Sheriff’s Office Lieutenants Receive Advance Training Certificates – From Each Other

It’s a pretty big deal when law enforcement officers receive their certificates of advanced law enforcement training in front of the Sheriff’s Education and Training Standards Commission. Two lieutenants in the Vance County Sheriff’s Office recently achieved that distinction, but with a twist – they presented the award to each other.

Lt. Ray Shearin and Lt. Billy Gooch drove to Wilmington for the June 11 ceremony. Shearin said recipients have the option to have the certificate mailed to them, but “it was just an honor to get it in front of the commission,” to be told ‘job well done’ in front of  former and current sheriffs.

Normally, Gooch said, the sheriff or a senior deputy would be called in to present the certificate. But when Sheriff Curtis Brame said he had a conflict, Gooch said he told Brame they’d just present it to each other.

“It was great going down there with him,” Shearin said. “Lt. Gooch has been a friend of mine for a long time – we’re good friends off the job as well.” He said it felt good for his friend to present him with the award and to say the kinds words he did in front of the commission.

Likewise, when it was Shearin’s turn to present Gooch with his certificate, he said “it was my honor. I told the commission that Lt. Gooch had been with the sheriff’s department for a good number of years.”

Since 2002, to be exact.

Gooch started out in the patrol division and spent 12 years with K-9. “The dog is your first backup. I knew I had somebody in the back of my car that would back me up 100 percent,” he said.

Law enforcement officers must have at least 12 years on the job and accrue at least 69 points, half of which must be law enforcement training points, to earn the advanced certificate.

And one point is equal to 20 classroom hours of instruction. That’s a minimum of 1,380 hours of instruction.

“It’s an honor to get, no matter how long you’ve been in law enforcement,” Shearin said, who has served for 26 years. “Having that piece of paper saying I accomplished my advance certificate…is a great keepsake.”

Both officers said they encourage all law enforcement officers to look into earning their advanced certificate.

Law enforcement has changed dramatically since he began his career, Gooch said. In today’s society, “somebody’s always recording something,” he said. “You get the training and then do what you’re supposed to do – you won’t have a problem.”

Shearin said he was humbled by the experience. “We all try to treat people like we want to be treated,” he said. “I think that’s the bottom line…we are no better than anybody else – we just have to enforce the law.”

Town Talk Logo

Simmons: Casket, Monument Business A Continuation Of His Mother’s Idea

Allen Simmons is building upon an idea his mother had some years ago to help families during a time when they may feel most vulnerable – when they are making decisions about funeral expenses.

Simmons has started a business in Henderson called Alight Caskets and Monuments and he said he wants to give families affordable options when it comes to choosing caskets and monuments. His mother, the late Fearldine Allen Simmons, had an idea to provide affordable caskets some years ago when her niece died. She wanted to help the family provide an appropriate funeral while keeping an eye on the expenses.

Simmons told John C. Rose Wednesday on Town Talk that he is not trying to compete with funeral homes and the services they provide, rather, he said, he simply wants to be a help to the people in the community. “I grew to love where I live,” Simmons said of Henderson. “It’s a joy (to) help people wherever I go.”

The business, located on Norlina Road near the I-85 ramp, includes services from consultation with families to creating specially designed caskets. One woman asked him to create a U.S. Army design for her military veteran husband’s casket, he said. It takes up to 48 hours to complete a design on a casket.

Casket prices can range from $995 to more than $5,000, depending on the type and material used, Simmons said. “We try to give a family something nice, regardless of what they purchase,” he said, “something in your budget but also can help you to bury your loved one in an elegant way.”

He is delivering caskets throughout North Carolina, and into South Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee and plans to soon be delivering across the country.

Simmons said his business is the only one in Henderson that makes monuments since Hight’s Monuments closed. “Monuments are a really big thing for us right now…you can buy a very nice monument for $250,” he said, and prices can go up into the thousands. His team also can assess an existing monument and determine whether it can be repaired, removed or replaced.

The goal of Alight Casket and Monument is to help people, Simmons said.

“We want to educate people on the funeral process – they don’t know what to do, how to handle this process,” he explained. “We educate them on how to handle the funeral of their loved one, learn as much as they possibly can, so when they do go into the funeral home, they’re well aware of the situation they’re facing.”

Most of all, he wants families to be able to bury their loved one in an “elegant way, an affordable way.”

To learn more, contact Simmons at 252.915.0675 or 252.204.5120.

For complete details and audio click play.

Granville County Chamber of Commerce

2021-22 Leadership Granville Application Period Opens

The 2021-22 class of Leadership Granville is forming now! Applications are being taken until Aug. 6 for the program, sponsored by the Granville County Chamber of Commerce, Granville County Public Schools and Vance-Granville Community College.

Leadership Granville is an educational program designed to offer leadership training and a broader knowledge of the county to its residents. Participants learn about the community and dive deep into the county’s structure, culture and lifestyle, all while developing leadership skills and increasing networking opportunities.

