Northeast Piedmont Chorale; McGregor Hall; May 1; FREE CONCERT

The Northeast Piedmont Chorale will perform at McGregor Hall on Sunday, May 1 at 3 p.m. The concert is free and Chorale President Judy Miller invites the public to attend.

“We are thrilled to be bringing music back after two long years of not being able to sing or perform together,” Miller said in a press statement. The chorale will perform in Raleigh at 7:30 p.m. on Apr. 29 at New Hope Baptist Church, 4301 Louisburg Rd.

The season’s theme, ‘Home Is Where The Heart Is,’ traces the history of our country from its founding to the present and sends a message of hope in these turbulent times, Miller said.

The program opens with “America, the Beautiful.” It follows the history of our country through songs like “Song of the Tall Ship” and “They’re Coming to America” that tell the story of immigrants headed to America to find a new home. The program continues with “Shenandoah” and “Cindy” which highlight the adventurous spirit of the early settlers. Other songs like “The Gettysburg Address” and “When Johnny Comes Marching Home” reflect the feelings of a country split apart by the Civil War. The program ends with a message of hope and healing for all nations. Henderson’s own Cindy Edwards is director of the chorale. “We believe in the healing power of music and the arts. Song is a transformative medium for both our chorale and our audiences,” Edwards said. “Our members are looking forward to bringing a moving and beautiful evening of music to our audiences.”

The Northeast Piedmont Chorale (NPC) is a non-profit, non-sectarian volunteer organization whose mission is to perform fine choral music for residents of the Northeast Piedmont area of North Carolina at no charge. Members of the chorale come from Durham, Garner, Henderson, Kittrell, Louisburg, Middlesex, Oxford, Raleigh, Wake Forest, Youngsville, and Zebulon. The Chorale performs for hundreds of community residents each season. It relies on the generous support of corporate and individual contributors, local arts councils, member dues, fundraising activities, concert contributions, and the public to continue performing free concerts.

Duke Energy

Duke Energy Celebrates Line Workers

— information from Tanya Evans, District Manager, Duke Energy

Duke Energy and utilities nationwide celebrated “front-line heroes” on Monday, honoring those who keep the power flowing to homes and businesses every day.

Evans wrote in an email sent to WIZS that more than 3,200 line workers are part of the Duke Energy team in the Carolinas, “and we need more.”

She said, “The energy industry estimates 800 entry level line workers are required per year for the next five years in North Carolina alone.”

See more at

“We are actively looking for diverse, new talent. We are partnering with Nash Community College to help train for these positions,” Evans said.

But for now Evans said, “Please join us as we salute all of the utility line workers, who are constantly going the extra mile to provide reliable electric service to customers.”

(Duke Energy is an advertising client of WIZS.  This is not a paid ad.)

Home And Garden Show

On the Home and Garden Show with Vance Co. Cooperative Ext.

  • Provide cutworm protection around transplants by placing a cardboard collar around your transplant and tuck the collar down in the soil about 2 inches
  • Use good sanitation practices with garden tools and equipment to reduce risk of introducing weeds and transmitting diseases.
  • It should be safe now to put out your rain gauges
  • Doublecheck blade height on your mower.
  • Always wear PPE when mowing. Eye protection, sun protection, solid toe shoes
  • Use no more than about 3 inches of mulch around trees, shrubs and other plantings. Never place mulch against the trunk.
  • With the cost of fertilizer a good soil sample is really needed they are free of charge.
  • Repellant sprays can help with deer browsing on ornamental plantings, but will need to be reapplied periodically.
  • Check plants growing in planters each day for moisture they they can dry out quickly under warm conditions

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TownTalk: Alston And Wilder Discuss Candidacy For County Commissioner

Sean Alston is challenging incumbent Gordon Wilder in the race for Vance County Commissioner in District 3 and their conversations with John C. Rose aired on Wednesday’s Town Talk.

Early voting begins Apr. 28 for the May 17 primary election. Alston and Wilder talked about issues affecting the county, including community centers with after-school programs for young people and the continued need to bring jobs to the county.

Sean Alston
Alston, a Democrat, said he would expect the community to hold him accountable. “I want the people in my district…to know that they do, and will have, a voice” in county government.

