Granville School Board Meeting Set For 6 P.M. Today

The Granville County Board of Education will meet for a regular board meeting tonight (Monday) at the Mary Potter Center of Education, 200 Taylor Street, Oxford, NC 27565. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. The meeting will be livestreamed at

There are three ways to make comments for this meeting, according to Dr. Stan Winborne, public information officer and associate superintendent: in person at the board meeting, placing a written comment in the box located outside the board room between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. or by using the link: Comments made using the link must be submitted between the hours of 12 noon and 4 p.m. today. A copy will be distributed to the board members.  A maximum of 30 minutes in total will be allotted for public comment.

Anyone who attends the meeting in person must wear a face covering and comply with social distance requirements. Winborne said that residents without access to WiFi who would like to view the meeting via livestream may visit the Richard Thornton Library, 210 Main Street, Oxford, NC 27565, or the South Branch Library, 1550 South Campus Drive, Creedmoor, NC 27522, and use the libraries’ WiFi services.

Cooperative Extension with Wayne Rowland: Forest Incentives

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.


The Local Skinny! Festival Of Lights At Aycock Moved To Tuesday Night

Join in the fun tomorrow evening (Tuesday) as Aycock Elementary lights up the night with its second annual Festival of Lights.

“Come experience the magic of the season and see just how much our teachers have put together for our small community,” said Aarika Sandlin, director of  communications and marketing for Vance County Schools.

The drive-thru event begins at 5:30 p.m. and continues until 7:30 p.m. The public is invited to come visit and will get to tour through such themed areas as The Polar Express, Candy Cane Lane, Gingerbread Village, Winter Wonderland and Who-ville.

There is no charge for admission, but donations are gratefully accepted at the entrance. Vehicles will enter through the Aycock Rec Center driveway.


TownTalk: Medicare Open Enrollment Ends Tuesday; Others Soon

Medicare recipients have until midnight tomorrow (Tuesday) to make changes in their insurance coverage and a local agent said that although the deadline looms, there’s still a little time to take action.

Bradley Edwards, of Consolidated Marketing Inc. (CMI) insurance in Henderson can help review existing policies to make sure consumers are getting the best deal – for them. “You don’t have to do something, but if you want to do something, time is running out.”

He told John C. Rose on Monday’s Town Talk that it’s often challenging for individuals to navigate the plans and coverage options.

“We can help sort through the confusing maze of health insurance out there to help people get the best deal available to them,” he said.

Sometimes, Medicare recipients purchase supplemental coverage to help bridge gaps with prescription medications or copays, he said.

Edwards, who grew up in Henderson, said his whole outlook is about helping people make the best decisions possible. “It’s all about developing relationships and helping each other out.”

Sitting down with an insurance expert to sift through the type of coverage that best suits your needs could be beneficial. There are plans within Medicare that are $0 plans, as there are with Affordable Care Act insurance plans, he added.

“Medicare Advantage plans are becoming more popular,” he noted. That is under Medicare Part C. Parts A and B are the “original” Medicare plans for medical care and hospitalization. and Part D is the prescription drug plan. Visit  to read more.

Health needs may change from year to year, and you may need to adjust your plan to reflect those changes. It may be helpful to review the likelihood of needing to see your regular health care provider or specialists in the next year to make sure you have the best coverage possible.

Prescription drug needs, how often you go to the doctor or other medical specialist all can have an affect on out-of-pocket expenses. “Everybody has different medical needs,” Edwards said. “There’s definitely a variety of plans out there.”

Newer insurance carriers have come on the scene and offer alternatives for consumers. When shopping for insurance plans, it’s important to take a look at network coverage as well as the monthly premium amount you’ll pay for the plan.

Open enrollment for ACA plans – those who do not receive Medicare – ends on Dec. 15, so there’s still a bit of time to make changes there for those who want coverage to start on Jan. 1, 2022. The deadline is extended to Jan. 15 for those who wish coverage to begin on Feb. 1, 2022.