Sessions are scheduled to begin on Sept. 14 and include leadership assessment and development; personal and group dynamics; county history; city-county-state governments; education; agriculture; industry and small business; health services; community support; recreation; the judicial system and law enforcement. Visits to local manufacturers, farms, small businesses, museums, schools, medical facilities, volunteer organizations, recreational facilities and other day trips are planned, as well as evening meetings of local government. To conclude the program, a graduation ceremony will be held in April 2022.

Those interested in assuming leadership positions with their organization and/or community are encouraged to apply. Enrollment is limited. A limited number of scholarships are available.

Applications are being taken until Aug. 6 and are available through the Granville County Chamber of Commerce Office, 124 Hillsboro Street in Oxford, or online at

To learn more, contact the Chamber office at 919.693.6125.


The Local Skinny! Home And Garden Show

WIZS, Your Community Voice.  Thank you for listening! 

The Local Skinny! each Wednesday on WIZS is the Vance County Cooperative Extension Service Home and Garden Show.


Volunteers Recognized For Service To Others, Community

Three Granville County residents were recognized at the Granville commissioners’ meeting Monday evening for their outstanding volunteer efforts in the community.

Jerry Broyal, Mary Elliott and Roxanne Blackburn received the Governor’s Volunteer Service award from Deborah Ferrell, county coordinator for the annual award. Commission Chair Sue Hinman presented each recipient with a signed proclamation and a commemorative coin marking 2021 as the county’s 275th anniversary.

Broyal was nominated for his work with the residents of Royall Cottage at Murdoch Developmental Center. He organized a group from his church, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, to visit with the men who live at the facility. He provides “a breath of fresh air” with those visits, the nomination form read. Broyal collects craft items and appropriate snacks for the residents and he and his fellow parishioners spend quality time with the residents.

Elliott was nominated for her steadfast commitment to Area Congregations in Ministry, Oxford’s food pantry. Hinman, who also is ACIM’s executive director, read excerpts of the nomination form. “When you ask Mary if she works at ACIM every day, she says ‘No, just Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays,” Hinman said. “But that IS every day that ACIM is open!” she exclaimed.

Blackburn was recognized with the Governor’s Medallion Award for her work with Granville Animal Shelter. She was nominated by Shelter Director Matt Katz for her tireless work to find new homes for the shelter’s dogs and cats, be it adoptive families or in foster homes or with rescue groups. Blackburn manages the shelter’s Facebook page, takes the photos and writes the bios of all the shelter animals. The success rate the shelter enjoys is because of the “passion, professionalism and work ethic” that Blackburn demonstrates.

Cooperative Extension with Paul McKenzie 06-22-21 – What Works in the Garden

Listen live at 100.1 FM / 1450 AM / or on the live stream at at 11:50 a.m. Mon, Tues & Thurs.

Maria Parham Hosts White Coat Ceremony For Residents In New Program

Their journeys to medicine couldn’t have started more differently, but when two physicians put on their white coats during a ceremony next week their paths for the next few years will be remarkably similar.

Rashmi Saincher knew she wanted to pursue a job in the health or science field. She went straight to medical school after graduating from college; it took Jessica Y. Sanders several years – and several jobs – to put her on the path to becoming a doctor.

Sanders and Saincher will become the two newest residents in the Rural Training Track at Duke’s School of Medicine. Maria Parham Health and Duke Primary Care in Oxford are collaborators with the program, which is part of the family medicine residency in the department of family medicine and community health. The Rural Training Track was recently accredited by ACGME and Sanders and Saincher are the first to “match” with Maria Parham through the National Resident Matching Program Main Residency Match.

The June 30 white coat ceremony, hosted by Maria Parham Health, marks for the two physicians the beginning of a three-year commitment with the rural training track, which focuses on meeting primary care shortage needs in rural North Carolina. Both women said they are excited to begin the program. “We did all this work and it’s finally here and we’re starting the next leg of our journey,” Sanders told John C. Rose on Tuesday’s Town Talk. Saincher, who attended St. George’s Medical School in London, identified a mixture of excitement and nervousness in advance of the white coat ceremony. “It’s going to be a proper white coat,” she said. “It will be a very different feeling to be addressed as ‘doctor’ instead of ‘medical student,’” Saincher added.

During the first year of the program, the residents will spend a majority of their time at Duke University Hospital and Duke Regional, as well as Maria Parham Hospital and Duke Primary Care in Oxford. Over the next two years, their time will be spent mainly in Henderson and Oxford.

Maria Parham CEO Bert Beard said Tuesday that having the residents working at the hospital sends a positive message to the community. “It’s a big deal to have a residency program,” Beard told WIZS Tuesday. “And it’s a huge deal to have one associated with Duke University.”

Being a part of the rural training track sends “a signal to the region we serve that our partnership with Duke is strong and is growing,” and that Maria Parham is committed to the long-term health and well-being of patients in the community.