He said he wants to offer the community as a whole, not just the district 3 that he would represent, that he will strive for more transparency in government. “The people just want to be heard, the people just want to be updated. I can’t guarantee or promise anything,” he said, “but I will be accountable and available.”

His platform focuses on civic participation, building up the community, transparency, accountability and community involvement.

“I feel like I can do what the people need and I feel like I can do what needs to be done,” Alston said. “At the end of the day, it comes down to accountability. I am not going to tell you one thing and do another – I will represent the voice for change.”

Alston is a local businessman and also offers his time as a coach at Vance County High School. Coaching, he said, allows him to interact with parents, youth and with teachers, and he said it’s helped him understand more about what the community needs in terms of support. Teachers need better pay, he said, and parents need a safe place for their children to be when they’re not at school.

“In order to help this county, this community, it has to start with the youth in some form or fashion,” Alston said. After-school programs located in the community that provide meals and homework help would be a good start. Teachers, he said, could get some extra pay to spend a couple of hours after school and children would have a safe place to be while parents are working second- or third-shift jobs.

People in the community, working on the same team as the school system and public safety, can help to support the youth and keep them off the streets and out of trouble, he said. “I just want to be on the team,” Alston said.

Gordon Wilder

Wilder, a Democrat, is seeking his fourth term as commissioner. “I decided to run again because I feel like we have a good board that works together. I feel we’re moving forward and I wanted to be a part of that progress.”

He said jobs is a key issue for Vance County – retaining employees and attracting new businesses and industry to the area are vital to the county’s economic health.

Companies looking to locate here may be attracted by the county-wide zoning plan or the improvements and extensions to the water system, he said. The industrial park shell building concept may also attract prospective employers.

“We need to get jobs to our county and retain those jobs and give our citizens a chance to work and improve themselves,” Wilder said. “Jobs are key,” he said. When people have opportunities for employment, they can improve their own situations as well as contribute to the county’s economic well-being. “We all win,” he said.

Local jobs means workers may be more likely to stay in the county, raise their families locally and spend money in the local economy – a real win-win situation, he said.

Wilder, a retired educator in Vance County Schools, has spent almost 50 years in Vance County serving in various capacities with the Vance County and Epsom fire departments and in his church.

“Those who have called me know that I listen and I want to help…I generally can meet their needs, answer their questions,” he said.

Wilder mentioned the recent renovations to the former Eaton Johnson campus, now home to the Department of Social Services and Senior Center, as an investment in the county’s infrastructure; improvements to the Dennis Building downtown, courthouse and county administrative offices also have come about as part of a capital improvement plan.

“I believe my experience sets me apart,” Wilder said. “All I want to do is seve the county and to move the county forward.”



TownTalk: Patrick Bailey And Jonathan Collier Discuss Candidacy For Sheriff

The Republican candidates whose names will be on the May 17 primary election for Sheriff of Vance County spoke on Tuesday’s Town Talk in WIZS’s continuing coverage of local races and the candidates vying for office.

Patrick Bailey and Jonathan Collier spoke with John C. Rose and their remarks were recorded for presentation. Increased drug activity, crime rates and increased training for sheriff’s office staff are a few of the issues that both candidates spoke about.

Patrick Bailey

Bailey, who has worked with the Henderson Police Department as well as in business management, said he has the skills needed to be the county’s head law enforcement officer. The sheriff oversees and administers staff and programs, and makes sure that the office is functioning “accurately and appropriately within the laws of the state of North Carolina. You really need to be on top of it before something happens and you’re in a position where you don’t want to be,” he said.

Bailey said in conversations with people across the county’s 12 townships, he has heard stories of drug deals “yet they see no enforcement action being taken…to try and curtail that in any way.” He described the opioid epidemic in Vance County  as “astronomical.”

The drug issue must be addressed and sheriff’s officers need additional training to be able to combat the problem. Bailey said he wants to reinstate the drug interdiction program and put officers on I-85, U.S. 1 and N.C. Hwy. 39, all of which he said are major points of access into the county. This will allow officers to get the drugs before they can hit the street and be distributed.
“We need to try to focus on the drug dealers and put them out of business,” he said. Putting officers in place to combat problem areas begins with adequate training so officers know how to accurately and responsibly handle various situations and avoid inappropriate behaviors that get them in trouble.

