bible, charge believers to love our neighbors as ourselves, Cava explained, “regardless of race or gender or a multitude of factors that divide us.”

The time is now “to let freedom ring and… justice roll down like a mighty torrent,” Cava said.


Elder Gloria Ragland delivers the “Walking in the Word” program on WIZS on Sunday mornings said if King were alive today, she believes he’d look approvingly on accomplishments, “but we still haven’t gone far enough yet – my dream is bigger than this (because) we still have racism, hate and discrimination.”

“I believe he would also say ‘God is love,’” she added.

“We have come a mighty long way,” Ragland said. “It’s time for us to love one another, show respect for one another,” she said.

We are all part of God’s creation, Ragland said. “We should be able to get along, to work together…it shouldn’t be about differences, but we are one with God.”

She said she believes that God wants all of his children to get along and to prosper.
“You can’t make it to heaven with hate” in your heart, she said.




Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland: Small Greenhouse

Interested in starting your springtime vegetable plants from seed or propagating plants from cuttings? A small backyard greenhouse might be just the thing to help you achieve those goals.

Wayne Rowland, technician with Vance County’s Cooperative Extension service, reports that constructing a backyard greenhouse may be simpler than you’d think.

With some simple hand tools and some basic knowledge of construction, it’s not that difficult, Rowland said during on Monday’s segment of The Local Skinny!

All the materials can be purchased from most building supply stores, he said, from PVC pipe to the clear plastic sheeting used to cover the frame.

As for site selection, you’ll want a level spot that has good drainage. If you’re mainly interested in plant propagation – growing plants from cuttings of other plants – it’s best to place the structure in partial shade, such as on the north side of a large, deciduous tree.

For growing plants from seeds or for growing plants to maturity, it’s best to choose a site that has maximum sun exposure. You can always use a shade cloth to control the amount of sunlight, he added.

As for the frame of the greenhouse, treated lumber will hold up longer than untreated wood. But don’t use lumber treated with creosote, which could leech into the ground and then get into the plants.

If you don’t have a perfectly level spot for the greenhouse, Rowland said it’s better to dig a trench on the high side of the site instead of trying to build up the low side to ensure that the foundation boards are level.

The PVC pipe will be used for the uprights and overhead “ribs” that give the greenhouse shape. Use simple metal clamps to fit the pipe ends onto the wooden frame and tighten to ensure a solid fit. Stretch the clear sheeting over the frame and you’re done!

For more information, call 252.438.8188.


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Sossamon Sworn In As Dist. 32 Rep In N.C. House

Frank Sossamon was sworn in last week as the new legislator representing Vance and Granville counties in the N.C. House before an audience of supporters in the lobby of McGregor Hall.

The Hon. John Dunlow administered the oath of office following remarks from county officials representing the local county commissions and chairmen of the Republican party.

Sossamon defeated incumbent Terry Garrison in the November mid-term elections. He had an official swearing-in on Wednesday in Raleigh.

In comments during the ceremony in Henderson earlier in the week, Sossamon recounted how he reached the decision to put throw his hat into the proverbial ring.

“The Lord used my own words against me,” Sossamon quipped, explaining that he told his church members to “be that somebody” to make change.

“I became that somebody,” Sossamon said. “I’m in it to serve the people.”

The retired pastor of South Henderson Pentecostal Church, Sossamon said he is going to have to “work hard and work fast and work smart” to get things done in Raleigh in his two-year term.

“Under my watch, I want us to be able to say that District 32 is one of the most prosperous districts” in the state; he said it currently ranks among the poorest districts.

He wants to focus on community development in both counties, which he said would have the side effects of decreasing crime, increasing educational opportunities and give young people hope.

“If we want company to come, we’ve got to clean up our house,” he said.

In an interview with WIZS News following the swearing-in, Sossamon said he looks forward to serving the people in District 32 to get some things done, and he said he will challenge the citizens he represents to join him in the effort.

$25,000 Reward Offered For Information About 2018 Homicide

A $25,000 reward is being offered by the state of North Carolina for information about an almost five-year-old unsolved murder in Vance County.

Gov. Roy Cooper’s office made the announcement Thursday in connection with the death of 22-year-old De’Cedric Tyquon Alston.

In the late evening hours of Feb. 22, 2018, Alston was shot multiple times while driving his vehicle near the 1100 block of Warrenton Road in Henderson. He was transported to the hospital and later died from his injuries.

Anyone having information concerning this case should contact the Vance County Sheriff’s Office at 252.738.2200, Henderson-Vance Crime Stoppers at 252.492.1925 or the State Bureau of Investigation at 919.662.4500.