Those patients will benefit as well, Beard said. The physicians who are participating in the residency program are licensed, with some limitations, to write orders and care for patients. The plan is to have 12 residents within five years participating in the program – four in Year 3, four in Year 2, and four in Year 1.

The program will give them a lot more training and hands-on experience, Sanders said, mainly because they will be working more closely with patients in the rural setting. Beard said it’s a way to “cultivate the importance and the joy of serving as a primary care provider in a rural community.”

“I feel that the best cases and the best experiences in connecting with the community actually lie in the rural area,” Saincher said. “One thing that this pandemic has shown us is that every corner of society deserves the best care and I’m really excited to be able to help deliver that care and also to be able to improve my own skills in the process.”

Both physicians will go through a variety of different rotations in different areas of medical care; Saincher said she especially looks forward to working at the VA Hospital in Durham and in the areas of geriatrics and palliative care.

Sanders also looks forward to working at the VA. “Obviously, they are a very under-served population,” she noted. She also is interested in women’s health so she looks forward to the OB-GYN rotation.

Sanders said her “real-world” experiences between undergraduate school and medical school helped shape her approach to medicine. “I know Duke has wonderful mentors and providers,” she said, noting the importance of having that type of resource for support.

Saincher said her approach is to take every moment as a learning opportunity, “realizing that this is such a unique and great experience to grow. We’re all helping each other out the best way we can,” she said.

(This article and audio are not a paid ad.)

TownTalk: Vance and Granville Co. Animal Shelters Are Full

The animal shelters in Vance and Granville Counties are full and need help!

If you enjoying volunteering and helping animals, then this announcement is for you.

For complete details and audio click play.

Matt Katz, the Granville County Animal Management Director, says the new Granville County Shelter needs to pick up a few volunteers, especially right now for summer. Katz said he and his staff are “looking for some dog walkers and cat snugglers.”

Because of some of the normal strains of summer, like people taking vacations or moving their family to a new location now that school is out, the new Granville County Animal Shelter is getting full. The new shelter houses, for example, almost 20 more dog kennels than the old shelter but is filling up.

Turns out in texting with Brandon Boyd, president of Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society, the Vance County Animal Shelter is full too –  Code Red!  In May of 2020, the Vance County Shelter was empty.  Boyd texted, “SUMMER TIME!!!  Every June and July this happens and rescues and adoptions slow down.  It’s two tough months always.”

The chief of Vance County Animal Services, Frankie Nobles, texted as well, “A lot of surrenders ands strays.  Adoptions are maintaining about the same.  Still have our regular volunteers coming.”

Katz said by phone some of the main volunteers at the Granville County Animal Shelter are out for a while volunteering on another project, and he said, “We really need to get the dogs out and walk them.” It’s better for the animals both large and small.

Unlike last year when covid was the main topic, this year summer plans, things opening up and travel are cutting down volunteers while more animals are being surrendered, or in come cases, even just left behind as people move to new towns for new jobs.

Last year when families and children were trapped inside more, fostering and rescues were in high demand, as not only was it good to do but it also provided some relief. That tide has turned and more work needs to be done now with fewer folks.

If you’d like to help and volunteer in Granville County, please call 919 693 6749. Or email,  See more @granvillecountyanimalshelterfriends on Facebook.

Call the Vance County Animal Shelter at (252) 492-3136.  See more @RCAPS.Henderson on Facebook.

Coach's Corner Logo

SportsTalk: Lance Stallings Ready To Get Back To Work At Vance Charter

Vance Charter Athletic Director Lance Stallings is enjoying some downtime. While vacationing at the beach or anywhere else this time of year is enjoyable, Stallings is ready to get back to work and gear up for the upcoming school year.  Stallings says it’s the part of the year where he is “making sure everything is ready to rock and roll.”  In preparation, the basketball and volleyball teams have already been in the gym.

Not only are the teams getting ready but Stallings says that facilities are also getting prepared. An upgrade to the gym’s lighting systems has now been completed. “It will be a different atmosphere,” according to Stallings now that the new system is in place.  No other facilities upgrades, improvements or construction are planned at this time.

Stallings will be overseeing volleyball, cross-country and men’s soccer as well as lacrosse during the fall athletics season.  He says his student athletes have adjusted and adapted to the changes that have happened over the last year and are ready for a return to something closer to normal this fall.

Stallings has been impressed with the growth the school’s lacrosse team has made making the playoffs in only its second season. The school is the only one in Vance or Granville County with a lacrosse program and, by starting from scratch, the team has become like a family.

His expectations for all of the school’s athletics programs go beyond picking up wins and appearing in playoffs. “What can we do to be our best” is the expectation. Whether that’s on or off the field or in the classroom, Stallings wants to see his students win at life. He says being a part of Vance Charter is very very special. When asked the best part of being the AD at Vance Charter, Stalling said, “Seeing the kids smile.” Once back from vacation, Stallings should have plenty of opportunities to see just that.