It stands to reason that increased drug arrests means more people who will be serving time at the detention facility, which Bailey said needs much improvement. Granville and Warren counties both have new detention facilities and Bailey said the Vance jail is antiquated and out-of-date. “Once I get elected as sheriff of Vance County, I’ve going to have to work with the county commissioners… and see where the money is being spent,” he said.

Bailey said he would have an open-door policy as sheriff. “I feel like we need to have the policy more open to the citizens of the county to let them know that they can talk to the sheriff about any issue in the county.”

Jonathan Collier

Collier said his experience working with both Vance County and Granville County sheriff’s offices, as well as the Henderson Police Department will serve him in the role of sheriff.

“The first order of business is to ensure that we have individuals that are properly trained and properly educated on the general statutes and federal law – that is going to be the first step,” Collier said. Making sure officers are trained properly and are “doing the job that the county of Vance and its citizens are paying them to do.”

Collier said he is hearing from people in the community who don’t feel safe, whether in their own homes or at the corner convenience store. “It’s a problem when those individuals don’t feel safe,” he said, adding that it is the job of the sheriff’s office to ensure their safety.

The youth in the community need support, too, he said. “We need to figure out a way to get in front of our youth and start mentoring our youth and teenagers,” Collier said. Having positive role models to help keep youth on the right path will help them avoid run-ins with the law and participating in criminal activity.

In his work with narcotics and with firearms-related offenses Collier said he believes that law enforcement officers must exercise effective communication skills as they work and interact in the community.

“It’s paramount,” he said. “If you don’t have it,” you’re most likely going to fail when working in a team function.” He said as a law enforcement officer, it was important to have conversations with individuals to understand and try to get in front of the problems presented in society and said he considers himself a teacher and a mentor, not just someone who enforces the law.

As for the condition of the county detention center, Collier said he has heard that it is outdated and of problems keeping it fully staffed.

Collier, who is retired from the U.S. Coast Guard, said he appreciates and relies on utilizing the chain of command. He will use that policy to help the flow of the sheriff’s department, he said. And will make sure it’s followed. He also said he would make it a priority to bring accreditation to the Vance County Sheriff’s Office, having in place policies and procedures help guide and inform officers when they are on duty or off duty and to help him address any issues that may arise with the ranks.

Collier said he will listen to community concerns, too.
“If an issue is brought forward to me, it will be addressed,” he said. He said he enjoys a “great working relationship” with local agencies and those in surrounding jurisdictions, as well as the U.S. Attorney’s office. Those relationships will continue if he is elected sheriff as he works to make the county safer for its citizens.




Angela Allen Highlights Granville County Events

The events range from gardening to Scottish games, but families looking for some upcoming outdoor entertainment need look no further than Granville County for some fun and unique activities.

Granville Tourism Director Angela Allen joined John C. Rose and Bill Harris on Tuesday’s The Local Skinny! and reeled off a variety of activities teed up for the next couple of weeks.

Here are some highlights:

• Saturday, Apr. 23: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. art and wine festival, downtown Oxford. The event is free and will feature artists demonstrating their art for onlookers to watch and learn about various media, from painting to jewelry making.

• Saturday, Apr. 23: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Granville Gardeners Expo, held at the Granville County Expo and Convention Center on Hwy. 15 south of Oxford. Shoppers can pick up herbs and other plants for sale, as well as participate in classes to learn about beekeeping, native plants and backyard composting, to name just a few. View the complete schedule at

• Saturday, Apr. 23: 4 p.m. Country and swing dancing at Cedar Grove Acres. Beginner two-step dance classes and beginner swing lessons at 6:30 p.m.

• Thursday, Apr. 28: 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., downtown Oxford, sponsored by the Granville Chamber of Commerce. Music by Carolina Soul Band.

• Saturday, Apr. 30: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Granville County’s version of the Scottish Highland Games is coming to town. All proceeds from the event benefit the Central Children’s Home of North Carolina, which will be the site of the games. Dozens of athletes from across the country are coming to demonstrate a variety of classic Scottish games, thanks to organizer Buck Buchanan, owner of Lumpy’s Ice Cream in Wake Forest. He also happens to be an announcer for Scottish games and he wanted to do something to benefit the local children’s home, Allen said. Tickets are $20 for people $16 and older; younger attendees get in free. There will be bagpipe bands, Highland dancers and vendors specializing in Scottish food.