Edwards said the cost of everything is going up and that certainly includes medical expenses. A medical bill “can get ugly pretty quick.”  Plans that cover these catastrophic events cap the amount that a bill can be run up, he said. has a lot of good information about the different health insurance plans it offers. And is the official website to learn about ACA marketplace options.

Call Edwards at 252.438.2635 or visit the office at 601 S. Chestnut St.

Filing Period For Mar. 3 Primary Elections Opens Monday, Dec. 6

UPDATED — The Vance County Board of Elections is making plans for the upcoming county and Henderson municipal primary elections, rescheduled from last month to March 3, 2022.  The filing period for county or local offices begins at 12 noon on Monday, Dec. 6, 2021 and closes on Friday, Dec. 17, 2021 at 12 noon, according to information from Melody Vaughan, board of elections director. Contests for the following offices will be on the Mar. 3 ballot:

  • Vance County Commissioner-Districts 3, 4 and 7
  • Vance County Board of Education-Districts 1, 2, 6 and 7
  • Vance County Register of Deeds
  • Vance County Clerk of Superior Court
  • Vance County Sheriff

Filing for the city of Henderson will begin at 12 noon on Jan. 3, 2022 and will end on Jan. 7, 2022 at 12 noon. Contests for the following offices will appear on the Mar. 3 ballot:

  • Wards 1 and 2, at-large seats
  • Wards 3 and 4

The fee schedule for the various seats is set by the State Board of Elections.

The fees are:

  • County Commissioners⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅$ 98.72
  • Board of Education⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅$ 42.00
  • Register of Deeds⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅$ 529.56
  • Clerk of Superior Court⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅$ 998.00
  • Sheriff⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅$ 720.60
  • City of Henderson⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅$10.00

Payment will be accepted in the form of a check or cashier’s check payable to Vance County Board of Elections.

The primary elections information will be updated in the next week to include any federal or state offices that will appear on the ballot, and again after the filing deadlines to include names of all candidates running for each office. Ballots are scheduled to be printed a couple of months before the election.

On Election Day, poll workers will mark buffer zones with signs to mark where electioneering may take place. State law requires that the limit be set at 50 feet from the entrance of the polling place, but no farther than 50 feet and at least 25 feet. Listed below are the precincts and polling places in Vance County:

  • North Henderson 1 – County office building, 305 Young St. and Walnut St.
  • South Henderson 1 – Perry Memorial Library, 205 Breckenridge St.
  • East Henderson 1 – Advance Academy, 219 Charles St.
  • West Henderson – Central Fire Station, 211 Dabney Dr.
  • Northern Vance – Vance County Middle School, 293 Warrenton Rd.
  • South Henderson 2 – L.B. Yancey Elementary School, 311 Hawkins Dr.
  • Hilltop – St. James Missionary Baptist Church, 3005 Oxford Rd.
  • Kittrell – Kittrell Fire Station, 54 W Main St., Kittrell
  • Middleburg – E. O. Young Elementary School, US 1 North, Middleburg
  • Sandy Creek – Aycock Recreation Complex, 307 Carey Chapel Rd.
  • Community College – Vance-Granville Community College, 200 Community College Rd.
  • New Hope – New Hope Elementary School, 10199 NC Hwy 39 N

Contact the board of elections office at 252.492.3730 Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. with questions.

South Granville High School To Remain Open Following School Board Reversal

The Granville County Board of Education has reversed its previous decision to consolidate southern-end high schools and voted unanimously at a Thursday work session to keep all three high schools in operation.

The school board also voted to cancel its previous plans for district consolidation and reorganization and instead will make all elementary schools K-6 next year. School attendance zones will not change; elementary-school students will spend an extra year at their current school before moving to a middle school, which will become Grades 7-8 schools.

By keeping South Granville High School at its Creedmoor campus, G.C. Hawley Middle School students will attend Butner-Stem Middle School, where school leaders say there is sufficient space to merge the two student groups, according to information from Dr. Stan Winborne, associate superintendent and public information officer.

Board member Amanda LaBrecque shared a presentation that laid out plans the board ultimately supported, which called for adding sixth graders to all elementary campuses.

The presentation, titled “A Temporary Solution,” is a three-pronged approach to consolidation while addressing short-term and long-term needs.

