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Local CV19 Update as of Sept 10

— information courtesy of Granville Vance Public Health

In the past 7 days, there have been 167 new cases in Vance County, a 9.2% increase from the previous 7 days. The percent positivity rate in Vance County is 8.7%.

In the past 7 days, there have been 138 new cases in Granville County, a 26.2% decrease from the previous 7 days. The percent positivity rate in Granville County is 5.8%.

Granville County has a total of 93 deaths as a result of CV19 and Vance County has a total of 92 deaths.

In Vance County, 61% of those over the age of 12 have received at least one dose of their CV19 vaccine and 55% are fully vaccinated.

In Granville County, 67% of those over the age of 12 have received at least one dose of their CV19 vaccine and 62% are fully vaccinated.

67% of the adult population in NC is at least partially vaccinated and 62% of the adult population is fully vaccinated.

Franklin County Begins Process To Redraw Districts For Commissioners, School Board

Franklin County is beginning the process of redrawing existing districts for the board of county commissioners and the board of education, based on the recently released 2020 Census results.

As this process gets underway, the county’s management team is creating a resource for information for residents to stay informed and involved, according to a press release from Franklin County Manager Kim Denton.

All redistricting information can be found at

This resource contains various information including instructions on how to submit suggested district maps for consideration.

Denton suggests that interested persons monitor the county government’s webpage at for updates and next steps, including dates for any scheduled upcoming public hearings.

To learn more, contact Denton at 919.496.5994.

SportsTalk: Louisburg High Football To Play Two Games In Four Days

Last year one of the best high school teams in our area was Louisburg High School. Finishing the season at 6-3, Louisburg managed to make to the third round of the state playoffs before being eliminated by Tarboro. This year the Warriors are off to solid start winning the first game of the season by an impressive 54 -0 score over Rocky Mount Prep. Tonight the Warriors are on the road as they take on Warren County.  Despite losing to Vance County in the opening game, Louisburg head coach Dontae Lassiter says he has great respect for a strong Eagles team. “Tonight will be a good gauge to see where our team is,” Lassiter said.

Perhaps Monday may prove an even better test. There is no rest for the weary when it comes to football for Louisburg. They will have to hit the practice field again tomorrow because they will be back on field Monday night to take on 0-1 Kip Pride. “They are huge; Monstrous up front,” Lassiter said after observing film. To top it off, Kip Pride will have had a week to rest up before traveling to Louisburg to face the Warriors who will have had only two days rest. “We’ll figure it out. Our team is just as talented if not more so than last year,” Lassiter said of the Warriors. “We are doing the best wc can with what we can,” Lassiter continued.

Covid has caused these scheduling issues and the team had players who were quarantined although did not test positive. In regards to the impact of Covid this season, Lassiter said this year is by the seat of the pants. “Everybody has to be ready to go every day. Not every week, but every day,” Lassiter said of the team’s preparation this season.


Vance County High School

SportsTalk: Vipers Hope To Keep Winning Once They Return To The Field

The life of football coach can be filled with great joy and equally great frustration. Vance County High School Head Football Coach Wilbur Pender has seen both in the last three weeks. After winning the opening game of the season against Warren County, the Vipers were shut out by Roanoke Rapids but rebounded last Friday night with a 47 – 36 victory over Durham Riverside in what turns out to be the team’s first win over a 4A school. With quarterback Nazir Garrett dialing up 5 Touchdown passes and the ground game chewing up 200 years, the Vipers were looking forward to Friday night’s game against Northern Durham. Did we mention frustration? Yes, and that frustration is, of course, due to Covid. A Covid exposure will push the Northern Durham game back to a bye week and the following week’s game against Jordan has been cancelled.

“We can only control things we can control,” said coach Pender on Thursday’s SportsTalk with Trey Snide. While the coach might not be able to tackle Covid, he can be pleased with his team’s performance this past Friday night and he feels the Roanoke Rapids loss is what paved the way for the win over Riverside. “That loss helped focus the team,” Pender said. After an excellent week of practice Pender said the team was confident and executed the prepared game plan paving the way for the victory.

“I’m never going to say I’m satisfied. I’m always looking for improvement,” Pender said of his team. He doesn’t feel the team has hit its stride yet, particularly on defense. His defensive team is young with quite a few freshmen and those players are making freshmen mistakes. Pender says they need to work on tackling and creating more turnovers so his offense has more opportunities.

With Covid in the picture Pender says his biggest worry is that the team will have a fall off once they return to the field. “It’s like building a plane as you are flying it,” Pender said of the challenges of his first year coaching the Vipers. Hopefully, the remainder of the season will see more of the joy and less of the frustration once the Vipers are back on the field.


The Local Skinny! Evictions May Be On The Rise With Moratorium Lifted

The moratorium on evictions has been lifted, and Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame has some advice for renters and property owners.

Although there may be some allowances for renters who live in properties that receive federal funding, ordinary renters and property owners should take note that in North Carolina, property owners who are not receiving rental income may now legally pursue eviction procedures for tenants who are in arrears.

John C. Rose talked about the moratorium on Thursday’s The Local Skinny! program on WIZS at 11:45 a.m. after speaking with Vance County Sheriff Curtis Brame.

The moratorium was put in place in 2020 when COVID-19 pandemic restrictions created financial hardships because employees were out of work. That moratorium has been extended a few different times.

But Brame wants residents to be aware that the moratorium has been lifted, and he encourages renters who may be out of compliance to do their best to keep up with their rent payments and to communicate with property owners if there’s a problem.

Brame’s office has two officers – one sergeant and one deputy – who specialize in dealing with eviction notices.