Pedestrian Hit by Vehicle at Biscuitville

— HPD Chief Marcus Barrow press release

On Monday, April 18, 2022, at approximately 11:45 AM, officers with the Henderson Police Department responded to Biscuitville, 1537 Dabney Drive Henderson, NC in reference to a motor vehicle collision involving a pedestrian. Upon arrival, it was determined that the driver of the vehicle that was involved in the collision had fled the scene.

The collision involved a 69-year-old male who was walking towards the business. The suspect vehicle came from around the corner of the building and struck the male. The male was transported to an area hospital for non-life-threatening injuries.

Through the ongoing investigation conducted by the responding officer, the driver was identified as Desiree Downey, 26, of Durham, NC. Ms. Downey was arrested on April 19, 2022, and was charged with felony hit and run. She received a $3,500 secured bond pending a court hearing on April 21, 2022.

The Local Skinny! Jobs In Vance

The H-V Chamber of Commerce and WIZS, Your Community Voice, present Jobs in Vance for April 19, 2022. The Chamber compiles the information, and it is presented here and on the radio. Contact the Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce at 438-8414 or email to be included.


Name of the Company: Jersey Mike’s Subs – Coming Soon to Henderson! 

Jobs Available: Hiring now for all positions.  Sub Shop is in shopping center off Beckford Drive in Henderson, NC, beside Postal Plus and movie theaters.

Method of Contact: Apply online at  Under the careers tab at the top of the home page, put in Henderson NC 27536.


Name of the Company: Belk Department Store

Jobs Available Several open positions.  Sales Associate and Beauty Associate.  Experience in retail helpful.  Full and part-time.  Positions provide competitive pay, flexible scheduling associate discount.

Method of Contact: Apply online at  Belk Store is located at 305 North Cooper Drive in Henderson, NC.


Name of the Company:  Vance County Public Schools

Jobs Available Teachers, Head Football Coach, Elementary Principal, School Counselor, School Psychologist.

Method of Contact: Apply online to – Under programs and services tab at top of page, click on job opportunities tab.  Or call Human Resource Office at 252-492-2127.


Name of the Company:  Variety Wholesalers (Roses Stores) Corporate Office, located on Garnett Street in Henderson, NC

Jobs Available: Job Openings (multiple positions) for immediate hire.  Human Resource Coordinator, Payroll Specialist, Accounts Payable Clerk, Associate Buyer, Merchandise Analyst, Various Merchandise Department Buyers.

Method of Contact:  Send resume to or apply at


Name of the Company Hoyle’s Tire and Axle

Jobs Available:  General Laborer, full-time work, day-shift 6:30 am – 3 pm.  Overtime available.  Benefits.

Method of Contact: Apply in person at business, located at 175 Bearpond Road in Henderson, NC.


Name of the CompanyFirst Baptist Church, Henderson, NC

Jobs Available:  Administrative Support Coordinator.  Provide organizational and administrative assistance to church staff, maintain schedules for the use of the building, special events, and assist with printing and distribution of church publications.  Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Publisher, Exel.  Excellent verbal and written skills, interpersonal skills, recordkeeping skills, marketing on social medial.  High School diploma and 2 year college degree preferred. 9-5, Monday to Thursday, 9-noon on Friday.

Method of Contact:  Send resume to Ron Cava, Senior Minister at First Baptist Church.


Name of the Company:  Versatrim, located at 101 Eastern Minerals Road, Henderson, NC.

Jobs Available:  Electrician. Maintenance Mechanic. Warehouse Department Leads.  Full-time work.

Method of Contact:  Apply online at or on the websites.


Name of the Company:  Kerr Lake Country Club

Jobs Available: Pro Shop Attendants.  Part-time.  Flexible hours for weekdays and weekends.  Must be 18 years old +.

Method of Contact:  Apply by calling Pro Shop Manager Robin Lascallette at 252-492-1895 or email


Some of these businesses are present or past advertisers of WIZS.  Being an ad client is not a condition of being listed or broadcast.  This is not a paid ad.

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