SportsTalk: Mike Joyner on KVA Athletics

As an athletic director Mike Joyner of Kerr Vance Academy stays busy overseeing all of the sports his school provides to students. In addition to that there are tournaments that also are part of the school’s athletics.  Over the recent holiday period KVA hosted a basketball tournament with Oak Forest winning the men’s’ championship and Brunswick Academy in Virginia taking the girls’ title. “We hoped we could have done a little better,” Joyner says of KVA. “We are very young. We start a lot of 9th and 10th graders,” Joyner added.  The boys’ team did win this week over Wake Prep while the girls lost.

Joyner says it’s great to have a team like Wake Prep to play since they are close by in Youngsville.  The KVA conference schedule requires longer trips to Rocky Mount and to Greenville, and Kerr Vance is just about to start the bulk of its conference play. The travel means kids miss some classes which can be difficult on students and teachers.

In addition to basketball, Joyner says the school’s swim team has an upcoming meet next week and will soon be hosting travel volleyball tournaments bringing in some extra cash for the school and exciting games.

Additionally, KVA is gearing up to celebrate the 2003 State Baseball Championship team.  “We are looking to hold an alumni game between the 2003 team and the current team,” Joyner said. No details for that have been set but should be forthcoming soon.



Warren County Parks and Rec. Dept. Offers Winter Art Class Jan. 21

Join the Warren County Parks and Recreation’s “Winter Art Time” program at John Graham Gym on Saturday, Jan. 21 and take home your own artwork. This free program provides all supplies needed to paint a pre-printed winter art canvas and is a perfect activity for beginning painters and any others interested in putting paint to canvas.

The 9 a.m. class is open to adults only, but the 10:30 a.m. class is open to youth and adults.

Space is limited and registrations are being taken through Wednesday, Jan. 11.

Participants may register online at or they can stop by the parks and rec office in Warrenton between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.

The office is located at located at 113 Wilcox Street. Call 252.257.2272 for more information.

The parks and recreation staff welcomes volunteers for this and other programs. Please submit a volunteer application and background check online at

Oxford Prep School

SportsTalk: Oxford Prep Athletics With John Hammett

John Hammett patrolled the football sidelines as a head coach for many years but the former JF Webb coach now finds being athletic director at a small school such as Oxford Prep to be quite satisfying.  Even though there are aspects of being a football coach that he misses, one of the reasons he made the change was it began to become more like work.

Being a football coach meant Hammett had to deal with injuries, something he says Oxford Prep takes very seriously. “You have to teach players differently about how to deal with injuries.  The more education the better,” Hammett says. “Athletes have to be honest,” according to Hammett. That’s hard he says because the kids are competitive and don’t want to miss any time on the field or the court.

According to Hammett, Oxford Prep is becoming more competitive on the basketball court.  After a slow start, the school won a big rivalry game last week over Eno River.

So while Hammett may not be patrolling the sidelines of a football field, Oxford Prep’s AD position seems to be working out for him. “It’s nice, because it’s small,” Hammett summed up.



TownTalk: Joe Bonsall Of The Oak Ridge Boys

The legendary quartet known as the Oak Ridge Boys will take the stage at McGregor Hall later this month for a concert filled with some of their most popular songs, from old-time Gospel favorites to the iconic “oom-pah-pah-mao-mao” hit “Elvira.”

Tickets for the Saturday, Jan. 28 show are available now at The show begins at 7 p.m.

Bill Harris spoke by phone Thursday with Joe Bonsall, who has been with the group close to 50 years. At 74, he’s the “baby” of the group; Duane Allen and Richard Sterban are both 79 and William Lee Golden – “the guy with the beard,” Bonsall said, is 84 years young.

First known as the “Georgia Clodhoppers,” the group was originally formed in 1943 – during World War II, to put it into historical context.

Over the years, the quartet has seen dozens of members come and go, but these four have been together for a good while, enjoying about half a century of producing music and touring as The Oak Ridge Boys.

“We we bring more history to the stage than any other act in the business,” Bonsall told WIZS’s Bill Harris during Thursday’s TownTalk. “We love finding new songs and we love singing the old stuff,” he said. And as long as the four vocalists are able to sing together and create a good sound, he said he hopes they keep right on touring. They may dial back their normal 150-shows-a-year rate back to 120 or so this year, but that’s no big deal.

“Right now, we’re excited about this year,” Bonsall said.

Whether they’re performing at fairs, festivals or smaller venues like the 1,000-seat McGregor Hall, Bonsall said the group just enjoys performing together.

“We love what we do – we love each other,” he explained. “I enjoy putting on a show…I don’t care where it is,” he added. Their attitude is “let’s go sing.”

And sing they will for the audience at McGregor Hall. The set list may change a bit from show to show, but expect some of their standards like “Elvira” and “The Y’all Come Back Saloon.” And for sure they’ll be celebrating the 40th anniversary of the release of “American Made,” he said. They won’t turn their backs on their Gospel roots either and listeners surely will enjoy some cuts from the “Front Porch Singing” album, released in 2021.