Part 1 – K-6:  Move all sixth-grade classrooms into the elementary schools, district-wide and include an district intramural sports league for sixth graders.

Part 2 – 7 & 8: As a result of this move, Butner-Stem Middle School can accommodate seventh and eighth graders from both G.C. Hawley and Butner-Stem, with room for growth

Part 3 – 9-12:  Enrichment hub: Granville Central High School will act as an enrichment hub for students district-wide to attend advanced courses and additional electives – foreign language courses, for example. The plan proposes that buses shuttle students to minimize the need for student driving. Career Technical Education classes will not be part of the enrichment hub.

The proposed plan also looks at the short-term (3-5 years), 5-year, and 10-year intervals with various possible scenarios, depending on future growth in the county and student enrollment in the school district, Winborne explained.

Following LaBrecque’s presentation, Winborne stated “the board engaged in a thorough discussion regarding various aspects of (the) presentation, shared ideas and posed a variety of questions.” Following the discussion, two motions were approved, one for the reorganized schools and grade levels and a second to take a closer look at options for the closure of the Hawley Middle School campus.

The first motion passed 7-0 which basically restated the information detailed in the presentation regarding the school changes for the 2021-22 school year.

The board also agreed with the concept of making an “enhancement hub” at Granville Central High School for specialized courses offered in the school district. Winborne stated that this may allow students to cross-enroll in advanced placement and other specialized courses using innovation and creative instruction models.

View the full presentation HERE.

The second motion, which also passed unanimously, calls for creation of a formal study of the closure of Hawley Middle School and the merging of Hawley students to Butner-Stem Middle School.

“This motion does not result in any immediate actions that impact students or families,” Winborne stated. “Rather, it begins the process to direct staff to gather and develop information to create a formal study of the closure of G.C. Hawley, which may then be presented to the board, possibly in February of 2022.  A public hearing must be held prior to any decision to close G.C. Hawley Middle School.”

Live streaming, video recordings, agendas and exhibits of all oard meetings, including full copies of all school closure studies may be found on BoardDocs HERE.

Vance Teen Court Club: Adult And Youth Volunteers Needed

The Vance County Teen Court Club is an organization designed to help young people understand the justice system while learning how to take responsibility for their actions. The club is looking for volunteers ages 12 and up to participate. Youth and adult volunteers are needed, according to Tara Goolsby with the Henderson-Vance Recreation & Parks Department.

The group currently meets at Aycock Recreation Center on Tuesdays at 4 p.m., according to Youth Services Program Coordinator Darius Pitt. The actual court sessions are held at the court house with real judges and attorneys, he said. “We are in the rebuilding stage right now because most of our volunteers have graduated and are gone off to college,” Pitt said.

Participants learn about the justice system through a variety of hands-on activities, and they provide an alternative system of justice which encourages young people to take responsibility for their actions and correct mistakes.

Student volunteers participate in the defense and prosecution of youthful offenders.

In addition to knowledge gained, volunteers also can earn community service hours toward graduation and improve their communication and problem-solving skills with their involvement in Teen Court Club.

Contact Pitt at 252.431.6099 or

SportsTalk: Anthony And Miller Named WIZS Players Of The Week

Friday on “SportsTalk,” Trey Snide announced this week’s Players of the Week.

The men’s award goes to Shane Anthony of Crossroads Christian. He is a multi-sport player, a member of the state champion cross country team and the school’s basketball team.  This week he scored 57 points in two games for the Colts. 27 in a triple overtime loss at Thales Academy and 30 in a blow out win over Cape Fear Christian. According to Scottie Richardson, Athletic Director and Head Basketball Coach, Anthony excels not just in athletics but in the classroom as well.

For the women’s Player of the Week, the award goes to Aniyah Miller.  Miller is the first and, so far, only female wrestler in the history of Vance County High School. She is a junior and has competed against males in the sport. She has made history at the school with her accomplishments this season.

Congratulations to Crossroads Christian’s Shane Anthony and Vance Co. High School’s Aniyah Miller, WIZS Players of the Week.