Now that the moratorium has been lifted, Brame said property owners once again can begin the process of serving eviction notices for renters who are behind in payments.

Tenants should try to stay current with their rent payments and to take care of the property they are occupying, he said.

In North Carolina, it is the job of the sheriff’s office to serve eviction notices and without moratoriums in place, property owners are going to be playing catch-up from the last year. But nobody likes to be the one knocking on the door with an eviction notice in hand.

Once an eviction process has started, the tenant is really at the mercy of the property owner.

Now is the time to be in front of this and make sure everything is in place. It can take anywhere between 10 days and 90 days to complete the eviction process, and it is the sheriff’s office’s job to make sure people and belongings have been cleared out once the process is complete.

But, no doubt, there are going to be some of those knocks on doors delivering news that no tenant wants to hear.

Town Talk: Kerr-Tar Loan Programs Help Homeowners With Repairs

Homeowners in the five-county area that the Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments serves can apply for a couple of loan programs for repairs or improvements to their residences.

The deadline to submit applications is early November, and Kerr-Tar finance assistant Katie Connor said the loans are completely forgivable, provided the home remains the property of the homeowner for the life of the loan.

That’s free money, folks.

Kerr-Tar serves Vance, Granville, Warren, Franklin and Person counties and the Urgent Repair Loan Program that it is offering provides up to $10,000 over five years – $2,000 a year, Connor told John C. Rose on Thursday’s Town Talk. Applications are due in the Kerr-Tar office by 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 5.

As the name indicates, the repairs do need to be of an urgent nature – a leaky roof,  unsafe floors, ramp installation for the disabled, and HVAC repairs are just a few of the examples of acceptable repairs.

“There’s definitely some flexibility in the (type of) repair that can be done,” Connor said, “but they must be urgent.” The main goal of this loan program is to keep people in their homes, she added.

Visit to see program criteria. There’s money for up to 20 houses in the five-county area, Connor said. This loan is considered an unsecured loan.

In general, homeowners need to be older than 62, and the home must be a stick-built structure – mobile homes and manufactured homes do not qualify. Veterans, disabled persons and families of five or more also would qualify, Connor said. Household income must be less than 50 percent of the median income in North Carolina, she added.

The other loan program is currently available for homeowners in Warren County. The Essential Single-Family Rehabilitation program offers $30,000 for repairs. This is a secured loan, Connor said, which means that qualified applicants would have a deed of trust placed on their property for the duration of the six-year loan. This also is a forgivable loan, which means that no money has to be repaid, provided the homeowner doesn’t sell the property during the life of the loan.

The criteria for both loan programs are very similar, but Connor said household income for ESFR program applicants must be 80 percent of the median income for the state.

Because of the larger amount of the loan, Connor said projects would have to be substantial enough to bring a home up to acceptable standards. “We can’t just do one thing for this house.” There is money for five houses, she said.

The deadline to submit applications for the ESFR program is Monday, Nov. 1 at 5 p.m. All applications should be submitted to the Kerr-Tar office, located at 1724 Graham Ave., Henderson.

The applications and related information are available at Connor said applications also can be mailed to interested applicants. Simply call 252.436.2040 ext. 6071 and leave your name and mailing address and Connor said she will put the paperwork in the mail. They also are available at area Senior Centers as well as county government offices.

As is often the case, demand usually exceeds the amount of money available, Connor said. And the Kerr-Tar COG must apply each year to receive the funds.

Click Play for complete details and audio.



VGCC Uses Federal Dollars Earmarked To Pay Unpaid Student Bills

Vance-Granville Community College cleared unpaid balances for 261 of its students who attended between Spring 2020 and Summer 2021, to the tune of $153,332.14.

VGCC, like other colleges across the state, applied money from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund to provide financial relief to students affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It is important for us to help our students remove barriers that keep them from getting the skills they need to better their work or life situations,” said VGCC President Dr. Rachel Desmarais. “Leveraging HEERF funds to help students affected by the pandemic to continue their education is just one of those ways. Our students and our communities matter to us!”

Dr. Levy Brown, VGCC’s vice president of learning, student engagement & success, said the college’s business office and financial aid personnel were key players in making this debt forgiveness a reality. “This move speaks to the college’s true commitment to helping students succeed,” Brown said.  “We are glad that our students were able to directly benefit from the HEERF funds and are able to continue their educational and training journey.”

The VGCC admissions and advising teams will work directly with former students affected by this change to help them get re-enrolled at the college and continue pursuing their programs of study. For more information about enrolling or re-enrolling at Vance-Granville, visit

Granville School Board To Meet Sept. 13

The Granville County Board of Education will meet for a regular board meeting on Monday, Sept. 13, 2021 at 6 p.m. at the Mary Potter Center of Education, 200 Taylor Street, Oxford. The The livestream link is

The Board also will meet in closed session in accordance with N.C. General Statute 143.318.11 (a)(6), 143-318.11 (a)(3), 143.318.11 (a)(5) and Section 115C-321 for Personnel, and Attorney/Client Privilege.

Public comments for this meeting can be made  in one of three ways:

  • In person at the board meeting
  • In writing by placing comments in a box that will be located outside of the board room at the Mary Potter Center of Education from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
  • In writing by using the following link: made using the link must be submitted between the hours of `12 noon and 4 p.m. on Sept. 13, 2021.

A copy will be distributed to the board of education members.  A maximum of 30 minutes in total will be allotted for public comment.

Members of the public wishing to attend the meeting will be required to wear face coverings and cooperate with social distancing requirements. There will be limited seating available.

This information comes from Dr. Stan Winborne, associate superintendent of curriculum & instruction and public information officer for the school district.